The Harem King's Honeymoons - Chapter 10 - MillennialBard0 - ハイスクール DxD - 石踏 一榮 | High School DxD (2024)

Chapter Text

Three Months Later

One early morning, Issei opens his eyes, and finds himself naked and alone in his massive bed.

He sits up in bewilderment. "Huh? Rias? Asia? Where...?"

He reaches for his charged phone on the bedside table, and sees the time and date.


"Oh, right." His mouth curves into a small smile.


He gets out of bed, enters the bathroom, and splashes water on his face. Then he dries his face, inhales and smiles at his reflection in the mirror.

"Happy birthday, Issei."


Wearing his pajamas, Issei walks downstairs whilst yawning.

Oh, yeah, now I remember, he thinks. Let's see. First, breakfast with Mom and Dad. Then fishing with Dad out on the lake. Then hanging out with the girls. Then a big party tonight. And then I'll wrap up the day with my first-ever birthday orgy, hehe. Damn, that's my birthday? How lucky am I? Hehe. Except...I've no idea what the girls are up to right now, I've no idea where I'm hanging out with them after fishing, AND I've no idea where the party is tonight. Mmm. Oh, f*ck it. What’s a birthday without a few surprises? Oh, damn, that smells great!

Once he arrives in the kitchen, he's greeted by the sight and scent of his mother cooking him a delicious breakfast; there's no one else around.

"Morning, Mom."

Miki spins around, and squeals with delight. "Oh! Good morning, my little birthday boy!" She scurries over to Issei, traps him in a loving embrace, and smothers his cheeks with kisses, which starts to embarrass him.


"Oh, hush, I deserve this, especially today."

Issei endures her cheek kisses. "Okay, fine. Hey, where's Dad?"

"Oh, he's just getting all the gear ready in the garage."

"Gotcha. And the girls?"

Miki returns to the kitchen, and continues cooking. "They left before your father and I even woke up, hmm-hmm. Though they did say they'd grab breakfast along the way," she says whilst tapping her phone, implying one of the girls sent her a text.

"Whoa, really?" asks Issei, wipingthe lipstick off his smirked face. "Oh what, oh what, could they have possibly left so early for?"

Miki hilariously points her spatula at her son."Uh-uh-uh! Nice try, sweetie. But don't go thinking I'll spill my guts just 'cause it's your birthday, fufu."

Grr,thinks Issei, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Well, it was worth a shot.

Miki calls out down the hall."Honey, breakfast is almost ready."

"Okay, dear," calls out Gorou from down the hall. "Give me, um, five more minutes."

The hilarious sound of random supplies crashing onto the garage floor startles Issei and Miki.

"Ow," moans Gorou.

"Uh, Dad, you good?" calls out Issei.

"Yeah, I'm okay," replies Gorou. "Better make that ten minutes."

"Oh, that man of mine," sighs Miki.

"Maybe I should give him a hand," says Issei.

"Don't you dare, Issei. You just go plop your little birthday bottom right out on the patio, and I'll bring out your meal when it's ready."

"Yes, Mom," chuckles Issei. "Thanks. Love you."

"Love you too, sweetie."


Issei steps outside with his coffee mug, and breathes in the cool, morning air.

Aw, he thinks. What a badass way to startthe day.

He takes a seat at one of the patio tables, and watches the first rays of sunlight color the sky.



Last week inside a fast-food joint, Issei and his wives sat together at the largest table, enjoying burgers and fries.

"I'm really sorry," said Issei, clapping his hands whilst bowing.

"Huh?" asked all the girls at once.

"I'd love nothing more than to spend the whole day with you girls," said Issei, "but I thought I should be nice, and spend at least the morning with just Mom and Dad. Is...that okay?"

The wives collectively giggled.

"Issei..." said Rias.

"Huh?" asked Issei.

"It's more than okay," said Rias. "In fact, it's really sweet of you."

"It is?" asked Issei.

"Yes, Issei," said Asia. "We're happy you'd want to treat Mom and Dad, so please, spend as much time with them as you can."

"Are you sure?" asked Issei.

"Don't worry about us, ara ara," said Akeno. "I know there's something we can do in the meantime."

Issei smiled. "Thanks you, girls."

All of Issei's wives smiled back, their faces filled with pride and love for their shared husband.


Issei leans back in his chair, and watches a pair of birds fly by in the sky.

Wherever they are, I hope they're having fun. But still, it's weird they didn't tell me where they wanted to meet up. Guess I just gotta be patient, even if that's notmy best virtue, hehe.


Issei looks at his reflection in his coffee mug, and smiles.

Man, I really am the luckiest sonofabitch on Earth. Hell, maybe even the luckiest sonofabitch in the Underworld too. I couldn 't be happier or thankfuller. Wait, is that a word? Ah, f*ck it. It is today, hehe.

As he takes another sip, an unseen voice says, "Happy birthday, harem king."

Issei spit-takes his coffee onto the ground. "Ow, ow, ow, sh*t!" He nurses his burnt tongue. "Delicious, but ow, ow, ow, sh*t."

"Sorry, my bad."

Issei glares at the blinking green light in his left arm. "Well, good morning to you too, Ddraig."

"Haha, I really gotta stop surprising you like this."

"Surprised? Who, me? Pfft, never. Oh, and thanks. For the bday shoutout, that is."

"You're quite welcome. And you're right, Issei; you really are the luckiest sonofabitch on Earth, and in the Underworld."

"Hey, how'd you...oh, f*ck it.But yeah, you're right. Everyone is going out of their way today, just for me."

"I'm happy for you, Issei. I only wish I too could contribute to this splendid day of days."

"Wha-you sh*tting me, dude? You've contributed f*ck loads for me."

"I don't mean as the Heavenly Red Dragon, Issei. But as your friend."

"Ddraig, buddy, you're a spirit residing within my left arm. You don't need to worry about getting me a birthday present or some sh*t like that."


Issei sets down his coffee and sighs. "Damn, you're stubborn. Alright, how 'bout this?"


"You know how my last honeymoon was three months ago?"


"Well, ever since that sweet and sexy two-nighter with Rias, hehe...I, uh, I noticed I've been getting a lot closer to Ravel, Ingvild and the other girls. And I think, well, I think there's a chance that I...MIGHT add them to my harem too, hehe."

"Haha! I don't doubt it, Issei. You little devil, you."

"Hehe. But see, the thing is...I'm gonna need to get a whole lot stronger before that happens."


"I know, I know, that sounds super selfish and redundant and sh*t. But I really wanna be able to protect the people I love, you know? And if I'm gonna do that, I'll need to get stronger before I double my harem; strong enough to protect all of them. And I'm gonna need your help to make that happen."

"Well, sure, I can help with that. But Issei, is that really all you want?"

"Damn straight. You wanna get me a gift, right?"

"I do."

"Well, that's the best, no, that's the PERFECT gift you could give me, man."

"Haha! Well then, consider it done, my friend. For now, just enjoy your bday. But starting tomorrow, I'll help mold you into the most powerful Red Dragon Emperor who ever lived. AND the most powerful harem king while I’m at it."

"Oh, hell yeah! Thanks, dude. And I swear, I'll return the favor however I can."

"Haha, well, in that case, you can always repay me on MY birthday."

"No problem." He brings his coffee up to his mouth, but freezes. "Hey, wait just a f*cking minute, Ddraig! YOU have a birthday?"

"Doesn't everyone?"

"Hmm, true. Well, when is-"

"Oh, is that Ddraig?" asks Miki.

"Gah!" panics Issei. "Oh, hey, Mom."

"Ah, good morning, Mrs. Hyoudou," says Ddraig.

Miki approaches the table with three steaming plates of food on a tray, clocking the green light in Issei's arm. "Oh, Miki, please. We're practically family ourselves, Ddraig."

"Haha, yes, I suppose we are," says Ddraig.

Miki sets the plates out on the table, and takes a seat next to Issei. "Now eat up, sweetie, while it's still warm."

"Ooh, don't mind if I do," says Issei before digging in. "Thanks."

"Oh, and Ddraig..." starts Miki.

While Issei's in the middle of eating, Miki hilariously grabs his left arm to talk to Ddraig.

"Uh, Mom," says Issei, awkwardly trying to eat while his left arm is being yanked.

"So sorry I can't make YOU a plate," says Miki, comically ignoring her son.

"You know," says Issei, "you don't have to talk directly into my-"

"Haha, don't be," laughs Ddraig, also ignoring Issei. "I've no need for food nor substance. But the thought is still deeply appreciated."

"Oh, you're quite welcome, hmm-hmm," says Miki.

Issei successfully pulls his arm back. "Don't worry, dude. I'll eat plenty for the both of us," he says, scarfing down another bite with his chopsticks.

"Haha, thanks," says Ddraig. "Enjoy and take care. Farewell for now, Issei, Miki."

With that, the green light in Issei's arm dims away.

"And he's gone," says Issei.

"Oh, what a shame," pouts Miki. "Say sweetie, is there anyway you could arrange for Ddraig and I to meet in person?"

As Issei brings a piece of chicken in his chopsticks up to his mouth, he stops, imagining Ddraig's true, terrifying, gargantuan form."Uh, hehe," he replies, sheepishly rubbing his nape. "Dad sure is taking his time."

"You're so right." She turns to the house and calls out, "Darling!"

Gorou's voice calls out from inside the house. "Nearly finished, dear."

"I swear, that man of mine, hmm-hmm," says Miki.

She and Issei share a laugh.

And those women of mine, thinks Issei. I hope their breakfast rocks half as good as this.


Meanwhile at the local mall.

Asia, Xenovia and Irina walk together, each holding a box of delicious, mochi donuts. As they pass the stores and fellow patrons, Asia checks the donuts in her box.

"Two sprinkles, two chocolates...yep, that's everything," she says, closing the lid.

"Thank goodness," says Irina. "I was worried they'd mess up the order."

"Tell me about it," says Xenovia, munching on a donut. "It'd suck to have to go back."

"Hmm-hmm," giggles Asia and Irina.


Inside a women's clothing store, racks upon racks of bright, exotic bikinis are on display.

Koneko and Kuroka pick out different bikinis off the racks.

"Sister," scolds Koneko, gesturing to Kuroka's ears and tails, "you know you shouldn’t be flaunting those in public."

"Relax, Shirone," says Kuroka. "If anyone asks, I'll just tell 'em it's part of a bikini, nyan."

"Yeah, like that'll work," says Koneko, sarcastically.

"Okay, ladies," says Rias in the nearby changing room, hidden behind the curtain. "Tell us what you think." Shepulls back the curtain, revealing herself in an appealing white bikini.

The curtain next to her slides open, revealing Akeno in a stunning green bikini. "Do you think these will do the trick? Ara ara."

"Word," says Koneko, sporting a thumbs-up.

"Damn," says Kuroka, "you girls look hotter than hell, no pun intended, nyan."

"Hey, Rossweisse?" asks Koneko.

All eyes look to the third curtain, still closed.

"Um, uh," stutters Rossweisse, hidden behind the curtain.

"Don't be embarrassed," says Rias. "Come on out."

"She's right," says Akeno. "Remember, this is for him."

"I know, but...mmm..." mumbles Rossweisse.

The Church Trio enters the store with their boxes of donuts.

"We're back, everyone," says Asia.

"Hope you're all hungry," says Xenovia.

"Sweet, thanks," says Koneko, helping herself to a donut.

"Wow, Rias, Akeno, looking good," says Irina.

"Ara ara, thanks," says Akeno. "Though I think I might wanna try on some more."

"Me too," says Rias. "I wanna wear the absolute perfect swimsuit for him today."

"I'm with you, girl, nyan," says Kuroka.

"We'll comb this entire store for the best thong bikinis if we have to," says Xenovia, clenching her fist.

"That's going a little overboard, don't ya think?" teases Irina.

"Huh? Rossweisse?" asks Asia, looking to the third changing room. "You alright in there?"

The other girls huddle around Rossweisse's changing room.

"You know," says Kuroka, " we all need the changing rooms ourselves, nyan."

"Rossweisse..." says Akeno.

"P-promise none of you will laugh, okay," says Rossweisse.

"We won't, we promise," says Rias. "Just come on out already. Show us them goods."

"A-alright," stutters Rossweisse. She opens her curtain, revealing herself in a black-and-white-striped, one-piece swimsuit with a swim cap over her hair; she looks like a criminal being marched off to prison, yet she wears the outfit with a confident smile. "So? Ya think he's gonna lose it or what?"


All of the girls comically stare at her with blank expressions, too shocked to laugh. The Church Trio nearly drops their donut boxes.

"Maybe you should try on some other suits," says Rias, politely.

"Mmm..." sulks Rossweisse with her usual teary eyes. "My sense of fashion's even worse than his."


"Achoo!" sneezes Issei, still eating breakfast with Miki out on the patio; Gorou still isn't present.

"Why, bless you, sweetie," says Miki.

"Yeesh," he says, wiping his nose. "Where'd that come from? Stupid allergies."

As he resumes his meal, Miki stares at her son for a moment.


She smiles, lowers her chopsticks, reachesover and takes Issei's hand.

"Hmm?" he asks.

Miki's eyes wet with light tears. "I'm so proud of you, Issei."

"Mom?" asks Issei,lowering his chopsticks in concern.

"You were always an obnoxious child. And you grew into an even more obnoxious teenager."

"Uh..."Not QUITE where I thought she was going with this.

"But," continues Miki, "ever since you met Rias and the others, you've grown into the fine man I always knew you'd become."

Issei gasps.

"Don't ever forget how far you've come, sweetie," says Miki. "And don't ever change who you are. Just be you, Issei. Be you, be happy, and always know that you will always be loved."

Issei becomes lost for words as a gentle breeze carries a few leaves into the air.


He smiles, leans over, and hugs his mother in loving gratitude. "Thank you, Mom. I love you."

She embraces him back, smiling with tears of joy streaming down her face. "I love you too, my baby boy."




They break away, and Miki wipes her tears; no need to cry on a day like today.

"Ah-hoy, there!"

Issei and Miki turn to see Gorou, garbed in fishing attire, emerging from the kitchen.

"There's the birthday man," says Gorou.

"Hey, Dad," says Issei, trying not to laugh.Is he really gonna eat dressed like that?

"Well, well, well," teases Miki, "look who finally decided to join us."

Gorou kisses his wife's cheek, and sits down for breakfast. "Sorry, honey. Packing up the car took longer than I thought, hehe."

"Longer than washing your hands?" teases Miki.

"Hmm? Uh..."Gorou notices the dust and grime all over his hands. "I'll...B-R-B." He sheepishly stands up, and returns to the kitchen.

Issei covers his mouth to contain his laughter, though Miki can't help but join in.

"That man of mine," she giggles.

"Was he always"

"Absentminded? Oh, yes, ever since the day I married him." She glances at her wedding ring. "Gosh, where does the time go?"

"Yeah, I know whatcha mean." He looks at his own ring. "Heck, it seems like it was only yesterday when I first started my honeymoons."

"Speaking of, you sure did a great job, Issei."

"Hmm? Great job?"

"The girls regaled me with their honeymoon stories, and they were all just over the moon with joy when they shared them." She rubs Issei's hair. "That's my little Romeo,hmm-hmm."

"Oh, really? Cool."Though,I hope they didn't tell her EVERYTHING we did on the honeymoons.

His face turns red as he recalls the numerous sexual acts he performed with each of his wives during their respective honeymoons. He quickly shakes his head to hide his blush.

"And not only did they enjoy themselves," continues Miki, "but you helped each of them overcome their flaws too. Well done."

"Overcome their what-now?"




Miki stares blankly at her son, drops her face in her hand, and shakes her head. "Oh, Issei. My poor Issei. You're even more absentminded than your father."

"Say what?"

"Sweetie, you may not have noticed-no, you definitely didn't notice-but every one of your wives had some sort of insecurity regarding their relationship with you. That's what I mean by flaw."



"Wait, what?" He rises, getting comically hysterical. "They felt insecure about being with me? But why?"

Miki gently tugs Issei's sleeve, easing him to sit back down. "Settle down, sweetie. Like I said, you already helped each of your wives overcome those insecurities, so there's no need to worry."

"I did? But..."

"You really don't know, do you? Well, if you must-hmm?"


A wicked grin crosses Miki's face. "No. Hmm-hmm, no."

"Uh, Mom?"

Miki cheerfully resumes eating. "I think this is a golden opportunity for you, sweetie. After all, what better way to prove your worth as their husband?"

"Okay, seriously, Mom, what gives?"

"Issei, you really wanna know what insecurities you helped all the girls overcome?"

"Yeah-huh, yeah-huh, yeah-huh!"

"Well, if you know your wives as well as you think you do, surely you can figure them all out for yourself, right? Hmm-hmm." She elbows his arm a few times.


Naturally, it takes Issei a moment to process his mother's challenge. Once he does, his face fills with smug elation.

"Oh, I get it."

"There's my smart boy. And not that it matters, but if I were you, I'd spend the day trying to figure them all out."


Yeah, she IS right,he thinks. If all of the girls really WERE worried about something, at least when it came to being married to me, then I should easily be able to figure out what those flaws were. And it's not like I can just walk up to them and ask; only a dickless puss* would do that; not to mention, it might bring up some painful memories for the girls. No, I gotta do this on my own. Like Mom said, this is a test to prove myself as their husband. I mean, what happens the next time the girlsget all insecure over something big? How will I be ready to help them then if I can't even figure out their resolved worries now?

He clenches his fist on his lap.

Okay! For the good of my harem, my marriage, and my shared future, I'll do it. I've got eights wives; that's eight insecurities to figure out. And I'll do just as Mom suggests; I'll figure them all out by the end of the day. And if I don't, well...hmm. Yeah, I should probably give myself some sort of motivational penalty if I fail. But what could I-

His body goes stone cold.

Oh, f*ck me, and the gryphon I flew in on.

"Sweetie, you okay?" asks Miki.

Issei fake-smiles and nods. "Yes, Mother. Just peachy." He gulps.

Okay. If I fail...mmm...if I fail to figure out all my wives' flaws by tonight...then birthday orgy for me!


Issei feels himself starting to cry.Ah, sh*t. I think I just felt one of my ballspop.

"And I'm back!"

Gorou appears with clean hands, returns to his seat, and begins eating his meal.

"Hey again, Dad," says Issei. Yep, he's really gonna eat dressed like that. Must be extra-super excited to go fishing.

"Don't blame me if it's cold, dear, hmm-hmm," teases Miki.

"I won't, haha. But first,"says Gorou, smiling and raisinghis glass of milk. "To Issei."

Miki smiles and raises her glass of orange juice. "To Issei."

Issei smiles and raises his mug of coffee. "To the two best parents in the world."

The three clank their cups, and enjoy their drinks.

"Oh, and in the Underworld," corrects Issei.

Miki and Gorou trade looks and laugh; Issei chuckles with them. The loving family of three laughs and enjoys their breakfast.


The hot, mid-morning sun shines over the beach.

On the walkway, every patron passing an ordinary café gawks at something.

"What's going on there?"

"Wow, they're all so beautiful."

"Maybe they're actresses?"

"Are they recording something?"

"But I don't see any cameras."

In the café's outdoor patio, all eight of Issei's wives are gathered around a table, wearing summer clothes, and enjoying iced cold beverages together. Eight shopping bags are on the ground; one by each of their feet. There's no one else at the other tables; the women have the patio all to themselves. They're not doing anything other than sitting and drinking, and yet everyone passing them by can't help but stare.

"I'm so embarrassed," says Asia. "It's like the amusem*nt park all over again."

Kuroka wraps her arm around Asia's shoulder. "Ah, come on, girl, take pride in your sexiness. Why wouldn't they stare? Just look at us, nyan."

"Sister," scolds Koneko, "you're still exposing your ears and tails."

"Oh, lighten up, Shirone," says Kuroka. "Everyone'll just think I'm a sexy cosplayer or something. You oughta show off some sexiness of your own, nyan."

"Hmph," says Koneko. "I've got plenty of sexiness to show off as is. Besides, the only person I ever wanna show off any sexiness to is Issei."


"Mmm, Issei," purrs Koneko.

Everyone else at the table smiles and swoons at the sound of their shared husband's name.

"Issei..." says Rias.

"Issei..." says Asia.

"Darling Issei..." says Akeno.

"Issei..." says Xenovia.

"Issei..." says Irina.

"Issei..." says Rossweisse.

"Issei, nyan..." says Kuroka.


Caught up in their immense love for their shared husband, the eight women finish basking and giggle at themselves.

Rias notices Rossweisse’s concerned expression. "Rossweisse, please tell me you’re not still fretting over your swimsuit."

"Erm, well," mutters Rossweisse, "I, uh, I just don't know if there's enough fabric on mine to even be considered clothing."

"Y-yeah, same here," says Irina, looking at her own bag.

"I don't see the problem," says Xenovia. "If anything, I say we should've taken Issei to a private, nude beach for his birthday."

"A n-n-nude beach?" panics Asia.

"Great idea!" exclaims Kuroka. "What better birthday gift for a perv like Issei than the nine of us going buff on the white sands, nyan?"


"Well, uh," says Rossweisse, "it certainly sounds good on paper, but I think it's best we put a pin in that for now."

"I agree," says Irina. "Maybe save it for Christmas, but that's a big maybe."

"Oh, okay," sighs Xenovia.

"Fine, nyan," sighs Kuroka.

"Alright then," says Rias, cheerfully. "Private, nude beach for Christmas it is. I'll add it to the calendar."

More giggles erupt among the women.

"I gotta say, I'm impressed, Rias," says Akeno.

"Huh?" asks Rias.

"You've been managing the harem for so long now," replies Akeno, "and you're still doing such an amazing job."

"Why, thank you, Akeno," says Rias.

"She's right, Rias," says Asia. "All this time, you've been managing the eight of us perfectly, giving each of us a fair and equal amount of time with Issei."

"Word," says Koneko. "Not to mention, you arranged the order of the honeymoons."

"AND you organized the last three months worth of dates," says Rossweisse.

"AND even now, nyan, you're planning ahead for the holidays," says Kuroka.

"Yes, you've been doing such great work, Rias," says Xenovia. "If it were me in your shoes, I would've been burnt out after the first week."

"Hmm-hmm, same here," says Irina. "Way to go, Rias."

"Aw, you girls are so sweet," says Rias, slightly blushing.

Akeno raises her glass. "To Rias. The best friend, slash, sister-wife any woman could have. And the best harem manager Issei could have."

All of the girls raise their drinks in a toast. "Here, here," they say in unison.

Rias smiles and raises her own glass. "Thank you all. I'm honored to manage the harem. And I will proudly do so for the rest of my life, no matter big it gets."

"Cheers!" Everyone clanks their drinks.

"Oh, and Akeno," says Rias.

"Hmm?" asks Akeno.

"You said the best HAREM MANAGER Issei could have?" teases Rias. "Surely, you also meant to say the best WIFE too, hmm-hmm."

"No," teases Akeno, "I don't think I did, ara ara."

All of the girls giggle once more, each believing themselves to be Issei's best wife. The friendly rivalry continues.

"Mmm..." pouts Asia.

"What's wrong, Asia?" asks Xenovia.

"Oh, it's nothing," replies Asia. "It's just...knowing Issei...the harem probably IS gonna get a lot bigger."

"Yeah, you're right," pouts Xenovia. "Knowing Issei."

"Knowing Issei," sighs everyone at once.


Then they all trade looks, and burst into more fits of laughter.

As they laugh, another group of eight patrons walking by stares at them; the group consists of four gorgeous, young women, and their four muscular boyfriends.

The red-headed woman in the lead carrying a rented volleyball under her arm notices the attention Rias and the others are getting from everyone else on the beach, including from her own group.

She stares at Rias in particular, touches her red hair, and bites her lip in furious envy."Tch. Ugly bitch."


Meanwhile at a serene lake out in the woods.

Issei and Gorou sit in a wooden rowboat out in the middle of the lake, both holding their fishing rods, waiting for a bite.

Mmm,groans Issei. We've been out here for an hour, and not only have neither of us caught so much as a guppy, but I still haven't figured out even one of my eight wives' insecurities yet. I just don't get it. Were all of them reallythat worried about their relationships with me? And did I really somehow help all of them overcome said worries? Mmm. Cool your tit*, Issei. You got this.

The sound of birds chirping in the trees grabs his attention. He takes a moment and looks around, basking in the tranquility of the lake.

"Wow," he whispers.

"Boy, this is the life," says Gorou. "Ain't it, son?"

"No kidding," says Issei. "The nature, the quiet, the-ow!" He smacks a bug on his neck. "Sonofabitch! Oh, sorry, Dad."

"Haha, it's fine, Issei. You're not six-years-old anymore, so cuss to your heart's content. Well, at least not in front of your mother."

"Hehe, good call. Speaking of Mom, was it really okay to leave her like this? I feel kinda bad."

"Don't worry, kiddo, didn't I tell you? She's meeting up with Venelana and Zeoticus for lunch. I'm sure they're having a great time."

"Oh. Sweetness."

"Yeah. And I'll be joining them after I drop you off at the-oops!"

"Drop me off at the...?"

Gorou mimes zipping his lips. "Sorry, Issei, haha."

Issei slouches his shoulders. Why's everyone going out of their way to keep so many surprises from me?

"Come on," says Gorou, "don't give me that look.Just be patient."

"Yeah, not my best virtue-ow!" He smacks another bug on his neck. "Sonofabitch!"

"Hmm-hmm, neither is applying bug spray," laughs Gorou. "Hey, speaking of your age..." He digs into the ice cooler for two cans of beer.

"Whoa! Dad, you serious?"

"My birthday present to you, son." He pops open the beers, hands one to Issei, and raises his own. "To finally fishing again."

"Huh? Oh, yeah. To finally fishing again."

They clank their cans, and drink.

Now that I think of it,thinks Issei, Dad and I HAVEN'T gone fishing in a long time.Maybe that's why he got all extra-super excited about it? I mean, I just randomly picked fishing for today BECAUSE of how excited he got. Hehe. Even though we haven't caught sh*t, I'm still having a great time. I forgot how much fun fishing with him is. Man, why'd we ever stop fishing in the first-

A dark thought crosses Issei's mind, and zaps all the elation out of him.

Oh. Right.

"...sei? Issei? Earth to Issei?" asks Gorou.

"Huh?" asks Issei. "Oh, my bad. What'd you say?"

"I said I'm glad, Issei," says Gorou, smiling.

"'Bout what?"

"Do you happen to remember the last time we went fishing?"


Issei lowers his can, and his head. "Dad, I...I try not to think about it."

Gorou touches Issei's shoulder. "Son, are you really still hung up about it after all these years?"

Issei's too ashamed to speak.

"Okay," says Gorou, "you took my new fishing rod without asking, and broke it. Of course, I was mad. But Issei, you were just a little boy. And you were way more important to me than some dumb rod; heck, you still are."


"That's why I was kinda bummed when you refused to ever go fishing with me again. I know you didn't wanna make the same mistake twice, but that didn't mean you had to give up fishing with me altogether."


Gorou realizes he isn't getting anywhere, so he props his fishing rod against the boat, focusing only on his son. "Look, Issei, I forgave you for breaking the rod. I only wish you had done the same."

"Yeah, well..."Issei props his own fishing rod. "Like patience and bug spray, self-forgiveness is perhaps my sh*ttiest virtue."

"I noticed. Why else did it take so long to get you out here? Haha."

"I'm sorry."

"Now, now, don't be sorry. We still made plenty of other fun memories throughout the years, didn't we? Bowling, movies, amusem*nt parks, family vacations...right?"

A couple of fish swim past the boat, visible on the surface. But Issei and Gorou are too wrapped up in their discussion to notice or care.

Issei finally musters a smile. "Yeah. We had a helluva time."

"We sure did," says Gorou, giving Issei a half-hug. "And we're gonna have so much more. Son, I wouldn't change this life for anything."

"Me neither.Well, actually..."



Issei deeply exhales. "This is gonna sound weird, but...if I COULD change one thing...I would've liked to to forgive myself."


Gorou beams with pride, and gives Issei another hearty smack on the back; a little too hard for Issei's comfort.

"That's good, Issei!" shouts Gorou. "Really good! Here. Why don't you start now?"

"Say what?"

"Go on. Just look at yourself in the water, and say, 'I forgive you,'".

"Dad, are you serious?"

"Dead serious, kiddo." He gently shoves Issei to the side of the boat. "Consider it a birthday gift to yourself."


"Come on. We ain't going back to shore till you do."

"Ugh, fine."This is so stupid.What am I supposed to do? Just look at my reflection and say...?

He looks down at his reflection in the water, and sees his lost expression staring back up at him.




Maybe Dad's got a point, he thinks. Actually, maybe my lack of self-forgiveness is MY flaw? Maybe this is how I overcome it? And if I do, if I overcome my own flaw, maybe THAT'S how I can figure out the girls' flaws? Maybe? I mean, I haven't figured any of 'em out all day, and I only got till tonight to do so; otherwise, no birthday orgy. Ugh, think I just felt my other ball pop. So yeah, why not give this a shot? Got nothing to lose.

He looks at his father. Gorou gestures to the water, encouraging Issei to go through with it.


Issei clears his throat, and speaks to his reflection. "Uh, hey there, Issei."

A tiny, water strider swims across the surface, rippling Issei's reflection. Within seconds, the surface calms, and his reflection reshapes to normal.

"So listen, I, uh...I just wanna say...that I forgive you, man."

"For what?" chimes in Gorou.

Issei looks to his father in bewilderment. But with a tip of his head, Gorou insists Issei keep going. Issei sighs and looks back at his reflection.

"I, uh..." he starts.

Then he takes a moment to find the words.


"I forgive you...for not listening to your dad that day. He bought a new and expensive fishing rod, and specifically told you to wait until you and he both went fishing together before using it. But you didn't listen. No, you deliberately took his fishing rod without permission, and ended up breaking it. But even though Dad was really mad at you, he still forgave you. And now...I forgive you for breaking it too."


"But because you didn't forgive yourself for that back then, you never went fishing with Dad again. So many years, so many times you could've had fun fishing with your father, so many new memories you could've made together, and you chose not to. But now, you're finally back out fishing with him again. So I forgive you for that too. I forgive you for taking so long, for keeping him waiting to go fishing again...I forgive you for all of it, Issei."

Issei smiles with content. But as he leans back in the boat, Gorou touches his shoulder. One silent smile from Gorou, and Issei realizes he wants him to continue; there's still plenty more for him to forgive. Issei reluctantly returns to his reflection.

"Um, also, I..."


"I forgive you, Issei...for being a pervert. For paying more attention to boobs than to more important things like studying."

"And what else?" asks Gorou, speaking as Issei's conscience.

Issei gives his father another look, and Gorou just gives his son another smile, insisting he just go with it. Issei returns to his reflection, becoming more serious.

"I...I forgive you...for failing to protect Asia from Raynare. Your power was brand new to you, and you weren't strong enough. Besides, Asia was never haunted by what happened to her, so you shouldn't feel the need to be either. And you know, on that note, I forgive you for all the other times you couldn't protect anyone else. You're not a god, dude. Even with all your power, there's still only so much you can do on your own. You learned the best way to protect everyone was for them to become stronger together with you. And I forgive you for taking so long to figure that out."

"Keep going," says Gorou.


Issei's eyes begin to wet; this is all starting to get to him.

"I...I forgive you...for dismissing your wives' feelings...for the longest time. They've done a lot of nice and sexy things for you, but you thought they were just teasing you, using you for practice, preparing themselves for when they found the guys they truly loved. But YOU were the guy, the one and only guy, they truly loved all along, Issei. You just one-sidedly decided that they didn't feel that way about you. And because of that, you never once stopped to consider that maybe, just maybe, they really did love you, and wanted to be in your harem after all. But even after treating them like that for so long, they still loved you, and never left you. Come on, man. All they ever did was love you, and all you ever did was make them wait. That was wrong, Issei. Very wrong. But...I forgive you for that."

Some of his tears splash into the water, rippling his reflection.

"I...I forgive you for hurting Rias. Yes, she told you to call her 'President' when you first met. But of course, she'd want you to eventually say her name; anyone would. But you got it in your head that she didn't. And because of that, for a long time, you made her feel like you didn't love her, let alone care about her as a person; only as your superior. You assumed that just because Raynare hurt you, Rias would do the same. But she'd never do such a thing, Issei. She's loved you for so long, and even after hurting her feelings, she still loved you. Seriously, all you had to do was call her by name; you didn't have to confess. But since you couldn't do one without doing the other, you made things harder on yourself; harder on Rias; harder on everyone. eventually, FINALLY manned up. You called Rias by name AND confessed. Thanks to that, she became your girlfriend, your first, uh...haremette, and your first wife. And I forgive you for hurting her, for being too stupid to understand her, for being too scared of her, and for making her wait so long."


"Go on, Issei," encourages Gorou.

Issei sniffs and chokes back his tears.

"On that note...I forgive you for making Rias your only girlfriend, and leaving the others behind. You had the guts to confess to her, yet you didn't confess to Asia or Akeno or anyone else; not right afterwards; not for a long time. Yeah, you wanted to learn how to take care of one woman before taking care of several, I get that. And yeah, you needed to know what it was like to be a boyfriend before you could be a harem king, I get that too. Even didn't have to make the other girls wait so long. A month or so after dating Rias, you could've started dating them too. And I'm sure Rias would've been okay with that. Sure, they may've become your wives, but besides Rias, they never got to experience life with you as your girlfriends. You only gave that to Rias. For so long, you made the other girls feel like you didn't love them as much you loved her. There are no favorites in a harem, Issei, and you were wrong to treat only Rias as such. But again, you eventually and FINALLY came through. After your honeymoon with Rias, you told all the girls they were equally your favorites, and promised to love them as much as you love her. So I forgive you for that too. And finally..."

"Yes?" asks Gorou.


Issei can't hold back the tears anymore, and starts weeping.

"I forgive you for dying. For leaving everyone behind after you promised you'd stay with them forever. They fell apart without you, Issei, and you were wrong to make them suffer like that. But I still forgive you. And also, I forgive you for not being able to protect your parents when they were kidnapped. Again, you weren't strong enough, but that's okay. Seriously, dude, you're always expecting yourself to be more powerful than you actually are. You maybe a devil AND the Red Dragon Emperor, but you're still only human. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone hurts someone they love without meaning to. For f*ck's sake, man, you have been WAY too hard on yourself for all these years. And not only has that hurt you, but it's also hurt the people who love you too. Your parents, your friends, your wives...they can't stand seeing you punish yourself, dude. So forgive yourself. Not just for their sake, but for yours too. It's okay to move on, dude. It's okay to let go. It's forgive. And I forgive you, Issei. I forgive you for everything. I forgive you, and from now on, I'll keep on forgiving you. So, yeah. Oh, and...happy...happy birthday, Issei."

His face sinks into his hands, and he lets himself cry. Gorou scoots over, and proudly embraces his son.

"Good job, Issei."

Issei hugs his father back. "Thanks, Dad."




Issei calms down, wipes his tears, and grins at his father.

Suddenly, both their fishing rods start jerking back and forth.

"Oh, sh*t!" shouts Issei.

"Bites!" cheers Gorou. "We got bites! Haha!"

They both quickly grab their rods, and start reeling in their catches. Unbeknownst to them, the boat shifts violently due to their ecstatic movements.

"Grab on tight, Issei! Don't lose 'em!"

"I won't! I-"


"Oh, sh*t!"

Both of them yank their rods so hard, they fall off the boat, and splash in the water. Once they resurface, they trade looks, laugh their lungs out, and splash each other.

Alright, thinks Issei. I think I'm okay. Myflaw has beenovercomed, or overcame, or whatever. Now, I can finally figure out the girls'flaws.

Gorou wipes some seaweed off his watch. "Oh, no!"

"What's wrong, Dad?"

Gorou quickly swims back to the rowboat. "Sorry, Issei, lost track of time! I need to get you to the girls now!"

"What?" asks Issei, freaking out. "Um, uh, right behind ya!" He swims back for the rowboat.


Later at the crowded beach.

In the parking lot, a speeding car comes to a screeching halt next to the curb. Gorou relaxes in the driver's seat while Issei gets out of the passenger seat, wearing only his swim trunks and sandals. He takes in the sights.

"Oh, hell yeah!"

"Alright, Issei," says Gorou. "Have fun. We'll see ya tonight."

"Thanks, Dad. Adios."

Gorou drives off while Issei high-tails it out onto the sand.

So the girls were planning a beach day for my birthday? SWEET! Explains why my trunks and flippies were in the car. Wait.

He comes to a stop.

Beach plus day equals...bikinis?!

The sensual images of Issei's wives in bikinis fills his head.

Oh, best birthday surprise ever! Alright!

He pulls out his phone.

The GPS pin said they should be-

The screen goes black; the phone's out of power.


f*ckKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! Wait, maybe Dad-

He looks back to the parking lot, but Gorou is already long gone. Isseidrops to his knees, and frantically scratches his hair.

Oh, what kind of sick, twisted joke is that? Ugh!!!!!!!!

His behavior gains the attention of a mother and her toddler son walking by.

"He's funny, mommy," laughs the boy.

"Don't make eye contact, honey," says the concerned mother, pulling her son along.

Issei realizes he's making a scene, so he takes a breath, stands up and pockets his dead phone.

Fine, fine, I'm cool. I'm sure someone'll lend me their phone if just ask.

He spots the lifeguard tower across the volleyball courts. The tan lifeguard is perched atop the tower, scrolling on his phone.

"Oh, hell yeah," says Issei, passing the volleyball courts. "Now I'll-"

Suddenly, a volleyball strikes him in the head, and drops at his feet. "Ow! What the sh*t?" He nurses his head, and looks at the ball.

"Hey, dumbass!"

Issei turns to see the four gorgeous women and their four buff boyfriends on the nearest court. The red-headed woman stands at the forefront.

"You gonna pass that back or what?" she demands.

Geez, thinks Issei. "Sorry, man. Didn't mean to hit ya in the head, man." Bitch.

Without thinking, Issei kicks the volleyball towards them. Everyone watches the ball soar over the court, bounce into the parking lot, roll into the street, and explode under the tires of a passing big rig truck.


"Oh, sh*t," says Issei, comically. I forgot how strong I was.

The redhead and her group turn to Issei, daggers in their eyes, and advance upon him like vipers to a mouse.

"Hey, whoa, whoa."Not looking for a fight, and knowing full-well he's at fault, Issei calmly raises his hands. "Really sorry 'bout that. Listen, let me make it up to you guys." He spots the volleyball rental stand. "I'll, uh, I'll get you another ball."

"Sure," hisses the redhead. "You can get us another ball."

"Great," says Issei. "Then I'll be right back."

But before he leaves, the eight bullies surround him.

"Uh, hehe," says Issei. "You know, it's kinda hard to get a ball if you're-"

"First," hisses the redhead, "you're gonna pay us some interest."

"Interest?" asks Issei.

One by one, the four buff guys crack their knuckles. Issei sighs, knowing where this is going. But also knowing he could easily wipe the floor with all of them without even trying.

"Guys, come on," says Issei.

"Don't talk to us like we're friends, dipsh*t," says one jerk, starting a chain of insults.

"Yeah, speaking of friends, where're yours, loser?"

"Coming to the beach all by yourself, douchebag? Pathetic."

The four women laugh at Issei while the four guys step closer to him, ready to throw down.

Ugh, thinks Issei. The old, hotheaded Issei would've talked smack, tried to fight back, and get his nuts grinded into the sand. But the new Issei's gonna give these assholes one last chance.

"Look," says Issei, "I'm actually supposed to meet up with my wives. So if I could just get the ball-"

"You're married? Wait, WIVES? Plural?" snickers the redhead.

All eight jerks howl with hysterical laughter, and shoot more insults at Issei.

"You think we're dumbasses ourselves, dumbass?"

One jerk seizes Issei's wrist, and holds up his hand. "Hey, check out the ring on his finger."

"Bet he stole it from a pawn shop," laughs the redhead.

"Back off," snarls Issei, yanking his hand free.

"The f*ck? Were those jewels on the ring?" laughs the same jerk.

The eight jerks laugh even louder, drawing looks from the nearby patrons; some even start recording on their phones; the lifeguard on the tower pays the commotion no heed.

Feeling stung and having enough, Issei remains calm and starts to walk away.

f*ck this.

He makes it all of two steps before the redhead swoops in, and grabs his shoulder.

"Where you think you're going, dumbass?"

Issei stares at her defiantly, and clenches his fists. "Let me go."

The redhead squeezes his broad shoulder and digs her sharp nails deep into his skin, trying to inflict as much pain as she can. Issei's eyebrows start to twitch. The redhead notices his clenched fists, leans into his face, and shoots him a murderous grin.

"If you touch me, co*cksucker," she says whilst gesturing to the recording onlookers, "I'll scream rape."

Her nails pierce Issei's skin and draw light blood, which trails down his chest. The four buff guys close in on Issei from behind, and raise their hands to grab him.

Issei exhales again, and closes his eyes, left with no other choice but to fight back.

Sorry, girls.

"Hey, Issei! There you are!"

Issei, the eight bullies and the recording onlookers turn towards a breathtaking sight.

Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Kuroka, Irina, Xenovia and Rossweisse strut down the beach in their new bikinis. Their ample bosoms bounce within their tight bras, and their perky butts jiggle within their tight bottoms. Koneko carries a rented volleyball under her arm.

Naturally, everyone on the beach stops what they're doing just to watch the eight women walk by. The recording onlookers swivel their phones away from the potential fight between Issei and the bullies, fixated on the eight celestial maidens gracing the beach with their presence.

"Wow, look at them."

"They've got to be actresses or models. They just gotta."

Even the lifeguard finally looks away from his phone, and stares in awe at the eight women. His eyes bulge, his jaw slacks, and his phone falls from his hand, landing in a trash can beneath the tower.

Issei himself is paralyzed with delight as the eight women he loves most approach him and the bewildered bullies. He pulls himself away from the stunned redhead, nurses his bleeding shoulder, and joins his wives.

"H-hey, girls," he says, foaming at the mouth. "Sorry, I'm late. My phone died and I...I, uh, hehe..."

"We're so happy you're here, Issei," says Rias, wearing a pink bikini. "So, what do you think of our new swimsuits?"

"Ara ara," says Akeno, wearing a light purple bikini. "You're stuck speechless, aren't you, dear husband?"

"Do you like them, Issei?" asks Asia, wearing an orange bikini. "We spent all morning finding these for you."

"Everyone's been ogling us all day, Issei," says Koneko, wearing a white bikini. "You gonna keep letting 'em, meow?"

"I, mmm," says Irina, wearing a yellow bikini. "I hope you like it, darling."

"Don't be embarrassed, Irina," says Xenovia, wearing a light blue bikini. "Just hold your massive chest up high. See? Issei's staring at mine right now. Rossweisse, you should do the same."

"O-okay," says Rossweisse, wearing a dark blue bikini; a stark contrast from her striped one-piece. "S-so, Issei, how do you like it?"

"Getting eight sexy girls all to yourself, Issei, nyan," says Kuroka, wearing a black bikini. "Not a bad birthday gift, am I right?"

Overwhelmed with excitement, Issei feels his very soul about to leave his body.Oh, thank you. I can die happy now.

"You all," he says.

"Hmm-hmm, that's our man," says Rias. "Oh, no, Issei, you're bleeding."

All eight women gasp at the sight of his bleeding shoulder.

"Huh?" asks Issei. "Oh, this? Barely a flesh wound, hehe."

Asia steps up to him. "Come, Issei. I'll heal you," she whispers.

Akeno steps up to him. "Ourspot's nearby. Come," she whispers.

"Right, thanks," says Issei.

As he and his wives walk away, the redhead stomps her foot in the sand.

"Hey, dumbass!" she shouts.

She and her group of bullies stand off against Issei and his wives; the onlookers continue recording.

"Quit pretending we're not here and explain yourselves," she hisses. "What's a bunch of babes like these doing with a loser like you?"

All eight of Issei's wives notice the blood on her fingernails, put two-and-two together, and glare at the bullies.

"Excuse me," says Rias, stepping forward, and squaring off against the redhead. "But did you just assault our husband?"

The redhead and bullies trade confused looks.

"I gave him a little prick, so what?" replies the redhead. "Only 'cause your so-called 'husband' destroyed our volleyball."

"Yeah, on accident," says Issei. "And I was more than willing to get you a new one. Willing, but not happy."

Rias smiles at him. "Good boy, Issei." Then she returns her fiery gaze to the redhead, which makes the latter quiver.

Tch, thinks the redhead. Wh-what the hell's up with this bitch?

"Fortunately," says Rias, "we just happened to rent a ball ourselves. But you're more than welcome to use it for the rest of the day. Consider it our apology."

Koneko winds up the volleyball under her arm. "Here, catch." She hurls it at the redhead.

The ball strikes her in the gut with enough force to send her sliding back a few feet. She feels the wind knocked out of her, but no substantial physical pain.The other bullies appear startled and back down, reconsidering getting into a fight with a strong group.

Damn, thinks Issei, staring at Koneko. I gotta get her to teach me to hold back.

Koneko notices Issei looking at her, blushes and smiles. He smiles back.

The redhead drops the ball, massages her gut, and glares at Koneko, but Koneko just glares back.

"And you can consider us even for hurting our husband," she says.


The redhead screams with rage, scaring her fellow bullies and the onlookers; Issei and his wives remain unfazed.

"Our husband, this! Our husband, that!" she yells, pointing at Issei's group. "Don't give me that sh*t! First off, you're too old to be playing make believe! And second, polygamy is illegal, you dumbasses!"

"In Japan, perhaps," replies Rias, "but not where we're from."

"Yeah, and where's that? The lost city of Atlantis?" asks the redhead, erupting a few snickers from her group.

Seriously, what a bitch, thinks Issei.

"We don't have to tell you," replies Rias. Then she smiles and addresses everyone in the area recording them. "And in this day and age, you do know that shaming anyone's cultural ways would be labeled a hate crime, don't you?"

Her gentle and true words stir everyone around them into lowering their phones in awkward silence. Issei and the girls trade smug grins.

The redhead realizes she's losing ground, and stumbles to find her words. "E-even so, you really expect anyone here to believe that THAT dumbass is married to any of you?"

"Come on, Rias," says Issei. "Let's just go."

Rias smiles at him, and then faces the redhead. "As a matter of fact, yes, he is," replies Rias, gesturing to Issei. "This handsome, kind, brave and charismatic man is married to all of us."

"Oh, Rias..." says Issei.

"See? Just look," says Rias to the redhead.

All eight of Issei's wives flash their wedding rings for all to see, which flusters Issei, confuses the onlookers, and aggravates the bullies; they talk amongst themselves.

"What? Is this some kind of prank?"

"So the dumbass wasn't lying?"

"There's no way."

"Told ya," says Issei. "Now if you don't mind-"

"Hold up!" yells the redhead. "No way, we're not buying it, dumbass."

"Oh, come on," groans Issei.

"If these eight hotties who are WAY too good for you really are your wives or girlfriends or f*ck-buddies," says the redhead, "prove it. Give 'em all a little smooch, right here, right now. That shouldn't be a problem, right? If you really are married to all of them, which you're obviously not." She grins and folds her arms.

The other bullies smirk, catching onto their leader's plan, and believing they've got Issei trapped.

Oh, that's it, thinks Issei.

"Listen, Karen," he says, stepping forward. "First of all, don't EVER call my wives f*ck-buddies. And B, f*ck off; none of you dickwads are getting a peep show. Besides, I would never force any of my wives to-huh?"

He's cut off as Rias gently turns his chin her way, and claims his lips, much to his surprise. The second she finishes, Asia takes Issei's face, and kisses him herself. The other wives follow suit in rapid succession, and lovingly kissing Issei on the lips; Koneko kisses him, followed by Kuroka, then Xenovia, then Irina, and then Rossweisse. When it's Akeno's turn, she doesn't quite kiss Issei, but instead makes out with him for a solid thirty seconds before the other girls hilariously have to pull her away.

By the end, Issei is practically melting while everyone else on the beach watching them is speechless, especially the bullies.

"Satisfied? Ara ara," says Akeno.

"W-we are all undisputedly Issei's wives," says Rossweisse.

"That's right," says Irina.

"Our hearts belong to him alone," says Xenovia.

"As do our futures," says Koneko.

"And our future children, nyan," says Kuroka.

"We love Issei so much, and we don't have to prove it to anyone," says Asia. "Especially not you bullies."

"You heard 'em," says Rias. "Now, anything else?"

The bullies remain staring at them in silent shock, confusion replacing their aggravation.

"Hmm," says Issei, feeling bold. Hewraps one arm around Rias' waist, his other around Asia's, and pulls them in. As he does, the other six women gather closer to Issei. He looks like a king on a throne with several, surrounding queens fawning over him."Now," he says, "if you assholes don't mind, I'm gonna go enjoy my birthday with the women I love. Peace."

With that, Issei and his wives leave the bullies and everyone else gawking in the sand.

The redhead drops to her knees in utter disbelief. "W-what the actual f*ck?"


Issei and the girls reach their spot; all of their supplies (towels, parasols, an open fire grill, their bags) are all set up for the day.

Asia subtly heals Issei's shoulder without anyone noticing.

"Thanks, Asia," says Issei.

"You're welcome," says Asia. "I'm sorry that happened, Issei. That was so mean of them."

"Yeah," says Irina. "So what if you destroyed their volleyball?"

"Next time someone harasses or hurts my darling," says Xenovia, "I'll pummel them."

"I'll help," says Koneko.

"Me too, nyan," says Kuroka.

"L-let's not get too violent, girls," says Rossweisse. "Though I'd probably help too."

"Hey, hey, it's cool, guys," says Issei. "We're all here now, so let's just have a good time."

"Ara ara," says Akeno, caressing Issei's chest. "I love the sound of that, darling."

"Hehe," says Issei, aroused.

"Ahem," says Rias. "Before that, we all have one thing to say."

"Huh?" asks Issei.

All eight half-naked women tackle Issei into the sand, each wanting a piece of him to hug.

"Happy birthday, Issei!" they all cheer at once.

He feels flustered again, and they all start to laugh.

I know I should be thinking about the girls' flaws and all, thinks Issei. But there's stillplenty of time. I'll figure them all out after the beach. For now...

"Thanks, girls. Alright, let's have some fun!"



For the rest of the day, Issei and his wives enjoy themselves at the beach.


As usual, all of the women argue over which one of them Issei gets to apply sunscreen to first. And as usual, he just shakes his head, sits down, lathers his hands with sunscreen, and waits until they're ready.


Issei splashes around in the water with Rias and Asia. But then Akeno bursts out of the water from behind Issei, embraces him, and presses her large breasts against his back, which flusters him, and upsets the other two girls into pressing their own breasts into him.


Wearing a blindfold and holding a stick, Issei approaches a watermelon in the sand. He swings the stick, and hits something. He removes his blindfold, and much to his horror, he realizes he smacked Koneko on the head. But due to her inhuman durability, she isn't the least bit injured, and gives Issei a fake smile.

Seconds later, Issei himself is buried up to his head in the sand, right next to the watermelon. He sweats bullets as Koneko approaches, wearing the blindfold and holding the stick. She swings at something in the sand; Issei screams, and a geyser of sand plumes into the air.


Using the open flame grill, Issei cooks delicious shish kabobs of beef and vegetables. Once he's done, he and his wives enjoy their lunch.


On the volleyball court, Issei and Rossweisse play against Irina and Xenovia. Issei goes running for the ball, but ends up face-planting in between Rossweisse's enormous bosoms. She comically scolds him while Xenovia and Irina watch with jealousy, hoping Issei runs into their chests as well.


While everyone lays out on the sand for napping and tanning, Kuroka playfully covers Issei with sand as he sleeps. She finishes by shaping massive breasts of sand onto his chest.


Issei and his wives huddle together for a fun family photo using a selfie stick; they get their picture taken with the sparkling horizon in the background.


As the sun begins to set, everyone sits on the sand and watches the horizon, smiles all around.

"Ah, what a day," says Asia.

"No kidding," says Issei. "Thanks, everyone. This beach day was a great surprise."

"We're happy to hear that, Issei," says Rias. "But you know, your bday's not over just yet."

"Oh, yeah, the party," says Issei. "So is it here?"

"Not quite," replies Rias.

"Say what?" asks Issei, blinking in confusion.

Just then, the nearby patrons notice something on the horizon, which stirs them into a commotion.

Issei looks their way, and springs to his feet. "What the WHAT?"

A luxurious superyacht drifts towards the beach, and anchors a few miles off shore. The Gremory House emblem is emblazoned on the hull of the ship. Rias and the other girls rise on their feet; all of them, except Rias, are just as bewildered as Issei.

"Wow, Rias," says Akeno.

"When you said you were going all out for the party..." starts Xenovia.

"We didn't think you meant THIS all out," finishes Irina.

"Wait, what?" asks Issei.

"Rias wanted to arrange the party herself, Issei," says Asia. "Even WE didn't know about this."

"For real, Rias?" asks Issei.

"It's fine, hmm-hmm," says Rias. "My parents pulled some strings."

"Of course, they did," teases Koneko.

"Well, when you have the perks, nyan," says Kuroka.

"Hey, look," says Rossweisse.

They notice a motorboat leaving the yacht and coming their way.

"There's our ride," says Rias. "They'll pack up our stuff for us too, so let's go."

"Wait, Rias," says Issei, "what about our clothes? We can't go to a party half-naked. Well, not this kind of party, hehe."

"Don't worry," says Rias, "I planned for that too."

"Of course, you did, hehe," says Issei. "Well, alright."

They all leave their spot and head for the water as the motorboat approaches.

"I know we're all drenched in salt and sand," says Rias, "so let's wash up before the party."

"Cool," says Issei. Then he becomes aroused. "Wait, when you say 'wash up,' you mean...?

Rias gives him a seductive grin.


Inside a steamy, indoor bathroom on the yacht.

Issei sits naked on a seat,too flustered to move or speak. He's surrounded by all eight of his wives kneeling on the soapy floor; they're all naked, and washing him together using washcloths and their breasts.

Okay, he thinks.I know I said I'd figure out the girls' flaws after the beach...but there's NO FRICKIN' WAY I can dothat right now! I mean, holy balls! Everywhere I look, everywhere I touch, boobs! Big boobs! Big soft, slippery boobs! Hehe!

Behind Issei, Rias washeshis back using her soap-lathered breasts. "We're getting better at this, aren't we, girls?"

Koneko washes Issei's right arm and shoulder. "At what? Washing Issei all at once? Or not wasting time arguing over who gets where to wash?"

Asia is knelt next to Koneko, washing the right side of Issei's chest and abdomen. "I think she means both, hmm-hmm."

Xenovia is knelt next to Asia, washing Issei's right leg and foot. "Well, we still spent roughly twenty-two minutes arguing over who washes him where."

On Issei's other side, Kuroka washes his left arm and shoulder. "True, nyan. Though last time, it only took us twenty-FOUR minutes to make a decision, so I'd call this progress."

Akeno is knelt next to Kuroka, washing the left side of Issei's chest and abdomen. "Even so, I don't think Issei minds the wait. Do you, darling?"

Issei is literally too flustered to speak. "Hehe..."

Irina is knelt next to Akeno, washing Issei's left leg and foot. "I don't think he does, hmm-hmm."

"Alright," says Rias. "All that's left is his..."

All eyes look to Rossweisse; she's kneeling in front of Issei, about to wash his pelvic area, but too anxious to proceed.

"I, um..." she stutters.

"Rossweisse," says Rias, "I don't mean to pressure you, but the party is about to start."

"Y-yes, I know," says Rossweisse. "Okay, here I go."She lathers her washcloth with soap, and scrubs Issei's privates a little too roughly.

"AY!" he yelps.

Everyone reacts in alarm.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry, Issei," says Rossweisse, offering the girls her washcloth. "Here, one of you should-"

"No," interrupts Issei. "It's okay."

"Issei?" asks Rossweisse.

He lovingly smiles at her. "It's okay, Rossweisse. I trust you. Please."

"Oh, Issei," she says, lovingly smiling back at him. "Alright." She leans forward with the cloth, gently takes his privates, and delicately begins washing.

"Ah," he moans.

The other girls watch, impressed at Rossweisse's technique, and awestruck by Issei's reactions. They smile and resume washing him themselves. He glances down at Rossweisse.

That adorable look on her face, he thinks. I haven't seen that look since...huh? Hey, wait just a damn minute!

His mind wanders back to their first night atop the Yggdrasil world tree.


"Do you mind…that I'm older than you?"


That's it!thinks Issei. Rossweissewas concerned about the age gap between us.THAT was her flaw! Her insecurity.But I told her that sh*t didn't matter to me, and it shouldn't matter to her. And THAT must've been how I helped her overcome it. f*cking-ay!

Rossweisse continues washing his pelvic area with a smile on her face.

Ah, uh, oh, wow,he moans, internally. Alright, I did it. I figured out the first of my eight wives'flaws. Now just seven more to go.


Later in a private dressing room, Issei stands alone in front of a mirror, wearing an expensive suit and fumbling with his tie.

"Sonofabitch. I can fight monsters, but I can't tie a stupid-gah!"

He rips it off and tries again. But then he checks himself in the mirror, and freezes.


Wow, he thinks. I actually look pretty good. Pretty damn good, hehe.

He strikes a few 007-esque poses in the mirror.

"Am I interrupting, nyan?"

"Dah!" He whirls around to see Kuroka leaning in the doorway. "Oh, Kuroka, I was ju-ju-ju-just..."

He's left dazzled and speechless by her appearance; she wears a fancy white dress, sporting her ears and tails for all to see. Words couldn't do her beauty justice.

"Let me help you." She approaches him, takes the tie, and begins tying it around his collar.

"Oh, uh, thank you."

As she ties the tie, his eyes drift down to her massive bosoms pressing against his chest.

"What is it, nyan?" she asks.

"Oh, sorry. You just, smell really sweet."

Kuroka stifles a giggle, embraces him tightly, and sniffs his neck."So do you, Issei. In fact, nyan, this has just become my new favorite scent in the world."

He smiles and wraps his arms around her waist, breathing in her scent as well. She purrs within his warm embrace.


"We should, uh, probably head up soon," he says.

"Probably, nyan."

"Oh, my tie. Huh?" He’s flabbergasted to see the tie still untied around his collar. "Kuroka?"

"Yeah, I don’t know the first thing about tying ties, nyan."

"Wait, what?"

"I just wanted an excuse to get closer to you. Is that alright?" She leans up to his face, about to give him another kiss.

"Oh, uh..."

Suddenly, two hands firmly grip both of Kuroka’s tails from behind.

"AY!" shrieks Kuroka.

Like any cat getting their tail grabbed, Kuroka darts into the corner on all fours, and hisses at her attacker.

"Down, girl," says Koneko.

"What the? Kone-I mean, Shirone-I mean, holy smokes," stutters Issei.

Koneko wears an exquisite black dress, also sporting her ears and tail. "Here, let me." She smiles, takes the tie around Issei's neck, and completes a perfect Windsor knot in seconds.

"Oh, wow. Thanks," he says.

"No prob," she says. Then she yanks the tie off his collar and lets it fall to the floor.

"Hey, what the hell?" he asks.

"It’s a no-tie event, brainiac," she says.

"Huh?" he asks. "Oh, yeah, you’re right, hehe. Wait, Kuroka, did you-"

"Of course, I knew, nyan," says Kuroka, approaching them. "But it was just so cute watching you fumble around, I couldn’t resist."

Issei sighs and laughs. "Mischievous cat."

"Perverted dragon," she says.

Annoyed and jealous from being ignored, Koneko fiercely locks arms with Issei, and pulls him out of the room. "Let's go, brainiac."

"Ow, ow," he whines as he's yanked down the hallway. "Kone-I mean, Shirone, slow down."

Kuroka gives chase, and helps herself to Issei's other arm. "She’s right, Issei. Don’t wanna be late to your own birthday party."

"Except YOU were the one making him late, sister," scolds Koneko.

"Hmm," snickers Kuroka.

As they walk down the hallway, Kuroka sneaks her arm behind Issei’s back, and grips Koneko’s tail, just like she did to her.

"Eeep!" yelps Koneko,squeezing Issei’s arm even tighter.

"Ow, ow, ow, mercy," he comically whines.

Koneko eases up, and stares daggers at Kuroka.

"You started it, Shirone, nyan," says Kuroka.

"And I'll finish it after the party, sister," replies Koneko with a smirk.

"Bring it on," says Kuroka, smirking back.

As they continue down the hallway, Issei notices the friendly expressions Koneko and Kuroka trade with one another, with him smack-dab in the middle.

I gotta say, he thinks,for sisters, they sure have a strange way of showing sibling love, hehe. But with all the sh*t they've been through, who could blame them? Hmm, now that I think of it...

He turns to Kuroka as his mind wanders back to that night they laid out on that island's beach.


" it...okay for me to be happy? Do I deserve to be?"


Issei turns to Koneko and his mind wanders again, back to his time with her atop Mount Everest.


"So please, Issei...take me. Bless me with your child..."


So that's it, he thinks, staring back at Kuroka. Kuroka was worried about us being lovers since we used to be enemies. Then he turns back to Koneko. And Koneko and/or Shirone was worried I only fell for her because of her more-developed body. But...I assured them both that all that crap was pointless to me. I forgave Kuroka, and accepted her. And I waited for Koneko to mature, and kept my promise to take her as my bride when she did. So...was how I helped them out? Hmm, maybe it was. Cool.

They reach the double-doors at the end of the hallway.

"Here we are, nyan," says Kuroka.

"You ready, Issei?" asks Koneko.

"Mmm..." says Issei. Huh? What's with the sudden stage fright?

Koneko and Kuroka, each with one arm locked around Issei, use their free arms to push open the doors. They all step outside. Issei's eyes squint at the bright lights, and readjust to a marvelous sight.



Confetti pops into the evening air. Several party horns are blown. A demonic DJ cranks the music at his booth. The entire front deck is swarmed with guests, dressed to the nines, all welcoming Issei to his birthday celebration.

Every major and minor character from the "High School DxD" series, everyone who has ever interacted with Issei regardless of their species (human, devil, dragon, etc.), is here.

"...cow," finishes Issei.

He takes a moment to bask, absorbing all the faces of all the people he loves, and who love him back; all the people who are here, just for him.

"Issei," says Rias.

He turns to see Rias (red dress), Asia (light green dress), Akeno (light purple dress), Xenovia (light blue dress), Irina (light yellow dress) and Rossweisse (silver dress) approach him. Koneko and Kuroka join them. Then all eight of his wives smile at him, giving him more love with their faces than their voices alone ever could.


Issei feels a tear slide down his cheek. He quickly wipes it away, and smiles back at his wives. "You all look...SO beautiful."

"Thank you, Issei, hmm-hmm," says Asia.

"You look very dashing yourself, ara ara," says Akeno.


Everyone stops what they're doing, and looks to see Sirzechs approaching Issei.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he announces to the crowd, putting his arm around Issei's shoulders. "Now that the man of the hour, my dear brother, has at last graced us with his presence, let us revel on this most auspicious of nights. So please, drink, laugh and dance to your heart's content. For tonight, we are all here because of one man. One incredible man who has given so much to us. And now in return, let us all give him a night to remember. To Issei!"

"To Issei!" repeats everyone, raising their drinks, followed by bouts of applause and whistling.

Issei glances around at all the faces cheering for him; Sirzechs, Grayfia, Millicas, Venelana, Zeoticus, Miki, Gorou, Kiba, Gasper, Bennia, Sona, Tsubaki, Saji, Ophis, Sairaorg, Riser, Ravel, Baraqiel, Vali, Le Fay, Ingvild, Yasaka, Kunou, Elmenhilde, Roygun and Azazel, just to name a few.

Issei smiles and gives them all a wave, spurring them into more applause.

Rias sighs at Sirzechs, and steals Issei away from him. "You just love to hear yourself talk, don't you?"

"Guilty as charged," chuckles Sirzechs.

"Come, Issei," says Rias, leadinghim towards the crowd as they all begin the festivities. His wives join him on opposite sides.

"Rias," says Issei, "you did all this for me?"

"For you, Issei," she says, "I'd give you the world, hmm-hmm. Oh, and the Underworld too."

"We all would, Issei," says Akeno.

"We love you so much," says Asia.

Issei sniffs, refusing to let himself cry. "Thanks, you guys. That means a lot."

"Happy birthday, Issei," says Grayfia. "Champagne?"

She appearswith nine glasses of champagne on a tray, wearing her usual maid outfit.

"Grayfia?" asks Issei. "Please tell me you're not working tonight."

"Of course not," says Grayfia. "I'm simply bringing my brother and his wives something to drink."

"Hmm-hmm, well, thank you," says Issei.

He and his wives each take a glass, and clank them together.

"Cheers!" says everyone before enjoying their drinks.

"Now, let's party!" shouts Issei for the whole ship to hear.

All of the guests cheer as Issei and his wives return their glasses onto Grayfia's tray. She bows and leaves them be.

But then she stops, puzzled by the nine glasses on her tray; eight of them are empty, but the ninth is still full, not a drop sipped. Grayfia gasps and looks back at the eight wives. Then she smiles to herself, and walks away.


As the yacht drifts across the bay, roughly twenty miles from shore, the party onboard carries on throughout the night.

Laughter, drinking and dancing fills the air.

Everyone of the guests makes an effort to approach Issei, shaking his hand, hugging him, giving him their thanks, congratulating him on his birthday, and offering him their presents.

Naturally, while he's happy and grateful, he also begins to feel overwhelmed. Asia notices his discomfort, takes his hand, and leads him out onto the dance floor, amidst the sea of dancers, just as a slow song begins to play.

Without any words, Asia and Issei smile at one another. She drapes her arms over his shoulders, and around his neck. He curls his arms around her waist, and pulls her in. They slowly step side to side, swaying along to the romantic rhythm while matching one another's pace.




She closes her eyes, and rests her face on his chest. He closes his own eyes, rests his chin atop her hair, and breathes in her scent.

She smells so sweet, he thinks. And she feels so soft. Then again, she always has. Hey...

As they dance, his mind wanders back to their time together on the Ferris wheel.


"Well, I was scared of…of Rias taking you away from me. I know, I know. That's a horrible thing to say, but…it's just how I felt. And it didn't help that, back then, I also felt like you didn't see me as a woman, but rather a sister."


Issei opens his eyes, and looks down at Asia in the middle of their dance.

I see, he thinks. Asia felt like she was playing second to Rias. And, well...she wasn't wrong to feel that way. Because I'M the one who made her feel that way.He lowers his head in shame. Dammit, how could I ever let her feel like I didn't love her as much as Rias? How could I ever let any of them feel like that?He glances at his other wives; some are dancing, some are speaking to the other guests, and some are watching him dance with Asia with hilarious jealousy.

He looks down at Asia again, and gently strokes her hair.

But Asia blamed herself for feeling that way, not me. So I told her I forgave her. I assured her that even though I had Rias, I still wanted her. And I made certain that she was always her own first, never Rias' second. Honestly, I don't know if that was enough, but that's why every day, for the rest of our lives, I'll remind her until it is.

He kisses the top of Asia's head.

She blushes and looks up at him. "Issei?"

"Sorry. Couldn't resist, hehe."

She smiles up at him.

"Ohhh!!!!" squeals two unseen voices.

Issei and Asia are startled to find Miki and Gorou standing inches away, watching them like a pair of hawks.

"You two are so cute," squeals Miki.

"So precious," squeals Gorou.

"Mom! Dad!" sighs Issei and Asia, both flushed with embarrassment.

Everyone breaks out into fits of laughter.

Huh, that's weird, thinks Issei. I spent all day trying to figure out my wives' flaws, but couldn't even come up with one. And yet, ever since I got on this boat, I've been knocking them out of the park one at a time. Hell, I'm already halfway done. Yes!Birthday orgy, hereI come! Wait, easy there, Issei. It's not over yet. Still gotta figure out the other half. Okay, then next on this list should be-

Just then, Issei feels two hands on both of his shoulders. and turns to see Irina and Xenovia.

"Darling," they say at once, "time for cake!"


Issei stands before his enormous, multi-flavored birthday cake, with all of the guests singing to him; Xenovia and Irina stand by his sides.

"Happy birthday to you," sings everyone, "happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Issei, happy birthday to you!"

As Issei blows out all the candles, everyone cheers, applauds and takes pictures.

"Uh," says Issei, looking around the table, "where's the cutting knife?"

"Don't worry, darling," says Xenovia, materializing her sword, the Morningstar Blade. "I got this!"

"Whoa, whoa, Xenovia!" panics Issei.

"Xenovia, stop!" says Irina, holding up the cutting knife. "The knife's right here."

"Oh, alright," pouts Xenovia, dematerializing her blade. "Man, I hardly ever get to use that sword."

Issei and Irina sigh in relief.

"Xenovia," says Irina, cutting the first piece of cake, "how 'bout I cut and you pass?"

"Certainly," responds Xenovia, grabbing the paper plates.

"Can I help?" asks Issei.

Xenovia cheerfully hands the first slice to Issei. "Not on your life, birthday boy, fufu."

"But I-" starts Issei before Irina sticks her frosting-covered finger into his mouth.

"Tastes good, doesn't it, darling?" she asks with a smile.

"Wow," says Issei. "That's the best thing I've ever tasted."

"Then we'll be sure everyone gets a slice," says Irina, cutting more pieces.

"We sure will," says Xenovia, passing out the slices to the guests. "So please, just enjoy."

"Well, don't mind if I do," says Issei, enjoying his cake.

Hmm,he thinks, watching his two wives work. Look at them. Whether it's battling devils or cutting cake, they always work so well in tandem. Well, they have been best friends for a long time. They know each other so well. And I'm so grateful I getto know them so well too. Hmm?

He stops eating his cake as his mind wanders back to that night he and Irina were together in her special room.


"The other girls can openly share their love and affection for you, but I have to be careful since I'm an angel. I can't be as outward or expressive with my feelings for you less I fall. Like I said, I can only make love to you in this room. But Rias and the other girls can do so anywhere."


Issei's mind wanders again, back to his time with Xenovia in the conquered castle's royal bathroom in Isekai Land.


"Please, Issei. I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm happy I did all those things, really. I guess…I was just afraid you didn't love me the way I loved you. And with so many other beautiful girls around you, I wouldn't blame you. I tried so hard…and still felt like…I was falling behind."


Issei resumes eating his cake, staring at Irina. I finally get it,he thinks. Irina worried I'd fall out of love with her since she couldn't be as romantic or forward with me as the other girls could, given the difference in our species. But Idon't care about that nonsense. Idon't care about the number of times Irina kisses me, hugs me, or...ahem, does other stuff with me. Orthat we can only perform said stuff in her special room. For me, it's about quality, not quantity. That's what it means to love, and I will always love her, angel or not.

Then he looks to Xenovia. As for Xenovia, well, it was the opposite problem. She feared she was being TOO forward in her advances...and that I was hardly taking any initiative myself. But I'm done treading lightly. I know how she feels about me, and her advances were how she expressed those feelings. I'd be wise to show her my feelings as well by actually making some advances on her. I'll never let her feel like she's falling behind again. Not her, notany of them.

Issei smiles to himself, and finishes the rest of his cake.

Hold the lotion, he thinks.Did I just figure out two more insecurities? Oh, hell, yeah, I'm on a roll! That means just two-

Another hand smacks onto Issei's shoulder. "Issei!"

"Gah!" panics Issei, dropping his empty paper plate and plastic fork. He finds Azazel standing behind him, enjoying his own slice of cake. "Azazel, what the hell? Are heart attacks your idea of a birthday present?"

"Well, wouldn't be the first time," laughs Azazel. "Speaking of presents, would you mindif I borrowed you and your ladies for a sec?"



While the loud party continues at the front of the yacht, Azazel, Issei and his eight wives are gathered in private in the back where it's quiet.

Rossweisse holds a glass of champagne, struggling to stand up straight, already drunk."Okay, Azazel-hic, you got us all here-hic."

"Is this gonna take long?" asks Kuroka. "I want more cake, nyan."

"Me too," says Xenovia.

"Me three," says Irina.

"You guys are gluttons," teases Koneko.

"Keep your shoes on, everybody," says Azazel. "The party's not going anywhere."

"Except across the ocean," teases Issei.

His joke triggers a few giggles among the girls.

"Hardy-flipping-har," teases Azazel, revealing a steel briefcase. "You know, if you guys are gonna be rude, I don't HAVE to give you your special gift..."

"We're sorry, Azazel," says Asia.

"But you know it's ISSEI'S birthday, right?" says Akeno.

"Yes," says Rias. "Shouldn't your gift be just for him?"

"Haha, well, it could be," says Azazel. "But then, you'd all be missing out on the fun." He opens the briefcase, revealing what's inside.


"What the what?" asks Issei.

"Oh, you were expecting a hundred million yen?" teases Azazel.

Inside the briefcase are nine silver amulets, worn as necklaces, placed in a 3x3 formation. Placed beneath each amulet are two colored jewels, one red ruby, one blue sapphire.

Rias seizes the briefcase from Azazel in disbelief. "Azazel! Are, they can't be."

"Dream amulets?" implies Azazel. "Mmm-hmm."

Akeno appears just as bewildered. "How did you...where did you-"

"Made 'em myself," says Azazel.

"No way," says Koneko, bewildered.

"Liar, nyan," says Kuroka, bewildered.

"It was easy," says Azazel. "The hard part was collecting the right materials."

"Uh, dream amulets?" asks Issei.

"Tell me, Issei," says Azazel, "are you familiar with the concept of lucid dreaming?"

"Uh..." replies Issei.

"Pff, yah!" shouts Rossweisse. "You mean the ability to-hic recognize when you're dreaming-hic, and keep yourself-hic asleep so that you can enjoy and-hic control the dream? Of course, we're-hic familiar with lucid dreaming!" She stumbles right up to Azazel, and thrusts her drink in his face. "What ya take us for, Ass-saze-hole! Idiots-hic? Hehe."

"Somebody please," says Azazel.

Both Xenovia and Irina comically ease Rossweisse away from Azazel.

"Yeah-hic, you better run," says Rossweisse.

"Anyway, Azazel," says Issei, "what you're saying is those things can..."

"Let me spell it out for you, kid," says Azazel, retrieving the briefcase from Rias. "Lucid dreaming is almost impossible to master on your own." He sets the briefcase, and picks up one amulet and one sapphire. "But if you insert the blue jewel into one of these babies..." He inserts the sapphire into the amulet's center, and then puts the amulet on around his neck. "And just wear it whileyou sleep, then viola! Instant lucid dreaming."

"Whoa, really?" asks Issei.

"Yep," replies Azazel. "Oh, and this goes without saying, but the magic doesn't activate if you wear the amulet while you're awake."

"So if we were to wear those in our sleep," says Asia, "we'd be able to control our dreams?"

"Ooh, that sounds like fun," says Xenovia.

"We could do whatever we want," says Irina.

"Ara ara, that's true," says Akeno."After all, anything can happen in a dream."

"Yes, you'll be able to do anything you want," says Azazel, removing the sapphire from the amulet. "That is, so long as you attach the sapphires. Without them, these amulets are nothing but jewelry." He returns the sapphire into the briefcase.

"Okay, that IS a pretty sick gift," says Issei.

"Told ya so," says Azazel. He removes his amulet, but doesn't return it to the briefcase.

Just imagine, thinks Issei. With one of those,I could make love to my wives in my dreams. I mean, sure, I'm already making love to them every nightbefore I sleep, hehe. But now, even AS I sleep, I could still keep making love to them. Plus, since things like time and fatigue don't exist in a dream, I could have non-stop sex with them forever!Hell yeah!

Azazel picks up another amulet out of the briefcase, now holding two in his hand. Then he picks up two rubies out of the briefcase.

"But Azazel," says Issei, "if all we need are the blue jewels, what's with those red ones?"

"Hmm-hmm," says Azazel, handing Issei an amulet and ruby."Why don't you explain it to him, Gremory?"He hands the other amulet and ruby to Rias.

"Huh? Um, well..." says Rias, blushing.

"Rias?" asks Issei.

"Hmm," says Rias, smiling."Issei, using these rubies, you and I can share the same dream."

"Huh?" asks Issei.

"You know how we're always going on dates?" asks Rias. "Well, what if we could do so in our dreams?"

"Like me go on a date with you? Not a dream version of you, but you-you?" asks Issei.

"Yes, me-me, hmm-hmm," replies Rias. "All we'd have to do is this."She inserts her ruby into her amulet, and then puts the amulet on. "Now you try."

"Okay," says Issei. Following Rias' lead, he inserts the ruby into his amulet, and then puts it on.

"Wow, that looks good on you, Issei," says Asia.

"Hehe, thanks," says Issei. "So Rias..."

"If you and I were to go to sleep right now," says Rias, "we'd see each other in the same dream."

"Really?" asks Issei.

"That's right," says Azazel. "The sapphires are standalone, but the rubies can connect. So if all nine of you were to wear them in your sleep, you'd all be in the same dream together."

The girls trade giddy looks with one another while Issei becomes lost in his own world.

Oh, double hell yeah!thinks Issei. So with the blue jewel, I could make love to my wives in my dreams. Which of course, is never a bad thing. But with the red jewel...I could make love to my ACTUAL wives in my dreams.We could have real life orgies followed bydream orgies!!!!

Issei cups his nose, preventing his inevitable nosebleed. "Azazel, my man, thank you! This is the best birthday present ever!"

"Oh-ho-ho, but it gets even better," says Azazel.

"B-b-b-better?" asks Issei, overwhelmed with excitement. "I don't think I can do better."

"Issei," says Azazel, "let's say you were in the Underworld, and all of your wives were still here in Japan. Well, guess what?"

"What?" asks Issei.

"The amulets would still work," replies Azazel.

Issei gasps in surprise. The joy is becoming too much for him. "For real?" he asks.

"For real," says Azazel. "No matter the distance, or even the dimension, the ruby amulets will still connect you and your wives into the same dream."

"Wow," says Asia. "That IS special."

"Right? Azazel, I don't know what to say," says Rias.

"Yeah, me neither," says Issei.

"No sweat, kiddo," says Azazel. "If anything, this helps everyone."

"It does?" asks Issei.

"Sure," replies Azazel. "Issei, as the Red Dragon Emperor, your life is gonna get a lot busier as you get older. Which means you probably aren't gonna have as much time with your wives as you do now. But that time is crucial to your power, because it's directly linked to your sexual nature. And I fear that the less time you spend with your wives, the weaker you'll become. And we can't have the Grabbin' Dragon getting weak, can we?"

"Damn, I didn't even think about that," says Issei.

"So," says Azazel, "I thoughtsince wealready spend one third of our lives asleep, why not use THAT time to make up for the lost time? In your dreams, you could go on dates, catch up, and...well, you know, hehe."

Issei embraces Azazel as he comically weeps. "Thank you, Azazel! I love you, man!"

Azazel sighs and hilariously pushes Issei off him. "All good, kiddo. Like I said, this is for the good of all."

"Right," says Issei,removing his amulet and returning it to Azazel. "I swear I'll put these amulets to good use."

"That's the spirit," says Azazel, returning the amulet into the briefcase."Hey, Gremory, can I get the"

He and Issei only just now notice the eight wives in a group huddle, taking turns inspecting and wearing the other ruby amulet while cheerfully sharing their ideas.

"First the special room and now this," says Rias.

"I know," says Asia. "I feel so spoiled."

"I'm gonna have so much fun with Issei in my dreams, ara ara," says Akeno.

"The stuff I'm gonna do to Issei," says Koneko, "he's never gonna wanna wake up."

"Oh, nyan," says Kuroka, "not if I trap him in my dream first."

"Come on, guys," says Irina, "let's find a proper way to share dream-time with Issei, just like we did with the special rooms."

"She's right," says Rias.

"Hold up," says Xenovia. "You can't make babies in a dream. Well, you could, but-"

"Hey-hic," says Rossweisse, "if ya don't-hic want you amulet, Xenovia-hic, I'll gladly-"

"No! I definitely want mine," says Xenovia.

"Me too," says Irina.

"Me three," says Asia.

Issei and Azazel watch the eight wives bicker, and then trade awkward grins.

"Ah, there you are, Issei," says an unseen voice.

Sirzechs appears from around the corner behind Azazel.

"Oh, hey, bro," says Issei.

"Sorry to keep pulling you around," says Sirzechs, "but it's about time for your speech."

"Speech? Ah, sh*t," says Issei.


Later in the hallway outside the restrooms.

Issei emerges woozily from the men's restroom, and exhales. "Mmm. A speech? But I suck at those."

"Hi, darling."Akeno appears next to Issei, and locks arms.

"Oh, Akeno? Were you in the restroom-dah?"He feels her enormous bosoms squishing onto his arm. "Aw, hehe."

"Ara ara, does this still turn you on?"

"Oh-ho-ho, it sure does. I promise I'll never get tired of your body, Akeno."

"Hmm-hmm, that makes me so happy."

They gaze deep into each other's eyes for a moment.



They lean their faces in for another kiss.

"Ahem," says an unseen voice.

"Gah!" panics Issei. "Oh, hi, Rias."

Rias stands in the corner of the hallway, leaning against the wall, arms folded. "I take my eyes off you for two seconds."

"Ara ara," says Akeno, "some things never change."

"Clearly," says Rias.

She storms down the hallway, locks arms with Issei's free arm, and drags him off; Akeno follows, still locked onto his other arm.

Oh, boy, déjà vu, he thinks.

"You know you still have a speech to give, Issei," says Rias.

"Right, my bad," says Issei.

"Don't worry, darling," says Akeno. "We can pick this up another time. Maybe in a dream tonight, ara, ara."

"Hehe, yeah," says Issei.

They walk through the indoor bar area, filled with guests enjoying themselves. Many notice the birthday boy and a beautiful wife on each of his arms striding through the room; they give him thumbs-ups and raise their glasses.

Walking with a goddess on each arm on my birthday, thinks Issei. Another one off the bucket list, hehe.

As he glances at Akeno's celestial face, his mind wanders back to the night they were together in the love hotel.


"I'm scared, darling," she weeps, holding his hand against her face. "I'm scared the moment I stop touching you, you'll disappear."


Issei, Akeno and Rias continue walking through the bar area.

Oh, man, thinks Issei. Now that I think of it, Akeno's insecurity was two-fold, wasn't it? First, she was worried she'dalways remind me of Raynare, since they're bothfallen angels. But I blocked that out. I accepted Akeno as she is,and I love her as she is, fallen angel or not. And second, as a man in her life, one of the VERY FEW good men in her life, she was afraid she'd lose me. Whether to the other girls or to death itself. But I called her my favorite; I promised I'd love her just as much as Rias, which I also eventually and FINALLY did with the other girls too. AND I promised her that I'd grow stronger WITH her, so that we'd both live long and happy lives together. And I'll stand by that vow. For her. For everyone.

Akeno notices the way Issei's smiling at her, and blushes. "D-darling..."

"Huh?" asks Issei. "Oh, my bad." Then he turns and smiles at Rias.

Alright, alright, alright, he thinks. That's seven down, and just one to go. Now, what was Rias' flaw?

"Okay, Issei," says Rias. "You ready?"

"Huh?" asks Issei.

"Break a leg, darling, ara ara," says Akeno.

Issei only just realizes they've led him outside onto the stage, just as the band stops playing and makes way for him to give his speech.

"Ah, sh*t," he says.


A few moments later.

Everyone mingles around the stage. Issei stands before them holding a microphone, and wipes the sweat from his brow.

You got this, man, he thinks. You got this.

His wives notice how nervous he appears.

"He's so cute," whispers Asia.

"He really is," whispers Koneko.

All of the girls giggle in unison.

Issei takes a breath, and taps the microphone. "Testing-"


Everyone on board covers their ears.

"Sorry, sorry," says Issei into the microphone.I ain't got sh*t.

Once the guests regain their hearing, Issei clears his throat and speaks into the microphone.

"Good evening, everyone," he starts. "First, thank you all so much for coming out tonight. I hope the, uh, the drinks, yeah, the drinks are to your liking."

A few sympathetic chuckles among the crowd.

"I, uh," continues Issei, "I wish I could express how grateful I am to all of you for all that you've done for me. I never in my wildest dreams would've imagined myself standing here before so many amazing, wonderful people. Thank you all for everything you've done for me."

A few spurts of applause and whistles echo from among the crowd.

"I..." says Issei.




Everyone stares at Issei, waiting for him to speak, worried about his silence.

Issei looks down at his ring.


Issei smiles, and speaks back into the microphone. "Of course, the ones I owe the most are the eight most special women in my life."

A spotlight shines on Rias and the others, and the whole ship applauds. The girls appear flustered and flattered by all the sudden attention.

"My greatest dream," says Issei, "was to have a harem."

A few more chuckles among the crowd. Issei chuckles with them.

"I know, I know, hehe. And the thing is...I thought I'd have to work hard to get a harem. To find several attractive women, not, NOT just physically attractive, that is, hehe. Ahem, to find attractive women, and to, well, to love them. To care for them. To protect them."


"But...I didn't think...the very women who were always around me, the women in the Occult Research Club, my fellow Gremory pieces...I didn't think THEY were the ones who'd end up in my harem."

Rias and the others listen to their husband in earnest.

"Don't get me wrong," says Issei, "of course, I wanted them in my harem. I absolutely wanted all of them in my harem. I just didn't think THEY wanted to be in my harem. And I was wrong to think that. But instead of apologizing, I want to say thank you. Rias, Asia, Akeno, Kon-Shirone, Xenovia, Irina, Rossweisse, Kuroka...thank you. Thank you for waiting for me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for accepting all of me, good and bad. Thank you...for everything."

"Aw," says the crowd.

The girls wipe their eyes before their tears of joy ruin their makeup.

"And I just want you all to know," says Issei, "that I forgive myself."

While everyone else trades puzzled looks, the girls stare at Issei in surprise.

"I forgive myself for taking so long to recognize my feelings for all of you, and for not acting on them sooner. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again; you're all my favorites. I love you all the same. I always will."


The girls beam with happiness and pride, allowing their happy tears to fall.

Asia steps forward."Issei, it's us who are grateful to you."

Irina steps forward. "That's right, darling. You've given us more than just love."

Xenovia steps forward. "You've given us a home, a sense of belonging."

Rossweisse steps forward, suddenly sober. "A chance to become the best versions of ourselves."

Kuroka steps forward. "The debt we owe you is something we can never repay, but I know we can try, nyan," she says, presenting her breasts.

Koneko steps forward. "This life with you has been a paradise, Issei."

Akeno steps forward. "And if that's what the rest of our lives will be like, ara ara, then it was more than worth the wait."

Rias steps forward. "We love you, Issei Hyoudou. We'll always love you. And we are so proud of you."

Issei gasps, on the verge of tears himself.

"Thank you for loving us, darling," says all the wives at once.

The entire crowd explodes into rapturous applause.

Issei wipes the tears from his eyes, and smiles at his wives. They all join him on stage and exchange kisses. Then Rossweisse insistsIssei give her the microphone, so he does, albeit in confusion.

"Also, Issei," she says for the whole crowd to hear. "We're grateful for you being a pervert."

"HUH?" panics Issei, flushed with embarrassment.

The entire crowd laughs.Rossweisse hands the microphone over to Akeno.

"Ara ara, think about it, darling," says Akeno. "If you were just a normal boy who wanted one girlfriend, the rest of us wouldn't get to be with you like this, and we'd all be heartbroken." She hands the microphone to Asia.

"But," says Asia, "the fact that you're so perverted and wanted so many women turned out to be a blessing."

"Um, uh..." says Issei as Asia gives Koneko the microphone.

"And so," says Koneko, "because we know other women are BOUND to fall for you, we've decided as a group that we're okay with you expanding your harem."

"Wait, what?" asks Issei as Konekogives the microphone to Kuroka.

"As long as you love them just as much as us, nyan," says Kuroka before giving the microphone to Xenovia.

"And especially as long as your love for us doesn't dwindle," says Xenovia before Irina grabs the microphone.

"If you can do that, darling," says Irina, "then feel free to add as many women as you'd like, hmm-hmm."

"I, uh..." stutters Issei as Irina gives Rias the microphone.

"You have our blessing, Issei," says Rias. "This is our ultimate birthday present to you, dear husband, hmm-hmm. Enjoy!"

Everyone cheers and applauds. All of the wives squeeze Issei in a shared hug.

I'm not sure whether I should be offended or grateful, thinks Issei, buried beneath all his wives' ample bosoms. But I sure know one thing; all these boobs arethe tit*, hehe.


While everyone cheers for Issei and his wives, a handful of guests at the back talk amongst themselves;Ravel, Le Fay, Elmenhilde, Roygun, Kunou, Yasaka and Ingvild.

"Did you hear that?" asks Roygun.

"Heck yeah, I did," replies Le Fay.

"An all-clear if there ever was one," says Elmenhilde.

"Um, uh," stutters Ingvild, blushing. "So that means we can...with Issei...oh!"

"Mother," says Kunou, tugging on Yasaka's dress. "Does this mean we can marry Issei too?"

"Indeed, it does, dear," says Yasaka, petting her daughter's head.

"Okay, hold up," says Ravel. "We should lay out some ground rules on who goes first. How 'bout-"

"Excuse me," says Azazel.

The seven girls yelp, and whirl around to find Azazel holding a second steel briefcase.

"Azazel?!" shouts Ravel. "You nearly gave me a heart-"

"You ladies like dream amulets?" he interrupts.

"Don't interrupt," seethes Ravel. "Can't you see we're having a private-did you say dream amulets?"

Azazel flips open the briefcase, revealing seven more amulets, each one with just a sapphire next to them; no rubies in this briefcase.

"Oh, my," says Ingvild.

"Very nice," says Roygun.

"Azazel..." starts Ravel, grateful.

"Oh, don't get the wrong idea," says Azazel, setting the briefcase down. "This is still Issei's present. He just doesn't know about it."

"Huh?" asks Ravel.

"You heard his wives," says Azazel. "Plus, the more lovers he gets, the stronger he'll become, and the more people he'll be able to protect. So before you all become his official lovers, you can spend time with your own Issei in your dreams, training yourselves for the real thing when that time comes. Go on, help yourselves."

One by one, each girl cheerfully grab an amulet and sapphire out of the briefcase.

"And I promise," says Azazel, "when you graduate from Issei's lovers to his wives, you'll get the rubies too."

"Thank you, Azazel," says Elmenhilde, staring at her amulet.

"Oh-ho, this is gonna be fun," says Le Fay, salivating at her amulet.

With only two amulets and sapphires left in the briefcase, Kunou reaches for one of each. But Yasaka gently touches her arm, stopping her, and takes both amulets and sapphires.

"Hey, Mother," pouts Kunou.

"You're a little too young for this, dear, hmm-hmm," says Yasaka, kneeling down to her daughter's eye-level. "But if you're a good girl, it'll be yours on your eighteenth birthday. Promise."

"Mmm, okay," pouts Kunou, comically.

Azazel and the other girls giggle.


Some time later. While the party continues, Issei stands alone at the railing, taking a much-needed breather.

He sips his drink, leans against the rail, and stares at the full moon shining over the horizon.

"Good evening, husband," says an unseen voice.

He's startled as a pair of slender armswrap around his chest from behind, and a soft sensation presses against his back. He knows that sensation better than anyone, and smiles at the woman behind him.

"Good evening, Rias," he says.

Rias snuggles up to Issei's side. "Aren't you cold?"

Issei wraps his arm around her waist, and pulls her in close. "Not anymore."


He offers her his drink. She takes it, and enjoys a sip. They both stare at the horizon together, echoing the morning they spent on the balcony three months ago, when they were discussing the honeymoon plan.

Issei stares at Rias as a light breeze lifts her crimson hair. He gasps, and his mind wanders back to the day they were in her special room, designed to look like the ORC clubroom.


"Issei...I know I won't always have you to myself. There will be times where I'll have no choice but to wait, just like the other girls have had to. And it was hard, but necessary. I guess...that's just part of being in a harem."


Rias closes her eyes, and leans her head on Issei's shoulder.

Of course, he thinks. I know exactly what her flaw was. She was worried that I wouldn't love her anymore, because of the other women in my life. For so long, I put Rias on a pedestal, made her feel like she meant more to me than the other girls. So when I spent time with the other girls, even though Rias said sheaccepted my harem dream, she still felt insecure. And she had every right to feel that way. But not for a singlefrickin'second did my feelings for her ever waver. In fact, I say our time apart only enhanced them. I mean, what's that Dad always said? "Abstinence makes the dick grow harder?" Nah, the point is...I'll never run out of love for Rias. She's the woman who changed the course of my life, my destiny, my...some other third thing. I'll always love her. I'llalways love them all.

Issei kisses Rias on the cheek. Her face lights up like the fourth of July.


He just smiles at her. "I love you, Rias."

Rias gasps, and blushes feverishly."I love you too, Issei. So very much."

As the full moon bathes the sea in a luminous glow, Issei and Rias close the distance between their lips. Then they resume staring at the horizon.

Holy crap, thinks Issei. I did it! I actually figured out all eight of my wives' insecurities. YES! Birthday orgy, here I-


The sound of someone tapping their glass draws the crowd's attention, including Issei and Rias'.They trade looks, and make their way towards the scene.


The music stops, and all of the guests stand before Akeno, tapping her glass.

"Could I have everyone's attention, please? I have an announcement," she says.

The other wives stand behind her in bewilderment.

"What's going on?" asks Xenovia.

"No clue," replies Irina.

Issei and Rias make their way to the front.

"Akeno?" asks Rias.

"What's up?" asks Issei.

Akeno turns to Issei, and all of a sudden...everything just stops.


An expression fills Akeno's face; one Issei's never seen her with before. Meanwhile, the only expression on his face is one of concern.


"Issei...darling...I..." she says.

"What is it?" he asks, worried.


Akeno approaches Issei until they're inches apart, and holds out her hand. He blinks at her hand, looks up at her face, and then back at her hand. He looks her in the eye, and takes her hand.

She smiles, and places his hand on her abdomen.




Every pair of eyes on the ship widens in disbelief. Several gasps erupt from the crowd.

Issei feels his very soul escape his body. "A-Akeno?"

Tears of joy slide down Akeno's smiling face. "Issei...I'm pregnant."




Before Issei can respond-


Everyone panics and turns to Baraqiel; he's down on his hands and knees, hilariously sobbing like a child.

"My first grandchild," he sobs. "I can't believe it! I'm so happy!"

Gorou drops next to Baraqiel, sobbing just as hard."I know, right? Look at us, Baraqiel! We're grandpas now!"

"Put it there, fellow grandpa!"

As the two sobbing grown men clasp their hands, Miki appears behind them, engulfed in a terrifying aura.

"Uh, honey?" asks Gorou, petrified.

Miki comically yanks both of them up by their ears."How dare you two spoil the mood!"

"Ow, ow, ow!" whines Gorou and Baraqiel in unison. "We're sorry, ow, ow, ow!"

Everyone on the boat laughs like crazy, whereas Issei facepalms himself while Akeno averts her red cheeks.

"Issei," says Miki.

"Hmm?" asks Issei.

Miki looks to her son, smiling and crying. "Sweetie...don't you have anything to say? Your wife is waiting for you."


Issei turns back to Akeno.She is in fact waiting for him to speak. Everyone watches them in anxious silence.




Issei gently takes Akeno's shoulders as the tears fill his eyes, and a smile fills his face.

"Akeno...thank you. I love you."

"Ara ara, what're you thanking me for, darling?"

"I just...I don't have the words."

Tears stream down his face as he steps closer, and gently embraces Akeno. She hugs him back; his body shudders within her arms as he cries.

"Issei...I love you."

They exchange smiles, and share a passionate kiss, one that leaves all their previous kisses behind. More congratulatory applause erupts from the entire ship, echoing across the whole ocean.The other wives swarm Issei and Akeno, crying their eyes out.

"Congratulations, Akeno!" cheers Rossweisse.

"I'm so thrilled for you, nyan," says Kuroka.

"We all are, way to go," says Koneko.

"I'm gonna be an aunt? Ooh, I can't wait," gushes Irina.

"Thank you all," says Akeno. "Sorry I didn't tell you before. I just..."

Xenovia gently takes Akeno's hand. "Akeno, I know I said I wanted Issei's babies since day one. But I'm telling you right now, I am over the moon with happiness for you."

"You are?" asks Akeno.

"Absolutely," replies Xenovia.

"Same goes for me, Akeno," says Asia. "This is what all of us have dreamed of, and I'm so glad it's happening. Congratulations, sister."

"Oh, Asia, all of you," says Akeno.

Rias steps forward, and embraces Akeno. "You're going to be a wonderful mother."

Akeno smiles, cries and hugs Rias back. "Thank you, Rias."

Issei stares at his wives showering Akeno with praise. He chuckles at himself.

"A dad," he whispers under his breath. "I'm gonna be a dad."

Akeno saunters over to Issei, and whispers in his ear. "Don't worry, darling. We can still make plenty of love in our dreams, ara ara." She blows into his ear, which makes him shudder.

"Hehe," he says.


Everyone looks up as fireworks fill the sky, launching over the boat, accompanied by rock-n-roll music blasting from the DJ booth.

"Whoa," says Issei.

Everyone gathers around, watching and cheering as the dazzling spectacle colors the night sky. All of Issei's wives scrunch around him. In one arm, he holds Rias; in the other, he holds Akeno, who smiles and touches her abdomen.

My name is Issei Hyoudou,he thinks.

Heart-shaped fireworks explode in the sky.

I am the Red Dragon Emperor.


Hours later inside the yacht's most luxurious bedroom, Issei lays naked in the massive bed, hands behind his head, and a perverted smile on his face.

I am a harem king!

All eight of Issei's naked wives crawl towards him on the bed.

And I love happy endings. Both kinds, that is, hehe.

The eight ruby amulets rest on the bedside table, awaiting their use.

Not as much as I love orgies, AND dream orgies, hehe. Till next time, goodnight,everybody!


The Harem King's Honeymoons - Chapter 10 - MillennialBard0 - ハイスクール DxD - 石踏 一榮 | High School DxD (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.