Pillars of Love - princesssssxyxx - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Pink hair spiraled around a pale face as the wind swept by. Green eyes stared intensely at the setting sun, ears focused on the sounds of the birds and the leaves as they swayed with the breeze. It was all Mitsuri Kanroji could do to find some inner peace. She inhaled, exhaled, focused on the sound of her blood rushing through her veins, the way the sweet air filled her lungs, the feeling of the earth beneath her body as she sat on a ledge that overlooked the valley.

It had been a hard day, full of intense flexibility training that the younger Demon Slayers found taxing and difficult. Of course, Mitsuri enjoyed it, but it was definitely an acquired skill that not many appreciated. Nonetheless, she happily fulfilled her part of the training program with a smile and a cheery disposition. Every single aspect of this training program was essential in the long run, and she was determined to do her part in the overall goal to kill Muzan Kibutsuji.

But after long days of practice and training, Mitsuri enjoyed the simple pleasures of life. She enjoyed peaceful evenings, overlooking the valley, and…

The grass rustled to her left, and a figure sat down wordlessly. She smiled to herself at the disturbance, turning to her left to greet the person who’d joined her, “Iguro-san! It’s so good to see you here after a long day of work!”

Obanai Iguro took to visiting Mitsuri most evenings after training, before his nightly sparring sessions with Sanemi Shinazugawa, and more recently Muichiro Tokito. Mitsuri warned him about over exerting himself too much; his own training sessions with the Demon Slayers was no less taxing that Mitsuri’s, and she worried he would overwork himself and burn out. But he also enjoyed his nightly sessions with his friends, despite his cold demeanor saying otherwise, and Mitsuri didn’t have the heart to try and convince him to fully stop.

“How was your day, Kanroji-san?” Obanai asked, his voice low and his disposition calm. Kaburamaru, his loyal snake, rested peacefully around his shoulders, as if he were sleeping.

“Oh, it was wonderful! Tanjiro and his two friends joined us today for a full day of stretching and flexibility testing, his boar headed friend is almost as flexible as me, I would say! Then, we enjoyed a big lunch. Kocho-san paid me a visit with little Nezuko! She’s doing well, she’s speaking more and more every day! I’m so excited to finally have a proper conversation with her!” Mitsuri prattled on, while Obanai stayed silent, quietly listening to her vent about her day. This was what their time together mostly consisted of: Mitsuri loved to talk, and Obanai loved to listen to her, even if she was talking about one of his least favorite people at the moment.

Mid conversation, Obanai pulled out something from his haori, “Here,” he said, handing her a small bento box. Mitsuri squealed in delight as she took it from him, “Thank you, Iguro-san! What’s in it?” She carefully opened the lid, and her eyes lit up when she saw the pink Sakura mochi inside, “Ah, Iguro-san! How did you know I was craving Sakura mochi!” She took one out and popped it into her mouth, savoring the sweetness with a content squeal, “You’re the best!”

Without thinking, she leaned over and wrapped an arm around the Serpent Hashira’s upper arms, pulling him in for an embrace. Kaburamaru tightened around his master’s shoulders, and Obanai shifted around uncomfortably, but he didn’t push her away or try to outwardly express his discomfort. Mitsuri was the only person he allowed to touch him in such a way, and he secretly basked in moments like this where she expressed such outward appreciation of him.

“Do you want one?” She asked, pushing the box closer to him. He paused briefly, but he nodded, taking one with his small, slim fingers. He resumed facing forward, pulling his bandages down to take a bite of the mochi while Mitsuri continued to happily chew on the one in her mouth, not looking at him directly.

It was an unspoken rule that had developed during their friendship. Mitsuri never looked at him directly when he pulled his bandages down to eat, which he only did in front of her. While she was curious as to what lay underneath the white bandages, she knew better than to ask, and she also knew better than to try and sneak a peek. Obanai trusted her, and it made her heart flutter to know she was the only person he trusted with letting his guard down like this.

As soon as he was done, he fixed his bandages so that his mouth was once again covered, “Are you still hungry?” He asked, noticing she’d finished the rest of the mochi, “We could visit the ramen shop nearby.”

Mitsuri’s eyes immediately lit up as she stood, nearly jumping for joy, “Oh, Iguro-san! I’d like that very much!”

She could see his bandages shift slightly as he smiled, “Then, let’s go. My treat.”

“You always pay, Iguro-san! Let me pay for once, I know my food expenses are quite high!” Mitsuri pleaded.

Obanai shook his head, “Let’s go.”

After a hearty meal at the ramen shop, where Mitsuri ate six bowls of tonkotsu ramen, five plates of spicy chicken, and three baskets of dumplings, the two walked back to Mitsuri’s home. This was another part of their evenings together that Mitsuri enjoyed; Obanai always walked her back home, and he wouldn’t leave until he was sure she was safely inside. Their walks usually consisted of Mitsuri talking and Obanai listening, like usual, but tonight, Mitsuri was uncharacteristically quiet, and Obanai noticed this.

“Is something wrong?” He asked as they rounded a corner. Her home came into view, and it made Mitsuri want to do anything to further delay the inevitable; Obanai departing.

“N-No!” She laughed nervously as she tried to act normal, “Of course not!”

“Hm.” Obanai halted at the gate, “Something is wrong. You can tell me if you want, Kanroji-san, I don’t want to depart on bad terms.”

“W-We could never depart on bad terms!” Mitsuri assured him. Her face turned a shade of red as she reached out to grab his hands, an act that made his eyes widen in surprise, “I just—,” she caught herself from overstepping, searching his heterochromia eyes as they stared widely back at her.

She realized then that she did overstep, and it made her blush even more vividly. She released his soft, warm hands, the sensation lingering as she clenched her fists and tried to smile as cheerfully as possible, “Thank you for the ramen, I enjoyed our meal together!”

Obanai seemed to want to say something else, but he stopped as he sniffed, “What’s that smell?” He asked, glancing behind Mitsuri. Kaburamaru also seemed to be intrigued, lifting his small head as his tongue darted in and out of his mouth.

“Ah! I haven’t shown you yet!” Mitsuri, glad for the distraction, pulled Obanai past the gate and to the left of her home, where she kept her bees, “Ta-da!” She beamed as she dramatically showed off her new additions to her home, “What do you think?”

“Bees?” Obanai co*cked up a brow, crossing his arms over his chest as he studied the rows of bee nests.

“Yes! Their honey is perfect for pancakes and bread, don’t you know?” The realization that he had tried her new favorite delicacy made her gasp in horror, “Oh! You haven’t tried it yet? Please, you must try some, Iguro-san!”

Obanai hesitated, shifting from foot to foot. He was supposed to meet with Sanemi in another hour or so, for another night of sparring, but an invitation into Mitsuri’s home was nearly impossible to deny, especially since she’d recently dined with Tanjiro. Obanai was still livid with the knowledge that Tanjiro had tried these famous pancakes with Mitsuri before he could, and it made his blood boil to know that Mitsuri had gotten so close to someone else. When he gave a slight nod of consent, Mitsuri giggled in delight and grabbed onto his arm, dragging him into her house.

Inside, it was warm. The two removed their shoes at the entrance and padded into her small kitchen, which was decorated with shades of pink, green, blue, and light brown. She rambled on happily as she began cooking, while Obanai sat at the small table on the tatami mats on the floor. Kaburamaru slithered off his shoulders and wrapped himself up into a ball on the floor next to him, seemingly at peace. The room began to grow warm, and the sweet scent of the honey Mitsuri poured onto the pancakes she’d made wrapped around Obanai’s nose.

“Here we are!” Mitsuri set down a plate of fluffy pancakes, topped with butter and honey, on the table. She set down a set of utensils Obanai recognized, but had never used before: a fork and a knife. She had another set for herself, and she situated herself across from him. Obanai followed her lead, watching as she cut a piece off for herself. He followed the movements she did, cutting off his own small piece. He set the knife down to carefully pull down his bandages, quickly stuffing the small piece into his mouth.

The pancakes were sweet, but not overbearingly so. He could still taste the fluffiness of the pancake, and the butter helped balance out the flavors. Mitsuri watched him expectantly, waiting for his approval, “Well?”

“They’re good.” He said with a nod of approval, earning a smile from Mitsuri, “I knew you’d like them! A perfect balance of sweetness and warmth from the pancakes, they’re my new favorite snack!”

He took a few more bites, but Mitsuri was the one who finished the plate, sighing contently as she set her utensils down, “Iguro-san, thank you for spending time with me today.” She said absently, not even realizing she’d spoken. Obanai nodded as she blushed, “I enjoyed our time together.” He answered.

Mitsuri’s blush deepened as she looked at him. She spotted a small speck of pancake at the tip of a strand of his black hair, “Oh, Iguro-san,” she began, reaching over to brush the piece out of his hair. She didn’t realize how close she’d gotten to him, though; before she knew it, their faces were much closer together, so much so that Obanai instinctively pulled back. Realizing her mistake, Mitsuri shrank away, eyes wide, “Please, forgive me Iguro-san, I didn’t realize I was so close! You just had some pancakes in your hair!”

Obanai nodded stiffly, “It’s alright. I know you meant well.”

As he shifted again, Mitsuri caught sight of something just barely peeking above the neckline of his navy blue uniform. It was a purplish mark, and she immediately recognized it as a bruise, “Iguro-san, are you hurt?” She asked, eyes trained on his neck.

Obanai sheepishly shook his head, placing his hand in the way of the bruise, “Nothing I can’t handle. Tokito has been showing off since he faced an Upper Moon, and Sanemi-san is always relentless.”

“Oh, but you shouldn’t get purposely hurt!” Mitsuri whined, shaking her head, “Here, I have some ointment from Kocho-san in the other room, let me put some on to help your wounds heal faster.” She didn’t give Obanai a chance to respond; she grabbed his arm and hoisted him up, dragging him into the other room. Kaburamaru merely glanced at them as they left, but made no move to follow his master.

She set him down on the floor before rummaging through a cabinet, “I know I have some here…,” she murmured to herself, determined to find what she was looking for. Obanai sat patiently, knowing that once Mitsuri was set on something, she wouldn’t stop until it had been completed.

“Ah, ta-da!” She sang triumphantly as she produced a small glass bottle of ointment. She returned to Obanai, sitting in front of him on the tatami mat on the floor, “Here, this can go on your bruises!”

Obanai hesitated, but he obliged, tilting his head to the side as he hooked his finger under the collar of his uniform and pulled it down slightly, allowing Mitsuri to dab some of the ointment onto the area with her fingers. She frowned as she worked, “You work yourself too hard, Iguro-san!” She chastised him, “Aren’t you working hard enough during your training sessions with the Demon Slayers?”

“Tch, if you could call them Demon Slayers.” Obanai scoffed, “They let anyone join the corps now, most of these newcomers wouldn’t last in a real battle.”

“How many bruises do you have?” Mitsuri asked, worry in her voice.

“Not that many, I can assure you.” Obanai replied calmly, in a soft, assuring voice, “You needn’t worry about me.”

“But I don’t want you to get so thoughtlessly hurt!” Mitsuri insisted, shaking her head again, “You bought me ramen again, so let me repay your kindness!”

Obanai co*cked up a brow, somewhat annoyed by her persistence. He knew she meant well, but this was the nature of a Hashira; she should know better than anyone else that training with lower ranked corps members just wasn’t enough for warriors of their caliber. Sparring with the other Hashira proved to be much better training in the long run. But, Mitsuri’s persistence was a little endearing as well, and she looked adorable when she was deep in thought or focused diligently on a task. It made Obanai’s cheeks flush to know she was focused so hard on helping him heal, a task that was beneath her, if anything. He didn’t deserve her constant attention and praise, but that didn't mean he didn’t enjoy it.

If she wanted to help him so badly, then he would have some fun by teasing her a little bit.

“Alright.” He finally nodded, moving to slip off his haori. Mitsuri’s eyes widened as he unbuttoned the outer layer of his uniform, letting it fall behind him as he undid the white undershirt. He removed it, turning around so that she could see his back. Mitsuri gasped: the first thing she noticed were the many bruises that adorned his skin, marring his once perfect, pale flesh. She grunted in determination as she resumed her work, dabbing the ointment on the various bruises that she could see. Most were old, but there were a few fresh ones here and there that were a deep purplish color.

Obanai sat quietly, surprised that Mitsuri was so willing to continue despite her obvious embarrassment. Mitsuri tried to focus only on her task at hand, and not on his defined, toned muscles and smooth skin. Obanai may have been smaller than average, but he was still just as muscular and strong. Her fingers shook as they glided along his skin, and she tried to clear her mind.

“I-I’m almost done,” she said shakily, “t-turn around.”

Obanai obliged, turning so that he now faced her. He had a few more fresh bruises on his chest and abdomen; Mitsuri carefully patted the ointment onto them, trying to be as gentle as possible. Her face was now permanently red, it seemed, and it didn’t help that he was staring at her intensely, his eyes watching her movements closely. He was stiff, a sign he was uncomfortable, so she tried to work faster to minimize the embarrassment.

“Th-There,” she said with a smile, “all done! Th-This should help minimize their appearance, and help them heal faster!”

“Thank you, Kanroji-san,” Obanai nodded, “I don’t deserve such diligent care from you, but I am eternally grateful.”

“Of course you do!” Mitsuri beamed, “You’re my most important friend, it would be unfriendly of me to not help you!”

Obanai beamed internally at the notion that he was her most important friend, his pride soaring inside him as he straightened up, “I’ll take my leave then, thank you for your hospitality.”

Mitsuri nodded quickly, and she moved to stand at the same time as Obanai. Without realizing how close they were, their foreheads butted together with a sudden ‘smack’, and Mitsuri squealed as she leaned back, covering her head with her hands. “I’m sorry!” Obanai was immediately apologetic, concerned about her wellbeing, but with the sudden shock of hurting her, he lost his balance and fell forward, crashing into Mitsuri.

She didn’t fall backwards, but both found themselves in a very compromising position as Obanai’s face made contact with her chest. The openness of her uniform didn’t help, and when she felt his skin touch hers, her heart raced inside her chest and her eyes grew wide, “Oh!”

Obanai immediately pulled back, face burning red as he bowed his head, “Please, forgive me, I didn’t intend for such a thing to happen!” His voice was still soft, but he sounded panicked, almost fearful.

Mitsuri, eyes still wide and heart still beating rapidly, clenched her legs together as she realized how warm the room suddenly became. She didn’t respond, only focused on Obanai and her own thoughts screaming at her to not waste her only chance.

Obanai still sputtered out apologies as Mitsuri leaned forward, her face leveled with his. It was only when her lips brushed against his covered ones that he stopped talking, his body going rigid and his eyes widening.

“Kanroji-san?” He questioned.

“Iguro-san,” Mitsuri whispered, leaning in for a second kiss.

Obanai stopped her, grabbing her shoulders. Mitsuri blushed harder, realizing she’d made a mistake and pushed too far. She smiled sheepishly as she looked away, “I-I’m sorry, Iguro-san, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

Obanai’s gaze softened as he surprised her by pulling down his bandages. Before she could directly look at him or say anything, he leaned forward and planted a proper kiss on her lips, a hand wrapping around the back of her head as he pressed forward.

Mitsuri unintentionally pressed against him, melting into his touch as he deepened the kiss. Her hands found the tops of his shoulders as she held onto him, but no sooner had the kiss started, it ended. Obanai pulled back, eyes opening as his hands moved back to her shoulders. Mitsuri gazed up at Obanai, seeing him whole for the first time.

His mouth was rather small, like the rest of his features, but two prominent scars were embedded into his cheeks, starting from the corners of his mouth and ending close to the back of his jawline, near his ears. It looked as though he’d been cut, deeply at that, and while the scars left behind had healed, they were quite noticeable against his pale skin. Without thinking, Mitsuri reached up to gently graze her fingertips along his skin, barely even tracing the scars.

“You’re so handsome, Iguro-san,” she said absently, not caring about her own embarrassment anymore, “you cover such a handsome face.”

Obanai looked surprised by her compliment. He shook his head, looking away, “I-I don’t—,”

“It’s okay…,” she assured him in a soft voice, “I know.”

Whether it was the heat of the moment, or the tenderness he saw in her eyes, Obanai couldn’t stop himself from pulling her into him for another heart clenching kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist, savoring the way her lips felt against his, the way she leaned into him and set her hands on his chest. The kiss became deeper, the air became warmer, and Obanai’s long standing walls slowly began to crumble even further as he lost himself in Mitsuri’s arms.

Their kiss became feverish as it grew needier, heavier, the desire built up in Obanai’s heart growing more insatiable. It was Mitsuri who pulled away this time, gasping for air as she stared up at Obanai with star struck eyes.

“I-I’m sorry,” he apologized again, “I-I don’t know—,”

Mitsuri placed a finger on his lips, silencing him. She smiled, “I’m training later in the day tomorrow.” She whispered, as if telling him a secret, “It would be so wonderful to have someone to share my lonely room with tonight.”

Obanai gawked at her proposition, his mind racing with a multitude of mixed feelings and emotions. Guilt suddenly trickled into his mind, and he looked away in shame, “I-I’m not worthy,” he said meekly, pathetically, unable to meet her gaze, “I-I’m not clean…,”

“Clean?” Mitsuri questioned, “But you hardly look dirty.”

“N-No,” he chuckled at her innocent remark, “I—my blood, Mitsuri, my very being,” he trembled as he spoke, “I-I would only dirty you with my own impurities.”

Mitsuri smiled warmly at him, sighing, “How could you be impure, Iguro-san? You are one of the kindest people I’ve ever met, you’ve always treated me so fairly and respectfully. You make me smile! You know exactly how to brighten my day, even after the hardest of battles. Your letters mean so much to me, the time we spend eating together means so much to me. I don’t know why you think so poorly of yourself,” Mitsuri placed a gentle hand against his cheek, “but I think you’re the best!”

Obanai was silent for a moment, as if truly contemplating her words. After a few seconds, Mitsuri felt sheepish; it was bad enough they were in such a compromising position, but she’d really overstepped it this time. She sighed, “Iguro-san—”

“Obanai.” He corrected her softly, gently, as a finger wrapped itself with a strand of her hair. Mitsuri’s eyes widened, “W-What?”

“Obanai.” He repeated, his tone the same, “You can call me…Obanai, if you want.”

Mitsuri beamed at him, a giggle escaping her lips, “Then, please, call me Mitsuri!” She insisted, “It would mean so much to me!”

“M-Mitsuri…,” Obanai stuttered, as if testing out how her name sounded coming from his own lips. Mitsuri loved to hear her name coming from him, and she rested her head on his shoulder, facing his neck. She inhaled deeply, “Obanai.” She whispered.

His grip around her tightened, “Again.” It was a gentle request, not even a command. Mitsuri giggled again, “Obanai.” She repeated, a little louder than the first time.

“Mitsuri.” He said her name with a little more confidence, feeling a little more at ease as she snuggled into him, basking in his warmth. Obanai had no intention of leaving now; he’d have to write an apology to Sanemi and Muichiro for missing out on their nightly training sessions together. But, that was something he could worry about later.

Obanai peppered a few kisses along Mitsuri’s forehead, inhaling her sweet, flowery scent. Her lips were now dangerously close to his neck, and he could feel the atmosphere shift as one of his fingers brushed against the bare skin on her thigh exposed from her uniform.

“O-Obanai,” she called out his name, “t-take me to my room, Obanai.”

He wasted no time in fulfilling her request. Despite being slightly smaller than her, Mitsuri was right in that he was no less stronger than her; he was able to lift her up with ease, practically flying out of the room and up the stairs. Her room was at the end of the hall, and after she pointed him in the right direction, he was able to slip into her room and set her down gently on her feet.

Feeling a bit more confident in herself, Mitsuri pulled him in for another kiss. This time, he nearly overpowered her with his own burning desire as he ran his hands along her sides, dangerously close to slipping over the hem of her skirt. She backed up, feeling for her futon on the floor with her feet. Once she’d found it, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tipped them over, although Obanai refused to let her land first; he immediately tucked her closer and rolled her on top of him in a split second, allowing his body to land roughly on her futon, while she landed softly on him.

Sitting up, Mitsuri stared down at Obanai, who shifted uncomfortably underneath her, and she feared she’d put too much of her weight on him. It wasn’t until Mitsuri felt something rigid brush against her inner thigh that she realized he wasn’t shifting around because she was too heavy, but because of another reason.

He blushed a deep shade of red, “I-I’m sorry, Mitsuri,” he apologized for the millionth time that night, “I don’t mean to be so boorish with you.”

“But I feel the same!” Mitsuri assured him. She grabbed his hand and brought it to her chest, “Don’t you feel how fast my heart beats for you?”

Obanai’s eyebrows knitted together as he again shifted beneath her. It took Mitsuri a minute to realize why he’d become so uncomfortable; he wasn’t just feeling her heartbeat, but also the ampleness of her bosom. Mitsuri gasped at the realization she just had him grip one of her breasts, but the idea of Obanai touching her in such a way made her heart flutter. It was something she’d never felt before, and the churning in her stomach craved for more.

She didn’t push his hand away; instead, she dragged it down a little further, allowing him to cup her breast with his small hand, “I-It’s okay,” she assured him, releasing her grip so that she could pop the buttons on her uniform. Obanai’s eyes widened as she continued, his breathing growing more rapid as she stripped the top of her uniform off. She blushed as she pushed her braids out of the way, the moonlight from outside illuminating her pale skin.

Obanai gawked at her, mesmerized by her intense and otherworldly beauty. She looked like a goddess, a being from another world who’d graced him, a mere mortal, with her presence. His eyes tried to look everywhere at once, and he inhaled sharply when she’d grabbed his hand to reposition it on her now exposed chest. Her skin was soft and supple, smooth to the touch. Despite her time as a Hashira, she bore no trace of evidence that could prove she’d undergone years of intense training. Her strength was hidden quite well, an advantage she had when facing opponents who underestimated her.

He traced a finger along the underside of her breast, allowing it to trail up to her hardened nipple. He traced it gently, watching her reaction to his touch, which she found electrifying. No one had ever touched her like this, and the longer he toyed with her, the tighter she tried to press her thighs together.

“W-What’s wrong?” He asked, believing she was uncomfortable. Mitsuri chuckled as she slowly rubbed herself against the rigidness she felt pressed against her thigh, and he couldn’t stop the moan from escaping his mouth. She bit her bottom lip, “M-More.” She whispered, “Please, Obanai, I need more.”

If Obanai had been confused before, he certainly wasn’t confused now. He obliged, moving his hands to her hips to press her core against him firmly, “I’ll give you everything you want, Mitsuri,” he groaned, “you only need to ask.”

He sat up, allowing her to straddle him as his lips captured hers in another kiss. It was brief, because his lips then trailed down her neck, peppering kisses across her skin as he came down to the tops of her breasts. His gentle kisses sent electricity down her spine, but the truly glorious sensation came from his tongue darting out to hesitantly wrap itself around one of her nipples.

She moaned as she raked a hand through his black locks, pressing her chest closer to his face. He went from suckling one nipple to the other, giving each a turn in his mouth. His hands ran along her back, hesitant to move down any further, but Mitsuri shifted upwards, giving his hands no other choice but to slip below the hem of her skirt and onto her bare thighs. He grunted into her, his slim fingers squeezing into her flesh and tracing over the lines of her socks.

“Ah—Obanai!” Mitsuri saying his name in such a way sent goosebumps crawling along his skin. He tried to keep himself in check, trying to not overstep or do anything that would displease her. However, he couldn’t control his hands from traveling up her naked flesh and resting just underneath the curve of her bottom. His grip remained firm, but he kept himself from traveling too far without her permission.

“Mmmm, Obanai…,” Mitsuri let her hands drop to his shoulders, squeezing him slightly as he pulled away for air. She looked down at him; his mismatched yellow and turquoise eyes shone up at her, wide and pleading. As the Love Hashira, she recognized the feelings behind his eyes as lust, desire…for her.

She was sure he wanted the same thing she did, but he was far too kind to directly ask her for it. So, she would need to coax it out of him, little by little.

She began removing her skirt, standing up as Obanai watched her wordlessly. She let her skirt and the rest of her uniform fall to the floor, her braids coming undone as she moved, leaving her in her undergarments and green striped socks. Following her lead, Obanai began to slowly undo his uniform trousers, removing the bandages around his ankles and slipping the navy blue material off of his legs with shaky hands. He still sat on the ground, as if too afraid to move from his spot. Mitsuri stripped off her socks, letting them fall gently to the side of her futon, careful to not damage them.

She resumed kneeling in front of Obanai, now on her hands and knees. She had to look up at him from this angle, and she smiled warmly, “I-I want this, Obanai. I want you. Do you want this, too? Do you…want me?”

“Yes.” His response was fast, confident, without a trace of hesitation. He leaned forward and kissed her again, now full of determination. This time, Mitsuri allowed herself to melt into him, so much so that he was able to get her to lay on her back while he hovered over her. His lips trailed from her mouth to her jawline, then down her rosy neck to her collarbones. His hands rubbed along her skin, and when his fingers danced along the hem of her undergarments, he didn’t hesitate to swiftly yank them down her legs.

Mitsuri blushed as she lay before him completely naked. He gulped, now nervous to follow suit. She ran her fingers along his abdomen, and as a finger gently traced over the imprint in his undergarments, he groaned and shifted around, finally sitting up to pull them down his legs.

Mitsuri’s eyes widened; she gulped, too embarrassed to admit she’d never done this before. She’d never even seen a man naked before this, and now she lay before one, wondering how his shaft would fit inside her. Obanai could sense her hesitance, and he swallowed hard, “J-Just tell me when to stop, Mitsuri, and I will.”

She shook her head vigorously, “N-No! I don’t want you to stop!” She wrapped her arms around his neck, staring directly into his eyes, “I want to know what you want, Obanai. This whole time, you’ve asked me for my wants. But I want to know yours, too.”

He shook his head now, “Your wants matter more, Mitsuri.”

“I don’t believe that.” She pouted, “Please, Obanai, I want to know that you want this, too. I don’t want to make you do something you don’t want to do…,”

“I’ve never wanted anything more than this.” He assured her with a firm voice, “I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you, Mitsuri. I’m not worthy of your love and affection, but I want to be the only one you want, the only one you need. I want to be selfish, and have you for myself.”

Mitsuri smiled up at him, blinking back joyous tears as she nodded, “Then take me, Obanai. I want to be yours.”

Their lips met in another fiery kiss as Mitsuri wrapped a leg around Obanai’s torso. Her hands ran along his back, her nails brushing against his skin as he positioned himself as best he could above her. Mitsuri shuddered when she felt the cool, slightly wet tip of his shaft rub against her slicked core, and her breath caught in her throat, “B-But I want you to know,” she added, “that I’ve never done this before. S-So please, don’t be t-too rough.”

“I-I’ve never done this before, either,” Obanai admitted sheepishly, “I’m afraid I may not know what to do.”

Mitsuri nodded, “T-Then let’s understand this together.”

Obanai looked down at where his shaft aligned with her sex. Obanai may not have ever been intimate with a woman before, but he understood the basic concept of it. He’d overheard the former Sound Hashira, Tengen Uzui, talk about his own love life, and that man had three wives. Sanemi had also been intimate with a few women here and there, and he’d briefly mentioned the concept to Obanai a few times during their conversations. While Sanemi’s descriptions were brief, Tengen had no shame in openly talking about his bedroom life, and seemed to prioritize his wives’ pleasure over his own.

“I’ll start.” Obanai said. Mitsuri didn’t know what he meant by that, and she was confused when he pulled away and slid down her body. He kissed along her slim stomach, moving to her inner thighs before his mouth hovered above her core. This was something that he’d heard Tengen mention before.

“Never underestimate the power of the tongue.” The Sound Hashira had said once, “Master it, and you’ll never fail in pleasuring your woman.”

Tengen never gave clear instructions after that, but he'd described the gist of it. Obanai was a little nervous, but since Mitsuri seemed so eager to continue despite knowing his lack of knowledge, then Obanai figured she wouldn't be too harsh towards his inexperience. Gingerly, his tongue darted out and licked at her nub, which Tengen referred to as the “important spot” on a woman. Mitsuri’s body shuddered when he did, and it only prompted him to continue. He flattened his tongue against her, letting it move between the folds of her lips and finally circling around her nub again before he wrapped his lips around her and began to gently suck.

Her body bucked up at this, and she let out a very loud moan, louder than anything he’d heard from her before. Her legs instinctively spread wider, which he took as a good sign, so he continued. She tasted sweet, a little salty, and she smelled like lavender. Her scent was intoxicating to Obanai, and he found it difficult to tear himself away from her as he continued to lap at her hungrily; it was like he was a starved man tasting his first meal in days.

“Nnnnggh, O-Obanai~!” Mitsuri’s voice sounded an octave higher than usual, and it was embarrassing how easily she was falling apart underneath him. She had no idea where Obanai had learned how to do this, but the feeling of his tongue touching her most sensitive parts had her brain exploding with pleasure. It was only amplified when she felt his tongue breach her entrance, slipping inside her and rubbing at parts that had never been touched by another before.

“Ahhh~! O-Obanai…oh my…!” Mitsuri arched her back as he replaced his tongue with one of his fingers, carefully slipping inside her so as to not hurt her. There was a slight stinging sensation when he did this, but because of his gentleness, it quickly dissipated, and all she could feel was pleasure rippling throughout her body. His tongue resumed lapping at her nub—he couldn’t quite recall what this part was called—but stimulating it while having his fingers inside her triggered a positive response from Mitsuri as she cried out.

Obanai felt a hand grab the back of his head and pull him closer. He took this opportunity to carefully slip a second finger inside her, his pace picking up as Mitsuri seemed to demand more friction. Her entire body quivered, and the noises she made were downright obscene. She thrashed under him; Obanai had to use his free hand to steady her abdomen, practically forcing her to stay still. Mitsuri felt like she wasn't in control of herself, that her body was moving on it's own as it demanded more, and Obanai was happy to oblige.

“P-Please!” Mitsuri felt an unfamiliar sensation begin to bubble inside her, and as it grew, she knew it would be the source of all of her pleasure, “D-Don’t stop!” He needed to continue, to keep going, because she was so, so close to the edge.

Obanai’s response was muffled by the fact that his mouth never left her body, and his eyes darted up to look at her. Mitsuri’s eyes were shut tightly, her mouth gaped open and her brows knitted together as she continued to moan and cry out his name. His speed intensified, his tongue replaced his fingers one last time as a finger began circling her throbbing nub.

That was the last straw. The sensation boiled over in the pit of Mitsuri’s body, and a shock wave of intense pleasure erupted inside her as she let out a final moan, practically screaming as her entire body convulsed. It felt like a million fireworks had exploded inside her brain, and every part of her body felt the sensation as she vibrated beneath Obanai. After a few moments, he pulled away, and she slowly began to regain her senses as she came down from her intense high.


“O-Obanai!” Mitsuri grabbed him by his arm and pulled him back up, capturing his lips in another kiss. She could taste herself on him, which didn’t bother her in the slightest, and she spread her legs wide as Obanai fumbled with trying to align himself with her entrance again. The tip of his shaft brushed against her opening, and for a moment, the two pulled away from each other as they stared into each other’s eyes. It was unspoken, but he was asking for her permission again, not daring to move otherwise. With a small smile, she gave a nod of approval. Slowly, Obanai pushed forward.

The feeling of being pulled apart was immediately noticeable, but it wasn’t as painful as Mitsuri expected it to be, perhaps because of Obanai's earlier action of prepping her with his fingers. Obanai only pushed the very tip of him inside her; once he was able to confirm that she was okay, he slipped in a little further, hesitant to be too forceful. Mitsuri felt more at ease as they continued, and in fact, craved more.

For Obanai, it was almost excruciating having to hold himself back. The initial breach sent a shock wave down his spine, and it took every ounce of strength he had to not plunge himself forward in that moment, enveloping himself fully in her warmth. For a moment, it felt like he'd lost all of his rational thinking, something he'd never experienced before. But, he didn’t want to hurt her any more than necessary, and so miraculously, he was able to keep his composure long enough to slowly inch his way deeper inside her.

It felt like forever before Mitsuri could finally feel the base of his shaft press against her body, signaling that he was fully inside her. He held that position for a moment, and Mitsuri could see how painful it was for him to hold back. She didn’t know what he was feeling, but if it was anything like what she felt, then she knew it would be unfair to deny him any longer.

“M-More,” she insisted, wiggling underneath him as she hooked a leg around his waist, “I-I’m alright, Obanai.”

Obanai nodded shakily as he exhaled. Gingerly, he pulled out and carefully pushed back in. The feeling made both moan in pleasure, and Mitsuri wrapped her arms around his neck, nodding into him as she prodded him to continue, “M-More!”

Obanai grunted as he repeated the motion, this time a little harder. He moved at a timed pace, trying to regain some sense of control over himself, but as soon as he started, he found it difficult to stop. His thrusts became longer, harder, faster, his moans turned to grunts as he ground himself into her. Mitsuri practically vibrated beneath him, arching into his body as she coaxed him to continue.

“O-Obanai!” She cried out, “P-Please, d-don’t stop! I…need…more…!”

“M-Mitsuri!” Obanai gasped out her name, “Nnnghh, ah—!”

The usually silent Obanai couldn’t stop the moans from escaping his lips. The obscenities that fell from his lips made Mitsuri blush, and she couldn't deny that it sent a thrill through her to know he was coming undone because of her. Obanai's mind swirled with hazy desire, his thoughts consumed with bringing Mitsuri to the edge again. He wanted to feel her finish this time, he wanted to feel her come undone as he drove himself into her over and over again. Even though he was dangerously close to finishing, he refused to allow himself to get to that point, not until she could.

“L-Let me feel you, Mitsuri…,” Obanai hissed out with a forceful snap of his hips, “Let me feel what I do to you.”

“Ah! T-This feels s-so…amazing!” Mitsuri cried out, “D-Don’t stop, I think I—,”

Obanai nodded when she abruptly stopped speaking, “I know, I can feel it, too.”

“Nnnnnghh!” Mitsuri’s nails dug into Obanai’s back as he continued, and he winced from the sudden sharp pain. Every thrust felt like he would break on top of her, like he would fall apart and lose himself in the moment. He tried to focus on the sound of Mitsuri’s pleasure, the way she moaned his name, the sensation of her body clenching around him and enveloping him in warmth and ecstasy. The feeling of being inside her was indescribable, and Obanai didn’t know how he would ever stop.

“Y-You…feel…,” Obanai couldn’t express to her just how amazing she made him feel. His voice trembled as he gave an unexpected rough thrust, which earned a squeal from Mitsuri. She said something that was incoherent, and laughed weakly as she tilted her head back.

“O-Obi—!” The nickname made Obanai’s heart soar in his chest. No one had ever called him by such an affectionate name, and he was determined to make her say it again. He began kissing her neck, his tongue darting out to tease her sensitive skin. Her other leg moved to wrap around his torso, but he hooked his hands underneath her thighs and pressed her legs down onto the futon. Her flexible legs allowed him to shift his body up, and he snapped into her at a slightly different angle.

This one proved to be more demanding, but even more rewarding, as Mitsuri’s eyes went wide and her jaw dropped open as she let out a loud moan, “O-Obi!” She cried out, her fingers digging even harder into his back. He could feel the sting of her nails slicing into his skin, and he knew there’d be blood by the end, but that didn’t deter him from continuing to thrust into her as steadily and forcefully as possible.

Every scream and moan that escaped her lips only fueled Obanai to keep going, and finally, he could feel Mitsuri’s body start to reach a climax. Mitsuri’s vision was hazy, she lost focus on her surroundings a long time ago, and all she could do was lay there and take what Obanai was giving her. She could feel her heart burst inside her chest, and a familiar bubbling sensation began to boil over inside her body.

“I-I’m going to—!” She didn’t get to finish; her brain exploded with ecstasy as she let out a final, prolonged moan, her head reeling back as her body vibrated from her org*sm. It felt like her entire world was suddenly on fire, and the euphoric haze she'd been plunged into left little room for any other thoughts. In that moment, all she could think about was Obanai, the way he felt inside her, the sound of his breathing growing ever more ragged the longer he stayed inside her. Her body arched into Obanai, and he released his hold on her thighs to grip her waist as he gave her one final, hard thrust.

“Nnnghh—!” Obanai’s eyes were wide open when he came, a tingling sensation running along his spine and spreading across his skin. It felt like a million fireworks had exploded inside his body, sending a rush of energy through him in that moment of pure bliss. It was like the world had melted away, and it was just him and Mitsuri. He couldn't even see anything other than her in that moment, because nothing else truly mattered to him. Nothing else could ever be more important that Mitsuri.

Finally, he came down from his blissful high and snapped back to reality with a gasp of air. He stayed in place, his chest heaving as he tried to breathe normally again. Mitsuri was equally spent, and when he released his hold on her, she collapsed onto her futon.

“M-Mitsuri!” Obanai was concerned, fearful he had hurt her. Slowly, carefully, reluctantly, he pulled himself out of her. Mitsuri felt the cold air rush over her skin as Obanai pulled away, and it nearly brought tears to her eyes, but she blinked them away. She knew crying would only worry him, and she didn’t want him to get the idea that he’d hurt her somehow.

“I-I’m alright.” She gasped out, nodding her head as she spoke, “I promise.”

Obanai sat back on his heels, staring down at her as he put a hand to his mouth, his face turning red again. Mitsuri lay sprawled on her futon, legs still parted, skin glistening with sweat. He could see his own seed slowly trickle out of her, running down her perfect skin and onto the futon. The mere sight made his shaft twitch with excitement, but he shook his head and reprimanded himself internally for such a carnal reaction.

Instead of acting on his impulse to ravage her again, he reached out and slowly closed her legs together. He grabbed his haori from the floor and used it to cover her, looking away, “Are you sure you’re alright?” He asked, his voice trembling.

Mitsuri sat up, letting his haori slide off of her as she gave him a wide smile and a nod, “Y-Yes! Are you?”

“I-I am.” He answered sheepishly, his hand still covering his mouth. Mitsuri smiled sympathetically at him, and she reached over for his discarded bandages. With the same smile, she lifted the bandages up for him to take.

Obanai glanced between the bandages and her. Gingerly, he took them from her, but as he dropped his hand from his mouth, he leaned over and kissed her again. His lips were warm and inviting, and Mitsuri felt like she could kiss him forever. However, after a few moments, he pulled away, and when she blinked, he’d readjusted the bandages around his mouth.

“Better?” She asked, sensing his relief.

He only nodded, bowing his head, “I-I don’t know what came over me, Mitsuri.”

She giggled as she wrapped her arms around him in an embrace, “I don’t care about that!” She nuzzled her face into his neck, breaking in his musky scent, “Stay with me,” she pleaded, “don’t leave me alone, Obi.”

Obanai knew he shouldn’t stay, but he also couldn’t leave her alone, especially since she was begging him not to. Her grip on him tightened, letting him know that she wasn’t planning on letting him go anytime soon. It made his heart flip inside his chest to know that she wanted him to stay with her.

He nodded into her hair, his way of saying yes. She squealed with delight as she clapped, “W-Well, I need to get cleaned up. Maybe you could find Kaburamaru…?”

Obanai mentally cursed himself; he’d completely forgotten about Kaburamaru! He nodded sheepishly, “I’ll find him.”

He put on his trousers and slipped back into his haori before exiting Mitsuri’s bedroom. He headed back downstairs, unsure where his snake would be, but he was thankfully still in the kitchen. When Obanai entered the room, his snake lifted his head up to acknowledge him, although Obanai could see the annoyance in the snake’s eyes.

“Sorry, old friend.” Obanai whispered as he offered his hand to his companion. The snake eyed him, as if unsure if he should follow him.

“We’re getting ready to sleep.” Obanai assured him with a blush, “I’ll wash you with warm water, alright?”

Kaburamaru accepted this, slithering up Obanai’s arm to wrap around his shoulders. Obanai ascended the stairs once again, finding Mitsuri in her bathroom. She’d just finished cleaning herself up and preparing for bed, and she allowed Obanai to use her bathroom undisturbed. The Serpent Hashira used this time to carefully wash his snake, before cleaning himself off and preparing to sleep. Mitsuri had an extra bone brush Obanai could use to clean his teeth, and she also had a string of other products that she used on herself that Obanai didn’t recognize, although she did leave him the ointment to dab on the fresh cuts left behind by her nails, which he used sparingly. He used a clean rag to wash and wipe his face with, and when Kaburamaru was nice and clean, Obanai exited the bathroom.

In Mitsuri’s room, he found her on the futon. She now wore a pink yukata, “I-I have an extra one if you want to wear it,” she held a purple yukata in her hands, “we’ll need to wash your uniform in the morning…,” she blushed.

Obanai chuckled and shook his head, “I’m alright like this.” He gestured to his current outfit, “Don’t worry about me.”

Kaburamaru slithered off of Obanai’s arm and onto the awaiting pillow Mitsuri had pulled out for him. He slithered back into a ball, unusually tired, or perhaps he was too annoyed to acknowledge either of them at the moment. Mitsuri patted beside her, indicating she wanted Obanai to sleep beside her.

He obliged, moving to lay on her right side. She had a thin blanket lying next to her, which she spread out once Obanai was situated. She snuggled into him, smiling as he wrapped his arms around her body.

“Goodnight, Obi!” She whispered cheerfully.

“Goodnight, Mitsuri.” Obanai kissed the top of her head through his mask, and she sighed softly as the two slowly began to fall asleep. The feeling of Mitsuri lying safely in his arms made Obanai’s heart swell, and for that one moment, they weren’t Hashira, they weren’t warriors, they weren’t resigned to their fates.

They were just Obanai and Mitsuri, lost in their own little slice of heaven. For as long as forever could last.

Pillars of Love - princesssssxyxx - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.