Forever and Beyond - Vi0laW00d (2024)

Chapter 1: Be mine

Chapter Text

I don't even remember, how long, I have been crying. I looked at my phone to check the time. It's already been an hour, since I have been sitting on the island beside the road and bawling my eyes out. It's 10:30 at night. Jinwoo has been calling me non-stop and sending me messages. I.... I don't even want to see his name right now. How? How can he do this to me? How can my Jinwoo hurt me like that? But he.... No, he is no longer my Jinwoo. Just a while ago, I have left him. How could I leave him? I started crying even more. I couldn't control myself. I could feel my hands shaking. I could barely breathe properly. I lost him. I have lost the love of my life. And I said so many hurtful things to him. He deserved it. He ruined it. He destroyed everything, he destroyed me, in a whim.




It's almost 8. Jinwoo will be here any moment. I hurried and re read the script one last time. I feel so excited. I could barely concentrate on the script for tomorrows shoot. I will finally see him after a week. He will finally be here. I will be able to touch him and look at him all I want. I arranged everything and changed into a pretty tops. I want to look good for him today. I was doing some touch ups on my face, when I heard someone, putting in the password. It's him. It has to be him.

I got out of the bedroom and stood infront of the door, as I saw him entering. He closed the door behind him and looked at me. He looks so tired, yet he gave me the brightest smile in the whole world. His smile, that is capable of bringing me to my knees, that is capable of making my heart flutter at any moment, the smile that can light up my whole world. I couldn't stand still any longer. I ran towards him, as he spread his arms. His arms embraced me, as soon as I hugged him and lifted me up sweeping my feet off the floor. God, I missed him so much. I missed his warmth, I missed his presence.

" I missed you ", I said, as soon as he let me go.

" I missed you too", saying this, he leaned forward and cupped my face. Then he slowly kissed me. I kissed him back. Slowly at first, and as soon as he realized the need we have right now, he started kissing me intensely. Even though, it's been 3 years and I have kissed him a thousand times, I still felt my body burning up, as soon as he intensely kissed me. He tastes like, everything I need. He tastes like, everything I love.

As we pulled apart, I looked at him. He is looking at me, not smiling anymore. His eyes looking intently at my face and neck now. He leaned forward again and kissed on my neck, making me groan a bit. I could feel his lips curling up in satisfaction, against my neck. He knows what he is making me feel. He lifted me up again and headed towards the bedroom.

As soon as I started unbuttoning his shirt, he stopped me.

" Wait what time is it?", He suddenly asked.

" I don't know. Why does it matter?", saying this, I focused on his shirt again. I want him now.

" It does, Charlene, what is the time right now?", He asked again.

What is wrong with him?

" I don't know. 8:30?", I replied. I am growing impatient. I have no idea, why he needs to know the time right now.

" What? I have to shower ", He suddenly said.

" What? Are you even serious?"
What the hell? What just happened?

" Yes, Sorry Char. I feel really tired. Can we continue this later? After I have rested? ", He replied.

" You....", I started saying, but I stopped. I feel furious. He's the one who led me on. He... How can he just ask me to stop. I wanted to yell at him. But I had to stop, by looking at his face. He is tired. He looks really really tired.

I sighed, and said, " Sure. I will order something for us to eat. Go ahead and have a shower". Saying this, I left the room. I need a moment to calm myself. I don't know, why he would lead me on and then just leave me hanging in the middle. I feel furious and frustrated and irritated.

After a while, I ordered dinner and came back to the room.

Jinwoo is still in the shower. I picked his clothes up from the floor, to put them in the washing machine. As I was emptying his pockets, suddenly something fell down from the pocket. I leaned down and picked it up. It's a receipt and a card. Suddenly, something else caught my attention. The smell from his shirt. It smells of perfume. A woman's perfume. Okay, what is wrong with me? Why did this catch my attention. It is natural. He works with a lot of people. I jerked this out of my head and put his wallet and that receipt on the bed side table. I don't know, why I got curious, so I just took the receipt and had a look at it. What am I even doing? This is not me. I am not like that.

I looked at the receipt and could feel my legs shaking almost immediately. I sat on the bed, as I was scared of losing my balance. It's the bill receipt from a resort. For one night stay, for two people. And it is obviously not for me. He paid the bill already. He.... Okay! What am I thinking? Maybe he just wants to surprise me. I have to calm down. What is wrong with me? Suddenly, something I saw a week ago, came to my mind. I went infront of his agency to pick him up. I wanted to surprise him. But, As I was about to call him, I saw him coming out through the back entrance with a girl. They smiled and talked to each other for a while. And then Jinwoo hugged her. Not just a random, goodbye hug. A long one. I could have immediately asked him about that. But I left immediately and pretended like, I saw nothing.

A few days before that, I saw him with the same lady, coming out of a restaurant, even when he told me that, he is at work. And, when was the first time, I saw him with that woman? A month ago, in front of my favorite restaurant. He was seeing her off to a car. A month ago....that's the last time, we slept together.
I....Okay, I need to stop. Why am I thinking of such bullsh*t about Jinwoo. He is the nicest and the kindest person I know. How can I even think of him like that. I swallowed hard and got up, as I heard my phone rang.

It's Sanha.

" Hi! Missing your Jinjin hyung already?", I asked as I received the call.

" No. Where is Jinjin Hyung? He is not picking his phone", Sanha asked.

" His phone is probably on silent. He is taking a shower. He just reached home "

" Why? Where was he?"

" Wasn't he....", I started saying, but Sanha didn't let me finish.

" Charlene, tell Jinjin hyung that, I am coming over. I want to play games. We have a tournament "

" But, Sanha, shouldn't you rest too? You just came back from the shoot"

" No. We came back yesterday and I had plenty rest. I feel bored now. Jinjin hyung also asked me to.....", Sanha kept talking. But, I could no longer hear anything.

I hung up. I am having trouble breathing. I clutched my chest and crouched down. I can't hear or think anything.

" Charlene, what happened", I heard Jinwoo coming out of the bathroom and hurrying towards me. He crouched down and took my face on his hand. I immediately pushed his hand away. I cannot bear him touching me now.

He looks shocked.

" Oh my God! What happened? Why are you crying? Charlene, I am getting scared. Please tell me what happened", He desperately asked. If it was some other time, I would have thought that, he was genuinely worried.

"You.... You came back yesterday", I said somehow. I still can't breathe. I am having trouble even talking, as tears kept swelling down my eyes.

" I.... Yes ", he replied. Does he look guilty? My heart is breaking. He just said yes, so plainly.

" You lied. Where were you yesterday?", I asked. I am still having trouble believing my ears.

" I.. I didn't mean to lie. Charlene, please stop crying first. You are having trouble breathing. Please calm down", saying this, he got up and tried touching my face again.

I pushed his hand away again, and got up. I took the receipt from the bed side table and asked him,

" What is this? Is this where you were yesterday?", I asked. I am praying to God, with all my might, so that he says No.

" Charlene. Just calm down first"

" Were you here or not?" I yelled.

" Yes ", He replied.

" Why did you lie? Who were you with?", I asked. My heart is breaking into pieces. Please please say no one. Jinwoo, please say that, you were with no one. Please I am begging you. Please don't do this to me.

" Charlene. I will explain. You have to calm down first. Try to breathe properly"

" Were you with a woman?"

He looked taken aback with my question. I am right. He was with a woman last night. He.... I want to die.

" Why did you do this to me?", I asked. My world is crumbling. My world is getting destroyed. Jinwoo cheated on me.

" No, listen Charlene, it is not what...."

" Were you not with a woman? "

" I was, but...", I can't listen to him any longer. This is killing me. I feel like, he is stabbing me with a thousand knives.

I walked past him and went towards the door. I cannot stay under the same roof with him.

" Wait, where are you going?", He asked and grabbed my hand.

I immediately took my hand away from him.

" I.. I don't want to talk to you right now", I replied.

" No, talk to me. Charlene, baby don't cry please, Listen to me.."

" STOP! for God's sake, Jinwoo stop! I don't want to hear a single word from your lying mouth"

He looks hurt.

" Charlene, listen to me "

" Why so that you can lie more?"

" Why are you talking like that. I am sorry. I am so sorry for everything. I am sorry for lying. Charlene, please stop crying first "

" Don't.... Don't pretend that you are sorry",

" What are you saying? Charlene, I am really sorry. Please, listen to me."

" Don't even dare take my name. I hate you."

" Why are you saying this? Char, let's sit and talk"

" Why! Did you ask why? Because My boyfriend turned out to be a filthy cheating asshole"

" What....."

" I am leaving you! "

" No, please, Charlene.."

" STOP! Please stop saying my name! You are disgusting Jinwoo", saying this, I walked out of the house.




And now, I am sitting on the side of the road. It's been almost an hour. I don't know what to do now or where to go. I don't know what I should do? All I want right now is to die. Maybe then, I will be able to get rid of this pain. I hugged my knees hard. I feel like, my heart, my whole body and everything is falling apart. I cannot bear it. How did this happen? Did I do anything wrong? Why am I not enough for Jinwoo? What went wrong in my love?

Finally, when I got up, I have decided to go into a bar or restaurant for now. I have to call Aeries. She is getting married in a week in Jeju island. I am supposed to fly there in 2 days. She won't mind, if I go there a day or two early, right?

I find her number, but before I could even call her, my phone rang. It's Aeries. Does this girl sense everything or something? Maybe she has an invisible radar fixed on her head, that signals her, when to call me.

I picked up.

" Charlene, thanks God! you received. I am freaking out here."

" Why? What happened?"

" I went for the wedding dress trial. And it's a mess. Oh my God! The dress looks so horrible. I feel like crying", I felt like, she will seriously start crying.

" Wait! Why did you even agree to that dress?"

" Because, it was my future mother in law's favorite. That old lady thinks, everyone loves those weird floral prints"

I tried to laugh, and said, " Aeries, it's your wedding. You already went through a lot, and then agreed to this wedding. You should at least have everything else according to your wish. I told you, not to agree to that dress"

" What will I do now? Help! I cannot walk down the aisle in that horrible dress. Charlene do something"

" Okay, relax. I will talk to them as soon as I get there, okay?"

Should I tell her that, I want to be there today?

" Also, the wedding cake. You should have seen, what kind of an ugly cake they chose. This is a disaster"

" I will take care of that too. Don't worry ", I replied.

I cannot go there today. And I cannot tell her about my problems right now. She is already so messed up. I can actually see her having at least 20 anxiety attacks every day.

" Oh my God! Thank you so much. I love you. Be there on time, okay?", She said.

" I will be"

" Ask oppa to be here early. I will miss him "

" You.... Yes, I will tell him", I said. I am choking up again. I will start crying any moment.

" Charlene, are you okay?", Aeries asked, with a concerned tone. This girl!!

" Yes I am. Stop worrying so much. You will have white hair soon", I tried to joke.

She laughed.

" Don't fight too much with my oppa. And come here soon "

She hung up.

What now?

I walked to the nearest bar. I should check in somewhere, for the night at least. This bar has a hotel. I should ask, if they have any vacant rooms.

I sat on the tool infront of the counter and ordered. I need something really strong right now. I cannot, go through the whole night, with this pain. I will die, if I have to feel this more.

As I was sipping on my drink, someone suddenly tapped on my shoulder. I looked to see who it is.

" Hi!", he said. It's my co-actor, Dae-Jung. He is the lead in the movie I am shooting right now.

" Oh! Hello!", I said and bowed.

" No, no need to be so formal", He laughed and sat beside me.

I smiled and concentrated on sipping on my drink.

" The next round is on me ", He said, as soon as I was about to get up.

" No, I am fine."

" No. You just had one drink. Let's drink a bit more "

" No. I don't think, I should have more", I hurriedly replied.

" It's okay. You look like, you need more drink. I will drop you home later"

" No, it's okay"

" Okay, just one more drink"

I hesitated, but then agreed. I will have to stay in the hotel of this bar anyway.

He poured down the drink in the glass, and asked,

" Did something happen?"

" No "

" Come on. We are filming together. We should have good chemistry. We have to know each other well "

" No. We just have to act to have good chemistry "

" But, what if it comes naturally?", saying this he put his hand around my shoulder.

I shrugged off his hand, and asked him, " What do you mean?"

" You know, we could put more effort than other actors, and be all natural. We can practice, before the actual shoot", he said and held my arm. I felt so disgusted, as he started caressing.

I pulled my hand back and replied,

" I think, I have had enough. I will go now. Thank you for the drink "

" Ahh, wait. Maybe one dance? And then I can drop you home " saying this, he grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards him.

" I don't think so ", It wasn't me, who said that. It was Jinwoo. Why is he here? Was he looking for me? Why? He should be happy that, he is finally free from me.

Jinwoo, grabbed my hand and pulled it away from Dae-Jung.

" Who the hell are you to butt in?", Dae-Jung furiously asked.

" Maybe... I should first remind you, what you were doing?" Jinwoo said. He looks mad. I have never seen him this mad.

" She is my colleague. I can talk however I want. Who the hell are you?"

" Should I remind you of your past records too? You think, it goes well with what you were doing, just now?", Jinwoo stepped forward and furiously asked.

" You dare talk like that!" Dae-Jung yelled and then looking at me, said, "Charlene, who is this guy? Who gave him the.....", Dae-Jung started saying and then paused. He looked carefully at Jinwoo and then said again, " Wait, aren't you a singer? An Idol, Jinjin "

" Good that you know. I would really appreciate it, if you stop bothering her now. ", Jinjin replied. His grip around my wrist is getting firmer. He is mad. How dare he gets mad, after doing this to me!?

" Let. go. off. my. hand. Why would you....", I started saying, but he didn't let me finish.

" You keep your mouth shut! Why would you come here? Don't you know about him? Are you crazy? Do you have any idea, what time it is?", Jinwoo yelled.

Jinwoo yelled...
He never ever in these 3 years yelled at me. He never ever got mad with me. He never even said anything with a higher tone. And now! He just yelled at me. I don't even know, what to feel about it.

" Who the hell are you to talk to her like that?", Dae-jung asked. He is getting mad too.

" Just her boyfriend ", Jinwoo replied.

Did he... Did he just tell him that, he is my boyfriend? Why? Why would he do that now? There's nothing between us anymore. How can he just hurt me like that, and act like, we still have something. I could feel tears forcing it's way out again.

I forced my hand, out of his grip and started walking out of the bar. He.... Is there anything left of me for him to destroy. I cannot get soft and emotional right now. He cheated on me. He.... I can't think anymore. I feel like, every cell in my body is crumbling into thousand pieces.

I got out of the club and heard Jinwoo calling my name from behind. But, I won't stop. Even looking at him is painful for me right now. His voice felt like a sharp pang in my heart. I need to get away.

I heard him running towards me. He caught up with me and grabbed my hand to stop me.

" Charlene, please listen to me for once" He said.

" Why should I jinwoo? You destroyed everything. You lied and you cheated"

" No, please don't say that"

" Please go. Please. I cannot bear to look at you right now."

" Charlene, I am begging you for a chance. Just one chance. Please let me explain"

" Why should I let you? How would I know that, you are not lying?"

" You will. Believe me, please. Just once. I will tell you everything. Whatever you have to know. I will clear each of your confusions. Please let me explain"

I looked at him for a while. He looked at me desperately. He looks really hurt. He... He could just be pretending. But still, I nodded my head.

" Only once. Say what you have to ", I said.

" Thank you, Thank you so much Charlene", He said and led me to his car.

" I need to take you somewhere, to explain.", He said and opened the door for me. I feel exhausted. I don't even have the energy to protest or ask questions anymore.

I got in the car.

After about half an hour, Jinwoo parked the car somewhere, and hurriedly got down to come to my side and opened the door for me. He took my hand, even when I tried to pull away, and led me to an entrance. What is this place?

" Wait here for a moment. I will be right back", He said and before I could even say anything, he left and disappeared somewhere.

I kept waiting there. It's been around 10 minutes. He is still not here. Is this a joke to him? What the hell.

" Jinwoo?", I called out. And immediately, all the lights around turned off, and the whole place fell into darkness. I couldn't even see my own hands. What is happening? I looked around anxiously, trying to find, even a glimpse of light somewhere. But, it's all pitch black. Is there any electricity problem? What is going on here?

Just as I was about to call Jinwoo again, a light fell on me. I got blinded for a moment and then I looked up. It's from a spot light. What is happening. I looked down and saw a narrow path lined with warm whitish golden light, leading towards the huge bungalow infront of me. I looked around. No one's around. I hesitantly walked down the path and entered the building. The whole building is dark as well. Just a placard decorated with white lights, leaned against the wall, that says, 'Looking for someone? He is already yours.'

I have no idea, what Jinwoo is trying to explain with all these. Why is he doing all these now? Does he think, this will erase, what he did to me. I fight back the tears, that is trying to roll down my cheek.

I bend down and took the placard. Almost instantly, a portion of the floor lit up under my feet, with a purple arrow directing left. I took a step on the left and a portion of the floor lit up again. The floor lit up with each of my step and led me to the back of the building. I pushed the door open, that led to the back yard, I assumed. The back yard is dark as well, except for a path, lined up with small candles. In the faint light of the candles, I could see various flower plants and garden around. This...This is so beautiful. The sweet scent of the flowers hit my nose, as soon as I stepped out. As I kept walking through the candle lit path, I could hear sounds of water. Is there a pond or lake somewhere?

The path led me to a small curved bridge. Why is there such a beautiful bridge. Under the bridge is a huge lake. I wish, I could see the lake properly. It is so dark, I can barely see anything.

I took a step on the bridge. Suddenly the whole area lit up and blinded me. I closed my eyes immediately. After a while, I slowly opened my eyes. I looked at the lake under the bridge. The lake is filled with pink lotus, floating everywhere in the black water. This...This is so pretty. All of a sudden, several candles came floating and filled the lake. I looked around and then first saw, how beautifully, the white curved bridge is decorated with white and pink flowers. This looks so magical. The lake filled with floating candles and lotus, the pure white bridge decorated with flowers and the starry sky. This looks like a fairy tale. Why are these here? Did Jinwoo do these? Why? I wish I had my phone. I want to take pictures, so that it doesn't feel like a dream tomorrow. But, I left my phone in Jinwoo's car.

Sliding my hands along the decorated railing, I walk through the curved bridge. As I come to the other side, I notice a huge white tent, decorated with warm golden fairy lights and candles. Just on the side, behind it, is a low small round platform, with only one stair. Completely white and decorated with white lights and the same pink-white flowers as the bridge. It looks like, light is coming out from the platform itself. In the middle, is a table. Beside it.... stands Jinwoo in a black tuxedo, smiling his brightest smile, making my heart skip a beat. Why does he look so handsome?

I walked towards the platform. Jinwoo extended his hand out and took my hand to help me up the platform. I looked around and then looked at him. What is he trying to explain here?

" Jinwoo, do you think, this will make me forget about what you did to me?", I asked with a flat tone? I don't know, if he thinks this is a joke or if he thinks that, he didn't do anything.

" No. I want to answer, each of you questions "

" Okay. So, tell me then. You came back to Seoul yesterday. Why did you lie?" I asked.

" Because I was busy doing something."

" Jinwoo. this is not working. I will just leave. Thank you for these 3 years."

" I was arranging these", he said hurriedly.


" Happy Birthday Charlene ", He said, and immediately the lights around turned off, except for the lights of candles from the tent and the table here. Jinwoo took my hand, and turned me around from the tent. It's all pitch black. Suddenly, i heard low sound of fireworks. I tried to find where' it's coming from. Then I saw it, in the sky. Fire crackers filling the night sky with beautiful colors. Soon, I realized that, it's not just colors. The fire crackers are saying, ' HAAPY BIRTHDAY CHARLENE'. All those sparks and colors wishing me. Jinwoo. He.. I felt like, someone covered my heart with something warm. I...... I forgot that, it's my birthday. I immediately looked at Jinwoo. He was already looking at me. He put his hand around my waist and slowly stepped towards me.

" Happy Birthday, Charlene "

" You...When did you..? WHy???"

" The receipt you saw was of this resort. I spent the whole night yesterday and today as well, to arrange these. And I was with a girl. That is true. I was with Aeries. She directed me on how to make a cake"

" You baked a cake?", I asked. I am shocked. And Aeries? She is my best friend. Even she didn't say anything to me.

" Yes, after multiple failed attempts, this one was finally approved by Aeries. She kept nagging me, not to feed you something weird"

I laughed. I feel so emotional. I might cry any time.

" But, where is Aeries? I talked to her a while ago", I asked.

" She flew to Jeju this afternoon. She said, she doesn't want to be the third wheel"

Jinwoo... He did all these for me, and I thought... Oh my God! I am so horrible. How could I even think those about my JInwoo.

"Jinwoo, I... I am sorry", I said and broke into tears.

" Charlene, no. It's okay. I did lie to you about not being in Seoul. It is my fault."

" No. You wanted to surprise me. This.... How can I even face you now. I am so horrible. I said all those horrible things to you. Jinwoo, I am so sorry. I...."

" No. Char. What are you saying? You.... Don't cry please. This is the only thing, I cannot bear", Jinwoo said, he seem to be on the verge of tears himself.

" Jinwoo. Why are you so nice? You should scold me, yell at me for saying all those things to you", I said, trying to control my tears.

" No. I love you so much. I cannot even think of hurting you in any way", saying this he pulled me into his arms and embraced me.

He feels so warm, like my safety net, my everything. Yet, I hurt him that badly.

" I am sorry, Jinwoo. I am really so sorry. I don't know why, I kept relating everything you do with that woman", I sobbed and said.

" That woman? What are you talking about?", Jinwoo pulled apart and looked at me.

" The one. I saw you a week ago in front of the agency. You were hugging her"

" Did I come out with her through the back entrance?"

" Yes"

" Ohhhh. That.... I thought I would surprise you with that. But, you.... How do you somehow know everything beforehand?"

" What? What surprise?"

" She is my childhood friend. Remember, a month ago, you told me about a web drama? You said, you want a break from movies and said that a company wanted to cast you in a web drama. You were really interested in it, as the story was different."

" Yes. What about it?"

" You said, they were looking for a male lead."

" Yeah?"

" I am getting so embarrassed while saying this. I got a bit curious, as I see you acting every time. I...I wanted to try it a bit. So I contacted them"

" YOU!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!????????"

" Yes. And it turned out, the director is my high school friend. So, I talked to her and she arranged for my audition. I followed everything you do while practicing. Last week, she came to the agency, to tell me herself that, I got casted"

" OH MY GOD! JINWOO! WHAT!!!!?" My heart is beating so fast. I... I feel so proud of him. I.... I will get to work in the same drama as him. Jinwoo.. My Jinwoo will be my co-actor! I.... I want to cry right now. Oh my God! My Jinwoo! He did it. He...

" I am sorry. I wanted to surprise you directly on the set. The shoot will start, right after Aeries's wedding. So, I really wanted to surprise you."

" No. Oh my God! I feel so proud of you", I said and hugged him.

" Won't you see the cake I made?"

" Yes, of course "

He led me to the table. I cut the cake. The cake tastes okay. Not the best tasting one. But, my Jinwoo made this for me. This is the best cake ever. It looks so pretty too. Right now, i feel so overwhelmed and emotional. And I feel so proud of him.

After eating the cake, I stood up.

" Is this where we will be sleeping today?", I pointed to the tent.

" Yes.", He replied.

" I want to have a look, this is so pretty", saying this, I turned to walk towards the tent.

" Charlene Everdeen ", Jinwoo called out.

I turned towards him, surprised. He said my full name, after ages. As he called out my full name, the platform lit up.

He took a deep breathe and walked towards me.

" Okay. It's okay. I can do it", He said to himself.

"What are you talking about?"

Then he took another deep breathe, and started saying,

" Charlene Everdeen, You everything, the love of my life. I promise to be faithful and loyal to you. I promise that, you are my only priority. I swear to be always by your side, till the end of eternity and even after that. All of my life, soul and heart belongs to only you. My time, effort, dedication, everything is only for you. There's no one else for me, but you and I.... am hopelessly, unconditionally in love with you. I, Park Jinwoo belong to only you, forever and beyond. So..."

He said this and paused. He took out a amall red box from his pocket and opened it. Then he knelt on one knee, infront of me.

He.. I covered my mouth with both my hands, to stop myself from screaming, out of shock and emotions. I realized, I am already crying.

" So, Charlene Everdeen, Will you be mine? Will you marry me?"

He.. Did Jinwoo just propose me? Did he just ask me to marry him. Oh my God! I feel blank. All I could feel is this overwhelming emotion. Jinwoo asked me to marry him. Me.. He asked me to be his forever. He wants me to be his.

" Well, you have to say something", Jinwoo said after a while, pulling me out of my overwhelming pool of emotions.

I nodded my head and somehow said with a cracked voice, " Yes "

Jinwoo's eyes widened.

" You accepted. You said yes. You agreed to marry me! You.. I love you", Jinwoo excitedly said as he got to his feet and pulled me into an embrace.

" I will forever treasure you. You are my everything", He added.

" I know"

He kept embracing me, like it's his first time holding me.

After a while, we pulled apart, and I asked,

" Did Aeries knew about it?"

"No. I wanted you to be the first one to know"

I smiled, and added,

" You looked really tired today. Should we go ahead and sleep?"

" No. Should we continue from, where we stopped at home?", He smiled and grabbed my waist to pull me towards him.

" You are so well dressed up though. It will all go to waste"

He leaned and whispered in my ears, " It is for you to undress", He said and slightly bit my ears.

Every time, I get surprised by, how even his simple actions can make me go crazy, and how my body reacts to everything he does.

He kissed along my neck, making me want every inch of him. He looked at me and then leaned again to kiss on my mouth. I parted my mouth and kissed him back. Why does he taste so good today? Is it because, he asked me to marry him? It feels so different. I kissed him like, there's nothing else in the world. The whole world is empty and there's only my Jinwoo and me. He kissed me like, this is the first time, he is kissing me.

He lifted me up, as I wrapped my legs around him. He headed towards the tent, as I leaned and kissed on his neck, while tracing each line on his neck. He groaned a bit, as I nibbled on his collarbone. Oh my God. I craved him so much. I realized, how much I wanted him, as I let desire, take over me.

He walked into the tent and put me on the pile of mattresses with white bedsheet. He climbed on it himself and started unbuttoning his shirt. I lifted myself up and pulled out the shirt, as he loosened the bow on my tops and pulled it over my head. He pushed me a bit and made me lie down. He looked at me and stopped for a while. I could see his eyes, moving from my head till my legs and then up again, as it gets fixed into my eyes. His eyes are not kind anymore. I could see pure lust in his eyes with traces of softness and kindness, that makes him My Jinwoo, and I knew, he wants me too, as much as I want him.

" You are so beautiful", saying this, He leaned over me and kissed me hard, not the sweet ones, like usual. It was intense and passionate at the same time, like he is ready to devour me, like he wants to be inside me and have all of me right now.

" What did I ever do to even be lucky enough to be able to have you right now?" he said again, as he started putting on his weight on me. The feeling of his bare skin against mine, felt like fireworks, driving me crazy and wanting every bit of him. He kept kissing me, as I clutched his hair. He moved down to kiss along my collarbone, setting my body on fire. How does he make feel all these, even after 3 years.

My fingers skimmed deeper into the skin of his back, as he kept nibbling on my neck and his hands worked on the rest of my body.

Chapter 2: Against the Odds

Chapter Text

" Aeries Archers, do you take Nick Cooper as your lawfully wedded husband?", the officiant asked.

I looked at Nick. He looks the most handsome person in the whole world. He smiled at me. I know, I am his world, his everything.

I smiled and replied, " I do"

" Do you, Nick Cooper, take Aeries Archers as your lawfully wedded wife ", the officiant looked at Nick and asked.

Nick gave me his warmest smile and replied, " I do"

" By the power of your love and by the power vested on me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss each other", the officiant said.

And as Nick grabs me by my waist, to pull me closer, and kisses me, making my knees go weak, I hear everyone cheering, whistling and clapping. With the corner of my eyes, I see, my mom hugging my sister and crying, and Charlene, trying to hold back her tears as, Jinwoo oppa wraps his hand around her.



Well, that is what was supposed to happen. Things would have been exactly like that. But instead, I am here breathing heavily and running as fast as I can, while trying to hold my wedding dress up, so that I do not, trip on it and fall down. I told them, not to make the trail so long, but no! Why should they listen to the bride? The mother in law is here after all. That crazy old woman thinks the world revolves around her. This sucks! Why am I even running away from my own wedding? Well, because I panicked and now, I am here, regretting every life decisions I have ever made, including the decision of marrying Nick and the one of running away. I am sure, Charlene will kill me for this. And I kind of feel bad for Nick. He is so nice and understanding. Oh God! What is wrong with me! What am I even doing.

Every little sound is startling me. And my phone keeps on vibrating, giving me a mini heart attack every time. I am not even sure, how far I have come. I don't know anything in this island! Where do I go? What do I do? God, my feet hurts! Even my shoes! They hurt so much, I feel like taking them off. How long have I been running? I feel like stopping and taking some rest, but I am sure, Nick's mom will send people to look for me. I cannot risk wasting any moment. I do not want to go back there, and face all those people right now.

I was wondering, where I should go, but suddenly, I got blinded by a huge flash of light and a long beep. I stopped and shielded my eyes with hands. That's when I realized, a car is just infront of me, coming with full speed pressing the horn continuously. Where did the car suddenly come from? Oh right, the car was giving horns, but I didn't pay attention to it. I should move, or I will get hit. But, it's too late. The car is coming dangerously fast towards me. I cannot move in time. I will get hit at any moment. It will hit me, and I will die. I closed my eyes in fear, as I heard a loud screeching sound of tires.

I opened my eyes. The car stopped. It didn't hit me. It stopped, right infront of me. I am alive? or maybe in the afterlife? I started feeling weak on my knees. I don't know if it is out of exhaustion from running, or because, a car almost hit me, just now. I lost my balance and fell down on the road. I took off my shoes. There are scratches all over my feet. How did I run with these?

I heard the car door open. A guy with a mask, glasses and cap came out. He came towards me and crouched down.

" Are you okay?" he asked. He looks concerned. Why do I feel like, I know this guy?

" Yes, yes. I am fine ", I replied somehow.

" Are you sure? Are you hurt somewhere? Did you get hit?"

" No. I am completely fine. Don't worry."

" Thank God! I will help you to get up", saying this, he held out his hand.

" No, I am completely fine", saying this, I got up myself.

The guy looked at me for a while and then got up.

" Excuse me then", saying this, he bowed slightly and turned.

My phone started vibrating. Another threat message from Charlene, " Ya! get back here, this instant, or I am sending Police after you"

What? That crazy girl!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa, Oh my God!!! Aaaaaaaaaa", I started screaming while holding my hip. I need to get away from here, as fast and as far as I can.

The guy immediately turned.

" Are you okay? Did I hit you ?", he asked while hurrying towards me.

" Yes...Aaaaaaghhhh. How can you hurt a lady like that? Don't you have any humanity?", I asked, pretending to be in pain.

" But you said, I didn't hit you. How come it hurts now?", he asked. Why does he talk so much?

I screamed louder ad said, " Aaaaaaaa, how dare you hit me ad then innterrogate me? Aaaaah, my hip! One or two bones must have broken. Aaaaaghhh"

" I am sorry, I am sorry. What do I do? Should I take you to the hospital?", he asked, his tone clearly panicked.

" No, I don't want to go to the hospital. Take me as far as you can. To a hotel"

" Sorry? Miss, you should see a doctor. I see you are wearing a wedding dress, Should I call your family?"

This guy!

" No. Aaaaaaaa, my hip! Ya! Do you want me to call the police instead? Then deal with the police instead", I said, trying to sound threatening.

" No no.. I was just..."

" Also, do you think, my family will let you go that easily? You injured me, on my wedding day. My waist and hip! I might die today. aaaaaaaaa", I screamed while holding my hip with one hand and leaning against his car, pretending that I am having a hard time standing.

" No, no... Let me take you, where you want. Let me help you to get in the car"

" No. Don't touch me. I don't trust you yet", I readily replied.

" But, you are getting into my car willingly", he replied back.

" Don't talk too much. Remember that, I might become paralyzed because of you. You injured my hip and waist"

The guy looked at me in disbelief for a while, and then got in the car, as he saw me, helping myself.

I got in the car and he started driving. Okay, I should think fast. Where can I go right now? I don't even have any money.

" Wait, pull down your mask. Let me take a picture and send to my friends. Who knows, what you might do", saying this, I held my phone infront of his face.

" I cannot believe you. You are basically in my car. Have a bit of trust atleast. If I were to do something, don't you think, I would already be doing?", he asked.

" Who knows? Maybe you are waiting for the moment, when I am less alert", I rolled my eyes and replied.

He scoffed and proceeded to pull down his mask, but just then, my phone started vibrating. It's Charlene. Maybe I should just receive and let her know that, I am safe.

" Wait a moment", I said and received her call.

" ARCHERS! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE, GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT", Charlene yelled as soon as I received.

" Why are you yelling? Stop"

" WHY AM I YELLING? WHY? YA!!!! Where the hell are you?"

" Don't worry, I am safe. I will come back tomorrow morning"

" Tomorrow? IT IS YOUR f*ckING WEDDING! Come back here. Let's just talk. No one will force you. We will only talk"

" YOu seriously think, Nick's mom and sister will only Talk? The are a nightmare"

" And they won't be a nightmare tomorrow?"

" Well, I plan on returning in the morning. So, they could be day dream. Well, day dream sounds too good. They could day mare"

" YA! AERIES ARCHERS! Get back here and face them. If you don't want to marry, that's fine. Just break it off yourself!"

" I am not as logical and brave as you. I am not coming back. Tell mom that, I am safe"

" YOU WILL GET BACK HERE NOW! OR, I am tracking down your phone location"

" Oh.", saying this, I hung up!.

I pulled down the car window and threw the phone away.

Almost immediately, he pushed the hard brake, and I almost lost my balance.

"YA! ARE YOU CRAZY! Are you so determined to kill me today?", I yelled.

" You... You are the crazy one here. You literally just threw your phone away", He yelled back.

" Yes, so..."

" That phone is so expensive. I am bringing it back", saying this he pulled over and was about to remove his seat belt"

" No. I am pretty rich, don't worry"

" Oh my God! You are basically the first person, I have seen, who plainly, admitted on being rich. Even hyung never said anything like that", saying this, he started the car again.

After a while, he asked me,

" I was curious about something. Are you by any chance, running away from your wedding?"

" It's not good to be that curious. And no. I am not. I just got out from a costume party"

" But, earlier you said, I hurt you on your wedding day "

" I was too much into the costume party. I couldn't get over my character yet", I plainly replied. Why does he talk so much. I am getting annoyed.

" Are you always, this rude?"

" Nope. But, if it's a guy, who almost killed me, then yeah"

" I didn't almost kill you. I stopped the car, before hitting you. But, where should I drop you? I have been driving for more than an hour"

" Just a little more", I replied. Now, what should I do? Where do I go?

After around half an hour, I suddenly saw a white building, with gardens and huge trees all around. I looked carefully and the sign says ' Welcome to the Hotel Woods'. I have never heard of this hotel. I have not seen the name, even when, we were searching for all the hotels in Jeju island, for the wedding. This has to be it. No one should know about it, right? That old woman won't find me, if she searches the whole night.

" There! I will get down here ", I exclaimed.

He pulled over infront of the hotel.

I opened the car door and was about to get down, but then I noticed the guy was sitting still.

" What are you doing? You are getting down too ", I said.

" Why? Why should I get down?" he confusedly asked.

" Are you just letting an injured person go all alone? Also, you are yet to compensate for hitting me"

" Ya! I think, I compensated enough. Get down". He yelled. How dare he!

" No. How can you act like a human being, when you are so willing to leave an injured woman like that in the street. You didn't even compensate. Pay for what you did. One million won"

" Ya! Are you a woman or robber? Also, you flexed that, you are rich."

" Why? Can't rich people take compensation? Pay up. I take cash or you can just reserve a room for me here and then go wherever you want"

" Ya! You crazy robber! I am not even paying half a won. Get down. I have to leave"

" AAaaaaaaa. My hip! DO you want me to call the police? Get down this instant"

" Sure, call the police. Let's talk infront of the police"

" I am not getting down, till you pay up"

" Ya! Are you crazy? Get down"

" You can yell all you want"

" Youuuu......Psycho", saying this he got down. I got down as well, and followed him inside the hotel.

The hotel is well lit and looks pretty good actually. The inside of the hotel is filled with trees as well. The receptionist kept looking at us, as we approached her.

" I would like a room for one. The cheapest one", the guy said to the receptionist.

" Sir, are you sure? Aren't you here to celebrate your wedding?", the receptionist asked.

" No no", I and the guy yelled at the same time.

" Oh, so your honey moon then? Sir, we can discuss installments and discounts, if you are short on budget. But I think, you should at least give a better room to your wife"

"You....Just get me the cheapest room"

The recieptionist bowed and went inside. After a while, she came back with a middle aged man in suit.

" Welcome to hotel Woods, sir. We just opened this hotel last month, and you are our first newly wed couple. So, we are upgrading you to the honeymoon suite as complimentary, with the same price as any other rooms"

" No, wait!", he tried to say.

" Congratulations on your wedding, sir"

" No....", he tried to say something again.

" Sir don't worry about anything, just choose a package and......"



And yeah, now we are standing in a huge honeymoon suite, that is decorated with flowers and heart shaped lights and candles.

" This is all because of you. Agh! You are such a bad luck! How did I even get into this situation?", he yelled at me.

" Because of me? Did you forget that, you were about to kill me?", I yelled back.

" Oh really? SO, where's the hip bone, that broke again? Should I ask them to call a doctor? Oh I forgot, I am your husband now. It should be okay, if I try to have a look at it, right?", saying this, he stepped towards me.

" Ya! You crazy! I will kill you, if you come, even a step closer. I will yell."

" Really? What will you say? My husband is trying to come near me?"

" You are not my husband! Shut up! Just stay for a while and then leave"

" Since, I have to act like your husband, I should have the pleasure too, right?", he said and kept coming towards me.

" Ya! I will kill you. STop. You..."

Suddenly he started laughing.

" You should look at your face! You looked so ugly and funny when you were scared", he said.

" You, son of a.....", I started saying, but then I stopped. He took off his mask and cap and looked at me.

I covered my mouth with my hand to stop myself from screaming.

" Youu..... You are... Yoo.....Yoo...Yoon Sanha"

He looked at me in surprise and asked, " You know me?"

" Of course I know you. I thought you seemed familiar, but it was so dark and your face was practically covered. Why are you here though? Did you come with Jinwoo oppa?"

" Jinwoo oppa? Why are you calling him Jinwoo oppa?"

" I am Charlene's friend. That is how I got to know Jinwoo oppa.."

" You are Charlene's friend? Jinjin hyung came to your wedding? OH MY GOD!"

sh*t... sh*t... sh*t.... He took out his phone instantly.

" Ya! What are you doing?", I urgently asked.

" I am calling Jinjin hyung", he replied.

" No, you can't "

" Jinjin hyung will kill me, if he knows that I helped his girlfriend's friend run away from her wedding. What the hell did I do?"

" Ya! you cannot! I will kill you here, if you call oppa"

" No, I am more concerned about Jinjin hyung. And Charlene! She will for sure throw me in han river if she finds out"

" No. Charlene will probably think, I kidnapped you and forced you to do this"

" Well, that is what you actually did. "

" Ya! I didn't kidnap you"

" You call this, 'not kidnapping'? I am even paying my own ransom with this hotel bill. And God knows what you will do to my precious body!"

" Say that one more time, and you will see what dying feels like"

" I am calling Jinjin hyung"

" Ya!", I yelled and tried to take away his phone from him. But he was too strong for me. I used my last resort. I bit his hand hard.

" AaAaa aaaah aaaah. You crazy bitch! You psycho!", he screamed.

I took his phone away from him.

" Ya! give my phone back", he yelled at me again. But, before he could reach me, I yelled back.

" if you come a step closer, I am throwing away your phone. And it's all jungle in here. You will never find it, also, it will shatter into a thousand pieces"

" You crazy girl! Aaaaagh! Why did I even have to meet you! God!"

So, here we are, sitting in the room. I am sitting on the bed, and he is sitting on the sofa with a grumpy face, giving me death glares from across the room.

I am trying not to pay him much attention.

" Why did you run away? Were you too ashamed to walk down the aisle in that hideous dress?"

" Thank God! Finally! At least someone apart from me and Charlene thinks that the dress looks hideous. Please go and convince that old woman. You can easily convince her with your pretty face. She likes pretty faced people. ", I rolled my eyes and said.

" You seem to really dislike that old woman!", Sanha laughed.

" Dislike? I hate her. She is annoying and irritating! And God! her daughter! How did Nick turn out to be so nice!?"

" Nick?"

" My fiancé "

" Oh! ", he said.

After a while, he asked, " Did you eat?"

" No"

" Good. Keep starving. I am ordering dinner for myself"

Saying this, he was about to use the telephone to call room service. But, almost immediately, all the lights turned off.

" AAAaaaa", I impulsively screamed. I hate dark. I hate it. I absolutely hate it. What happened?

Within a second, I felt him holding my hand and coming closer.

" Hey, I am here. Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? ", he asked.

I immediately pulled my hand away.

" I am. I am okay. I just got startled", I replied. Why is it so dark?

" Oh. You scared me. Why did the lights go out all of a sudden? Wait here. I will go and have a look"

" NO! NO! Don't go. "

" WHy? DO you want to go then? "

" No "

" You... By any chance, are you scared of the dark?"

" WHAT? Nooooo.. What rubbish is that? How do you....", before I even finished, he started laughing.

" Ya! Stop laughing!", I yelled.

He still kept laughing.

After a while, there was a knock on the door and a female voice said, " Room service"

He started getting up, to open the door. And I impulsively clutched his shirt. I could feel him stiffening for a moment. He better not think of something weird.

" You come too", He said.

I got down from the bed, still clutching his shirt, as hard as I can.

He opened the door. A girl, around my age, said, " Room service, sir"

She said this, and looked at Sanha. And kept looking.

" Yes?", Sanha asked. But she looks like, she forgot, how to even speak.

" What are you here for?", I raised my voice ad asked. How dare she stare at my husband like that? Well, he is not my husband, but here, they think that he is my husband.

The girl got startled. She bowed slightly and said, " I am here, with your dinner and the candles that comes with your package"

" We didn't order dinner though. Most importantly, why are the lights out in our room?" Sanha asked.

" Sir, it came with your package. The package you chose, comes with candle lit atmosphere for the night. So, here's the candles ad the dinner comes with your package"

" What package? I didn't choose ay package"

" Sir, I was informed, you chose package 1 "

" No..... Oh.... When they asked umber 1 or 2, were they asking about the packages? Shouldn't you explain the packages first then? "

" Yes, Sorry sir ", saying this, she kept staring at Sanha again. What is wrong with her?

" We will take the candles"

She handed the basket of candles to Sanha and intentionally touched his hand. Oh my God! How can she flirt this openly, infront of me, with my husband? And Sanha seem to be enjoying that a lot. He keeps smiling at her.

She pushed the dinner trolley into our room and while going out, intentionally bumped into Sanha and seductively smiled. What the hell? Does she realize that, she is flirting with a married man?

And Sanha kept smiling at her.

Okay, I should stop! It's not about Sanha. It is how, she is flirting, even after knowing that, he is married. I mean.... Okay okay. I have to stop thinking so weirdly.

We started lighting the candles. With the huge dress, I was sweating so much and I was even having trouble moving around. So, I gave up, and just sat on the sofa, and watched Sanha lighting the candles up.

When he finished, he looked at me and asked, " Are you that shameless and inconsiderate. How can you just sit around, when I am in this mess, because of you?"

" Try wearing a dress that weighs 10 kg, and then talk"

" Then just go and change "

" Yeah, yeah! I planned running away on my wedding day, just for a vacation. There's my suitcase full of clothes", I rolled my eyes.

" Did you just roll your eyes at me? God! You are ungrateful too. I thought, since you are Charlene's friend, you will at least be considerate and caring like her"

" If you find me, so inconsiderate, you can just go and flirt with that pretty room service attendant. You seemed too interested in her"

" What? Are you crazy? You... I don't even have the word to describe you anymore"

He set the table and looked at me.

" You should change. You can wear my shirt", saying this, he started unbuttoning his shirt.

"YAAAAA! Are you crazy? Why are you stripping? I don't want to see you half naked", I yelled.

He looked at me in disbelief and said, " You..... I have a t-shirt on. Just go and change"

I changed into his shirt. His shirt is so long for me, that it almost reached my knee. I still feel kind of awkward, with my bare legs. But, it is seriously, much better than that ugly wedding dress.

As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, Sanha looked at me, and immediately at my legs. I tried hard, not to get embarrassed and turned. I have to loosen my hair. They set my hair up with God knows, how many pins. I have been continuously pulling out pins out of my hair. And the whole time, I could feel him staring at me.

At one point, I couldn't take it anymore. I turned to look at him. And that shameless piece of sh*t, he kept staring at me. He didn't even try to look away, as I looked at him.

" Ya! STOP STARING! Are you here to harrass me?", I yelled.

" No. I am your husband right now. I have the right to look at you. Maybe I should get up and take a loser look", he said and started getting up.

I immediately threw the hair brush at him. He instantly ducked to avoid it.

" SHUT UP! And if you are that free, help me pull out these pins out of my hair"

He laughed and got up!

" This is revolutionary! Seriously! Seeing you in that ugly wedding dress, and then like this. Thank God, you ran away. Otherwise, your fiancé would have ran away, seeing how ugly you looked in that dress"

I rolled my eyes. He is so annoying. I don't think, I have ever seen someone this annoying in my entire life.

Sanha still helped me pull out the pins. It took both of us around half an hour, to pull all the pins out.

We sat on the chairs, around the round table, to have dinner.

We were eating almost silently, when it hit me. I asked Sanha, " Why didn't you try to convince me to go back to the wedding? Shouldn't you convince me to go back"

" I tried to by calling Jinjin hyung, but you took my phone away", he plainly replied.

" No. I am being serious. You probably understood that, I was running away, yet you didn't say a word to send me back to the wedding"

Sanha stayed silent for a while, and then said, " There must be a reason, why you ran away from the wedding in the first place. Even if I try to convince you to go back, your reason won't get sorted. It won't solve your problem. So, why should I convince you, when I know that, it will cause you trouble in future, and I will be a part of that trouble"

" Maybe, I just panicked and ran away"

" If that was the case, you would have regretted it by now"

" Whooooo! You look like, you don't have anything in your brain. but you are quiet perceptive"

" Either compliment or insult", Sanha replied and rolled his eyes.

"You should try to sleep. I will take you back tomorrow morning", Sanha said, as soon as we finished eating.

" No. Don't even think for a moment that, I trust you. Who knows, what you will do, once I sleep. You are already staring at my legs too much. STOP STARING!"

" Yeah! Great! After all I have been through, because of you, I get to hear that, I am not trust worthy enough! Just great! And I can't even look at some legs!"

" No you cannot", I said and got up on the bed, still feeling Sanha's stare behind me! This shameless asshole! God!

I leaned against the headrest and sat while crossing my legs. Sanha was lying down on the sofa. I seriously thought, he will fight with me, to get the bed.

Both of us stayed silent. Weirdly, I don't feel awkward. He is occasionally looking at me, but even his stares didn't feel uncomfortable.

After a while, a few candles, started extinguishing. I thought, Sanha was sleeping, so I was about to get up, but Sanha got up instead. He took out rest of the candles to light up.

" I thought, you would fight to sleep on the bed", I casually said.

" Why? Do you want to sleep with me that much?", He smirked.

" Aaaagh! Why did I even open my mouth"

" You could be nice and offer me the bed. The bed is big enough, you could have just offered me a tiny corner on the bed", he said, while opening the drawer of the bedside table for matches.

" No, I don't trust you enough. Who knows....", before I could even finish, I got startled, as I saw him climbing the bed in a flash, and pushed me against the headrest, as his face came down inches from mine.

" You....", I tried to push him away with my hands, but he immediately grabbed both my hands and pinned them above my head.

" WHAT THE f*ck YOON SANHA! WHO DO YOU THINK, YOU......", and before I could say anything else, his lips crashed against mine. He kissed me. He.... I tried to protest, by moving, but he is too big and strong for me.

Why the f*ck does it not feel bad? Oh my God! No,no... My body can't give in. I can't. I cannot feel good. I have a fiancé. I should not feel good. I have to feel bad. I shouldn't feel like, clutching his hair and kissing back hard. I shouldn't feel like knowing how he taste. I shouldn't be wanting to taste him. Did I just kiss him back? Oh my God!

I kissed him back, as he cupped my face with one hand and pulled me closer. And I smelled him properly. I was trying hard all this time, to avoid smelling his shirt, that I am wearing. But right now, it felt like, that intoxicating smell, hit me with all it's might. He bit my lips a bit, making me want to taste him better. He let go of my hands, and grabbed my waist instead. Why am I reacting, that way, with his touch, I wondered as I clutched his hair with one hand and caressed his neck with the other. He kissed me harder, with urgency.

I have a fiance.

I pulled away immediately. He looked at me, with confusion. I let go of his hair. Both of us were panting hard.

" I....I have a fiance", I said and looked down at the ring on my finger. The ring, that screams Nick. The ring that is reminding me, how I have hurt Nick. The ring, that painfully signifies that, have to belong to Nick. Why didn't I throw the ring away, before running?

" You.....", Sanha sighed and then said, " Of course you do! Did you think I was serious? I was demonstrating what I could have done by now, if I wasn't trustworthy"

He.... He looks so obvious. Why is he lying?

I nodded.

Sanha lit up the candles.

" You can sleep on the bed. I will take the sofa", I said, as he was returning to the sofa.

" No, it's okay"

" Let's share the bed. You can just sleep on the other side"

" Are you sure?"

" Yes"

He took a pillow and got on the bed and leaned against the wall on the other side. Then he looked directly at me.

I am sure, my face is still red. Is he going to tease me, because of that?

" Why are you here? In Jeju Island? You were not in the guest list of the wedding", I asked.

" I just felt a bit suffocated, so decided to come here with Jinjin hyung. Then all on a sudden, everyone wanted to visit here. So the whole Astro is here on vacation"

" Oh "

" Why did you actually run away?"

" I... I don't know. I am not sure myself"

" Is your Fiance...."

" No. Nick is the nicest person, I know. He is almost like Jinwoo oppa. But, his family sucks "

" So, because of his family?"

" No. It's complex actually. I was always against marriage and relationship. But, everything felt so frustrating. My parents kept nagging. Charlene has oppa, everyone is doing something, and then I am here, all alone, doing nothing "

" So you agreed to marry? Because you felt lonely?"

" Not really. Everyone just kept pressuring me and emphasizing how I am being a failure in my life. So, I thought of at least doing something, that will let me feel that, I have done something in life. Nick has been asking me out for ages. So, I thought of going with him"

" And now you are regretting it?"

" I don't know. I just thought that, I would be able to fulfill my bucket list and fulfill all my dreams, before thinking of marrying. And now, my life just sucks"

" How long did you date him?"

" Barely. A month I guess. Then he proposed, and I agreed. I didn't want to break his heart"

" WHAT!? YA! ARE YOU CRAZY!? Who the hell agrees on marrying, just after a month of dating?"

" Stop yelling. DOn't make me regret it more", I narrowed my eyes and said.

" Okay. Tell me about your bucket list"

" There's so many. Like, Camping in the forest. I really wanted to see the meteor shower from mountains with someone. Then, go around the world and enjoy every festival in every country. I really wanted to have wild sex, under the stars. Never have I ever thought, I would sleep with Nick"

" Why? Is he bad in bed?"

" I don't know. We haven't slept together yet. I just always felt that, we don't go well together"

" What else? What else is in your bucket list?"

" I thought atleast one of my books will get drama or movie adaptation. and I will become known as the script writer of a famous movie. And I will cast Charlene"

" Wait! Books? "

" Yes. I am a writer "

" Woah, Seriously? This is the first time, I have met a writer. You don't look like a writer at all"

I laughed.

" Really? What do you think, writers look like?" I asked.

" Very serious looking, super emotional and will be wearing glasses."

" I do wear glasses normally. Tell me about you. Weren't you going somewhere, before you almost hit me?"

He laughed, " Yes! I was supposed to go on a date. Eunwoo Hyung set me up. And now, I stood her up"

" What! Ya! Why didn't you inform her or tell me!"

" I would have, but someone took my phone away"

" Oh my God! I am so sorry. Here, take your phone and inform her"

" No, it's okay. I didn't want to go anyway, also, my phone was low on battery. I think it's already dead"

" I am soooo sorry", I seriously feel guilty.

" Don't be. You should sleep. We will have to go back early in the morning tomorrow"

I sighed, and then decided to actually sleep. While lying down, I asked him,

" Do you think, I should marry Nick? "

" I don't think, I should have any opinion on that "

" You know, if I go back and say sorry to Nick, he will understand and forget that, I ever ditched him"

" Really? He seems like a really nice guy"

" He is "





Sanha's Point of View:

I remember, my heart feeling heavy as I slept. But, what woke me up, wasn't that. I woke up due to loud noise. A bell was ringing continuously, and there were people screaming. I sat up and it took me a while, to understand what is going on.

That is a fire alarm! And our room is filled with smoke.

I immediately got by her side.

" Hey, hey! Wake up", I pushed her urgently. She instantly looked at me in confusion.

I tried to keep my voice, as calm as possible, and said, " Don't panic. The hotel is on fire "

Her eyes immediately widened. She sat up, looking around.

" Try not to open your eyes too much. and don't inhale too much", I said again. My eyes are already burning from the smoke around. I could barely see anything around, because of the smoke. Okay, I have to think of something. I tried holding my breathe as much as I can. I tried calling the receiption, but the phone line is dead. Okay. What now. I looked at her. She is clearly panicking.

I crouched down infront of her and held her hand.

" Don't panic. It will be okay. I will get us out of here. Don't worry", I said, trying to sound reassuring.

She looked at me for a while. Her eyes her already teary and she is having a panic attack. I lifted myself up and hugged her, as tightly, as I could.

" We will get out of here. Think about your bucket list. You will have to fulfill each of those", I said and pulled apart. I looked at her, as tears rolled down her cheek.

" You shouldn't inhale too much smoke. Try to hold your breathe", I said again and let go of her hand, but she grabbed my hand again.

I leaned and kissed her, as hard as I can. She is scared. Too scared. I am scared too. I am barely keeping myself from shaking and panicking.

I pulled apart and cupped her face.

" I will go and see the situation there. Don't move, okay. Hold your breathe. I won't let anything happen to you, okay?", I said and kissed her forehead.

She nodded her head.

I couldn't even see anything a feet away from me. I guessed and somehow went near the door. I unlocked the door and opened it. I could see fire burning everything into ashes, just a few meters away. I tried looking at the direction of the stairs, but the stairs are burning too. More smoke hit my face and entered the room, as soon as I opened the door. I coughed and closed the door immediately.

I heard her coughing. I hurried towards the bed, and grabbed her hand.

" We cannot go out through the door. You need to stop inhaling the smoke." I looked out through the window. This is the only way. I tried opening the windows, but they got jammed because of the smoke.

I took a chair and hit the window several times. The glass is too hard. I pushed hard along the window hard. After several attempts, the glass broke. I almost screamed in pain, as a piece of glass, got stuck in my shoulder.

She coughed again. I grabbed her hand and brought her near the window.

" Keep your head outside the window and breathe slowly", I said.

She nodded. He face is already red and her lips are turning blue. She inhaled too much smoke. We need to get out of here fast.

I took the blanket from the bed and went to the bathroom.

She was breathing heavily as I put the soaked blanket around her.

I hugged her and said, " Listen, we will get down through the window. You cannot loose your consciousness, okay? If you faint, your brain and lungs will stop functioning. NO MATTER WHAT, DON'T FAINT. KEEP BREATHING. There won't be any smoke outside"

She pulled apart and looked at me.

" Sanha, you should go! I won't be able to climb down here.", she faintly said.

" No! You have to. You have to do your best. i will help you", I adamently replied. Why is she saying this? How can I leave her here? I want to hug her and cry.

" Sanha, please. there's barely any chance for me. I cannot climb down. I don't have the energy. I can barely feel my legs. Please don't waste your time "

" NO! There's enough chance. Stop talking. You are inhaling smoke while talking. ANd the fire will reach here soon"

" The odds are not in my favour, Sanha. Go please"

" NO! We met against all the odds, and we will survive this against all the odds too. Stop talking. You don't have to climb down. Climb on my shoulder and hold tight"

" Sanha..."

" STOP TALKING! And do you think, I will let Jinjin hyung and your friend kill me for leaving you here? Climb on my shoulder. Or I am not leaving either" , saying this, i turned and crouched down.

She sighed and locked her hand around my neck. She secured her legs, by wrapping around me, as I stood up.

" Don't let the blanket fall. Close your eyes and no matter what, don't loose consciousness. Count backwards from ten thousand", I said.

I took off the bed sheet and dropped it on the window ledge, where the broken glasses fell. I put a hand on the window edge to support myself, and secured her with another around my back. I grinned my teeth, as several glass pieces cut my hand. I climbed down the window and stood on the ledge.

I tried looking around. We are on the 2nd floor. I grabbed the branch of the nearest tree, and supported myself, to jump on the window ledge to the left. As I jumped, I felt her losing her balance, so I let the branch go and supported her, and almost fell down myself.

I sat on the ledge, and took heavy breathes. I could feel her tears rolling down her cheek and falling on the nape of my neck.

" We will make it. Don't worry. We are already out. I won't let anything happen to you. Don't stop counting backwards", I say as I feel her grip around my neck loosening.

She tightened her grip.

I sat and slowly hung down from the ledge. There's wide branch under the ledge. I have to jump down there. I cannot loose my footing, or I will fall back and hurt her. I slowly loosened one of my hand and held another branch and carefully let go. As soon as my feet touched the branch, I jumped to the window ledge beside it. After that, it was easy, to jump on the balcony beneath that ledge. I hang down from the branch, beside the balcony and jumped down on the ground.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, she let go of my neck. I immediately turned and held her from falling. Her face is turning blue now.

" You cannot faint. We will go to the hospital and you will be okay. I promise.", I say and hug her. I realized, tears rolling down from my eyes.

But, she can barely keep her eyes open.

" No no no. Don't close your eyes. You cannot loose consciousness", I said and picked her up, folding her knees along one of my hands and holding her neck up with another.

I hurried towards the front of the hotel, where people are gathered. I held her and asked the people where the ambulance is. No one paid any attention to me.

"WHERE THE HELL IS THE f*ckING AMBULENCE? I NEED TO TAKE HER TO THE HOSPITAL", I yelled at a hotel staff infront of me.

" Sorry sir. The ambulances are not here yet", he replied.


" Sorry sir, it will take 20 minutes more for the ambulance to come", saying this, he left.

20 minutes. I felt like, my body is breaking down. No, I cannot wait 20 minutes. I looked at her. She is barely breathing anymore. I cannot wait here more. I....

I ran towards the parking lot on the other side of the hotel. I looked for my car.

I put her down, and held her tightly against me. I unlocked the car, and carried her inside and put the seat belt on. I have no idea, where the hospital is. But, I cannot wait here, for 20 minutes.

I got in the car and drove off. On the way, I asked the security guard, where the nearest hospital is. He gave me a brief idea of where it might be. The fire brigade arrived, as I was driving off.

It's still so dark, I could barely see anything without headlight. I looked at her. She is not even moving at all.

" You cannot faint, okay? You cannot. I am talking to you. Hold my hand", I said and held her hand. her hands are cold and blue.

My heart is breaking. My eyes are becoming blurry, repeatedly.

" Count with me. Ten thousand, nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine, nine thousand nine hundred ninety eight. Count, Dammit! I will kill you, if you faint now, I swear", I am having trouble keeping myself together. I am literally sobbing now. She is practically a stranger to me. Why is my heart breaking for her? Why do I feel like, I am losing myself. Then I felt it. She squeezed my hand lightly.

" Thank God! Thank God! Try to stay awake, okay? I know it is hard. I know you want to sleep right now. I know, baby. But you can't. Just a little while longer, okay? Then I will let you sleep. And, don't stop counting backwards in your head."

With every passing moment, her hands are becoming colder. Her lips turning into black from blue now.

My hands keep shaking and I am barely holding the steering wheel.

" Think about your bucket list. You have to fulfill all those, right? Your books. You haven't told me about your books. Try to breathe heavily, okay? And after this is over, tell me about your books. And, let me be a special guest, when your book finally gets a movie adaptation, okay? You can cast Eunwoo hyung too. I will beg him to do it for free, okay? Oh no, you can't. Charlene, calls Eunwoo hyung, oppa. She will burn me alive, if she even knows that, I suggested this. Don't tell her okay? Keep it a secret"

Her grip around my hand, started loosening. She is having a hard time staying awake.

I grabbed her hand even more tightly. My own hands are shaking.

" You... You didn't tell me your name! I don't know your name. You cannot faint, before you tell me your name. This is unfair. How come, you know my name, and you didn't tell me yours? What the hell? We even kissed, yet you didn't tell me your name. Don't you dare faint. DO you know, I know this perfect place for camping. I will take you there, I promise. I will help you fulfill each of your bucket lists and dreams. Just promise me, you will stay awake now. You have to keep breathing okay? I will take you to the mountains to watch meteor shower. I will even beg eunwoo hyung or in our company, to talk about your book with some director. What else, was there? Sex! I will even help you fulfill that, under the night sky. I will, I promise. Just get better, okay?"

She is not breathing at all now, And when I thought, I won't be able to stop myself from shaking, I saw the sign saying, ' Hospital to the right'. I took a deep breathe and drove as fast as I could.

I carried her into the hospital building, and nurses and paramedics came running automatically. Someone brought a stretcher and I put her down. Someone measured her oxygen level and called for an emergency. They said, her oxygen level is dangerously low, and there's a very slim chance for her. I couldn't hold myself any longer. My whole body is shaking uncontrollably.

They have taken her to the emergency. A nurse, came near me, and asked me to get treated. Apparently, I have some major burns and cuts in my body, and my lips are bluish too. I don't know what they are talking about, I cannot feel a thing. All I could think of was her. She.... God! Please save her. God has to save her. Against all the odds, we got out of that fire. She has to survive this. She has to tell me her name, herself. She has to fulfill all her dreams and her bucket list. She has to act ungrateful and scold me, for letting her go through this. She....

My hand suddenly stung, as a nurse, put on some medicines and wrapped my shoulder with bandages. She put a plaster on my hand and at least a dozen other bandages everywhere. I am sure she will laugh and say that, I look like a mummy now.

I have to inform her family. I called Jinjin hyung from the hospital phone and told him everything.

When I put down the phone, someone asked, " Are you Sanha?"

I nodded.

" Your girlfriend is awake.", She..... I feel like crying now.

" She is still really weak. Thank God, she didn't faint. Otherwise....", he doesn't finish. I know.

I pushed the door and and entered. There are machines all around, connected to her body. And a nasal canulae fitted on her nose, sending oxygen, directly to her lungs.

She looked at me and tried to smile. Her face and lips are pale now. I went near her and sat on the tool beside her bed.

" Sanha", she said in a low tone.

" Yes", I leaned towards her.

" You look like a mummy"

I laughed at this. And I don't know why, I couldn't stop my tears. I looked away. She is alive and here. She is here.

" Hey", she said and shakingly, put a hand on mine. I took her hand on mine, and kissed it.

" I am fine. They said, I can leave as soon as the saline finishes", she pointed towards the needle stuck on her wrist.

I nodded my head and helped her sit, leaning against the head rest after a while. After she fell asleep, I sat on the sofa, beside the bed.

After around one and a half hour, the cabin door opened and Jinjin hyung entered. Charlene behind him, already sobbing, and a tall man in plain white shirt.

" Sanha, are you okay?" Jinjin hyung looked at me ad asked. He is clearly getting worried sick, by seeing all those bandages on me.

" Yes, I am fine ", I replied.

Hyung looked at me for a long time, and then suddenly, side hugged me. I must have made him worry so much for me.

She woke up, with the sounds.

" Nick", was the first thing she said and looked at the tall man.

Her fiance. He looks like, he will cry any moment now. He stepped towards her, and hugged her.

" I am so so sorry baby. I must have hurt you somehow. And now you are here. Are you okay?", Nick asked.

" I am. You didn't do anything. I am sorry, I ran away without even saying anything", she replied.

" No, no. It doesn't matter. We will start over. Please get better.", Nick said and kissed on her forehead.

Why? Why does everything suddenly feel like this? She looked at me, and was about to say something. But Charlene started saying something. I can't even pay attention to what Charlene is saying.

She.. she is still in his arms.

I turned around. I don't know what is happening. Why do I feel this lump in my throat? And why do I have this strong urge to just disappear.

I went out of the cabin, and sat on one of the chairs in the corridor. I need to get things clear in my head! I need to clear my mind!

After about half an hour, Nick came out.

He stood infront of me and suddenly shook my hand.

" Thank you. Thank you so much for saving my fiance. I don't know how to thank you"

" No, it's okay..." i was about to say, but he kept thanking me. He is so nice. She is right. He is almost like Jinjin hyung.

Jinjin hyung came out and said that, the doctor said, they can leave now. Hyung went ahead with Nick to talk about the bills and prescriptions.

Charlene came out with her. She looked at me, and kept looking, as Charlene supported her to help her walk.

" I want to talk to him", She said, as soon as they came near me.

" Should I leave you two alone? When should I come back? I need to help you go down the stairs", Charlene asked. Even though she seemed surprised, she didn't ask anything.

" You should go ahead. He will help me down the stairs", she replied.

I held her and she leaned against me, as Charlene left us alone.

What does she want to say?

" Thank you Sanha. for everything. I just wanted to say bye", she said.

I tried to smile.

" Bye. Shouldn't you invite me to your wedding, now that we know each other? It's been long, since I have attended any wedding", I tried to joke.

She laughed.

" Should I?", she asked while laughing.

" Of course. you should. WIth all these mess, I couldn't even congratulate you. Congratula...."

" I am not marrying", she blurted out.

" WHAT!"

" Yes, I have decided, I will talk to Nick and call off the wedding"

" But why? Are you crazy? He is such a nice guy", I am shocked.

She rolled her eyes and replied, " Because someone said, I have to fulfill all my dreams and bucket list. He even said, he will help me fulfill all those"

"YOUUU! You heard all those.. YOU...."

" Aeries. My name is Aeries. You said, I have to tell you my name ", she smiled.

I looked at her for a while. Why is my heart beating like that?

I chucked.

" Well Aeries, will that be okay then, if I see you in Seoul?", I asked. I don't even remember, when I held her hand.

She squeezed my hand and smiled. The most beautiful smile, I have ever seen.

Chapter 3: Till Death and After

Chapter Text

" YOU WHAT!????" I yelled.

I am lying down with Aeries in the hotel. Our legs, up against the wall, as we laid flat, on the bed. It's 1 am and we should be sleeping, but I felt like, Aeries needs some space to talk her hearts out. I knew that, she hated this marriage. She really likes Nick, but Nick isn't what she wants. And I feel so guilty that, I wasn't able to convince her, not to agree to this marriage.

" Stop yelling Charlene. You are hurting my ears", Aeries replied and took a bite from the chocolate, Jinwoo gave us.

" STOP YELLING? How can I stop yelling? How can you just casually drop a bomb and ask me to stop yelling?", I asked. I still cannot believe.

" Why? I kissed Sanha. Is that a big deal?"

" You think, that is not a big deal? That is my son! How can you kiss my son? You are supposed to be my son's aunt! What is wrong with you?"

" Ew ew ew Charlene! Please don't make it gross", Aeries crunched her nose and replied.

" You! Why would you kiss a stranger?"

" Well, ask that to your 'son'. He kissed me first and then I just kissed back "

" My son has grown so much, oh my God! Okay Aeries, it is fixed. I am willing to become your mother in law..."

" What? Charlene. It's just a kiss "

" Yeah! A KISS! Just a kiss right? You spent the night together..."

" We are strangers! "

" Yeah. Strangers are not supposed to kiss either"

Aeries rolled her eyes and handed me the chocolate for a bite.

" I am grateful to him though. He saved me. He forced me to live, when I had given up. He made me want to live. Even though, I was a stranger, he did all those for me. I really thought he is just a hot headed brat, who got rich too easily and early. But, he is really different", Aeries said. She is thinking something. What's going on in her mind?

" Did you just say, my son is a hot headed brat ", I asked, trying to distract her. She needs rest. Complicated things can come later.

" He acted like one. Now I know that, he is not "

" Are you in love with him now?"

" Ya!!! I just met him! I guess, if I try I will find him likable. That's just it "

I looked at the watch. We should sleep. I got up and lied down properly.

" You should sleep. We will have to get up early", I said.

Aeries lied beside me. She looked at me and asked,

" Is there something you want to tell me?"

I haven't told her that Jinwoo proposed me. I was scared, she will forget her own wedding and celebrate us. But now...

I sighed.

" You are tired. You went through a lot. Sleep", I said

" I will. But, don't think that, I will let you sneak out tonight ", Aeries said and smirked.

" ....What are you talking about? I don't...."

This girl!

" Really? Do you think, I didn't know how you sneak out to meet Jinwoo oppa? Should I talk about the weird noises I heard the other day, from his room, at night?"

" YA! ARCHERS! Did you follow me? I will kill you "

She started laughing and switched off the bedside lamp.



Aeries woke me up in the morning. She is getting ready to go downstairs. We will have to attend the morning breakfast with whole family. Her family and Nick's family. She looks really really nervous. I am nervous myself. Nick's mom is such a pain in the ass. I hate her daughter the most. She keeps flirting with Jinwoo. The way Jinwoo acts, when she flirts is really funny though. He feels awkward himself and just bows and walks out. Or if I am around, he just, wraps his hands around my waist. I love it, when he does that.

So, Aeries went ahead to attend the breakfast. I freshened up and changed my clothes. I should join soon though. Otherwise, Nick's mom will talk about, even me. She already dislikes me, for talking back too much. I am usually respectful towards everyone. But that woman and her daughter is just too much.

I went to the ground floor, and headed to the lobby. Jinwoo was supposed to meet me there.

I went inside and saw him laughing loudly. He looks really cheerful and happy. He is standing with a girl. The girl is laughing too. Where did I see her?

" Do you need any other help?", Jinwoo asked, still laughing.

" No, no. You have already been helping me, for the last 1 hour. Thank you ", she said and bowed a little.

" Ah, no, it's okay. I was happy to help. I will take my leave then"

" umm... I am Melody, by the way", the girl said and extended her hand.

" I am Park Jinwoo. Nice to meet you ", Jinwoo smiled and shook her hand.

Why did he introduce himself as Jinwoo?

The girl left, and Jinwoo turned. He saw me and immediately smiled. How does he look so different and handsome, every time he smiles?

" Good morning. Did my Charlene sleep well?", Jinwoo took my hand and asked.

" Charlene would have, but your sister teased her almost the whole night", I replied and smiled at him.

Jinwoo laughed.

" What did she tease about?", he asked.

" Some weird noises in your room at night, after I sneak out "

I could see Jinwoo's face turning red. I laughed.

" It's okay. Don't get so embarrassed", I said and pulled his cheek.

" She is like my sister "

" It's normal. Sex is normal! Don't get embarrassed", I said and started walking towards the restaurant of the hotel.

" Wait. you pulled my cheek. You just pulled my cheek", Jinwoo put a hand on his cheek and smiled. He...

" Yes, I can bite too "

" May I have the honor to get bitten by Charlene?", Jinwoo asked, and wrapped his arms around my waist as we walked towards the restaurant.

My face is getting red now, I am sure. I looked somewhere else, and he grabbed my waist tighter to pull me more against him.

" Maybe later? ", Jinwoo whispered, making all the blood rush to my face. How does he have these effects on me. With him, I feel like a giddy school girl who fell in love just now, for the first time ever. Okay, I need to stop blushing. We will be having breakfast now.

We walked into the restaurant. The air already seems too awkward.

As soon as I walked in, Nick's sister stood up and was about to say something, but Jinwoo held my hand and started caressing it.

Aeries, smiled at us and moved to let us sit.

" How can you so shamelessly smile like that?", NIck's Mom asked.

Aeries looked at them and automatically her smile faded. We bowed to everyone and sat for breakfast.

" Do you have any idea, how embarrassing it is to answer to guests, and reply to them every time by saying that the bride ran away?", Nick's mom said again. Aeries kept looking down at her empty plate.

" Mrs. Coopers, please excuse us this time. I know, we have destroyed your reputation. My daughter is stupid. I promise, she will change", Aeries' Mom stood up and bowed.

Aeries' cheek got red and I could actually feel her holding back her tears out of embarrassment.

Everyone stayed silent. So, I tried to divert everyone's mood.

" Aeries, did you see the pool side yet? I was planning to see it with Jinwoo today. Do you want to come? It is beautiful", I said.

" Really? Wouldn't I be the third wheel between you and oppa?", Aeries smiled and asked.

" No no..."

" Maybe I should let you and oppa have some private moments"

This girl.

" You and I can go to that restarant on the other side of the beach. Take me there. I really wanted to go there."

" Oh my God! Of course. Let's...."

Before she even finished, Nick's mom said,

" She is even friends with shameless people. Her shameless friend must have given her the idea of running away. How can these two girls lack shame so much. I feel bad for Jinjin here. She is such a sweet boy. Charlene must have done something to lure her..."

" No, I am actually pretty happy with Charlene. You don't have to feel bad for me", Jinjin cut her off and replied.

Nick's sister said, " It's okay, you don't have to pretend to be happy infront of her. I understand you Jinjin, I feel so sorry for you"

Saying this, she tried to reach for Jinwoo's hand across the table. But, Jinjin moved her hand and held mine. At moments like this, I feel so proud and happy.

" Shut up, Stacey", Aeries yelled.

" Why? Why should Stacey shut up?", Girls like her, do't even know the true meaning of marriage ad values", Nick's mom said.

" You cannot talk like that about Charlene ", Aeries replied.

" Oh, Not just her. I am talking about you too. Only God knows, who you ran away with, and how many people you slept with after running away. I cannot believe, Nick still wants this shameless girl as his wife, I am sure, you even f......"

I couldn't bear it anymore.

" Shut up! Just because, you are older, I have kept quiet this whole time. Who the hell do you think you are? Thank God, it's Aeries. I would have ran away a long ago, if I had to wear that hideous dress, in my wedding. And God! That disgusting looking cake. And, you.... You don't even have the right to talk about marriage and values. Do you think, I don't see you trying to lure in younger guys? What was his name? Aeries' cousin? Should I tell everyone, what you were doing last night? And your daughter, with her tiny waist and long legs. How can you accuse Aeries, when your daughter here, is out of the world. Try sneaking into her room, every night. And she... Your daughter keeps flirting with my Fiancé, every chance she gets. She......."

Did I just say infront of everyone, that he is my Fiancé. I immediately looked at Aeries. She is looked at me and then at the ring on my finger. She asked me so many times, about this ring. Every time, I avoided her questions. She was so busy and anxious herself, she didn't nag too much for an answer.

" Aeries....", I looked at her and tried to speak. But she just immediately stood up and left.

I looked at Jinwoo. He squeezed my hand to assure me, and said, " talk to her"

Now I am here, sitting on the bed and Aeries is pacing in the room.

" I am sorry Aeries. You were already too stressed and...", I said.

" And what Charlene? What else do I not know? Are you pregnant too? Is that why you are marrying?"

" What? No. I wanted to tell you right away "

" But, you didn't"

" You already had too much in your plate Aeries. If I had told you, you would have forgotten about your wedding and you would be too busy, throwing surprises for us"

" Yes Charlene, I needed to forget about this wedding, even if it was for an hour"

" Okay, Look, I am sorry"

" I.... I have to meet Nick. He will be here to pick me up any moment now "

" Aeries, I am sorry "

" It's okay. I will talk to you later", saying this, she took her purse.

" Are you sure, you don't want me to go with you?"

" Yes.", Saying this she left.

I sat still on the bed. I have hurt Aeries. If she hid about being engaged, I would be hurt too. I would be much more hurt.

There was a knock on the door. Jinwoo opened the door, and entered.

He sat beside me and asked, " Are you okay ?"

" I....", before I could even start saying anything, I felt this lump in my throat, so I stopped. Jinwoo held my hand and pulled me towards him to wrap his hand around my waist. I leaed against him.

" I didn't want to hurt her. She was the one, I wanted to tell first. I didn't even say anything to mom yet", I said, and realizing my voice already cracking up.

" I know, I am not defending Aeries, but you should know how stressed Aeries is. She has to call of the wedding. She was already tensed and hurt with everything going on"

" This is the reason, I didn't tell her"

" She will understand. Let her calm down. I will talk to her "

" She was really hurt. And now she has gone to deal with Nick "

" She can take care of it. Take a bit rest. You didn't come to my room last night, even though I asked you so many times. So I assume, you have been talking with her till late at night "

" Aeries didn't let me sneak out. She said I will have to tell her the exact reason "

" And what was the exact reason?", Jinwoo asked, trying to act all innocent.

" Youuuuu.... are you teasing me? Park jinwoo has seriously changed"

" No, I am curious. What was the exact reason?", he said, as his hands caressed along my waist.

" It's morning! "

" So? If you are so embarrassed to say it, Want me to show it practically?", He said and leaned in, kissing my neck, making my mind go hazy.

" It's not even 9 in the morning, Jinwoo "

" Your voice says, you are enjoying it though" , He replied while sliding my tops up a bit and caressing my bare waist.

" I am supposed to accompany Aeries' sister in shopping now "

Jinwoo stopped, looked at me and smiled.

" Charlene Everdeen, do you realize, how dangerous you are, for my heart? You drive me crazy ", saying this, he leaned and kissed my lips.

Jinwoo...He is mine. He makes me fall for him, every moment. I love him so much, God!

I kissed back and said, " I will see you later. Maybe then, you can show it to me "

He smiled and pulled away.

" Do you want to go to that restaurant, the one you were talking about, just a while ago?"

" On the other side of the beach?"

" Yes. Eunwoo wanted to meet you too. He said, he misses sister. We can invite him too "

" I miss him so much too. It's been so long. Did you tell them about it?"

" About this?", he pointed at the ring and asked.

I nodded.

" No. I wanted to decide on a date and announce it with you ", Jinwoo replied.

" Sorry, I said it infront of everyone"

" No, it's okay.", saying this, he stood up.

He kissed on my forehead and said, " I will wait for you in the lounge at 12 "

" Okay "




Jinwoo picked me up at exactly 12. The restaurant isn't that far, so it shouldn't take much time. We reached there in 15 minutes. Jinwoo dropped me off infront of the restaurant and went to park the car in the Parking lot.

I went into the restaurant and checked in with our reservation. I turned to go inside and find our table, when I stumbled on something. I didn't notice a stair, and almost fell down, when a familiar hand, grabbed my waist and pulled me.

I turned and looked at him. Why is he here?

It's Derek. I use to date him 4 years ago. Why is he here? What.... Oh, right! I forgot, he's is Aeries' cousin.

" Char! What are you doing here? Are you alone ?", Derek asked.

"I- "

" Oh, right. you are here for Aeries' wedding "

" Yes "

" I have wanted to meet you, since I heard about Aeries' wedding "

" Oh, okay "

" Look at you. You look so pretty. Are you here with Aeries?"

" No"

" I am just here for lunch. Do you mind joining?"

" I-", before I finished, I saw Jinwoo coming.

He stood beside me and said, " Hi "

" Jinjin!!!! You are here.. You.. Wait! Is Charlene the one, you were talking about the other day?", Derek asked Jinwoo.

" Do you guys know each other?", I asked confusedly.

" Of course we do. We are very good frieds and we have so many things in common", Derek replied.

" I met him the other day, while playing golf ", Jinwoo said.

" Well, let me re- introduce myself then", saying this, Derek extended his hand to Jinwoo and said, " Hi! I am Derek Archers, the one who used to date Charlene "

Jinwoo looked at me confused for a moment and then shook his hand, saying, " Hi. I am Jinjin, the one who is dating Charlene "

Derek looked at him for a moment. Jinwoo smiled and bowed. He looks awkward. Why does he feel awkward? He wrapped his left hand around my waist and found our table.

After ordering the food, I asked, " Jinwoo, are you okay?"

" Yes", saying this he smiled.

" Are you awkward because of Derek? "

" No. It would just be nice, if I had known about him before", he replied and focused on the menu.

I took his hand from across the table and replied, " I know, I don't talk about my ex. This is because they don't matter at all. They do not have even an announce of importance in my life. This is the reason, I avoid talking about my ex"

Jinwoo squeezed my hand and took it to kiss, then said, " I know. I am okay. Enjoy the food here. They have good review "

The food came and I asked about oppa.

" Eunwoo messaged that, he is almost here", Jinwoo said.

" Oh! I will be back from the restroom ", saying this, I took my bag and went towards the restroom.

I walked along the corridor of the restaurant. The restroom is on the other end of the corridor.

But, before, I could understand anything, I bumped into someone. He had a glass of juice in his hand, all of which spilled on me.

" Charlene, Oh my God!" , he exclaimed. I looked at him. Derek.

" It's okay.", I said, but he took some tissue and started helping me.

" Let me help you dry up"

" No Derek, it's totally fine. Really."

" No, I was really careless. I will help you, Come"

Saying this, he almost dragged me to the restroom.

" Derek, it's fine"

" No, it's not", he said and started helping me to wash.

He handed me a bunch of tissues, as I was done washing.

I was patting the tissues on my dress, when I felt him standing close to me. I looked at him, and he stepped closer.

" Derek...."

" I missed you so much Charlene ", He said.

" Okay. I have to go. Jinwoo must be waiti...."

Before I could finish, he grabbed my hand.

" I am sure, you don't feel the same spark we had, with him", saying this he came closer and grabbed my waist.

I froze in the spot for a moment. What is happening? What the hell? My mind went blank. I... Why can't I move?

" Derek, let me go ", I said, trying to struggle.

" You don't really want me to let you go, right? I don't see any spark between you two. He must be so boring, even in bed, right?"

What is he saying? And how dare he?

" Derek, you..."

" Let me remind you, how kissing actually feels like. Stay with me, you will get reminded of all the sparks we had", saying this, he leaned in to kiss me.

What the hell is he saying? And....

I pushed him, as hard as I could. That son of a bitch! He stumbled upon the sink, and looked at me in disbelief.

" You....", he started saying.

" HOW DARE YOU! How dare you say those about my Jinwoo, about my relationship! How dare you touch me? What the f*ck do you even know? What did I even expect? Just like before, you still think, the world revolves around you. How dare you even comment on my relationship! I regret every moment I had with you. So, stop being a nuisance and for God's sake, don't butt into my relationship."

" Charlene, I didn't.."

" Just, stop! Just f*cking Stop! And, make sure, I never see your face again!"

Saying this, I walked out of the restroom. How dare he! I feel absolutely disgusted! That asshole.

I took a deep breathe, I don't want to spoil Jinwoo's mood. He is already feeling awkward and I guess, hurt to some extent.

I walked towards the table, when I saw him standing and talking to a girl. She is the girl, from this morning. He is laughing. Why does he laugh so much with this girl?

" Well Jinwoo, I will be going then ", the girl smiled. She called him Jinwoo. Why did he introduce himself as Jinwoo in the morning?

Jinwoo held her hand and they hugged. It was short and friendly. Yet, I felt uneasy. What is wrong with me? And why is this girl calling him Jinwoo?

The girl left and Jinwoo sat on the chair. I went ahead and sat opposite of him.

" Hey, sorry, it took so long ", I said, trying to sound normal. Jinwoo kept looking at me for a while. And then said, " We should leave"

" Why? We can just walk around the beach for a while. I feel like taking a stroll"

" I- Eunwoo just messaged that, he cannot make it and, I have to attend something "

" What? Jinwoo, is something wrong? You were supposed to be free"

" Yeah, but something urgent came up ", saying this, he got up.

What happened to him now?

Jinjin's Point Of View:

It's been over 15 minutes, and Charlene isn't back yet. So, I got up to check on her. I was about to enter the restroom, when I saw them. Derek was grabbing her waist and pulling her against him. Charlene isn't stopping him.

" You don't really want me to let you go, right? I don't see any spark between you two. He must be so boring, even in bed, right?", Derek said.

" Derek, you..."

" Let me remind you, how kissing actually feels like. Stay with me, you will get reminded of all the sparks we had", saying this, he leaned in to kiss Charlene. My Charlene! And she's not saying anything. She isn't saying a word and letting him, lean in.

I immediately turned and walked away. I can feel a lump in my throat and my eyes are already becoming teary. WHat is wrong with me? Why am I so emotional. Charlene said, he isn't important. I believe what she said, and this is probably nothing, just my misunderstanding. Yet... Yet I cannot watch it. ANd I don't want to cry here, right now, infront of the whole restaurant.

I was about to sit, when, someone said, " hey "

It's Melody. I met her this morning. She is Aeries' friend and the event planner for her wedding. She is really nice.

I looked at her and forced a smile.

" Are you okay?", she asked with a concerned tone.

" Yes. Are you here for lunch?" I asked.

" Yes. I am with my friends. Hey, are you eating alone? You can come and join us"

My mind feels blank. I don't know, what to tell her.

" It's okay, if you are not comfortable. But, you can join us any time. A few of my friends are still single. Maybe we can fix you a date", she smiled.

I laughed and said, " I am here with my date"

" Woah! I wonder, who the lucky woman in!"

" I am lucky to have her"

" I wonder, who will be lucky enough to date me"

I laughed out loud and said, " Oh, I am sure, there are plenty of guys, who wants to date you and be lucky"

She laughed and said, " Not really. I am not into dating, to be honest . Anyway, enjoy with your date. I wouldn't have disturbed you, but you looked down. Are you sure, you are okay?"

" Yes absolutely. You know, the aroha in you is showing"

" Ahh, I try so hard to hide it "

I laughed.

" Well Jinwoo, I will be going then "

She extended her hand, and I shook it and gave her a goodbye hug.

After she left, I sat and that's when Charlene came.

" Hey, sorry, it took so long ", she said as she sat.

I looked at her for a while, hoping that, she will say something, anything about what just happened. But she doesn't look like, she wants to say anything.

" We should leave", I said.

" Why? We can just walk around the beach for a while. I feel like taking a stroll"

" I- Eunwoo just messaged that, he cannot make it and, I have to attend something "

" What? Jinwoo, is something wrong? You were supposed to be free"

" Yeah, but something urgent came up" saying this I got up. I need some air and free time. I need to calm my mind.

I dropped her at the hotel and went for a drive. After around half and hour, I returned to the hotel and freshened up. I have to meet the members and also check on Sanha. He had some major burns and injuries. He was supposed to stay home and take rest, but he apparently is going out and hanging around like, nothing happened. I should go and check on him. I tried calling Charlene several times, as I was wondering, if I should go and check on Aeries and NIck as well. It's been so long and Aeries isn't back yet. Charlene didn't receive her calls. Well, she must be mad at me. I should say sorry.

I went down to the restaurant, to buy something for the members, that's when I saw them. Charlene and Derek, sitting and talking while having coffee.

Without even saying or thinking anything, I went out of the restaurant. I have to meet the members. I cannot think about this right now. At the restaurant, he tried to kiss Charlene, and I don't know, if they actually kissed or not. No, no. Charlene will never do this. But now, they are here talking like nothing absolutely happened.

I went to the hotel, where the members are staying. Well, they are actually staying in a resort, and having the time of their life. That is what MJ Hyung told me, when I said, I will stay in the hotel with Charlene.

I spent some time with the members. They were preparing for a BBQ and said we should join. I had to decline, as their will be a family dinner at 7. And I am here as Charlene's plus 1, so I have to attend the dinner too. Though they still invited, saying that they will start the BBQ after 10.

When I returned to the hotel, it was already 6. I looked for Charlene in her room. She wasn't there. Aeries wasn't there as well. I called her, but her phone is unreachable. I am seriously getting worried now. I asked people, about her, and that is when, Stacey came and said that, she saw Charlene going into the garden with one of Aeries' cousin.


I don't know why, i went towards the garden. I looked for her and I found her. Hugging Derek.

My Charlene is hugging her ex-boyfriend.

"CHARLENE!", i yelled, I don't know why, I did. Usually I would have just walked away.

Derek immediately let Charlene go. Derek was about to say something, but I grabbed Charlene's hand and just got out out of the garden. I practically dragged her to my room, and shut the door behind me.

" Jinwoo, I..." She tried to say, but I cannot think anything right now. She is mine, is all I can think now.

I grabbed her waist and kissed her, as hard as I can. She was taken aback first, but then she kissed back. I felt like, I have been starving. I want her right now. She can only be mine.

We pulled apart, breathing heavily. I could feel myself getting hard already. She is so sexy and she is mine,

" Jinw...", she tried saying something again, but I pushed her against the door, and kissed her again, harder this time, biting her lips and making her moan in my mouth. Her lips and this mouth, is all mine.

I pulled apart. Charlene looked at me, clearly turned on and wanting more. I pulled her towards the bed and pushed her lightly, as she fell flat on the bed. I looked at her for a while. She is breathing heavily, her chest going up and down vividly.

I unbuttoned my shirt.

" I want to have you now", saying this, I pulled my shirt off and climbed the bed to get on top of her.

Her eyes got darker, as she looked at my bare skin and traced her fingers along chest, down to my stomach, making me harder. She unbuckled the belt of my jeans, as i leaned in to kiss her. I kissed her from her her ears, down the neck, nibbling on her skin, making her groan softly. I unbuttoned her tops and pulled it over her. She is breathing heavily. Her chest still moving up and down vividly, making me want to look at her beautiful breasts. I pulled her towards me and lifted her a bit, to unhook her bra straps. She is so beautiful. Each bit of her body and heart is mine. It cannot belong to anyone else.

I leaned in and kissed in between her breasts, as she clutched my hair and moaned softly, trying to stay as quiet as possible. I pulled away and looked at her. She is growing impatient. I kissed her again, as my hands wondered up from her waist, along her stomach and traced along her breasts. I pulled the zipper of her skirt down. and slid my hand inside and traced along the linings of her underwear.

" Jinwoo, please", she said desperately.

" Not so soon baby", I replied and kept on teasing her, with kisses along her stomach, chest and breast. And she kept pleasing my ears, turning me more on, with her soft moans.

I pulled down her skirt and unzipped my Jeans. I leaned on her again. As my hands wondered around her thighs and in between her legs, I could see her groan and arching up in pleasure. Only I can make her feel like that, please her like that.

I pulled down her underwear and exposed her infront of me. She is mine. She is my Charlene and I can be the only one seeing her like this. I kissed on her neck and breasts, leaving marks, as I pushed hard inside her. With a loud gasp, she clutched my hair and held on tighter, while groaning, as I kept pushing harder and deeper each time.

" DO you like it?", I asked, as I kept pushing hard.

She groaned and nodded, while saying, " Jinwoo...You..Are being aggressive today"

" You like it rough sometimes, don't you?", I said while nibbling on her neck.

She moaned louder and said, " I do"

I could feel her fingers skimming deeper into my bare back, as I kept pressing harder.

" Jinwoo, slow down", she said after a while, as I planted a soft bite on her breast.

" Why?"

She looked at me for a while and said, " Jinwoo stop! Are you doing this because you saw me and Derek? and..."

I don't let her finish. I looked directly at her and pushed in more aggressively. She is mine. How can she even take his name. She is only mine.

" Jinwoo, I said Stop", she said as she let out another groan from her mouth.

I kissed her and said, " Almost there sweetie"

" No, you are doing this, cause you are jealous ", she said and couldn't say anything more as I kissed her, putting all my weight on her and pushed harder one last time, as I finished inside her. She let go of my hair and back. She is done too. It's okay now. She is mine. She is only mine now. She is the only one I love and I am the only one she loves. This..all of her is mine.

I pulled myself a bit, and looked at her. And...

Her eyes are closed shut, as tears kept rolling down her face.

I slowly moved away from her and sat on the bed. I....What did I just do? Am I crazy? I... I have hurt Charlene.

She slowly got up and wore her clothes.

" Char...", I tried to say. She is still crying.

" I am not an object, that you will put ownership on by f*cking, whenever you feel possessive.", She said, barely able to control her tears.

" I didn't mean...."

" That is what you did. Don't you dare come infront of me, ever again!", saying this, she left.

What have I done? God! Have I gone crazy! How can I disrespect her so much! How can I hurt her so much! Oh God! I feel tears rolling sown my cheeks as well. I have hurt her so much! I.....

I sat there for a while. I have to apologize to her. I have to beg for her forgiveness, if I have to. How can I hurt my Charlene, so badly! I disrespected her so badly. Oh my God! What did I do! I don't even deserve her apology!

I got up and started looking for her.

She isn't in her room. I tried calling her, but her phone is unreachable. I looked for her in the whole hotel, pool, garden, restaurant every where. She isn't here. Where did she go? I want to cry now. What will I do, if my Charlene leaves me now. I am at fault, but how will I live? I have to find her. She...

Wait, she said, she wanted to take a stroll along the each today. The each is 5 minutes from here.

I ran towards the beach and looked for her.

There she is. Folding her hand against her chest and looking at the sea. Her hair flowing along the wind, making her look like a beautiful mermaid. My Charlene looks heavenly.

I approached her and slowly hugged her from behind. She froze for a moment.

" I am sorry", I said. Almost immediately, she struggled and tried to shrug me off.

" Charlene, I am really sorry", I said again. I could hardly control my tears now. She stopped struggling, as she heard my voice cracking up.

" Jinwoo, please go. Let me stay alone for a while "

" No, I can't leave you alone. How can I? I promised to be there in your well and woe, just last week", I cannot believe, I am crying now.

She just sighed.

" Charlene, I am so sorry. I felt possessive and acted like a jerk. I was insecure and self conscious. I am so so sorry"

Charlene slowly turned to me. Her eyes widened.

She cupped my face and asked, " WHy would you be insecure or self conscious, Jinwoo?"

" Charlene, because I see and always notice, how everyone looks at you, whenever you enter a room. I have always seen it, how every one of them wants you, in some way. Even when I felt possessive of you, every time, I told myself that, I am the only one you love. I love you so much, yet, I got jealous, whenever any of Nick's or Aeries' cousins or friends tried to hit on you. And today, seeing you so vulnerable and weak infront of Derek, while hugging him, made me furious. All those insecurities, i locked inside me, all these time, came rushing in all at once, and made me crazy, and I now I have hurt you"

" I was sad and hurt. I saw you hugging that girl at the restaurant. You looked so happy. And then it felt like, you became disappointed as soon as you saw me. And.."

" She is Aeries' friend and the event planner for her wedding. I was hurt Charlene. I saw him kissing you in the restroom", I said as I felt tears rolling down my eyes. Charlene is crying too.

" He tried to kiss me forcefully, I pushed him away. I felt disgusted. He kept saying nasty things. I wanted to hug you and cry at that moment, Jinwoo"

I... I wasn't there for her, when she needed me. I... I am the worst person ever. How did I not understand her and why didn't I just barge in and beat that asshole up.

" I am sooo sooo sorry, Charlene. O my God!"

" Then in the afternoon, he came to say sorry for everything and treated me to coffee, saying that this is a token of apology. And then when I was looking for you in the evening, he said, he saw you and Stacey going inside your room. Eve when I didn't believe it, hearing it, made me mad ad hurt. I started crying and he forced me into a hug. That's when you came"

" Charlene, I am so sorry. I did not doubt you at all. It was all my insecurities and weakness. I am so sorry baby, I have hurt you so much. I am so so sorry"

" No, i hid things from you. I should have just told you of what happened. Things would have never gotten here, if I had just told you everything. And I have always avoided talking about my ex. I am so sorry, i have hurt you like this"

" Charlene, don't.. I.."

" I love you, Jinwoo. I love you to the moon and back, and I will keep loving you till death and beyond"

" I love you more.. I will love you too till death and after..I...."

" It's okay. It's completely fine. I am here. I am not leaving you. I am forever yours, Jinwoo", she said and got on her toes to kiss me. I leaned in towards her.

" Hi!", someone said.

I feel like punching on his face right now. But instead, I smiled and asked, " Yes Derek?"

" Oh, everyone was looking for you. You know, you are supposed to have dinner", he said.

" Oh, Thank you for letting us know"

" Come, I was asked to drag you to back to the hotel"

" Derek, it would be nice, if you could just go and inform them, Charlene will spend some private time with her fiancé."

Derek immediately looked at Charlene's hand and his face became pale.

" Oh. I will go back then"

" Thank you"

After Derek left, Charlene turned towards me and said,

" Well, Park Jinwoo, that was bold and hot "

" Was it? Shouldn't I get some reward then?" I said and leaned in, and then added, " Maybe the biting we were talking about in the morning?"

She leaned and whispered in my ears, " Well, I had a fantasy to do it in the beach", saying this, she bit my ear hard, and slipped from my hands fast.

My mouth started becoming dry, the moment she said that.

" Hey, where are you going? let's do it in the beach", I yelled out, as I saw her running.

" What are you talking about? Anyone will come any moment. Also, I was just talking about the biting part, and I already bit you", saying this she laughed.

I laughed and ran after her, saying, " We are doing it in the beach, if I catch you"

" Sure, only if you can catch me" She laughed and started running faster.

I will catch her, no matter how long it takes or how far she goes.

Chapter 4: Dear, Fate

Chapter Text

As our lips parted, I breathed and the smell of salty water hit my nose.

Jinwoo looked at me and said, " How are you always this pretty? I can never get enough of you"

Saying this, before I could response or feel properly shy, he leaned and kissed me again, sending goosebumps down my spine. I closed my eyes shut, as I kissed back. I am sitting on his lap with one of my hands around his neck and the other clutching his hair. Each of his touch, on my waist and down my legs, felt like a thousand fireworks. Each of the pressures, from his hands and lips, felt like friction against my skin, making my mind blank and give in to the immense pleasure, my body is experiencing.

I pulled apart, just enough to breathe. As our nose touched and he stole pecks on my lips, I said,

" We've been making out for a while. They will get mad, if we don't go for dinner "

Jinwoo pulled me closer and kissed on my neck, saying, " They will get mad, if we go as well "

" T...true ", I said slowly, trying not to groan, and added, " But, I am hungry "

Jinwoo stopped to pull apart and started chuckling.

" You... You are so cute "

I rolled my eyes and said, " I am not cute. Don't call me cute "

He somehow stopped laughing and said, " Okay, get up. We will go eat "

" I am not saying anything, if they scold us for being late", I said and got up.

" We don't need to go there, for eating. The members are having a BBQ party tonight. We are invited. Let's go. You can meet Eunwoo and your son too "




As soon as Jinwoo parked the car, in the resort, the Astro members are staying, loud sound of music hit me.

We went around the garden, to the back yard. There are a handful of people, a large campfire in the middle and on a corner, coals are being heated for barbecue.

As soon as we walked in MJ oppa and Moonbin greeted us. We went ahead towards the fire, that's when, I heard her calling me.

" Charlene, you are here!"

I turned around and saw Aeries, walking fast towards us.

" Aeries, you! What are you doing here?"

" Sanha invited me. You are really here. I thought, he was lying", she replied.

" Weren't you with Nick? What happened there? Did you call off the wedding?"

" I... long story. I will tell you later"

" No, I will get tensed. Tell me now"

" Jinwoo, Please ask your Fiancé to stop nagging", she turned towards Jinwoo and said.

" It's a party. Let's enjoy for now, Char. You two can talk about it all night. Besides, I need your attention right now", Jinwoo smiled and said.

" You always side with her", I said, trying to act mad.

" I am still mad at you though", Aeries eyed me and added.

" Okay. i will listen to you scolding me, for that. Now, at least tell me, if you had called off the wedding or not?"

" I... i am not really sure"

" What do you mean by, you are not sure?"

" Things got pretty complex and Nick's mom and my mom got involved. Well, it was messy "

" What are you saying? Ya!"

" I told you, it's a long story. I will tell you later, besides....",

Another girl, came towards us and called Aeries, before she could finish.

" Aeries, where did you keep.....", she started asking Aeries, then she suddenly noticed us.

It's that girl, who I saw with Jinwoo.

" Hi! You are here! You look handsome ", she looked at Jinwoo and said.

" Thank you. You look pretty too", Jinwoo bowed and said.

The girl looked at me and then asked Jinwoo, " Is she the one? Your girlfriend?"

Jinwoo smiled.

She turned towards me and smilingly said, " Hi. I am Melody. I was the event planner of Aeries' wedding"

" Nice to meet you. I am Charlene. Aeries' friend", I replied.

" Charlene. Why do I feel like I know you. Wait, You are an actress. Aren't you? Oh my Goodness! Aeries, you never said, your friend is an actress. What is wrong with you? "

" Well, I try not to boast. And ya! Is it my job, to tell you about everything. You don't even come to visit me properly.

" I am not even starting with that. I am mad at you", Melody replied.

" Why are you here, by the way?", Jinwoo asked. I wanted to ask that too.

" Oh, I am staying in this resort", Melody replied.

" Why? I thought, you stayed in the hotel with Aeries and her family"

" No. I was already in Jeju for another event and was staying here. So, I didn't change the hotel. Moving to that hotel, seemed like extra work load. Also, I am not really fond of Aeries' family"

" No one is fond of my family. Even I am not fond of them. Everyone is crazy", Aeries replied.

"And we have the craziest Archers here, with us", Melody sarcastically added.

We all laughed.

"Anyway, you guys enjoy. I should go back. I was supposed to be helping with the barbecue", Melody said again and bowed. She doesn't seem that bad now.

After she went away, Aeries sat with me and Jinwoo around the campfire.

I was about to ask Aeries about Nick again, when I saw Sanha coming.

" Ya! Couldn't you at least inform me before wandering off by yourself?" He looked at Aeries and yelled.

" Here comes your mentally sick 'son' ", Aeries looked at me and said.

" Who is mentally sick? Hyung! Say something to her! She falls into some sort of trouble, every time she breathes, and then she wanders off, giving me heart attacks. and now she is calling me sick ", Sanha looked at Jinwoo and said.

" Sanha-ya, you cannot talk to Aeries like that. She should do whatever she wants, okay?", Jinwoo said while chuckling.

" Thank you", Aeries smiled and added, " As a thanks, I will leave you two alone and let you have some cheesy romantic moments or something"

Saying this, Aeries stood up and went off and Sanha followed her nagging.

" Why on earth did I think that this barbecue party will be normal and peaceful?", I asked while laughing.

Jinwoo laughed and said, " Nothing is ever normal with Astro"

" You are normal though, so calm and peaceful "

" Really? Should I remind you of some moments, when I wasn't calm and peaceful?'

" When were you...", I started saying, then I understood what he meant. So I added, " up!", I turned away and focused on the camp fire. Who knew, fire can be beautiful too. This is reminding me of the first time, I saw Jinwoo.

" Here's more beef for my pretty sister", someone said and put a dish with grilled beef infront of us.

" Oppa", I said as soon as I heard him, and got up.

He hugged me. I missed him so much.

" I missed you so much ", Eunwoo oppa said.

" Did you? You ditched today though."

"That...Okay.. I am sorry. I really am", Oppa looked genuinely apologetic.

" Okay okay. Just treat me to something nice"

We pulled away and he said,

" Charlene did you cry? You look like, you cried."

" No, oppa. It's nothing ", How did he notice this? I tried putting on makeup to cover my puffy eyes.

" Did hyung make you cry? Want me to beat hyung up?" He asked. I feel like, he will genuinely be all ready to beat him up, if I said so.

Jinwoo got up and said, " I do deserve a beat up. But I will never make her cry again"

Oppa looked at him for a while and then said, " You better not. If you ever make her cry again, I am taking her away and will find a suitable guy for her"

" No, I am not giving my girlfriend to anyone "

" I can take her if I want though. She was my sister first"

" Sure, sure. You have more rights"

Oppa laughed and asked, " Do you remember, how we met?"

" Wasn't it in a set?" I asked.

" Yes, I was playing a sub role in one of your movies. It was after the crew was wrapping up. "

" My manager was late that day. And I was waiting for him"

" I was about to leave with my manager too, but that's when I saw you irritated. One of the new actors was telling you something, and you were trying to walk away"

I laughed and replied, " Yes, he was asking me out for dinner. Even when I refused, he kept asking me. So oppa came towards me and said 'Sorry, oppa is late. Did you wait too much? I will drop you off'"

" Yes. Charlene was so pissed at that guy, that she just started walking with me", Oppa laughed and replied.

" Oppa even treated me to steak that day. "

" Really? I have always wondered, how you knew Eunwoo. Then I thought, since both of you act, you got to know somehow", Jinwoo said.

" Yes. Oppa, seat with us. I have so many things to tell you"

" No. I have been here for a while, and these days, People hate my peace. Weird people will start nagging, saying I make them work, if I am late.", Oppa replied weirdly.

" What? What are you talking about?" i asked being confused.

" Nothing really. I will see you later, okay? I will go and help with the barbecue"

" Okay. bye oppa"

After Oppa left, Jinwoo came closer towards me, and asked,

" Do you remember how we met?"

" Of course I do. Wasn't it at a barbecue party, just like this?", I looked at him and replied.

" Yes. It was your birthday "

" You even remember that!?", I exclaimed.

" How can I not? That was the best day of my life"



Three years ago:

Finally, we are done with filming in this island. I am glad, because I have been feeling sick, since the time, we arrived here. And the weather has been disastrous. We had to pack up multiple times, due to bad weather. So I am glad that, it's our last day on this island.

The cast and crew are having a barbecue party tonight. Even though I feel a bit down, I got up and got ready. And the weird thing is, I checked the weather multiple times, but there's no sign of any rain or storms. The weather is calm. All these days, after annoying the hell out of us, the weather has to be fine, today, the last day of our stay in this island.

I got ready and took the stairs, to go to the rooftop, as my room is already in the topmost floor. I was getting up, and someone was going down. I didn't notice him, and was about to bump into him, but he grabbed my arms and stopped me from bumping.

He let go of me immediately, and bowed, saying sorry.

" No, no, I am sorry too", I bowed and looked up. He smiled. He... he is so handsome. Was greyish blue color always this good looking? His grayish blue shirt and Jeans, made him look even more handsome.

He looked away, and I realized, I have been staring at him. He bowed a little again, and left.

I went up the stairs, and looked around. I know everyone around here, but I don't feel like talking to anyone. I wish, I could just go to the room and sleep. But the director requested everyone to be there. And since, I am the lead, he said, I should be setting an example, by coming on time.

So, I wandered around, and felt extremely bored, as all people were doing here was dancing. After a while, I headed to the snacks bar, and looked for something to eat. If anything, the snacks bar is huge and well supplied. It basically has everything you can think of as a snack in Korea. I walked along the long line of snacks, placed nicely on dishes, lined up in a huge table, in two rows.

I walked to the end and turned to look at the second row, when someone exclaimed,

" Whoa!"

I immediately stopped. I was about to bump into him again. He is the same guy, I almost bumped into in the stairs.

" Are you okay?", He asked.

" Yes"

" Are you sure?", he yelled, because of the music.

" Yes", I said and bowed to leave.

I.... Okay, I have to stop thinking about his looks. And I should stop my face from getting hot.

I didn't take any snacks, as I felt awkward. So, I went ahead and sat around the campfire with the crew.

" Does anyone need more beef?" Someone asked after a while.

I looked up and saw the same guy, holding dishes of meat, just behind me. As I looked up, he looked down at me. And kept looking.

" Do you need more meat?" He asked.

i nodded my head sideways.

" Jinjin, You should come and join us. There are people to handle the barbecue", the director called out.

" No, I like doing these things"

" No. Come and sit with us", the director insisted.

He went ahead to sit by the director and placed the dishes infront of us.

" Everyone, of course most of you already know, this is Jinjin. He is the composer and lyricist of all the songs in our movie. Oh, He is also the leader of the boyband Astro"

Astro. Oppa is in Astro too. No wonder, he looked a bit familiar. If he's the leader, oh my God, he's the one who dances so well. I like the way he dances.

The director introduced each of us to him.

After a while, suddenly, out of no where, the music stopped, and everyone started countdown.

10, 9,8... Wait, what is happening? Is it new year? Korean new year? Something I don't know of? I looked around in confusion, but no one was saying anything.

"4,3,2,1.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLENE!" Everyone yelled.



And all these people! I will cry! I can already feel myself tearing up.

Everyone, came to me, hugging and wishing. I am so happy right now. I feel like crying.

Why is happiness so weird? Why do we need to have a lot other emotions, along with happiness? Why do I have to feel hurt, sad, disappointed, empty, along with happiness? Happiness would be so beautiful, if it was only happiness, without any other emotions.

Someone, dragged me up to the small stage, where they placed a huge cake. I had to cut it, and feed a few people. Most of these people. They love me so much. Yet, I feel uncomfortable, I feel frustrated, I feel a bit empty. I miss my friends, I miss Aeries so much. She didn't even call me to wish. Wait, I don't have my phone with me. So, I wouldn't know. Now I feel guilty. She will be so hurt and mad, if she can't reach me. Also, Oppa. Why did I leave my phone in the room again?

I was thinking and going down the stage. But, I wasn't careful and I skipped a stairs. I tried to balance myself, but I was falling down, when a pair of hands caught me. I looked at him. It's that guy, Jinjin.

" I got you", saying this he steadied me and helped to get down the stage.

Why is he everywhere? Is he following me? Stalking me? What is wrong with him? He might be good looking, but why is he so weird and creepy?

He bowed and left.

That's it!? he just comes out of nowhere, then bows and leaves without saying anything. What is wrong with him? Why is he so weird? I am getting mad at this guy now. Shouldn't he at least wish me or ask anything? We just got to know each other? Who does that? Weirdo!

He ruined my mood! What the hell! I feel like arguing with him and beat some social skills into him. I mean, not that I am social, I am in fact pretty unsocial. But...He is pissing me off.

I walked towards the stairs to go back to my room, when someone stopped me, saying,

" Hey babe"

I turned and saw him! Great! This was the only thing, that was left to happen today.

" Derek, What are you doing here?", I asked.

" Hey, come on! Is that the first thing you ask to someone close?", He said and came closer.

" Well, if you want me to ask nicely, dear sir, may I know the reason of you being here?" I sarcastically asked.

He laughed. Even his laugh is annoying.

" You have become funny, babe"

" Please don't call me that"

" As you wish. It's your birthday. Happy birthday, sweetie", He said and forced me into a hug.

" Derek, let go! What the f*ck?" How dare he.

" Okay, I will. Are you still mad at me? I am sorry, okay? It's your birthday. We should celebrate. Do you remember, how specially we used to celebrate your birthday? Alone, just the two of us?"

I feel disgusted.

" Derek, why are you here?"

" Did you forget that, I own this hotel?"

Oh, right. I forgot. He has chains of hotels.

" Right, I am leaving", Saying this, I turned.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to say, " I bet you miss me baby. Because I miss you too"

What the hell his wrong with him? I did everything for him and loved him so much, yet he didn't leave any stones unturned, to mentally torture me. Now that, I am having my life back together, he tries to intervene again. And what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I even tearing up? For this jerk?

" Derek. f*ck off and let go off my hand", I said, while struggling to get out of his grip.

" You are crying. I knew you missed me. Let's sneak out baby. We will enjoy in my room"

" What the f*ck? Derek, let go", saying this i pulled my hands out of his grip.

" Babe..."

" I already have someone. So don't worry about me, not even for a second. I can enjoy"

" No, you are lying, right? I know, you love me so much"

" Sure, keep on believing that", saying this I turned and walked towards the other side of the rooftop. It's dark in there. I can't believe, I am crying this much, over that jerk. What is wrong with me?

As I was looking down and walking towards the dark, I saw a pair of feet stopping infront of me. And he is not moving. Why is he not moving?

" You... What's wrong? Why are you crying?", he asked.

Who ask such questions so directly? I looked up and saw him. Jinjin. And I don't know why, all my emotions started to force it's way out, as soon as I looked at him.

Without even thinking, I grabbed his collar and pulled him down, and kissed him.

And I kept kissing him, while crying. And I felt like, through that kiss, I conveyed all my emotions and hurt feelings to him. He is a stranger, yet he felt comfortable.

When he finally figured me out, he kissed back, conveying that, he's there for me.

I pulled apart and looked at him.

" Even kissing you feels better than him.", saying this I started crying more, and added, " Ya! Who asked you to be this nice? I am a stranger! Shouldn't you push me away? Are you crazy? You are...."

I couldn't finish saying it, as he leaned towards me and kissed me again, conveying that it is okay for me to cry and it is okay for me to rely on him and he is trying to understand me more.

I pulled apart. How dare he kiss me like that?

" You... Ya.... Don't think you can do whatever you.............. Ya! why are you crying? WHy are you tearing up too? Was I not enough? Ya! Stop crying"

Saying this, I grabbed his shirt with both my hands, and covered my face in his chest, and kept crying. Why is he so weird? How can he understand the pain of a stranger. Is he crazy? How can he just let me cry? Who in the world is this understanding? I feel so mad at him. I want to beat him up. Yet.... Yet, he feels comforting.

He hesitated a bit, and then put his arms around, to embrace me. Why can't I stop crying?

After a while, I pulled apart from him.

" I am sorry. I will go now", I said and bowed.

" Shouldn't you be joining the party? It's your birthday", he said.

" No. I should call it a day and rest. Thank you for your time"

" You shouldn't just leave while feeling down"

" I should, and I will"

" Okay...Ummm, look, this is weird for me to ask, but will you come with me. Let's go somewhere"

" Excuse me? Just because, I kissed you out of emotions, does not mean you can do anything!"

He laughed out loud, and said, " I know. Don't worry, I am already a bit scared of you."

" What? Are you saying that I am scary?"

" No, I mean..."

I laughed. He looked genuinely taken aback.




So, here I am walking through a narrow alley. Loud sounds of drums are coming from the other end of the alley. We drove for 30 mins, all the way to the other end of the island for some fest. Even though, I couldn't trust him, weirdly I felt this strong urge to come with him. He felt warm and nice and trustworthy. Then again. every douche bag feels trustworthy at first.

The alley ended on a broad road, with small houses on both sides of the road. People with paintings on their face are sitting on the ground and playing huge drums on the both sides of the road, People are wearing fancy colorful clothes. The roads and houses are colorfully decorated.

" What fest is this?", I had to yell to ask. I could barely hear anything, because of the loud drums.

He leaned towards me and said, " It is 'the Feast of St. Marinus Day' today. A small community consisting of the followers of St. Marinus live in this part of the island. They are originally from a small country called San Marino. The procession will start anytime now"

" What procession?"

" It is traditional. On every 'Feast of St, Marinus day', they hold a procession. You will see it soon. You don't look like the kind of person, who is into crowds, but this is beautiful and different. And it's not that crowdy in here. The community is really small"

As soon as he finished, the drums stopped, and after a moment, started again with a different beat. People were standing on the two sides of the road, making way in the middle. I could hear, people cheering, So I leaned a bit to see. A huge cart, carried by 2 beautiful pure white horse was coming this way. On the cart was a huge statue, more like sculpture, made with white marble. Beside the statue, was a person standing. He seems to be the pope. He was throwing something wrapped towards the people. Behind the cart was a small procession of people, holding banners and saying something like a sermon along with the beat of the drums, in a language, I do not understand.

Jinjin leaned again and said, " The sermon is about the gifts they are throwing. They are saying, no matter, which God you believe in, the token, as in those wrapped gifts are from your God to you, that reached you among thousands. They are saying that, it is destiny. And there are fortune readings, inside those tokens. You know, it is said that, the readings in those tokens, actually come true. I have seen it myself."

The procession crossed us, and Jinjin caught a wrapped token. He turned towards me, and handed it to me, saying, " Here, your birthday present" and he smiled. Why is his smile, so beautiful? It's....

As the procession crossed the end of the road, the beat of the music changed. They are plying something upbeat now. I saw people, gathering in the middle of the road and dancing in circles, while clapping. Men wearing colorful cowboy outfits stood outside the circle and women were dancing inside, changing partners with the change of beat. This looks so fun. The whole atmosphere itself feels cheerful and happy.

Jinjin went ahead while clapping and joined the people in the middle of the street. He is smiling. He looks happy, genuinely happy. He gestured towards me, to come along. But, I nodded my head. Even though this looks fun, I feel embarrassed and I don't know the steps.

Jinwoo went along the circle. They are following a repetitive steps. After a while, he came back and pulled by my hand.

" Charlene, you gotta dance here. This is so fun! Seriously!" He said as he pulled me into the crowd.

" No, I don't know the steps"

" You will learn. It's easy, I will help you", Saying this he pulled me into the circle and held my hand to twirl. As he twirled me, the beat changed, and he handed me over to the guy beside him. The steps are actually pretty simple. And oh my God! Why is this dance so addictive and fun? I kept laughing and smiling, without any reason, as I changed partners, and they politely took off their hat to bow to me a little, to show respect. As I locked my arms with the next person, I realized, he's not taking off his hat. I looked at him.

I have already rounded the circle and now I am back to Jinjin. As we changed our hands to lock arms, and spin slowly together, he bowed his head a little to me. I bowed back ad he took my hand, to twirl me twice, then locked our arms again and went two steps right, then he twirled me again, to stop and grab just below my waist to pick me up, and then he slowly brought me down again. As I felt his breathe on my neck, while going down, suddenly the memory of kissing him, crossed through my mind, and almost immediately, I became aware of his hands on my hip. As my feet touched the ground, I saw him looking directly at me, intently, yet with softness. Why is my heart beating like that? What is wrong with me? His hands moved up from my waist, to my hip as he bend me backwards, and leaning towards me. As he slowly brought me back up, I could see him still looking at me, with the same intensity and with the same softness.

" You look pretty...I...", he said, but didn't finish, as he took my hand and twirled me again.

" What?", I asked, pretending not to hear.

His hands got back on my waist, and I locked my hands around his neck, as he looked at me and took two steps towards right.

" Nothing", He said and smiled, while taking three steps towards left.

" I heard you" was what I was about to say, but he twirled me again and passed me to the next person.

We danced for one more round and then got out of it.

And Jinjin kept laughing the moment we got out of the circle.

" I can't believe, you actually stepped on that old uncle. You reduced his lifespan, by a year. He was screaming so much", He said and started laughing.

" Ya! Don't laugh. I felt guilty. Also, I feel like, that uncle overreacted. I didn't even step on his feet. I stepped on the heel of his shoe, which by the way was a minimum 5 inch. How can that hurt him?"

" Sure. sure! You can say anything now", he kept laughing.

" Ya! Stop laughing. DO you think, I didn't notice, how you couldn't lift that lady up? She was staring at you the whole time. You broke her heart", I said and laughed.

" I was tired. Normally, I would have lifted her up. And also, I said sorry "

" Oh my God! You even said sorry for that!? Imagine how embarrassed the girl must have been", I said and laughed even more loudly.

" That is not funny. And the girl wasn't embarrassed at all"

" Sure sure! You can say anything now", I said and laughed.

" You!!!!! Using my dialogue against me, huh!", he laughed.

Due to Jinjin's great idea, we entered the crossbow tournament. Apparently, it's a traditional sport.

" Do you even know anything about crossbow?", I asked.

" Yes. I am a master at archery. Both are the same", He proudly replied.

" Really?"

We tried to practice for a while, before our turn came. I was having trouble with the aim, when Jinjin came to help me.

" Let me teach you", Saying this, he stood behind me and put his arms around me, to hold the crossbow on my hand.

What is seriously wrong with my heart? I need to focus. Why is my mind wandering back to the kiss and how he looked at me? I am getting mad at myself now.

" Look here. You will have to close one of your eyes, to actually focus on the target. See, if you close your right eye and try to see the target, with the left, you have to keep in mind that, you will be seeing the target towards left, more left from it's original position. So, you....", he stopped.

I could feel him staring at me. Why? Did he notice my burned up face? I am trying so hard to calm myself down. But my face!

After a while, he continued, " You have to aim towards right of where you can see the target. Here, let's try."

I shot an arrow and it hit the target around the center.

" Yeah just like that. You are really good", Jinjin said and clapped.

Our turn came in a while.
And we lost.

" Ya! You suck so much at this", I laughed ad said, while walking out of the tournament camp.

With a long face, Jinjin said, " Don't laugh"

I laughed even more and said, " You are even worse than me"

His face is red now. He looked away and said, " Who knew crossbow and archery would be different?"

I laughed and pulled his cheeks, saying, " Awwww... You are so cute"

His eyes immediately widened, and he touched his face.

What did I just do? And why am I feeling so embarrassed because of it? I immediately turned away from him. He has seen my red face enough for today.

" You....", he started saying.

" Let's go eat something. I got hungry from all the dancing and games" I said, before he could finish.

" Let's have TORTA TRE MONTI ", Jinjin said.

" Torta what? "

" Torta tre monti. It's basically thin layers of wafers, with chocolates and hazel nut cream in the middle. It's a traditional dish of San Marino. It is super yummy. There's a feast going on called, Festa de Monti"

We walked into a huge open shop inside a large tent, and took a table for us. Sweet smell of chocolate hit me, as soon as I sat. There were a few couples, dancing tango on the stage up ahead. A huge guy, in a cowboy outfit, came to us, and gave a leaflet, asking if we would like to enter the event. It was a couple event and as much as you can eat challenge, so I hesitated a bit.

" Let's enter the event. We can eat as much as we want", Jinjin excitedly said.

" I don't think, I can eat that much. I ate a lot of meat", I replied.

" It's okay, I got you. I will eat for you too. Also look at the reward. First prize is a 3 day tour in a cruise ship. It's going to be so fun"

" Can you even eat that much? What about your diet?", I asked, genuinely wondering.

" That... well, it's a special day. So one day won't matter much", he replied and signed up for the event.

I wonder, what made this day, special for him?

And after eating 4 of those torta something, I felt like throwing up. Even the smell of chocolate was making me feel nauseated. I still tried to eat more, as Jinjin was already on his 11th one.

" Hey, you don't have to eat. It's okay. I told you, I got you. I can eat more", Jinjin said. He must have noticed the expression on my face.

" Your face is already red. I don't think you can eat more."

" No. I can eat", He insisted.

" No. You will get sick"

" Okay, I will not push myself too much. So, let me just eat, as long as I can", saying this, he focused on eating.

And he ate 19 in total. So, we both ate 23. And we did not get the first prize. But, we came second.

We were awarded, after the event, with flower crowns and a boat ride in the lake, just at the edge of this island. We were separated and taken into another tent, for wearing the Sammarinese traditional dress.

The traditional dress they gave me, includes a corset and a maroon long sleeved gown made with soft fabric, with a belt and bow on the waist. I wore the dress and the flower crown and got out of the tent. Jinjin was already standing there, wearing a black skin tight leather pants with boots, and a maroon flowy shirt with a sleeveless black jacket. Why does he look so good, even in that ridiculous outfit?

He took my hand as the huge guy and a few others led us to the lake.

" Is it seriously there traditional dress?", I whispered to ask.

" No. It's just what their ancestors used to wear. long ago"

" Why are they making us wear it then?"

" Customs maybe. These small communities are very strict with customs"

" That is obvious"

They led us to the lake. There was a boat, beautifully decorated with colorful flowers and small fairy lights.

Jinjin got into the boat first, and then held my hand to help me get up as well.

Jinjin was rowing the boat, at one end, as I sat quietly on the other. I was staring at the sky and occassioally looking at him. He was lookig at me, sometimes too and rowing. The sky looks beautiful from here. There's not a sigle cloud and the stars are clearly visible. It feels warm. As the loud music started fading, I felt my heart getting warmer. It is so peaceful. I feel happy. Only happy. He made it possible.
I looked at him. He was so kind to go out of his way, and do all these for a stranger. He is different. He is a stranger, yet I feel safe with him. He makes me feel warm and happy.

He looked at me.

" Hey, it's a shooting star", he pointed.

I looked at the direction, he pointed.

" You have to wish something", he urged.

" I don't really believe in this. Does it actually work?"

" How will you know, if you don't try. Come on, it's your day"

" I will try then"

I looked at the falling star and closed my eyes. Okay, how do I wish now?

I started saying in my mind, " What do I call you? Umm.. Wish God? Destiny? Luck? Fate? Okay, i like fate. So dear, Fate! I wish I become this happy every birthday. This is my best birthday and I hope, the one who made me happy, becomes much happier than I am right now. Also, thank you for everything. I am done. So, do I say Amen or something? Is there any ending ceremony or sermons? What do...." before I could finish, he called me out,

" Charlene..."

I opened my eyes.
The night sky is now getting filled with hundreds and thousands of lanterns, coming from all directions, piercing through the pitch darkness. The night sky looks bright, lighting up everything around it, making the world look like, a piece of heaven, making everything look celestial and heavenly, and giving meaning to everything around. I could feel a tear drop rolling down my eyes. How can anything be this beautiful and peaceful? Am I allowed to be this happy and experience such beauty? My heart is melting. Just when I thought, I cannot feel more warm, my heart got warmer.

I looked at Jinjin. He was already looking at me with wide eyes and smiling. How is each of his smiles, this beautiful?

" You...are beautiful", he said, without even looking away.

" What?"

" The sky... It's beautiful"

I smiled. He thinks I am beautiful.

" Why are you smiling?", He asked.

" You look handsome in that cowboy outfit", I said.

He looked at me for a while and then smiled, saying, "You should take a look at the water"

I looked down into the lake. The lake.....

It looked like, there's thousands of light under the water, that lit up the whole lake. And the water was so clear that I could see the fishes, corals and small colorful plants under the water. It's like sun and moon. The sky was sharing it's light with the water, destroying all the differences in between. How can everything be this beautiful today? Why is everything becoming so meaningful? And why is he making everything feel heavenly, for me?



We got out of the fest and drove for about 15 minutes. He said, he needs to take me to somewhere else.

And now we are standing on the edge of a mountain. Though there are railings, he repeatedly asked me to be careful and not go near the edge.

" Why are we here?", I asked.

" You can see the city lights from here", he replied.

" Isn't that pretty common?"

" Yes. But, It's skyscraper's day today. And all the high raised buildings here are........ Well, you will see yourself. After a while, all the lights in the whole island will be turned off. And the lights in those high raised buildings will light up."

"Why is this island, so into celebrations. It's been 9 days, i have been here. And I have heard of festivals almost everyday."

" Well, that's the perk of this island. It is known for celebrating all the festivals in the world"

" Wow. Really? That is.. That is amazing. Seriously!"

" Yes"

" How do you know so many things though?"

" I like coming to this island for vacation. It feels healing"

I looked at the city lights. This island, that celebrates every festivals around the world! How did they even come up with this idea? The island, that accepts everyone and everything. The island, that heals Jinjin. The island that gave me my best birthday.

" Oh, can you wait for a bit?", Jinjin suddenly asked.

" You are not leaving me here alone, are you?"

He laughed and said, " What do you think? I have something to do. I will be back in a while"

I nodded.

After he went away, I walked towards the edge. I can see the lake, we were in, from here. It looks so dark now. A while ago, it looked like a part of sky.

I suddenly remembered about the gift, the token Jinjin caught and gave me. It's still in my hand.

I opened the ribbon, and unwrapped it.

There's a small silver compass that says, your dreams go in the direction of your dreams, inside a crystal ball.

A piece of half burnt paper folded, beside it. It says,

" Thou child,
Not look beyond the horizon for the one belonging to thy soul.
Look by thee, for thy soul belongs to him.
And his soul is thine.
So, my child, see by thee.
Thou shall be bestowed with merriment, by the one beside
- Dear Fate "

(in case you are not familiar with archaic form,
thou = You , thy= your , thee= you , thine= yours )

(in case you are not familiar with archaic form, thou = You , thy= your , thee= you , thine= yours )

Dear fate... fate...The one beside me...The one who will keep me happy...I should not look far...I have to look near me...He....

" Hey", I heard him call from behind. I turned. He is standing with a cupcake in his hand, and a small candle in it. He...

I went towards him.

" Sorry, I couldn't find a bigger cake ", He said with an embarrassed tone.

" You...", I don't know what to say. I don't even remember, if I have ever been this happy and emotional.

" Happy Birthday Charlene"

" You....What even...I can't...How....Why.....", I can't even form a sentence. I feel like, I will tear up, if I speak now.

" You know, it's very windy in here. Blow the candle", he smiled ad said.

I blew the candle, and almost immediately, all the lights turned off. The whole area became pitch black. I got startled, and grabbed his shirt. He got stiff for a moment, and then slowly held my had. He took me towards the edge.

Slowly the lights are turning on, in a sequence. And when all the lights of the tall buildings turned on, it made a heart shape with an arrow passing through it.

" This is so pretty!", I exclaimed, as I locked my hand firmly with his.





" That was really a great day. The day we met for the first time", I said, as the change of music, brought me back to present from my memory lane.

" No. I saw you 6 months before that. It was when the movie shoot first started. But, I felt so nervous to talk to you. Then, suddenly, I saw you again on that island. I could hardly believe my eyes and the way my heart was acting all weird, by seeing you"

"In that case, it was a good thing, I came running to you crying and kissed you out of the blue. Thankfully, we got to celebrate my birthday together. ", I laughed and said.

"And you told me that day while looking at the lights, that it was your best birthday ever", Jinwoo said and wrapped his hands around me.

"And every birthday with you, since then has been the best", I replied, leaning closer to him.

Jinwoo locked his hand with mine and kissed on my hair, then said, " I will make each of your birthdays best forever. It was the day, my Charlene was born and is now making me the happiest person on earth. I have you, so I have everything, every happiness now"

Chapter 5: Beyond the boundary ( Part 1)

Chapter Text

Darkness. It's all dark. What is this? Who is that? Someone is falling. In a bottomless pit. Or, is it water? Ocean? Without any bottom to reach? Me?. Why am I falling? I thought I already hit the rock bottom. I opened my eyes. Black is all I see. Was ocean always this pitch black? What's this sound? Someone is screaming. Who? I looked around. I cannot see anyone? The scream is getting louder, as I keep falling. I can hear voices now. I heard someone laughing. Not the laugh of a human. He is laughing again. Then I heard the scream again. She screamed and said,

" No, Don't! Damien, please!"

I woke up with a jerk. I am sweating hard. I- I am panting. Why....

My phone rang. I took a deep breathe and received it.

" Good morning. How is my baby doing?", Damien asked.

" Good morning. Just woke up "

" You should wake up earlier. So did you dream about me?"


" Hmm. Did you have breakfast"

" Yes. When will you be back? "

" I told you, we just signed another contract. It is really big. A week, maybe? "

" What kind of event takes a week?"

" It is for a celebrity's brother's wedding, apparently. I don't know the details yet. It's really a huge deal for me. You know, they booked a five star hotel, for all their guests. they- "

" Aaah! Why do you find that boring business, so interesting?"

" It's fun for me. I get to know different people "

" You should just come and work in my company. You won't even have to do anything. You will get the job "

" That is why, I won't "

" You are impossible to read sometimes. Melody, come back."

" I will be back in a week. Just a bit more"

" But i miss you so much. Atleast tell me the name of the hotel now. You didn't even tell me last time. "

" No. I don't want you to visit me like last time. You practically barged in the middle of their vows", I said and laughed.

" I am just passionate", He laughed. I miss him. I want to go see him. I will feel relaxed, once I saw him. He is kind, and passionate and he loves me so much. I love him too.

" I will hang up, okay? Take care. " I said.

" I love you. Bye "

" I- You know. Bye."

" Meaaannnn "

I laughed. He is so cute sometimes. " Good bye", I said and hung up.

I freshened up. I wish I could get a day break. I just finished an event yesterday. I will have to check out of the hotel first. And then go to the hotel, my next client is staying in. I need to pack up fast. I had breakfast, and took the books from the table to pack. Oh right, Aeries, sent me a book yesterday. Her new book, It just got published. The tittle says " You are loved ". The tittle is so sweet, but that evil woman! God knows, what kind of twisted story, she wrote. I sometimes wish, I could crack open her head and see what's inside it.

I finally finished packing. I went down, and bowed to everyone. And checked out. I called my assistant Yuri, to come down quickly. I suddenly heard him.

" I have booked a room ". That voice.... Damien?

I got up and looked back. Damien. He is here. For me? Did he somehow get to know that I am here? I feel glad. I feel happy.

" Dami....", I was about to call him. Then I saw a woman beside him. Is this his new assistant? He said, he appointed someone new.

" A room for two, under Damien Wilson", he said again.

A room for two. I must have misheard.

" Damien, is this the surprise you were talking about?", the woman asked.

" Let's go to our room first. I will show you the surprise myself", He- he replied.

What is wrong with me? Why am I hearing everything wrong today?

" Privately? ", the woman asked.

I saw him.. taking her waist and pulling her closer, to whisper something in her ear.

The woman shyly smiled.

They are turning towards me. I- What do I do? I looked around, and then quickly hid behind the sofa, I was sitting on.

I crouched down.

I can still hear them. The woman is asking, how long they will stay here. Damien replied, a week. And then they talked some more. I couldn't hear anymore. It's all blur.

I hugged my knees. It's dark. Darkness all over again. And I kept falling in that bottomless sea. This time I am suffocating. I can't find the will to breathe. I am hearing the scream again. It's me. Why do I keep hearing my own scream, and Him laughing. Why am I falling again? I can't remember. I can't even see anything. It's black everywhere.

" Hello!"

I opened my eyes. A pair of bright eyes. Widened, as I laid my eyes.

" Are you okay?"

Who is this?

" Can you hear me?"

Does he think I am deaf? What is wrong with him? DO I look deaf?

" Why are you sitting here?"

More importantly, why is this guy crouching down infront of me?

He extended a hand towards my face.

" Why are you crying?"

I- What?

I hit and tossed his hand away, before he could touch me, and immediately stood up. I am crying?

He stood up too.

What is wrong with me? Why am I crying? I am sure, Damien has some explanation to this. This is nothing. Of course, nothing. I am over thinking. I tried to wipe my face and eyes off. But..

More tears came pouring out. I don't have the time to waste here crying. I have to go. STOP CRYYING, DAMMIT!

I heard him again. I looked. Damien and that woman is walking towards here. People will soon notice me crying. I have to hide somewhere. I cannot let Damien see me. I cannot let anyone see me cry. This is so embarrassing and awkward. I looked around. I should run away from here, right? If this guy wasn't here, I would have done a great job in hiding.

Damien is still coming towards him. I looked at him. He will see me anytime now. Any time. Now. He will look at me now. And... And I don't know...I..

I felt him stepping toward him. That guy. And before I could even look at him, he pulled me towards him, and put one of his hands around me, pressing my head to his chest. And then he turned. All I could see is the white fabric of his shirt.

Warmth...The first thing that I felt. Which soon, turned to disgust, as I heard Damien say,

" People are so open these days. Look at that couple hugging so passionately. And you won't even let me hug you publicly"

Disgusting. My body crawled with disgust as I heard that, and I felt this guy's hand around me. Terrible. I feel terrible. How dare he? How dare he touch me? How dare he make everyone think that, we are.... How dare he? How infuriating! I feel mad! I feel furious!

I clutched his shirt, and pushed him hard. He didn't even budge, but let go of me.

" How dare you? " My own voice sounded foreign to me.

" You looked like you didn't want...", He tried to say.

" Who do you think you are?"

He fell silent. His audacity.. That... I...

I turned, and went towards the parking lot. Damien has some explanations of course.



I called Damien and asked what he is up to. He said. he is in Seoul.

There's no need to think right now. It's okay. It will be okay, as long as I don't think at all. I have to focus on arranging someone's wedding.

I checked in to the hotel, and met Mrs. Hana Kim. She is the bride Jiho's sister. I was the planner for her wedding as well. We will be meeting the groom's family today. Even though I talked to Hana-ssi about everything, I will have to do some final check about everything. I need to know, if they have some changed preferences or addition in the guest list.

We will talk over dinner. So, I waited with Hana ssi, and the bride in the restaurant.

" Sorry the moms are having a time of their own. So I guess they won't be joining us", someone said.

I looked. I immediately knew, who it was. The groom. He is really good looking. The bride is pretty herself. Upfront, I was so shocked, because he is even more handsome than I heard.

" Unnie, I told you, he is handsome, right?", Jiho said and smiled.

" Yes. He is ", I said and bowed. He bowed back.

" I am Donghwi. Sorry. the moms said, they have serious stuff to talk about", he said.

" Still about the dress?" Hana-ssi asked.

" Yes", he replied and laughed. Then he looked behind me, and added, " oh, here's my brother"

" Did I make you wait too long?", his brother said and stood infront of the table.

I looked.

" Hi. I am Cha Eunwoo!", he said and bowed.

And he raised his head. It's him. That guy! That terrible guy! With white shirt. He is the groom's brother. No wonder, he seemed familiar. He is the celebrity.

His eyes widened, as he saw me.

" I am Melody Oceans. The planner of the wedding ", I bowed.

" You...You are from...", he was about to say something.

" Nice to meet you", I said. I cannot let my personal life, interfere in my work.

" Hyung, Use your real name now at least", Donghwi said.

We all sat. The dinner was served.

After dinner, I asked,

" So, do you guys have any change of preferences regarding decoration?"

" Unnie, can we get two different types of white flowers? I know, I said about white roses. But can we get some other flower too?", Jiho asked.

" White flowers? How about Dahlias? or Lilies? Dahlias will be in your bouquet too. Do you want me to add Dahlias? If you want something to make an strong impact, then Lilies? But Lilies will overshadow roses"

" In that case, Dahlias"

" Okay. Anything about the food or guest list?"

" Yeah", Cha Eunwoo said.

" Okay?"

" Park Jinwoo and his plus one, won't be here. So, could you fix it?"

" Absolutely. Anything else?"

" No"

" Okay. Let me go through it once again then"

And I explained the detailed plan to them about decoration, bride's entry, best man and maid of honor's entry, seating arrangements, food etc.

After around 9:30, we were done. As everyone went away, I arranged everything.

" Are you okay?" Cha Eunwoo asked, as I turned to go.

" Excuse me?"

" You were cry..."

" None of your business."

" Wait. of course. Just as a fellow.."

" I will take my leave "

He is annoying. He is so annoying. Why is he so annoying? I feel so mad at him. How dare he! He is irritating.

And then from the next day, he became an actual nuisance.

He tried to help me, as I was filling in for one of the decorators. First he nagged about why I should be filling in for someone else. So I ignored him and just walked away. Then he found me eating, while working. So he kept giving me reasons, why I shouldn't work and eat. And then in the evening, when I sat on the sofa to rest, he kept asking, if I am okay. I got irritated, so I returned to my room. How will I survive a week like this? And....Damien... I.... Right, I decided to not think at all. I should just sleep.

I got up with a call from Damien. I cannot bring myself to ask anything to him. I feel exhausted, every time I remotely talk to him. Why? I love him so much. Yet. Yet, I feel exhausted. I feel like hanging up as soon as I can, whenever he calls.

I freshened up and had breakfast. Jiho's mom is really worried about the dress. She called the shop, but apparently, they ignored her calls. So, I had to call them, while trying to check, if everything is sorted or not.

They received my call after calling at least 10 times, and finally said, they cannot get the dress ready by today for the dress trial. I practically lost my patience and temper. I yelled at them.

So now, I have to go to their store and talk to them, file a complaint or something.

" Are you always in a bad mood?"

I turned. It's the groom's brother. What is wrong with me? Even seeing him is reminding me of Damien. I feel restless and annoyed. I walked past him and kept walking.

" Hey. I was asking you something", he said and followed me.

" I am really busy. I don't have the time to answer your questions", I said, as I called Yuri. I need her to go with me to the designer's store.

" Who are you calling?"

" Why do you care?"

" It's my brother's wedding. It's my job to see that everything is going okay "

Yuri received.

" Yuri, I need you to take me to the bridal gown outlet. Apparently, there's some issues with the bridal gown", I said.

" But Mel, you sent me to talk to the florist about dahlia", Yuri replied.

" Oh right. I will manage", saying this, I hung up.

" Do you need to go somewhere?", he asked again.

" Yes. they messed up with the gown and also the groom's outfit"

" Don't you have a license?"

" I do. I left it back at home"

" Why?"

" Ofcourse, by mistake. Do you always talk so much?"

" Do you always have to be rude?"

" No. It's just you "

" I feel special and important", saying this he smiled.

I started walking. He is following me again.

" I can go with you. I will give you a lift ", he said again.

" No. I will call a taxi "

" Hana Noona waited for a taxi for an hour yesterday. Still couldn't find one. This is a really small island. I have to go out anyway. I will give you a lift. Stay here", saying this, he walked away.

" No..wait...", but he's already gone.

He's right. Even I know that, I won't find a taxi here.

The ride with him was almost silent. Good. That is what I prefer. He dropped me infront of the store and went to park the car. As I was arguing with the designer, he entered. And everyone went silent for a moment.

" Cha Eunwoo-ssi", the designer suddenly called out.

He went smiley and bowed to everyone.

Well, apparently, he modeled for their brand recently. And everyone got all excited and courteous all on a sudden. God! People are so double faced. They started smiling at me, the moment they heard, it's his brother's wedding. But well, it went well after that. They even said, they will send the outfits today, in the evening for trial. Apparently the bride and groom should be relaxing in the hotel.

In the evening, after dinner, they trialed for the dresses, while we packed the gift packages with a note card to be sent to every guest. The guests will start arriving tomorrow. So, the real thing starts from tomorrow. I went outside the lounge to do a final check on everything. When I came back, all the papers and cards were scattered everywhere.

I told them to switch off the fan. But they didn't. I switched off the fan and bend down to pick up the cards. I have to arrange them again now. Damien kept calling me, and I don't feel like talking to him. I couldn't even get time to think about things.

" I will help", saying this, he started picking the cards up. Why is Cha Eunwoo everywhere?

" Shouldn't you be sleeping?", I said.

" Yeah. I couldn't sleep. Besides, I cannot let a girl do such menial works"

" Excuse me?" I cannot believe he said that. I mean, does he think, it will make me happy?

" What?"

" You! You are such a MAN! God!"

" What does that supposed to mean? I am a man! "

" yes. I can see that! You are so typical. And you think, everyone around you is typical too"

" What's wrong with being typical?"

" Nothing. But there are people, who are not typical. Maybe keep that in mind? They might think, you are insulting them"

" No, I didn't mean to insult you or something. I meant.."

" Yeah, I know what you meant. Thanks for helping. Bye", saying this, I took the cards from his hand and left.

He irritates me so much. I don't even know why. He just gets into my nerves. And he...he saw me crying like that. Why did things turn like this? I feel like, I am always in such a bad mood, since I came here. And it gets worse, every time I see him.

The guests started arriving the next day. I already know almost everyone from the bride's side. I met them during Hana-ssi's wedding. So, it was actually more comfortable than I thought it would be. I actually had fun and liked meeting everyone. I finally got to meet Astro. Jiho kept talking about the group Cha Eunwoo is in. They actually seem more cheerful and fun than Cha Eunwoo. They were nice too. They greeted so politely. They even got embarrassed when I gave them the gift package and asked what I would like to have in return. I almost laughed at how sweet and cute they were. How did this Cha Eunwoo turn out so arrogant and irritating again? I just can't stand his presence. I feel irritated and restless. This is weird actually.

So, just like every time, he came and stood beside me to be weird and irritating, as the last bus, that was bringing the guests from the airport arrived.

" You don't have to stand here really. This is my job.", I said, while smiling at the people getting down the bus.

" I know", he said and bowed to the people.

" Then go please. Don't be a nuisance to me"

" Why are you always so rude?"

" Why are you always so irritating?"

" I am not irritating "

" I don't need any help"

" I know "

" Then why are you here?"

" Because you don't need help "

" Excuse me?" I cannot believe this guy!!!

" Yeah. You don't want me here. Makes me want to stay here more. Also I am bored "

This s... Agh!

" Suit yourself then. Just make yourself scarce to me. You are pretty annoying", saying this, I handed him the guest list and left. He makes me feel too irritated and restless. I almost have anxiety.

Even when I refused multiple times, he still accompanied me when I was instructing the florists and briefing my team. Why is he doing this? God! He said, it's his brother's wedding and he is keeping an eye on me to check, if I am doing my work properly or not. What does that even mean!

At night, after dinner, everyone decided to go to a nearby club. Apparently it has a really high security and safety. I have tons of work, so I refused to go at first. But later Yuri and Jiho nagged so much that I had to go. I guess, I could use some time for myself too. I am sure, I won't hate it.

I LOVE IT! When's the last time, I came to a club with my friends? It's so fun in here. I cannot believe, I am actually enjoying it. I actually forgot that, I enjoy dancing. I stopped going to club, since I started my own business, and it's fun. I actually drank a lot, and I really finally feel like, I am having fun.

" Hey ", I turned as I heard. I was having enjoying dancing and being silly with Yuri. She has been my friend since I started the business. I was having fun. Where did he come from?

" hey you! Mr. Annoying!", I said.

" You seem to be having really fun", he leaned towards me to say, because of the loud music.

" Yes I am. I heard, coming to the club was your idea "

" Yes. Are you okay? You seem drunk "

" No I am not drunk. Anyways, thank you. I am really enjoying it "

" Really? I am shocked. You are definitely drunk! Saying thank you to the guy you hate "

" What? I don't hate you. I will go back to Yuri", I said and turned.

" No. Wait", he said. I turned to him again.

" What is it then?", he asked.

" What are you talking about?"

" Why do you want to avoid me? We don't even know each other. We are practically strangers. Yet, you avoid me "

" Well, you unnecessarily want attention "

" Yes. because you avoid me. I feel restless around you, and yet i feel like being around, but you avoid me. No one has ever avoided me "

" Well, don't copy my answer "

" What? "

" Yes! That's what I was going to say! I feel restless around you. Hence irritated. Now you just had to take my answer away. You are now an answer snatcher too. "

" You are drunk " he said.

" No I am not "

" Yes you are" He said and slowly took my hand. What is he doing? Is there something, he needs to give me...secretly? A new plan for the wedding? maybe he will increase the pay? Oh oh! Are we playing a game?

" Does this make you feel restless?", he said and stepped closer. Okay! What kind of game is this? My heart...

Then he leaned.
And I stopped hearing everything. The loud cheer and the noise of the music, all gone, as he kissed me. I feel more restless. I feel weird. I feel irritated. I kissing. He smells good. I felt his hands cupping my face, as he kept kissing me. What is happening to me? What is he doing? Why do I feel weird? I want to pull away and break the kiss. Yet, i stepped a bit closer to him and clutched his shirt.

He pulled apart, and looked at me with wide eyes. I started hearing sounds again. He his breathing heavily.

" I....uh...I am sorry. I think I am drunk. I am really sorry. ", Cha Eunwoo said.

" I think..... I am drunk too", saying this, I got on my toes, and pulled him lower, by holding his neck. And I kissed him. He cupped my face again, tracing his fingers along my cheek, as he kissed back. He smells so good. I feel more restless again, and more irritated. I feel like kissing more, yet I feel annoyed. I am not supposed to feel this way while kissing. I want to push him away and punch him for touching me, yet I kept leaning more and more towards him.

" HYUNG! ", I heard someone saying and we immediately pulled apart.

I looked at him. Sanha looked at both of us for a while and then said,

" Hyung, Donghwi hyung drank too much. He feels sick now "

" Aah. Can't anyone drive him home?", Cha Eunwoo asked him.

" Yes, I will. I need the keys "

" Oh right. I think, I am too drunk to drive. I left the keys with the bar tender. I will fetch them for you", he said and then turned to me.

" I- I will see you in a bit. You CANNOT AVOID again, okay?", he said.

I nodded my head.

Yeah. I- What happened? I touched my lips. What just happened? It was so short, yet. Ummm... yeah. I can't avoid. I should talk about it. I kissed a guy, i don't know at all. Okay. Uhhhh.... Yeah. i must talk about it and maybe sort it out. Alright! I-

" Alone, are you?", someone said and touched my waist.

I immediately turned and pushed his hands away. What the hell? Who is this? I looked around. Yuri is nowhere around. I don't know anyone here.

" Hey! Chill out doll", he said and took my hand.

" DON'T f*ckING TOUCH ME!", I said and tried shoving his hands away. But, that guy pulled me closer and said,

" Come on! We are just having fun, alright ?" he looked at me with a disgusting face.

" f*ck OFF!" I pushed him away hard and started walking out of the dance floor.

Disgusting! disgusting! Absolutely disgusting! My skin is crawling with disgust! i feel like throwing up.

Awful! This is awful. I feel awful and disgusted. I hate it! I hate everything! And everything is turning blurry, dark again. I don't know, why I am hearing myself scream again. I walked out and went towards the back of the club. I am falling again, into the bottomless dark ocean. I hurriedly sat down and hugged my knees. Stop! Stop! I don't want to fall. And it's dark, all dark. I can hear my own scream. Why do I keep hearing it? Stop! i don't want to hear it.

" Melody! "

I raised my head and saw Cha Eunwoo sitting beside me, on his knees

" Are you okay? are crying ", saying this he cupped my face.

I nodded.

" I saw you running towards here. What happened? Did I hurt you? "

I nodded sidewise again.

I am crying. Why am I crying so much. Because I feel disgusted and Awful? I feel like peeling my own skin off? i feel sick!

" He....", I tried saying, " he... he was there. this guy"

I cannot even talk, because of crying so much. He held me and kept caressing my head.

" This guy. He...he touched me..he ", I couldn't say anything more.

" Shhhh.. It's okay. It's fine. We will talk to the owner, okay? It's fine "

I nodded.

" It's fine. You are fine. It's just a touch"

What did he just say?

I pushed him away immediately, and looked at him in disbelief.

" Just? Just a touch? You are making it sound like, it's nothing ", I yelled.

" I did not say or mean it like that. I meant.."

" That's fine. What did I even expect. Why are you here again?"

" Melody, listen. I.."

" Don't. okay? Just don't. You are disgusting too "

" Listen, you are drunk. Melody, we.."

" Shut up please! You are suffocating me. You....God! Why are you literally everywhere? STOP BEING AROUND! I don't need your help or attention."

" I- "

" Go and do whatever you want with those girls, who drool over you. There's more than enough for you to irritate, alright? Just Don't do it around me! "
I said and I turned. Why is every f*cking thing like this? Why is everything messing up. And I..I kissed a guy, who thinks, that was 'just' a touch. I feel suffocated and sick and utterly disgusted by myself.

I barely saw him the next two days. I was too busy with work. It's best this way. This is for the best. He is someone, I don't wanna deal with, ever. I kissed him in 4 days. I already feel annoyed. Is he manipulating me in some way? I feel weird. I have already crossed my boundaries. I cannot possibly go more beyond the boundary than I already have.

It's the wedding day today.

As I lead the guests to the wedding hall after the vows, suddenly Yuri came and told me,

" You know Mel, today, I went to the hotel, we were staying in last time?"

" You did? i was wondering where you went"

" Yes. i went there to pick a few things. My boyfriend works there "

" Right, I forgot "

" So. I think, I saw Damien today "

" Really? " God! This cannot be happening now. I cannot deal with anything about Damien right now.

" I saw her with a woman. They seemed close "

" Yeah. Damien told me. He went to meet her sister "

" Ah. That is such a relief. I was wondering, why would another woman lie down on his lap. He seem to be really close with his sister"

"Yeah." I smiled.

I took a deep breathe. I feel suffocated. Why is there lack of air? Everything seems so hazy and weird. I took deep breathes again. My chest feels tight. I need to calm down. The event isn't over yet. I got this. I just need a drink.

I walked out of the wedding hall, and headed to the bar.

" Melody", someone called.

Agh! Not now please. God! I cannot...Right now!

I turned.

Cha Eunwoo walked towards me.

" You.. You look really pretty today", he said.

" Thank you. You look really like the best man", I replied.

" Being sarcastic, are we? Have you been avoiding me?", he asked.

" No Cha Eunwoo. I am busy. I don't really have any reasons to avoid you"

" Look. I am sorry, okay. I didn't mean it. I am really sorry"

" Thanks, that's great. I will go and have a drink."

" Look, listen Melody. Are you okay now? We should talk. We...You know.. things between us...It's weird. We should talk about this"

" No. we should not. I really don't want to talk about that "

" I think, we should. Are we just going to avoid this?"

" Yes, please "

" No. Okay. We can talk later. Did something happen? You look pale. "

" NO! I am fine! Why do you even care?" I am really having trouble breathing. I can feel an anxiety attack coming.

" Shouldn't I? I- I thought, we have something going between us "

" Well you are wrong. Just forget it, okay? "

" YOU! I don't get you! You hate me so much! Yet, you kissed me. "

" What are you even trying to imply?"

" No one has ever hated me soooo openly on my face."

" Yeah. There's a first time to everything "

" You... I don't even know. You are so difficult. It pisses me off. Why are you being like this to me? I am doing my best to be understanding here, Melody. I keep trying to be helpful and nice to you, yet all you are .... "

" Please, stop it! "

" What?"

" Drop your act, okay? This is not your stage or there's no fangirls around here. So, you can stop acting like, you care or that you are kind. You said so yourself. I piss you off. Let's end it here then. We will both be on our own ways tomorrow anyway"

I said and walked towards the bar. i feel like, I am falling into a bottomless pit again. I have to break up with Damien. He cheated on me. He betrayed me. And I am getting reminded of Damien with another woman, the moment I am seeing this Cha Eunwoo. I have to break up, no matter what. I cannot stay with him, even for a moment longer. I keep hearing myself scream. Getting louder with every step I take. I am badly in need of a drink. When will I finally be able to move on from that incident? It's already been 6 months. I want to stop hearing the screams, Or I won't be able to breathe.



I woke up with the sound of door closing. Agh my head! My head. God! Did I drink too much yesterday? I opened my eyes slowly. And got up. I looked for my phone. Where is the phone? I need Yuri to bring me some medicine. I can't find my phone. I looked around.
Wait! This! This is not my room. What the hell? This is not my room. Why the f*ck am I in this room? I moved the blanket from me. I am wearing a shirt. An oversized shirt. A guys' shirt! Oh my God! What did I do? Please, no. This. I...

This cannot be happening. I slept with someone. God! I was going for a drink, and...

The door opened.

" You are up ", he said.

I was going for a drink, and I was talking to him. I was talking to Cha Eunwoo. I- I don't remember anything. What happened? How? How did this happen? Oh God. I..I..How did I do this!

" Is this your shirt?", I asked him, shakily, pointing to the shirt I am wearing.

" Yes. You..", he stared saying, but I immediately stood up. So he stopped.

I cannot believe, I slept with someone. What did I do, God! I- I did the exact same thing, as Damien did. I cheated on him. I- I cheated on him. I- sh*t.

I immediately walked out of his room.

" Melody, wait..", he called out. I cannot. I knew, Cha Eunwoo was bad news. I subconsciously knew it. I felt restless around him. Now- I have slept with him. I cheated, I did the exact same thing as Damien. I am disgusting. I feel like a filth. I - I am the same filth, as Damien. I- I cannot think anymore.

I called Yuri, and booked a ticket to Seoul immediately. In a few hours, I flew back to Seoul with Yuri. Rest of my team can pack and slowly return. On the way from the airport, I called Damien, and told him that I will be going over to his place.

Damien was already there, when Yuri dropped me off to his place.

" Did you miss me?", he asked the moment I entered and sat on his bed.

I nodded.

" I missed you so much too. Next time, tell me where you are going", he said.

" I will "

He took my hand and said, " I love you so much Melody. I missed you, really "

I squeezed his hand and said, " I know. I am back early "

" I was surprised, when you said, you want to come over"

" Why? Can't I come over to my boyfriend's place?"

He laughed.

" Of course you can. Did you have dinner?"

" Yeah. Oily Plane food"

" I will prepare something for you then ", he said and stood up.

It's been 7 months of our relationship.

" Actually, Damien...", I called out. He turned.

" Damien, can I ask you to do something? ", I said. It's time. I can do this. I have to do this.

" Sure, baby. Anything ", he said and held my hand.

" Can you touch me? "

" I am holding your hand. i am touching you "

" No.", I took a deep breathe and said, " I want you to sleep with me today "

He looked at me with wide eyes. He is surprised. Yeah. I am shocked too.

" But Mel, you.. You said... "

" Yes. I know, I told you to never ever touch me. I remember. But I am telling you now to touch me and sleep with me."

" I- God! I cannot believe it. Thank you so much Melody. I love you so much. I can finally... ", he said and hugged me.
It took everything in me, to hug him back. I can do this. I love him. Yes. I can do it.

So, he kissed me, touched me, and slept with me.

And, all along, I feel nothing. Not a single thing. I felt nothing at all. I felt blank, with each of his touch and everything after. I want to feel it. Anything at all. I keep trying to feel something. Anything will do. But, i didn't. Did..Did I feel this blank yesterday too, while .......

Even a long time after Damien slept, I couldn't fall asleep. I finally gave up. And got up from bed. I remembered, Aeries sent me some songs to listen to. I opened my laptop and went through the songs. There's a song by Astro. Wow. They actually sing pretty well. I searched for them. He has a really good voice. Cha Eunwoo's voice is warm and soft...He.. I shouldn't be thinking of him. I cheated on Damien, because of him. I crossed my limit, because of him. He made me go beyond my boundary. And I fell for it. I..I am horrible.




(Cha Eunwoo's P.O.V)

We just arrived at the resort. We finally managed to align all our time, to make this vacation work. Jinjin hyung will stay with Charlene in another hotel. It's Charlene's friend's wedding.

MJ hyung and Binnie, went to the reception, to pick our cards. They came out and handed us the cards to our room. 401- the other's are in the same floor too. I was afraid, we wouldn't get rooms in the same floor. This was a last minute plan.

" Hyung. Eunwoo hyung. it's the Noona, you kissed", Sanha suddenly said.

" Yaaa! Yoon Sanha! How long are you going to tease me for that?", I almost yelled.

" Noooo. I am serious", he said. He is looking behind me. So, I turned.

It's her. She is here. Melody. She is really here. I- I feel weird. I never thought, I would ever meet her again. but, she's here- talking to someone over phone, in her usual bad mood, and sipping coffee. This work must be really hectic and so she always needs to be on edge. How come she can so easily smile at everyone. She never smiled for me though. Oh, she did, only once- In that club, after we... I bet she will get rid of that troubled expression from her face, the moment she sees people around her. That's how she was, the last time I saw her, 4 months ago. Wait, am I walking towards her? She is walking towards me too.

" Hyung, where are you going", I stopped and turned immediately as I heard Rocky calling me.

And almost instantly, someone bumped into me. It's got to be her, right?

" sh*t. My tops! Oh I am extremely sorry sir. Sir, are you alright?', She started blabbering, the moment she bumped into me.

I slowly turned towards her. She looked at me.

Her eyes widened and she stopped breathing for a moment. In the next moment, she composed herself and looked around. Then she smiled.

" Hi", I said.

She looked at me for a while longer. Maybe trying to process everything? Then she said,

" YA! ARE YOU BLIND? Who just stops in the middle of no where?"

She....I..Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Her tone changed, the moment she saw me. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS WOMAN! She left without even saying a word. And now, when we met after 6 months, This crazy, psycho....

" EXCUSE ME!", I yelled.

" Are you yelling at me? Because of you the coffee spilled on my tops. This is my favorite. Now you have ruined it. PAY FOR IT! "

" REALLY? Who had the coffee again?" I yelled again. This weirdo! God! I feel irritated now.

" Me. But it spilled because you thought, it's funny to suddenly stop walking in the middle of no where. "

" WOAAAAH! Is that how you talk to an acquaintance, when you meet them after so long?"

" What? You are not even a proper acquaintance. I bet, you don't even remember my last name"

" Oceans"

" Okay. Maybe a half acquaintance then. A semi acquaintance?"

" I cannot believe, you are even denying our acquaintanceship"

" No. Please, believe it"

" Ya! Shouldn't I be the one yelling at you? You left. You.."

" Woah! You haven't changed, You still talk too much. Pay for my tops."

This little bi...... Okay! Patience. I am an idol. I am a celebrity. I should always stay calm.

" You will get rid of the stain, just by washing", replied.

" Sure. Wash it then "

" Of course. Take it off. I will wash it for you. Need any help in taking the tops off?"

I saw a hint of red color on her cheeks.

" YA! Oh my God! Were you always this perverted? You have changed", she almost yelled.

" Well, at least, you are not denying our acquaintanceship anymore. So do I take it off you, by myself? "

" What the hell? Ya! You crazy pervert! Want me to call the police?"

" What are you going to say? Someone wanted to help me wash my clothes? Sure, go on then"

" I- ha. That part is the same. You are still pretty annoying. I am leaving", saying this, she turned and started walking away.

" My room number is 401. Send the tops. I will wash it", I yelled from behind.

She turned and yelled back, " I am not. YOU ARE CHANGED. God knows, what kind of thoughts you will have, if you have my clothes", saying this she entered the lobby.

Woaaaahhhhh! What a shameless woman. Was she always this shameless?

" Hyung you are smiling alone. It's creepy", Rocky said, as he walked past me towards the lobby.

" No i am not"

I feel irritated. But..

But, she is here. I feel a rush. A rush, that I cannot quiet explain. A rush, that I felt last time too, when I first met her. This is weird. I am so calm usually. She makes me feel restless, rushed and irritated. She is annoying. I found her annoying, last time too. Yet, this weird rush...

Chapter 6: Only You

Chapter Text

I went into the room I am staying in with Aeries. She is not here. Where did she go? Is she still with Sanha? Woah! Seriously. Why are they still not back? When Sanha told me at the barbecue party, he will be taking Aeries to see meteor shower, I thought he was just casually saying it.



" Charlene, shouldn't you help me out? ", Sanha asked me in the party.

" Why should I?", I asked, surprised.

" Because I let you cling to Jinjin Hyung ", he proudly replied.

" Ya! Yoon Sanha!!!! Is that how you talk about your mom?"

" Even though, you call me, your son, did you forget that, I am actually older than you. Really, Charlene, who talks to their elders like that?"

" You are bragging, as if you are twice my age!"

" At least old enough to be your dad "

" You!....Ya!" I sighed. I should have known, how Sanha is. I laughed on my own, in my mind. He is cute, no matter what. I added, " Really, Sanha! Did you call me here, to brag about how you are older than me?"

" What? Noooo... I need your help with something about the weather"

" Weather? Go and watch the forecast then"

" No. I already watched it. They didn't say anything about any meteor shower"

" Meteor shower? "

" Yes. When's the next meteor shower? From where can we watch meteor shower?"

" Ya! Is meteor shower, somethiong about the weather?"

" Isn't it in the sky? I assumed it's weather "

" I- Ya! I can't even... Okay. Why do you want to know it? "

" I will tell you later. So, when's the next meteor shower?"

" I don't know"

" How can you not know, Charleneeeee? Didn't you study something about sky and weather? Astro Physics?"

" Woah! I am impressed that, you remember my major "

" Of course. It has Astro in it "

" Is that why, you remember?" I narrowed my eyes and asked.

" No. I would have remembered it either way. So, when's the next meteor shower?"

" Tell me the reason first, or I am not telling you", saying this, I turned to walk away.

" No, no, no. I really need to know ", he said, while hurrying infront of me again.

" Reason first "

" Okay. Look. Mmmm. Your friend. She wanted to really watch meteor shower. "

" Aeries? Why would she tell you?"

" That's not important. I want to help her see the meteor shower"

" You- Sanha....", I don't know what to say to him. So I stayed silent for a while. Aeries and Sanha seemed to be getting close really fast. I mean, it's way too fast.

I finally said, " Sanha. I will trust you, okay? "

" Ofcourse. I am trust worthy "

I smiled and said, " Just so you know, I will break anyone, who even dares to hurt Aeries"

" Whooooo. You sound scary", he replied.

I smiled. I found that, that day would be the last meteor shower of the year. Seriously, his timing! Just too good.



I looked for Aeries in the washroom and lobby. She is still not back. Even if they went to watch the meteor shower, it's already 5:30. She should be back by now. I am getting worried. The last time, they were together, both of them almost died.

Should I wake Jinwoo up? He slept, just a while ago. He will feel sick and tired in the morning, if I disturb him now. I tried calling Aeries, but she's not receiving. I am seriously getting worried.

So, I went to Jinwoo's room again, and slowly woke him up. He looked at me with sleepy eyes, still confused.

" Jinwoo sorry. But, I am a bit worried" , I said.

The moment I said this, sleep disappeared from his face. His face became tensed, as he got up.

" Why? What happened?", He asked.

" Aeries still did not come back. She was supposed to be with Sanha. She is not receiving my calls"

" Did you try calling Sanha?"

" No. I forgot about that"

" Let me try Sanha ", Saying this, he reached for his phone. He looked at his phone for a while, and then said, " Ah, Sanha messaged. He said, Aeries wanted to eat Ramyun. So they will have breakfast somewhere and he will drop her to the hotel later"

" Ramyun? Why? Aren't they getting close too fast?" I asked.

" Yes. But, they are both adult. They might act childish, sometimes, but they are actually really mature. I am sure they know, what they are doing. Let's trust them "

" I trusted them. But then Aeries ran away from her own wedding, instead of facing it, and both of them almost died last time"

Jinwoo sighed and held my hand.

" I know. But Aeries is facing it now, right? As for Sanha, he doesn't look like it, but you know that, he can take care of things. I would trust him, with my life"

" I know. He is probably the only one, I would trust for Aeries right now. Both of them are just really important for me", I said.

I have always adored Sanha. And Aeries has been my best friend, for as long as I can remember. So, I love both of them so much. I just hope, neither of them gets hurt.

" Of course. They understand their limits, Charlene. Let's just hope for their best "

I nodded and said, " Okay. Go back to sleep. We have lunch tomorrow, remember? You said, you will officially introduce me to Astro as...", I stopped. Why is this word, suddenly making me shy?

Jinwoo smirked and asked, " As...?"

I laughed and replied, " Your girlfriend "

" What? Noooo. Charlene! You are my Fiance now "

" Really? I totally forgot about that "

" You--- "

I laughed out loud. He is so cute.

" Go back to sleep. I will go and sleep for a while too", I said.

" Why? Aeries is not back. And we have time till lunch. Let me remind you of the day, you became my fiancé. Inside the tent- "

" Ya! We just....Just a while ago.... GO BACK TO SLEEP!", I yelled.

Jinwoo chuckled and pulled me by my hand. As I was losing my balance, he grabbed my waist, and pulled me closer towards him, in his embrace.

" Sleep here. Let me have you for a bit more", he said and lied down along with me.

He is so warm. He nuzzled his nose against my hair.

" Mmmm. How do you always manage to smell so nice. It's intoxicating", He said and kissed on my hair.

I pulled myself, against him a bit more, and wrapped my arms around him.

" I will have a good sleep now ", he said, and I can feel him smile against my hair.

I love him. Nothing can ever describe, how much I love this man. How did I even fall for him that hard. What did he do, to make me fall head over hills for him? How does he manage to make me fall for him everyday? I am glad, I met him. I am glad Jinwoo is mine. Only mine.



I got up with a call from Aeries. I looked around, and found Jinwoo dressing up.

" What time is it?", I asked, as I got up and sat straight.

" almost 11 ", Jinwoo replied, and leaned towards me to give me a kiss on the forehead. " Good morning", he added.

I smiled and caressed his face, as he pulled away.

I received the call. And Aeries asked me to come down with Jinwoo in the restaurant. Her voice sounded urgent.

I got ready quickly and hurried down.

Both the families are there. the air seems already heavy. Aeries was standing infront of the huge table, the two families were seated in. I took a seat beside Aeries, along with Jinwoo. I expected some really bad bickering, as I assumed, what's going to happen. But thankfully, just thankfully, Aeries didn't even let anyone speak a word. The moment someone tried to say something, she stopped them by saying that, she hasn't finished talking yet. After she was done, she only let Nick speak. Nick just said, whatever she wanted. Aeries returned her ring. And broke off her marriage.

She straight away walked out, without letting anyone even react. I felt so proud of her, that I could cry!

I went behind her and Jinwoo followed. I went back to the room and found her staring lankly. She looked at me and Jinwoo and said,

" I- I did it! I finally did it. Charlene. Jinwoo. I did it finally. I broke off the marriage"

" Yes you did", saying this, i hugged her. I feel like crying. Jinwoo stood beside and patted her head.

" you did well", he said.

Aeries hugged me tightly for a while and let go.

" I am supposed to meet Astro after a while for lunch. Jinwoo will announce our engagement. You should come with us", I said.

" Sanha invited me. He said, he will pick me up. You should get ready. you need to look the prettiest today", she said and smiled.

I missed her. I don't remember, the last time I saw her smiling like, she is finally free and relaxed.

I nodded. Aeries helped me dress up. I left with Jinwoo first. Sanha will be picking Aeries up.

" What are you thinking? You seem really emotional.", Jinwoo asked, as he entered the driveway of the restaurant, we are about to have lunch in.

" I feel emotional. Aeries just broke off her marriage. And we will finally be telling everyone about this. Everything suddenly feels real", I said and pointed at the ring in my left hand.

" It is real. We will finally be starting a new life. Aeries will live her life too. Everything will be new. But I am sure, we will figure it out together", he said and held my hand, as he parked the car.

MJ oppa, Moonbin and Rocky are already here. Jinjin held my hand and led me to the private room, booked for us. I asked them about Eunwoo oppa. Apparently, oppa invited someone, and will be here with her. I couldn't believe for a while. How long has it been, Oppa last dated or was interested in any girl? I am excited to meet her. I want to know, what peeked his interest.

Sanha arrived after a while, with Aeries. They look more comfortable than ever now. I am glad. Aeries seems really easy with Sanha. I am really relieved. She doesn't look tense anymore. After a while Oppa came. With Melody. She- Aeries almost ran over to hug her.

Why is Oppa with her? I don't know what to say. Oppa hugged me and went ahead, to pull out the chair for her to sit. Okay, what is happening? Oppa isn't even talking much with anyone else. He kept asking Melody, if she needs anything and kept smiling at her. I don't understand it. She was flirting with Jinwoo the other day, then yesterday I saw her with another guy. That guy was practically holding her by her waist. And now...Now she is with Oppa. What kind of girl is she? She's Aeries' friend. Why would Aeries be friends with a woman like that? Why would oppa even talk to someone like that? Did she do something? What in the world-

I got pulled away from my thoughts, as Jinwoo held my hand. I looked at him as he nodded his head. It's time. It's now. I wanted Oppa and Aeries to know it the most. Though Aeries knows, I feel guilty for keeping it from Oppa.

Jinjin and I stood up. Everyone looked at us, confused.

" Okay, so we are here today, to share some good news with you. Astro is basically my family. I have my sister here. And Melody-ssi is an Aroha. I am sure, Eunwoo will soon tell us the details about them. However, I have all the important people in my life here. We want to share something with you", Jinwoo said. I don't know why, I automatically looked at Melody. It should only be my close people. She-

" Oh my God! Charlene, you are pregnant, aren't you", Sanha exclaimed.

" WHAT?", Oppa almost dcreamed.

" is that why, you were scary with me yesterday?", Sanha asked again.

Before we could say anything, everyone started talking at once.

" YA!!!!! SHUT IT!", I yelled.

Everyone fell silent.

" We got engaged ", Jinwoo said.

What? WHy? How......Everyone started talking altogether again. Everyone congratulated us and has already started planning my wedding. Why am I not even surprised?

We ate and as some of the members, went out to see the dance floor, I sat and talked to Jinwoo.

I just can't get Melody out of my mind. Oppa is being so attentive to her. Why did he bring her along? Does he actually like her? No. oppa is really observant. He would never like a girl like that. As I got lost in my thoughts, I saw Jinwoo getting up and sitting on the other side of Melody, to talk to her. Why? Why does he need to talk to her too.

I got up to talk to Aeries. i sat beside her. The waiter served drinks. I need one of these now. I emptied the glass at one gulp.

" Whoa! Slow down", Aeries said.

" I need the drink", I said and took another glass. " Why are you friends with that girl?", I sked her.

" That girl? Melody? What do you mean, why? I am just friends with her. No reason, really", Aeries said.

" Don't you think, she acts too high and mighty, and..."

" What are you two talking about? Can I join you? ", someone asked. It's Melody. Why? Why is she everywhere?

I got up and said, " Nothing. I was just going to the dance floor", I started walking without giving anyone a chance to say anything. This is supposed to be a happy day. Why is it getting ruined by a girl, I don't even know.

I went towards the dance floor and stood infront of it, as I watched couples dancing to the slow music. Moonbin and Rocky was standing against the wall with drinks and watching as well.

Moonbin saw me, and came towards me.

" Want to dance?", he asked as he stood beside me.

" No", I readily replied.

We stayed silent for a while.

Suddenly, he started laughing.

" Doesn't it make you nostalgic?", he asked.

I laughed, " Yes. i was thinking the same"

" There was a dance floor like this as well. Is having a dance floor trend these days?", he asked.

" No. I think, it's the same restaurant, with a branch in Seoul", I replied, remembering that day.

" Really? And here I was wondering. why it felt familiar. When was it again?"

" It was so long ago. I don't even remember exactly"

" I think, it was wayyyy before you started dating Jinjin hyung. 6 months? "

" Could be, or more. It was for a short while, a month? everything is so vague right now"

" Yes. Makes me wonder, why we even dated in the first place. Anyway, congratula- "

" You--- You dated?", I got stiff, the moment I heard it. Jinwoo. I turned to see him, standing just behind us. The hardness of his face and the coldness in his voice, trembled something inside me for a while.

" You dated Bin?", Jinwoo looked directly in my eyes, and asked again.

" Yes. It was a long ago. No-", I started saying.

" And when were you going to tell me about it?", He asked. Why is my Jinwoo's voice so cold? Why does it seem unfamiliar all of a sudden?

Moonbin said, " Hyung, it was really just for a while. and-"

" Yes, I know that", Jinwoo replied without taking his eyes away from me.

" Do I have to tell you this? It's nothing Jinwoo. It's not important", I said.

" It is. Charlene. To me, it is important "

" Jinwoo, why are you making an issue, over something like that? I told you it's not important. So, I didn't think I have to tell you"

" If you have dated, one of my members, then yes! You have to tell me Charlene"

" Jinwoo- "

" Bin, You- "

" Hyung, listen. it was really nothing ", Moonbin said

" You dated my fiancé, Bin "

" Listen Jinwoo, I-"

" Don't! Not now Charlene!" Jinwoo said. His face hardened more than before. Jinwoo. I- He doesn't seem like my Jinwoo.

Jinwoo turned and went away. I watched him, going out of the restaurant. Even his back seemed unfamiliar. I- My Jinwoo- He sounded like someone I don't know. He looked like a stranger.

I walked back towards the room. Everyone was standing up and talking about something excitedly. I quietly went over there and stood in silence.

" Oh. Charlene. We were just talking about you. Eunwoo-ssi said, you should have Melody take care of your and Jinwoo's wedding. Why didn't I think about it. This will seriously be so great. I mean..", Aeries excitedly said.

" Can we not talk about this, please?" I said.

" Why? Listen I feel like..."

" I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT! SO PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT THE WEDDING OR HER! I don't even know her. Who knows if she can even do anything ", I yelled. I cannot take it. I feel suffocated. I feel like, there's barely any air around. Why must everyone talk about these? I-

" CHARLENE! What's wrong, you- You have seen my wedding. She arranged it all. It's beautiful and..."

" Yes, the one, you ran away from. She sure made it beautiful "

" Charlene!", oppa called out. I looked at him. " That is not Melody's fault. She arranged DongHwi's wedding too. And that is the best wedding, I have ever seen. How can you ju..."

" OPPA! YOU! Why are you defending her?", Why does it hurt so much? Why is my heart breaking like this? Why is..

" I- Okay Charlee, You are not behaving like yourself. What happened?", Oppa asked.

" Nothing! I cannot believe, my oppa would defend someone else, someone he barely knows"

" Charlene, I am not defending her. She-", Oppa tried saying.

" No. That's fine. I don't need you defending me", Melody said, and stepped infront of me. " I do not think, I did anything to offend you, Miss. Everdeen. So, I would really like it, if you could talk about me with respect", she said.

The audacity! Why is no one stopping her from talking like that with me? Nor Aeries, neither oppa, Sanha is just looking too. I-

" Do I look like, I care about what you think? Just because Oppa is with you, you think-"

" Do I look like, I give a sh*t about your opinion of me? No. And this is not about your oppa or whatever. If you have something against me, then please address it directly, instead of dragging everyone else in it ", She said.

" I-", I sighed. " You know what, I don't care. You can go and do whatever the f*ck you want. I don't care. Just stop meddling with my family and friends", saying this, I turned. Why? Why can't I hold back my tears. I need to get away from here. I have to leave. I cannot breathe here. Everyone and everything feels foreign here. Even my Jinwoo felt foreign here.

I got out of the restaurant and looked around for a while. Jinwoo must have gone back to the hotel. Something must be wrong with this restaurant. Jinwoo's voice is never so cold. Even when he is mad about something, his voice stays warm and comforting. I will go and talk to him. He will understand for sure. I know he will. He is my Jinwoo. He always understands me.

I took a taxi and went back to the hotel. I stood infront of Jinwoo's room for a while. Why am I hesitating so much, seriously? I finally knocked on his door. No response. I knocked again. No response again. I knocked a few more times, and finally turned the knob. It's open. I went inside. He is not here. But he did come here.

I went inside, and closed the door behind me. I looked around. His clothes are on the floor. His phone, lying on the bedside table. I slowly picked up his clothes from the floor and hung them in the closet. My Jinwoo is generally so organized. Even at home, his closet is organized, way more organized than mine.

I got up on his bed and sat with my back against the head rest, and hugged a pillow. The pillow smells like my Jinwoo. Even his smell is warm and intoxicating, just like him. I unlocked my phone and started looking at all the old pictures. I still remember, how nervous I was, on our first date. I just knew, I would like him, it made me so self conscious. The first time, I surprised him on his birthday, he cried like a baby. I still remember our first kiss. On my birthday. I was crying so much, and he was infront of me. I don't even know, why I kissed him, and why he didn't file a complaint against me for sexual harassments. I laughed remembering it. That was one of the best days in my life. Then, the first time we...we actually slept together. He was asking me so much, if I was alright or not. He even made me breakfast next day. It was at that moment, I knew I was in love with him. And then the way he proposed me, a few days ago, on my birthday. He was saying so many times, that he wanted to propose me on that island, where we first kissed. We look so happy and in love in these pictures. At those moments, I was sure, it's not humanly possible to love someone more. But now....I love him a million times more than I did in those moments. I will-

I heard the door open and looked. Jinwoo opened the door and looked at me. His eyes and face is red. What happened?

" What are you doing here?", he asked looking at me.

" Jinwoo, I- Are you alright?", I got down from the bed and asked him, as i walked towards him.

" Yes. What are you doing here?", he asked again.

" Nothing. I was just waiting for you. You were not here and you didn't take your phone either"

" oh, I forgot "

" Were you drinking? Your face is red ", i feel worried.

" Yes ", he said and walked past me towards the bed. he added, " I will sleep. Go back to your room"

" I have been waiting for you. I have to talk to you "

Jinwoo turned towards me and said, " Charlene, I don't want to talk to you right now"

" Why not? You have to. Listen to me. I didn't really think, it would be a big deal for you ", I said.

" Yes, you have already said that "

" Jinwoo. I don't understand why something about my past even matters, but I am still sorry. If that is what you want me to say. "

" You- You don't understand Charlene", he said and sat on the bed.

" Yes, I don't. I don't know, why you are making an issue about my past "

" Charlene, I can't talk to you right now. Let me stay alone for a while"

" You stayed alone, this whole time. Jinwoo, I love you. Please don't be like this. Your voice...It's not familiar. It doesn't belong to my Jinwoo"

" You don't seem familiar either. I- I don't know. My Charlene would have understood me " Why is my Jinwoo saying this? I am the same? His eyes? Why do they feel so sad and lost? Why would this affect him so much? He is looking at me, yet I feel like, he cannot exactly see me. I cannot hold it any longer.

" No, Jinwoo. I am the same. I do understand you. Please, don't say this. Let's forget about this, okay?", I said, as I held his face with my hand. Tears already rolling down my face.

" Charlene, Don't cry, Please. I- let's talk tomorrow", he said, his voice tired and a bit softer than before.

" No. We will talk now. I have never ever created an issue about your past. The why? Why wouldn't you consider me?" I desperately asked.

" You dated Bin! And you have hidden it from me", Why does he sound so defeated? No, Jinwoo never sounded like that. We have fought a lot before. But never once, he sounded like this.

" Yes, I have. Now, I cannot go back to the past and change it, right? Tell me what I can do about that? How can I undo my past?" I yelled.

" You hid it, Charlene"

" I just didn't tell you. I never intended to exclusively hide it. And I cannot change it anymore. Jinwoo, let's forget about this one thing, okay? We will soon start a new life. Let's focus on that"

" I don't know anymore. You still don't understand Charlene"

" What do you mean, you don't know?" I asked. I could feel myself trembling a bit.

" I don't know you anymore. I am confused Charlene. This...It's not working "

" JInwoo. I- What? It is working. We will make it work. We will start everything afresh. We will sort our new life together"

" I am not sure about that new life anymore Charlene ", Jinwoo almost yelled and got up from bed.

I- I must be hearing wrong. What is wrong with my hearing today?

" Jinwoo, I don't understand. We will make it work", I somehow said.

" Go back to your room, Charlene"

" No, Jinwoo, listen-"

" Charlene STOP! PLEASE! And GO ", he yelled.

I trembled a bit and got startled as he yelled. My- No. This- I- No-- No no- This is not true. Jinwoo can never talk to me, even a bit loudly, let alone yelling at me like that. He is my home. He is my everything. I-

I kept staring at Jinwoo, to understand, if this is actually happening. I-

" Charlene, please- I am begging you? Give me some time? some space? ", Jinwoo said, almost pleading, desperate to get away from me, to push me away.

I turned and got out of his room.

I- I took a deep breath. Why do I keep having lack of air today? I walked towards my room, that I share with Aeries. She was already there.

As soon as I entered, her expression changed. She immediately walked towards me.

" What the hell Charlene? Are you alright? ", she asked.

" Yes", I replied.

" What happened? Why are you crying? Did Jinwoo say anything? I will go and...."

" No. I am fine. You won't say anything to my Jinwoo "

" Charlene, You...", she stopped and sighed. " Come here", she said and pulled my hand towards the bed. As I sat, she just hugged me. And I hugged her back, with all my might. I can't just stop myself from shaking. Stop. Please stop. I- Why is this so hard to control? I can't control my tears, nor the trembling. What- My Jinwoo. He doesn't feel like mine. My Jinwoo would never be like this. He-



I woke up next morning, and found Aeries already freshened up. My head and heart feels heavy. I feel terrible. I wanted to just sleep whole day, but Aeries repeatedly nagged me to wake and freshen up.

After breakfast, I went to see Jinwoo again. I knocked twice, but there was no response. I opened the door. He's not here. Why? Why the hell won't he talk it out?

I came back to the room.

" Did you talk to oppa?", Aeries asked.

" No. He is not there. "

" Why? Did he go to meet the members?"

" I don't know. I will call and ask op-", I started saying, but then I remembered. Oppa was defending that girl. Instead of siding with me, he sided with her and- And no one talked for me. I am mad at everyone.

" I will go there and check", I said and headed out.

As I reached that resort, I wasn't sure, who to ask. I only know Moonbin and oppa's room number. They were saying something about their rooms yesterday. After thinking a lot, I decided.

As I knocked, he opened the door almost immediately.

" Charlene!?" Moonbin confusedly asked.

I tried to smile and said, " Hi. I thought you would be sleeping"

" No. I just woke up a while ago. Do you want to come in?", he asked.

" No. If that is okay, let's talk in the lobby "

" Yes. sure", he said and got out of his room. I followed him to the lobby.

As we sat on the sofa, he asked, " Are you alright?"

" I- I am not sure. I wanted to know, if Jinwoo is here or not"

" Jinjin hyung? I am not sure. I don't think he is here. Let me go and ask Eunwoo. He was the one, who woke me up. He might know"

" No! Don't. Don't ask oppa anything", I instantly said.

" Why? Are you still mad at him?"

I stayed silent. So he continued.

" Don't get mad at Eunwoo. He was not siding with Melody-ssi yesterday. He was just confused with your behavior. He didn't know what happened"

" But he should have understood", I said stubbornly and felt the lump in my throat. I added, " Oppa always understands everything. How come, he didn't this time? He should have known. How can he get blinded by that kind of a girl?"

" No, you should be a bit more open, Charlene. I think, you are misunderstanding Melody-ssi as well. And it was actually unexpected for Eunwoo"

" Sure. I am the one who is wrong "

Moonbin sighed and said, " You are not. It's the situation "

" No. Jinwoo. He- He isn't even ready to listen to me. He- How will I undo my Past? Why won't he let such a simple thing go? He even- He even said, he's not sure about me anymore", I said and instantly started tearing up.

Moonbin stayed silent for a while, and then said, " You don't understand Charlene "

" Right!", I sarcastically replied. I cannot believe, I am crying infront of Moonbin now.

" Charlene, it's actually simple. Suppose Jinjin hyung dated your best friend in the past"

" That wouldn't be an issue for me. That happened, even before I came to his life"

" Yes. True. But, suppose both your best friend and Jinjin hyung hid it from you. And one day, you somehow got to know it. And it is not from your best friend or Hyung directly. Wouldn't you wonder, why they hid it from you in the first place? Like, what is even there to hide?

I stayed silent. I- I would never be able to trust him or my friend ever again. And I-

" And you would think, what else he has hidden from you. Then, after you found out, Jinjin hyung acts ignorant and refuses to even acknowledge his mistake"

I- I would lose my respect for him.

" Place yourself in his shoes and think, Charlene. You know it the best, right? How much he loves you, how much he needs you? Just imagine, what he must be going through right now"

I nodded my head,

" I will...", I stopped as I heard Oppa's voice. I stood up and looked at the direction of his voice. He was coming towards us, with Melody.

He saw me, and hurried towards me.

" Charlene, Are you okay? Why do you look like this? Were you crying too much?", He asked.

I looked at Oppa and to Melody, standing a bit away.

" No. Everything's fine ", I replied. I do not want any outsider to know about our internal conflicts. Who knows, what she might do with these information.

" No, Charlene. Jinjin hyung said, he won't make you cry ever. I will go and talk to him"

" No. Oppa please. Don't pretend like, you care for me, more than you care for your Jinjin Hyung", I said, as tears came overflowing my eyes. Why is my emotion so hard to control?

" Charlene!! What are you saying?", Oppa looked at me. He looks hurt. Extremely hurt. Great! That is what I am good at. Hurting People. It should be known as my specialty.

" I....I will go ", I said and turned.

As I started walking, I heard Melody's voice, asking Oppa, " Hey, are you okay?"

Why? Why would she ask oppa, if he's fine or not. Why is she pretending to care? Why is everything like this? Because of her. I wouldn't have gone and talked to Moonbin, if I was not so pissed at her. And my Jinwoo would not be so hurt right now. Everything is her fault.

i went back to the the hotel. Aeries probably knew, what was up, because as soon as I entered the room, she shifted on the bed and let me hug her. Then she let me cry and rant. Jinwoo has left me and is not willing to even see my face, Aeries is friends with that girl, and Oppa has forgotten me because of a girl, she met 2 days ago. I- And I have terribly hurt all 3 of them. I have said mean things to them. Aeries has not asked me anything. She just let me cry in her arms again.



I don't remember, when I fell asleep. But I woke up with Aeries' voice as she was calling my name and asking me to wake up. I opened my eyes and looked around. It's already afternoon.

" Charlene, Cha Eunwoo-ssi is here. He needs to talk to you", Aeries said.

" Oppa? Why?" I confusedly asked.

" I- he will tell you. I am letting him in ", Aeries said and went out of the room.

I freshened up and came out of the washroom, as she came back with Oppa.

Oppa smiled warmly and sat beside me on the bed.

" Did you have lunch? I brought sandwiches for you", he said. I realized, how hungry I was.

He handed me the sandwiches, and unwrapped them to eat. He just watched me, as I slowly ate them.

" Weren't you supposed to leave for Seoul tonight? " He asked.

" Yes. And Jinwoo was supposed to return with me. I will go talk to him" saying this, I started getting down from bed.

"No. Wait. Oppa will go with you. I will take you back to Seoul"

" Why? You can return with me and Jinwoo. But weren't you on vacation?", I confusedly asked.

" Yes. I just wanted to take you back "

" No, oppa. It's fine. Jinwoo is here. He will take me back. Also, I haven't sorted things properly with him."

" Let me take you back to Seoul. Talk to hyung, when he returns to Seoul as well", Oppa said stubbornly.

" Oppa, he might be at least willing to talk to me, if it's about taking me back. I will go back with him. It's fine", I said.

" Charlene....We...We can't reach hyung ", Oppa hesitantly said.

I couldn't understand, what he was saying.

" What do you mean by you can't reach him?", I asked.

" I tried contacting him, after you left. All of us tried. Aeries-ssi has been trying to contact Hyung's brother as well. He is not there."

What....what does he mean?

" But, his's in his room. I...I saw them in the morning", I stuttered

" Yes. It's still there. But, the reception said, he checked out this morning", Oppa seemed like, he is having trouble even speaking. And I feel like, I am having trouble breathing.

" Oppa, I don't understand, what you are saying. Jinwoo must still be around. I have really hurt him. So, he is just avoiding us. You know him, right? He is so warm and patient. I have pushed him to his limit. I will go and talk to him", I said and stood up.

Oppa stood up and held my hand.

" Charlene.....The company can't track him down either. I have informed the company hours ago. They still couldn't reach him."

" How can they not? Where's his phone? He must still be in his room ", saying this, I stormed out of the room.

I barged into Jinwoo's room.

Empty! He is not here. All his belongings are here. I went inside, and looked for him, in the balcony, bathe and washroom. He is not here. I went out of the room and walked towards the garden.

" Charlene. We have looked everywhere", Oppa tried to stop me while walking along with me.

" I don't care. Jinwoo is here ", I said and kept walking.

He is not in the garden, or near the swimming pool. I looked for him everywhere around. He is not here. I finally went to the rooftop. That is the only place left.


No response. He... He is not here. I still can't believe, he is not here. I turned around and looked at oppa. My head is a mess now. Jinwoo. Jinwoo. Jinwoo. I can't think of anything else.

" Charlene, we- ", he tried to say.

" WHERE IS MY JINWOO?" I screamed.

" We are trying to look for him. Don't wo...."


" Charlene.....You..God!", he didn't finish his words. Instead he pulled me into his his embrace and kept patting my head.

" Don't cry sweetie, please. I will look for him", he said.

I am crying? why? For my Jinwoo? But, he would never make me cry like this.

" OPPA! Please bring him to me. I swear, I will be good to him. I will listen to everything you say, everything he says. I....I will do whatever he wants. Just bring him! OPPA, PLEASE BRING JINWOO BACK TO ME", I couldn't even utter one more word. I couldn't think or voice it. Oppa only kept hugging me and patting my head.

Apparently, his car is still in the parking lot. His phone was in his room, so no one could track him. And we cannot contact the police, because it is not 24 hours yet. He was last seen in the morning, at 7, while checking out. We cannot track down his credit card, as the bank said, it will be illegal.

Oppa already left to ask around, along with MJ oppa and Bin. The others are still trying to contact with several connections. I couldn't sit still. So, I went looking for him as well.

I went to every restaurants and hotels around, looked for him in the sea beach 3 times. I looked for him in the resort, Astro was staying, I went to every places around, he said, he would have loved to go. He is no where. I cannot find him anywhere. I called Oppa. But no news of him. I tried looking through his phone and browser history. But nothing. My Jinwoo is nowhere. I can't find him anywhere. I need him so much, yet he is not here with me.

I returned to the hotel. It's already 10 pm. Oppa called and asked, if he should cancel my flight to Seoul today. I cannot go back to Seoul, to our home, alone, without Jinwoo. I will only go, when I find him.

I slowly walked to my room. Aeries was hugging her knees and sitting on one corner of the bed. Beside her, is Melody. This must be devastating for Aeries too. I am glad that, she atleast got someone to comfort her.

I looked at Melody and sighed, " Why are you everywhere?", I said and sat on the floor, with my back against the bed. As I hugged my knees, Aeries asked, " No news of Jinwoo?"

I shook my head, and hugged my knees tighter. Where are you Jinwoo. Please come back. Every moment without you, feels like torture here, every breathe I take without you, feels poisonous. Please come back. Why can't I love anyone properly? Why do I always have a short coming?

" Why do I always lack in loving?", I said and put my head between my knees. Everything is too unbearable. Every single thing feels like hell.

" When you love truly, it is never lacking." I raised my head. Melody was standing infront of me. She sat beside me, with her back against the bed as well. " So, you don't lack in loving. Even a blind person can tell, how much you love Jinjin-ssi "

I scoffed, " What would you know about love? You are now around oppa all the time, just the other day, I saw you clinging to some other guy"

" Charlene..", Aeries started saying, but Melody cut her off.

" True. What would I even know about love. I spent the last one year, pretending to love someone. I wouldn't know much"

I scoffed again, " Exactly". How can someone so shamelessly declare that they pretended to love someone?

" That guy.....He cheated on me ", Melody said. What?

" He broke me, and traumatized me. Just a month after we started dating, one night he got drunk and......", Melody choked up, " So...after that, he.... begged me to forgive him repeatedly. I forced myself to believe that, he made a mistake, as he was drunk. I was in love. I couldn't let him go. I thought somehow, it was my fault. SO, I kept on going with him, even when I fell out of love. And then..", she stopped and took a deep breathe, " He cheated on me. I still couldn't leave him"

She sighed, " I still don't feel anything sexually" She looked at me. I-

" I....I had no idea....", I said.

" If it was not for your oppa, Cha Eunwoo ssi, I would probably be still with that guy", she said and hugged her knees tightly. This- Oh God! What is wrong with me? How can I....This must be breaking her into pieces.

" Melody..You...I...You never told me ", Aeries said, She already teared up.

" I...i am...I am so.....", I tried saying.

She nodded her head and said, " Don't...really. I was looking for a fight with you too. I absolutely didn't like you. I kept wondering Why would Aeries be friends with someone like you, who acts all high and mighty. So, It's my fault too"

I almost laughed at how she said this. I was thinking the exact same thing about her.

" I was thinking that too ", I said.

She smiled. She has such a kind smile.

" Charlene-ssi.. I really don't know much about you, but I have never seen anyone love so fiercely and intensely, like you do. And anyone, who doesn't even know you can tell as well, how much Jinjin-ssi loves you. So....It's really not, love, that is lacking. There are other things too. Jinjin ssi seems to be the kind of person, who would constantly think about keeping you happy. He probably focused on himself, for the first time ever. And it must be so overwhelming for him"

She.....Yeah. Jinwoo has always focused on making me feel loved and happy. He has always made me feel wanted.

" He should have just told me. He...." I cannot believe, I am choking up again. How much can I cry?

" When we are overwhelmed, don't we prefer our own space? Our own comfort? You are the only one who can actually take that overwhelming load off him, right?"

He....His comfort zone? He always says, I am his comfort. Yet I have hurt him so badly. He...Wait...

" I might know, where he is", I almost exclaimed.

" Where?" Aeries and Melody asked together.



Oppa came into my room and asked, " Charlene, are you sure? "

" Yes. Oppa, I know that he is in Jejeon island", I replied.

" Why there?"

" Because......That is where I first met him, that is his most favorite place. He was telling me a few days ago, how much he wanted to see the Chinese Moon festival. The festival is today "

That is where, we first kissed, and that is the place, where I knew, he wanted me, that is the place, that gave me the best day of my life. The island that celebrates all the festivals in the world.

" Okay. Let's still be sure. Have you charged hyung's phone?" Oppa asked.

" Yes."

" Here's hyung's all the credit card numbers, that I could find. Start calling "

I called the customer care of almost 4 banks, and finally found what we were looking for.

" Hello, I lost my credit card, could you please, tell me the last purchase?"

" Yes. Do you want me to freeze your card? ", the other side asked.

" No. I found my card again. I just wanted to be sure. "

" One second ma'am. The last purchase was a hotel room on Oceanview resort and a plane ticket from Jeju to Jejeon. Is that your purchase ? "

" Really? Yes...Yes. It's mine. Thank you so much "

Jinwoo... he really is there.

Oppa managed a flight for me to Jejeon Island that instant. It was important for me to go. Even though Aeries and Oppa wanted to go, I couldn't let them handle my problems. So, I went alone.

I was greeted with as usual a sh*tty weather. Why does the weather in this island, hate me so much. The sky was covered with clouds. There's not even the moon properly on sight. It's almost 2 am. Yet, the streets are still decorated with lanterns and lights for the Moon festival. Jinwoo wanted to be here. I am glad, he could enjoy the festival. I opened my purse, and looked if I have got everything or not. Everything is here. Everything i wanted to bring with me.

I went to the hotel, and looked for him. He did check in here. But the receptionist said, he is not back yet. So, i rented a car, and started looking around. I looked around the areas, where the festival originally took place. A lot of shops are still open, there are a few people in Chinese traditional clothes. I looked around every shop, but he's not here. The only place that is left is that mountain. The place, from where, we watched the city lights and he brought a cupcake to wish me on my birthday. I have this strong feeling that he will be here. Actually I know, he will be there.

I stopped my car, and walked a bit to reach the plain area with railings. I feel nervous. I feel nervous, yet, I have to go. I have to face him and tell him everything I want.

As I reached the top, I saw him.

There's my Jinwoo.

I could see his back. Sitting on the bench alone, and drinking something. He...He is here. i have finally found him.

I went towards him. He was drinking beer. He threw an empty can infront of him and blindly, without looking, tried to find another can beside him. I took a full can from the ground and held it towards him.

" Thank you", he instinctively said and looked at me. He looked at me shocked for a while. He looked like, he was not sure, if he was seeing correct.

" Charlene?" he confusedly asked.

" Yes "

He immediately stood up. His voice soft and face a bit red.

" Why are you here?", he asked.

" For you. Why else? You left without saying anything "

" I wanted to be alone. Charlene, Go back please "

" No. I am here to talk to you. I will stand here and beg if I have to, so that you listen to me", I stubbornly said. Why am I tearing up already?

" Charlene. The weather is really bad right now. You should go back "

" Will you please listen to me, for a while. I will go after that, I promise "

Jinwoo stayed silent.

" I am sorry Jinwoo. And this time, I am not sorry because I dated someone, who's close to you. i am sorry, because I hid it from you. I am sorry that, I didn't try to understand you. I am sorry, you had to bear this pain alone and that I am late."

" No, Charlene....", Jinwoo stepped a bit towards me and started saying.

" Jinwoo, I am sorry. I really am. I have hurt you so much, and now I cannot take it back. I feel so helpless, that I can't heal you and...", I got interrupted as the rain suddenly started.

" Charlene, you should go. Let's go back ", Jinwoo said hurriedly, with concern in his tone.

" No. I am not done yet. "

" Charlene, you will get sick, if you get drenched. Let's go ba...."

" I already feel sick, Jinwoo. I already feel sick without you. I am not me, without you. It is hard to breathe and go on, it feels terrible to even live like this, without you. So........", I say. My voice is already trembling, from cold and crying too much.

I pulled out the small diamond cut box, from my purse slowly. I bought this last month. I wanted to do it first, before him. I wanted say those words to him. I am a fool, for not saying those till now. He was always verbal and he loved me with all his might.

I carefully got down on one knee, and held out the box with a trembling hand. Jinwoo looked at me shocked, surprised and a mess of every emotion evident on his face.

" Park Jinwoo, You are my love, my everything and my life. ", I said and coughed. I feel too cold. Jinwoo hurried towards me, but I stopped him, " No. Let me finish ". He stopped and looked at me with wide eyes.

I continued, " I promise to forever annoy you with my love and care. I promise i will forever get mad at you, when you give me less attention. I swear to nag you forever saying you are not romantic enough, even when you are the most romantic person i know." I saw the corner of Jinwoo's mouth curling up to a mild smile.

" Jinwoo, i promise, all of my past, present and future belongs to you. It begins with you and ends with you. I will forever love you. My life belongs to you, only you. " I had to stop again. The rain drops are feeling like thorns trying to pierce my skin.

" Charlene.....", saying this Jinwoo knelt infront of me and held me. He held me in his arms, and let me continue. He is crying too. Trying to give me some warmth, by rubbing his palm on my arm and shoulder.

" I can breathe, only because you are here. There's nothing, no today or tomorrow, no meaning, no reason without you. It's always you, only you. So... Park Jinwoo, will you marry me? Will you be my everything?"

Jinwoo hugged me, with all his might and nodded his head.

" Oh God, Charlene! I love you so much. So much...I...Just when I think, I cannot possibly love you any more, the world proves me wrong. I am so so sorry Charlene. I am sorry, I behaved that way. I am sorry, i left without saying anything"

" No. I.. I made you act that way. I am so sorry, Jinwoo. I swear, I will never hurt you like this"

" I know, I know baby ", Jinwoo said.

He carried me to the car, as I was too cold and weak to walk. He drove us back to the hotel.

" Charlene, go and take a hot bathe", he said, the moment, we entered the room. I went inside the bathroom and filled the tub with hot water. I looked at myself through the mirror. God, I look horrible. How did Jinwoo accept me, while I was looking like that? Then again, he is the man, who would want to kiss me, even if I stink.

As I got inside the tub, I felt all the tension and cold leaving my body. It's like, someone is slowly, painfully sucking out all the tension, heart break, anxiety, everything from all these days. I feel relieved and relaxed. Jinwoo is here. Nothing can possible go wrong.

There was a knock on the door.

" Charlene, I am coming in", I heard Jinwoo's voice. I heard the door open.

After a while, the curtain around the tub, moved a bit. Jinwoo stuck out his head a bit, and asked,

" May I get in?"

I slowly nodded my head.

Jinwoo moved the curtain completely. He let go of the towel wrapped around his waist. I couldn't help but look at him. I looked at his face, down his neck, and shoulder blades, those well defined abs, down to his pelvic bones, his groin and rested my eyes on his....... I could visibly watch it getting erected and changing with my stare. I want to touch it.I looked at Jinwoo again, as he got into the tub and sat down opposite of me.

" Do you feel okay now? " he asked.

" Yes. the warm water is helping ", I replied.

" Come here. Let me help you get more warm ", he said and smirked. I know what he meant. There's nothing else, I want right now. I want him, deep inside me, as much as possible.

I pulled myself up a bit and shifted towards him. He pulled me towards him, as I sat between his thighs and placed my back, against his chest. He leaned against my neck, and planted soft kisses along the line, where the neck met my shoulder. HIs hands were caressing along my stomach, which soon went up towards my breast.

" Charlene, how did you know, I was here?" he asked, as he bit my earlobe.

" Mmmm........ I don't know, I assumed. Then tracked you credit card and th...ah..mmmm", a soft moan escaped my mouth, as I felt his hard on pressing against my back.

He pulled me a bit more towards him, nudging his erection against my butt lightly.

" Mm...Jinwoo..", I started saying, but lost my words, as he gently bit on the side of my neck.

I pulled myself up, on his right thigh, turning a bit towards him. I slid my hand along his neck and leaned towards him. And I kissed him, with need and urgent. The kiss, soon turned from decent to hunger, as one of his cold fingers gently rubbed along the dampness between my legs, making me moan loudly. I opened my legs more, to give access to his hand properly. His fingers rubbed in circles, making its own way inside, making it more wet.

As his hands focused on my breast again, I traced along his chest and abdomen, to his well defined abs, down to his groin, and slowly wrapped my fingers around his erection. He gasped. I missed him so much. I missed this so much. I feel like, It's been ages. I looked at him. His eyes demanding more and getting darker, as I moved my hand around the wet tip if his erection, down to the sack at the bottom, letting out soft moans from his mouth.

I want him now, more than ever, all of him, every bit of him, cause without every bit of him, I really don't know anything, I see nothing. He is all I need. he is all I see. Only he.

Chapter 7: Beyond the Boundary ( Part 2)

Chapter Text

Melody's P.O.V

Why do I keep falling? Is it one of my dreams again? And what's up with that insane sound of music? My head! Aghhhh! When did I come upstairs?

Oh, right! I was at a party at Damien's house. Damien wanted to feel like he was back in college. He was so excited this whole week, about this party. He invited all his college friends, and asked me to invite mine as well. Well, not that I have many friends in Seoul.

I came upstairs, as I was having a terrible headache. When did I fall asleep? I fell asleep on the sofa, and now my head hurts even more. Is Damien, still downstairs? I got up and looked at my phone. Out of battery. His table clock says, 1 am. It's this late, God! I should go back home. According to Damien's grand plan, he is going to party all night and drink till he is wasted. But, well, I have a meeting tomorrow.

I got up from the sofa, and almost immediately, I heard the door knob turn. Damien. His face and eyes, red from drinking too much.

" You alright?", I asked, worried.

" Ah. look who's here. Hey beautiful! ", Damien said and smiled foolishly. He is seriously so cute.

" Wow. you really drank till you are wasted, huh! ", I said and walked towards him.

" Yes. Why didn't I throw this party earlier? Melody, we should throw parties more often"

" Sure. I will help you "

"You should leave your boring job, and become my assistant. You would make a really hot assistant "

" YOU ARE DRUNK! Go to bed. I will bring some water for you", I said.

" No. Don't go! Melody, you are so busy all the time. You are my girlfriend. I feel like, you forget that sometimes", he said in a sulky tone and held my hand.

I chuckled, "No. How can I ever forget that? It's just we both are busy. Our schedules just don't match. Stay here. I will bring some water. I have to go back home later. I have a meeting in the morning".

I walked past him, and moved towards the door.

"Melody....", he said and stopped me. I felt him against my back, as his hand slid around my waist and rested on my stomach. I froze.

I love Damien. But, I am not comfortable yet. We still don't even know each other properly. We barely can spend any time, and....

" I love you, Melody ", He said, in the softest tone possible.

I relaxed a bit and replied, " I love you too "

" Then sleep with me, today. It's been a month, we started dating "

"I am not ready yet, Damien. Let's get to know each other, and experience more, okay?", I said, trying not to show my panic.

"We do know each other. Isn't this why, we are dating in the first place ?"

"Yes. But...Can we have this conversation tomorrow? You are too drunk, for any decent conversation"

" We don't need to have any conversation. You are my girlfriend. You are supposed to sleep with me. What's there to even talk about?"

"Damien, I don't like your tone. I will go home. Call me, after you have sobered up", I said and tried to free myself. But he embraced me, more forcefully.

" Damien, let me go "

"No. You are going to sleep with me today", he said and started lifting the hem of my dress.

"What the f*ck, Damien? LET ME GO!", I yelled and forced myself out of his grip.

"You are not going anywhere! "he said. And in utter shock, before I could even react, I saw him, as he grabbed my hand forced me towards his bed. I couldn't believe what was happening for a moment. Damien....I don't know this face. This is not the person, I love. I couldn't find my voice, before Damien forced me in his bed. He gripped my hand too hard. The pain made me find my voice again.

" DAMIEN, WHAT THE f*ck ARE YOU DOING? LET GO OF ME!", I screamed, trying to free myself from him. What is this? Am I crying? This does not look like something going on in my life. It's not. It feels like, I am listening to someone else, I am seeing it happen, not experiencing it. This is just a nightmare, right?

This cannot be happening with me. Not with me. When will I wake up from this nightmare? I cannot believe, I am having such disgusting dreams about my Damien. My Damien is so nice and kind. This is not him.

He pinned my hands, against the bed, as I struggled and tried scratching his face. He slapped me in response.

This is not Him. It's not Damien.

It hurts so much.

"DAMIEN, STOP! I AM BEGGING YOU! PLEASE. Damien don't do this. Please. Stop. Damien, stop", I desperately pleaded.

He answered me by finally ripping off the layer of fabric protecting me from him, from Damien, the person I love and trust.

"DAMIEN, DON'T DO THIS, PLEASE", I begged. I can't recognize my own voice.

" YOU ARE HURTING ME! LET ME GO PLEASE. DAMIEN! I.....LET'S DO IT TOMORROW, OKAY? I PROMISE. PLEASE, DON'T! " Why am I so desperate? I am too stubborn and egoistic to sound desperate and to beg someone. It's not me either. Not Melody.

"SHUT UP! ", He replied and pressed my mouth hard with his hand, making me struggle for air. I can't breathe!

I could feel myself shaking, getting tired from sobbing and protesting continuously.

"OH GOD! SOMEONE, HELP!", I screamed again.

"Damien, I promise, i will do everything you say. I will become your assistant, like you asked. I will move in with you. Please, just this once, let me go!"

"I will never contact with those guys, you hate so much. Damien, I will leave my business, I promise. Whatever you ask. Just....Damien Please. Don't do this to me...No..."

I kept pleading...and pleading...again and again.....relentlessly....hoping for a bit mercy.


"Yeah, keep screaming! Makes it more enjoyable. No one is going to hear you now", He replied, without an ounce of love, he claimed to have for me.

But, I was true to my words. I screamed as long as I could. And Damien was right too.
No one heard me!

And now, I am falling again. I keep hearing my own voice, screaming. Darkness swallowing me, blinding me, deafening me, beating me, defeating me into nothing, and then throwing me off into more darkness, to an endless pit of darkness, a blackhole, waiting to slowly destroy me, torture me, paining me, shredding me to pieces, killing me, and then throwing me back to darkness again. I..

I woke up with a jerk. Damien... "No..No...stop! Please stop", I screamed and threw whatever I could grab at him.
It fell on the floor and made a shattering sound.

Huh? I looked around! No one is here. The floor is covered with shattered pieces of glasses from the mug, I threw.

Nightmare...It's just a nightmare. No one is here. Why did I dream of such an old incident again? It's been a while, since I dreamt about it. I need water.
I am trembling and shaking. Everything is fine. I leaned against the headrest and hugged my knees. I need to stop shaking first. Everything is alright. No one is here. Damien has changed. He treats me better now. He..... He apologizes to me, every time, he remembers. He is changed. Yeah. Everything is okay. It's alright, and Just fine and..... I whimpered....and i feel like, my inside is bursting from pain. Like, every inch of my body is burning, my flesh is burning, and burning again, reaching my bones, everything hurt and ached, like someone pinning needles through my skin and flesh slowly. Someone is hammering and cracking all my bones up into fine particles. I feel like peeling my own skin off and ripping myself into shreds, maybe then, it will hurt less? and I couldn't hold it in....I screamed as loudly as I could....and cried...Cried till, I couldn't cry anymore.

Everything is fine! Why can't I get over this! God! Anything! Anyone? Help me! Please help me forget this! I...I want to die! Damien is different, he is changed. Things are fine! I screamed again. Till my throat couldn't scream anymore. Why is this so painful! Why am I getting tortured because of something that happened more than a year ago! Help! Please! Help! Just help me. Help me forget it, forget everything, or someone, help me die, please. I cannot bear it. I cannot take it anymore.

I don't remember, how long has it been, when my phone vibrated. I have been hugging my knees, and sitting in the small space under the table, since I woke up from that dream. When did I get here, under the table? Small spaces make me feel safe. No one can enter in small spaces.

I slowly let go of my knees. The shaking has almost stopped too. My hands hurt from hugging my knees too hard. I got out from under the table. It's light outside. I looked at the clock. 7:30 am. The floor is a mess from all those scattered glasses.

I went and took a shower. My face looks devastated. God! What is wrong with me? How can I be this weak? How can I let something from my past affect me like that? Damien is changed now. He....He cheated on me. But I cheated on him too. So we are basically the same. He never forgets to make me feel special.

My phone vibrated again.

I received my phone. Aeries.

" Melody, are you coming to the hotel today?", she asked in an urgent tone.

" Yes. I will be really late though. After dinner?"

"God! Melody. What happened to your voice? Do you have a cold?", she asked, worried.

"No. I am fine. I just woke up. So hoarse voice"

"Ah. Listen, I won't be there after dinner. I have to go for a final fitting of the dress. They said they will call you today. I don't know, some issues with God knows what. The dress is a disaster, as it is. I cannot believe, it is a pain in the ass too"

"Aeries. you will look pretty. I tried to make a few alterations in the design, but your mother in law was too strict"

"That f*cking wi.....Okay. I need to cool down. My best friend went to have a look at the dress yesterday. She is speechless. God! How can something look this ugly "

I laughed, "I will go and checkout the venue today. The florist needed an estimation. I need to do that today. You go ahead and roam around a bit with your friend, okay. Don't worry so much"

"yes. Melody, Are you sure, you are okay?"

" Yes. Absolutely"

"Okay. See you soon, hopefully "

I chuckled.

Okay, so first thing, I need to get the room cleaned. I called the room service.

Throughout the day, I tried fixing my voice as much as possible by drinking hot water. I cannot believe, I cracked my voice, by screaming so much. After lunch, I tried doing some work. I have been procastinating too much. I need to get these done soon. The bridal attire shop did not call me, so I had to call them. Why do they always have issues with me? God!

I called him, while taking a walk outside.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?", the other side said. This annoying asshole. Even his voice is making me mad.

" Good afternoon. Am I talking to Trevor? It's Melody from Oceans enterprise. "

"Oh. Ms. Oceans. What a pleasure to talk to you"

I could imagine the annoyance in his face clearly, which of course made me happy.

" I was informed that, you are to call me. You see, I am busy. So I really need to do everything on schedule", I replied.

"Oh. I am extremely sorry Ms. Oceans. We work according to priorities. We were so busy with attending important clients. I forgot to call you"

This son of a bitch!

"Really? Maybe you want me to cancel my deal with your line of attires. I am sure, your boss will be glad to know, how well you do your work, Trevor"

"It's Warner. I would like it if you could just call me Mr. Warner"

"Really? Your boss introduced you as Trevor to me, though. Look, you are wasting my time. I should rather call your boss. I am sure Jake would really love to know about you"

"You cannot do that, Ms. Oceans. He is really busy, and I think, we shouldn't bother him with such small issues. How about you come to the shop, I will be in Jeju tomorrow. Let's talk it out. About the designs you gave for the alteration of the dress", He said. Panic clear in his voice.

I almost laughed at his tone.

"So sweet and thoughtful of you, Trevor. I will be there. Have a great day ", I said and hung up.

This asshole! If jake wasn't Carol's husband, I would have cancelled my deal, way before.

Aaah. sh*t. I didn't look where I was going, and I bumped into someone.

" sh*t. My tops! Oh I am extremely sorry sir. Sir, are you alright?', I said.

He slowly turned to me. He-

I looked at him for a while, trying to understand, if I am seeing it right. It's him. He is here. He is really here. Cha Eunwoo. I-

" Hi", he said.

I....Okay, I should calm down first. And i should stop my heart from beating like crazy. What is wrong with me? God! So, what if he's here. It doesn't better. He is no one.

I took a deep breathe and said, " YA! ARE YOU BLIND? Who just stops in the middle of no where?"

He looked at me in disbelief. He looks exactly the same as I saw him last time, 4 months ago. No, maybe a bit more handsome? Wait, what am I thinking!

" EXCUSE ME!", He yelled in surprise too.

" Are you yelling at me? Because of you the coffee spilled on my tops. This is my favorite. Now you have ruined it. PAY FOR IT! "

" REALLY? Who had the coffee again?"

Seriously, this is the first time, I am seeing him yell!

" Me. But it spilled because you thought, it's funny to suddenly stop walking in the middle of no where. " I replied, rolling my eyes.

" WOAAAAH! Is that how you talk to an acquaintance, when you meet them after so long?"

" What? You are not even a proper acquaintance. I bet, you don't even remember my last name", I challenged.

" Oceans"

" Okay. Maybe a half acquaintance then. A semi acquaintance?"

" I cannot believe, you are even denying our acquaintanceship"

" No. Please, believe it"

" Ya! Shouldn't I be the one yelling at you? You left. You.."

" Woah! You haven't changed, You still talk too much. Pay for my tops." I stopped him. I don't want to talk about that. 6 months! It was 6 months ago, and so many things have changed in this 6 months.

" You will get rid of the stain, just by washing", he confidently replied.

" Sure. Wash it then "

" Of course. Take it off. I will wash it for you. Need any help in taking the tops off?"

Oh My God! He did not just say that! Since when did he start talking like that!? And what is wrong with me? Why is my face burning up, just from this?

" YA! Oh my God! Were you always this perverted? You have changed", I half yelled..

" Well, at least, you are not denying our acquaintanceship anymore. So do I take it off you, by myself? "

" What the hell? Ya! You crazy pervert! Want me to call the police?"

God! When did he become so bold? Is it because we slept together? This asshole!

" What are you going to say? Someone wanted to help me wash my clothes? Sure, go on then", he smirked. This....

" I- huh. That part is the same. You are still pretty annoying. I am leaving", saying this, I turned and started walking away.

" My room number is 401. Send the tops. I will wash it", he yelled shamelessly from behind.

I turned while walking backwards and yelled back, " I am not. YOU ARE CHANGED. God knows, what kind of thoughts you will have, if you have my clothes"

Without waiting for his reply, I entered the lobby.

"Mel, you okay?"

It's Yuri, my assistant.

"Yeah, why?", I asked.

"You are smiling on your own. Your face is red too", she said confusedly.

What? I immediately stopped smiling. Why was I smiling? What is wrong with me? That guy....he makes everything weird. Every time.

"Where? Nothing really ", I replied.

"Ahh. I thought Damien is here to surprise you again, like last time", she said and laughed.

Right, Damien! What am I doing? Really? I- I need to keep my distance from this guy. As much as possible. I act out of character, every time, he is around. he is trouble for me. I need to stay away!

Cha Eunwoo's P.O.V

She is annoying. Extremely irritating. I have decided that, she is the kind of person, I should keep my distance from, the first day I met her, when she absolutely refused to talk to me. I am not used to this kind of behavior. Yet, she kept on being rude to me, even when I was trying to be nice. That made me feel so mad and annoyed that, I felt stubborn, almost arrogant to give her a taste of her attitude. I felt this weird excitement and rush when I kept bugging her intentionally, because I knew she hates it. But, the club was not what I had in mind. I usually have everything planned and have a rough idea of things. But, kissing her in that club was not one. Wanting to kiss her more, was not a part of what I predicted. Nothing she does was in my prediction. And meeting her today, here, after 6 months was not something I predicted either.

I kept reminding myself how she makes me feel irritated. And of course this rush is because of that annoyance. If Sanha hadn't been teasing me all these time, I would have already forgotten about her, right? I just have to make sure to stay away from her.

The members went out with Jinjin hyung for Dinner. I had to stay in for a meeting about a new cf. I was done with the meeting by 6 and am officially free now for 10 days. I went down to the restaurant for dinner, and of course she has to be there. I am regretting now. Why did I act so friendly when I saw her today? I even said so many things about acquaintanceship and what not. What is wrong with me?

She nodded her head in acknowledgement as soon as she saw me. I nodded and was about walk past her.

" It's packed. You won't find any empty table now", Melody said, as I was walking past her.

" Really? I will come back later then", I said.

" You..You can sit with me. I don't mind. This table is for two anyway ", she said and looked away.

" Are you sure?"

" Yes."

I sat on the chair opposite to her and called the waiter to order.

" So, here for any event? A Wedding?", I asked, after ordering.

" Wedding. In another hotel nearby", She looked at me and replied.

" Oh. Will you be leaving then?"

" No. I will stay here."

" You at least talk a bit now. You used to always have either this grumpy face or a straight expressionless face"

She laughed.

She.....She actually laughed. Isn't this the first time I am seeing her laugh? I thought all she could do, was only smiling subtly.

The food arrived.

" I got into Astro recently. A new aroha. So you are more tolerable now. I love the songs, really ", she replied.

"Seriously? I never thought, I will hear such nice words from Melody Oceans"

" I am normally a very nice person with nice words", she laughed and replied.

" You call yourself nice?"

" Ya! You are being 'not nice' now "

" No. I am always nice and kind. I was kind last time too"

" Yes. You don't have to point that out", she said and narrowed her eyes, and then added, "I know, you were nice. It's just the situation was not really in my favor and our timing was off "

I don't really understand half of what she said. I assumed, the situation was not really right for her. She was crying and hiding that day in the hotel, from someone or something, I assume. And I barged into her life, without even giving her the time to know me. Also, I felt weirdly mad and stubborn around her. But, what does she mean by our timing was off? What is so off about our timing?

Regardless, I have decided, she is bad news for me. I am not the kind of person, to be so casual with anyone. But, I kissed her, and also....Anyway, keeping my distance from her.

" So, is your situation sorted now?", I asked.

She stared blankly at me for a moment and replied, " Not sure, exactly. I guess. So, why are you here? In Jeju? "

" Just for a vacation"

" You need it. You guys have a hectic schedule"

" I am surprised. You know that?"

" Yes. I am an Aroha now. I told you. I like to stay updated", she said with a subtle smile on her lips and disbelief in her tone.

I kissed her last time. Why did I? She kissed back. We were drunk, but not out of our senses. He lips-

Her phone suddenly rang. A reminder alarm.

I looked away.

" Oh. I have to go. I have to check out the venue today", she said and stood up.

" Can I come?", I impulsively subconsciously asked. What is wrong with me? Didn't I just decide that I have to stay away from her? Aaaah... Seriously! What is wrong with me?

" Why? I am sure, you have better things to do", she confusedly replied.

" Not really. I just want to go"

" You might find it boring "

" Why would I find it boring? I have always found, what you do fascinating. It looks really interesting "

She looked at me for a while and asked," You think, what I do is interesting?"

" Yes. You practically arrange a huge event, out of nothing. It's like, you are creating it. Also, you get to know so many people. I don't see, why it will bore me"

She hesitated for a moment and then said, " Wow. Ah- Sure. Come down in front of the reception building. I will bring my car", saying this, she left.

She feels different. Different from last time. Last time, she felt angry, stubborn, yet reckless and weak in so many ways. This time, she also feels soft, warm, yet strong and happier, I guess.

As she drove us to the venue, I realized this is where Jinjin Hyung is staying.

" Oh. Jinjin hyung is staying here ", I said, as she parked.

" Yes. I saw the guest list. I heard about him from my friend. It's her wedding "

" Jinjin hyung came to the wedding you are arranging?"

" Yes "

" Aaahh! Such a co-incidence! Do you only arrange wedding?"

" No. Weirdly I meet you in weddings. Whereas, I have already worked for your agency as well "

" Seriously?"

" Yes. Last years Chusoek event. I arranged it "

" Ah. I was away at at that time "

" Yes. Astro was on a tour. You can explore the hotel yourself. Their restaurant is really well decorated. You can go and have a look. I will need to roam around a bit myself "

I nodded and said, " I will go with you "

She just looked at me for a while, but didn't say anything. I seriously have no idea, what i am doing or why.

I followed her around the hotel. Should I stay with her, or should I go and meet Charlene? She is here too. I bet, she is sulking now. The last time I saw her was months ago. It is a miracle that, she didn't call and yell at me. Not that, she ever yells.

Just to be careful, I decided to call Jinjin hyung first.

" Yes, Eunwoo? Are you done?", Hyung asked after receiving.

"No. hyung. I was wondering, if Charlene is with you"

"Charlene? No. "

"Is she in the hotel?"

"No. She went out with Aeries. It's her wedding. Why?"

"Ah. I just missed her. I thought, i would go and meet her, if she was there"

"Oh. Should I tell her to meet you?"

"No, no. She should focus on her friend's wedding. I will hang up. Bye hyung"

I hung up.

Melody is still roaming around and noting things on her notebook and occasionally talking to a guy, who's following her too. He is the manager of the hotel. I am getting amazed, the more I see her. She is speaking in terms, that i have never even heard of. She is even speaking fluently in a different language over the phone. She is seriously so.... She looked at me. I immediately looked away. she...smirking? This little tiny......

" I will go and bring coffee ", I said.

She managed her from the wind and gathered them all infront of her right shoulder and looked at me.

"Okay. Can you go directly to the car? I am almost done.", she said.

" Yeah "

I bought coffee for both of us. I never saw her drinking Americano. So I bought Cappuccino instead, for her.

She was already in the car, when I got back. She took the coffee from me, and muttered thank you.

She is really a bit different this time. What has changed?

She drove us back to the hotel. She was almost quiet, the whole ride back.

Everyone was back and was gathering in Bin's room, to talk about a barbecue party. We will have to talk to the manager for organizing it. The whole time, Sanha was teasing me so much about melody, that I Jokingly, set him a date, with someone, I got to know, when I was filming here, a few years back.

Everyone went to bed, but I remembered, I have to wash my shirt. It got stained, when melody dropped coffee today in the afternoon. Should I ask her to give me her tops as well to wash? Will that be too inappropriate? Why did I even say all those to her today?

Oh, right! I was supposed to stay away from her. She can do whatever.

i went to the laundry room, alone. It's late at night, so it's supposed to be alone. But well..

"Hey", she said, as soon as she saw me enter.

I literally felt like, turning around and walking out of the laundry room in the basem*nt.

"Hi. Here to wash your clothes?" I stupidly asked.

"This is a laundry room, so...yeah! "

"Ah. I am here to wash my clothes too "

"Right....I figured"

Seriously, what am I saying?

We stayed silent for a while, as i set the machine and poured in detergent and my shirt.

"You owe me, by the way", she suddenly said.

"For what?"

"You ruined my favorite tops, that i am having to wash, late at night"

This girl....Seriously! How am I still tolerating her?

"Wow! You are really annoying, you know? Did no one ever tell you?", I asked, genuinely irritated.

She scoffed and said, "At least you dropped your 'nice guy' act. You know, actually your are pretty weird and irritating too "

"Great, at least for once, we are clear about, what we think of each other"

" Great to know that our feelings are mutual "


"Yeah. Finally we are on the same page"

"Not an off timing ", i said.

She looked at me for a while, trying to understand maybe or I don't know. I don't get her at all. Finally she sighed. And said, "So, since you owe me, how are you going to settle it?"

I was wrong. She's happy, yet not. This is confusing.

"You tell me, how can I make up for it?", I asked.

" I will have to go to pick up the dress tomorrow. You have to go with me "


"Well, it's the same one as last time. You modeled for them, So, I would need a bit of force on my side, to win the battle tomorrow "

"What battle?"

"You will see. Actually you won't. Because you will be there, and they will be nice. Well, you'll see"



The next evening, Melody picked me up from the resort and we went to the shop to pick the dress.

I could actually feel the guy's hostile attitude towards Melody. She was calling him Trevor. That guy's tone practically changed, the moment he talked to me. They even served snacks and everything. Everyone welcomed me, with warmth. I could feel Melody's annoyance as well, to my delight. She is absolutely hating the attention I am getting. She is seriously...

Melody talked and discussed things, I have no idea about, with Trevor. It was so obvious that, he hates her too. After they were done and he went to get the dress, I asked,

"Are you hating the attention I am getting?"

"Wow. you understand me so well", she curtly replied.

I chuckled, "Yes. I like the hatred and annoyance you have for me "

She rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Just so you know, the feeling is mutual.", I said again

"Yes. Cha Eunwoo ssi. We agreed on it yesterday "

Before I could even reply, someone brought the dress.

"Is that the wedding dress?", I asked shocked.

"Yes", she replied and narrowed her eyes.

"I-...", I couldn't hold any longer. i laughed out loud.

"Are you sure, this is the dress?", I somehow asked, while laughing.

"Yes. Ya! Stop laughing", she yelled.

" Did the bride see the dress? Melody, i cannot believe, your choice is this bad", I kept laughing. The dress is seriously so hilarious. It looks like something, a queen from 1920 would wear. It looks absolutely hideous.

"The 'to be mother in law' chose it. That bitc.... Never mind. And hey, It's not that bad"

"No. it is. It is much worse than anyone can ever imagine", I kept laughing.

"ya! Stop laughing!"

"I bet! I bet, the bride will run away, the moment she sees this dress "

"You bet?" she raised her eyebrow and asked. A subtle smile forming on her lips, as a corner of her mouth curled up.

"yes", I somehow said, and looked away.

"Sure. let's bet. You will have to do one thing I say to you"

"Shouldn't you consider, what will happen, if you lose?", I asked. Her confidence is amusing and se.....

"No. Aeries isn't like that. i know, she won't run away "

"Okay then. The one who loses, will listen to anything the other person asks"


We took the dress and secured it in the back seat of the car.

"Why does this Trevor hate you by the way?" I asked, after getting in the car.

"Because, they are wrong, and I pointed it out", Melody replied and started the car.

"Wrong? Their dresses are usually really great though", I said, confused.

"Yeah. It's about the service and the money they take. Not all the branches really. Only the ones, Trevor controls, has this issue. He is basically raising the price of each material. Not just that, he is taking extra charges, for delivery as well. The funds reserved for attending guests, are also going in his pocket"

"So, you complained about him? That's it?"

" I basically filed a report with power point presentation, and market research"

"You what?", I started laughing. This girl...Seriously!

"What? I was really pissed at him. I made a huge loss, because of him"

"But, you actually gave a power point presentation and did market research to complain about him"

"Melody Oceans doesn't do anything half-ass"

I laughed again at her tone. She is seriously so cute.

"So, why didn't they fire him?", I asked somehow.

"Because I asked them not to. "


"Why? You went through the trouble to complain about him", I asked, surprised.

"That whole thing was a warning. I wanted to prove to him that, I can destroy him, if I want. But you know, he has a family. This line of business, is really small. It is hard to get a job, if you get fired from somewhere"

"They listened to you, and didn't fire him? Doesn't this mean, something is wrong with the company as well?"

"No. You know Jake, right? He is one of my friend's husband. I asked him for a favor "

"Why would you do so much for someone, you dislike so much? And he still hates you." I am really getting confused here. What goes around in her mind?

"Well, first of all, I don't need him to like me. Secondly, he doesn't know why he wasn't fired. And lastly, I did it, because I wanted to. Nothing serious"

She- I don't know what to think. I feel like, I don't know this person at all. I- I feel closer to her. And I want to get close...even if it's just a bit. I don't know what I am thinking or doing anymore. I have stopped thinking. this is weird. Why can't I predict anything? This is frustrating. She is frustrating. I can't get her at all. Why!



The next day, I spent almost the whole day, wandering around the island with the members. Sanha went off earlier, as I fixed a date for him.

It was almost 12 at night, when we were done with all the planning for the Barbecue and who to invite.


Someone yelled. I looked up, to see her. Melody! Her eyes red. Makeup, a bit smeared on her face.

I immediately stood up and walked towards her.

"Are you alright?", I asked, worried.

She walked towards me, and dropped the stilettos she was holding. Her feet bare. She grabbed by collar and asked,

"What did you do?"

What is she talking about? She is drunk. She is so drunk.

I freed my collar from her hand and looked at the members.

Binnie stood up first, "We are already done with our planning. Everyone, let's go back to sleep"

" What the hell? Are you ignoring me now?", she grabbed my collar again and fiercely yelled, as the members started leaving.

"Melody, what happened?" I asked.

She scoffed, "You must have done something, right? And now she ran away"

Tears welling down her eyes. Don't cry, please. What am I even thinking?

"Who ran away?", I confusedly asked.

"Don't pretend like, you are not behind this. Aeries ran away. Tell me, where she is!"

More tears. God! the bride...She ran away.. I-

"Melody...", I said and slowly moved her hand from my collar and held both of her hands.

"I am sorry Melody. I didn't know something like this will actually happen. I said it casually. That was a joke", I said.

"Well, it didn't stay a joke anymore. She ran away. Do you have any idea, how worried I am? How i had to manage everyone? The guests? Her family? Her in-laws? You- Is everything joke to you? Casual? Why, you-", she is having trouble speaking, because of crying.

I feel weird. I am not supposed to feel this way. But I do. How is this logical? What is happening?

I let go of her hand, and she almost fell down. She is so drunk, that she can't even stand steadily. I quickly held one of her hands again. I cupped her face, and slowly said, "Not everything is casual. Melody, I will take you to your room. What's your room number?"

She looked at me for a while, and yelled, "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO NICE? Be like everyone else, Please"

She looks like, she is in a lot of pain. And I feel like, it is affecting me too. have I suddenly become too empathetic?

"Melody, let's talk tomorrow, okay? You will get sick, at this rate"

"So? Stop telling me, what to do! You-I hate you!", she weakly said. She is barely holding up.

"I know", I said.

" Why? You- I am really drunk right now, ain't I?" she softly asked, and stepped closer. She freed her hand from me, and grabbed my collar again, to pull me down, near her face. She is too close. Dangerously close.

She caressed my cheek with the other hand, and said, "Because, it's always when I am drunk, I feel like kissing you"

I felt like my heart stopped, as her fingers, traced along my lips. She is staring at my lips. Her stare alone, made me feel hot. What is seriously happening to me. Why is this happening? I am having trouble controlling my breathing.

Her thumb caressed and brushed along my lower lip, as she said, "Why am I always so drunk around you?"

My heart skipped a beat again, as she leaned towards me. Is she going to...

"Why did I have to come and find you? And you-", she stopped. Her eyes slowly closed. I knew what was happening, so I grabbed her, before she could fall. She Passed out. I pulled her towards me.

I felt like a jolt went through me, as soon as I felt her against me. It was like this, the last time too, only this time, it's intensified and all I want is to-

I need to calm down.

I picked her up, and came back to my room. I put her down on the bed, slowly, and pulled the blanket over her.

i went out of the room. I need to calm down, breathe a bit. I am not used to feeling like this. What is happening? I don't know, why she is making me feel this way. This is not how things are usually with me. My heart is still beating so fast. Why would she have that effect on me? I- I need to sort it out and talk to her. I can't act like, there's nothing anymore. This is weird. I need to at least, find out, whatever it is.

I took a deep breathe, and went to the washroom to change. I slept in the sofa.

When i woke up the next morning, she was still sleeping. So I ordered breakfast in the room and decided to read something. Charlene sent me a book called 'Hell', written by her best friend. She sent a copy to each of us, and made it compulsory for us to read it. The story is actually nice. It s a young adult book. It should be nice to be young. But this Author!!! She made sure, each one of their lives are getting twisted. What is wrong with Charlene's friend!

"Where am I?"

I put down the book as I heard her. She was sitting on the bed.

"Ah, my head!", she said again.

I walked towards the bed and said, "In my room. You were pretty drunk yesterday"

I held a glass of water towards her.

Her eyes widened, as she heard my reply.

"I- Did we- did we-", she tried to ask, panic clear in her voice.

"No, we didn't sleep together", I replied.

She instantly released a sigh of relief. Then in the next moment, she said, "I- I should not be here. I should go. Thank you for everything Cha Eunwoo. I will go"

She hurriedly started getting down from the bed.

I put down the glass, on the bedside table, and said, "Get down slowly. You will have a headache"

Without paying any heed to me, she rushed down.

"Melody, slowly", I said again.

" I should leave your room as soon as possible. Thanks again for everything", she replied.


"What do you mean, why?"

"Why do you have to leave my room as soon as possible?", I asked. This is annoying me now.

" Because I want to. Bye", she said and started walking past me.

I grabbed her hand and said, "Melody, wait! That is not a reason. Tell me why"

"Nothing good ever happens whenever you are around. There. i answered it", she said and pulled her hand away.

"What do you mean by that?", I am really trying to stay as calm as possible.

"I meant exactly what it sounded like", she said and went to open the door. I pushed the door close, and grabbed her hand again.

"I want to know, what you meant by that", I said.

"Eunwoo, what the hell? Get away from the door", she yelled.

" NO! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH MELODY! WHY DO YOU KEEP RUNNING AWAY? Last time too! And now! You are not even waiting to talk! What the f*ck is your problem?", I burst out!

" MY PROBLEM? YOU! My head gets messed up, and I do everything wrong, every time you are around. God! You annoy me so much! i wish I had never met you! you got your answer. Now let me go!"

"No, I did not! This is nowhere near the answer I need. You said, you want to kiss me yesterday"

"God! Are you dumb? I was drunk! People say whatever, when they are drunk. Why on earth, would I ever, like ever want to kiss you?"

What? Okay...

"Last time too. In the club, we kissed", I slowly said.

"That.... I don't want to talk about something that happened so long ago. Eunwoo, I should not be here. let me go!"

I stepped towards her and grabbed her arms.

I said, "WHY THE HELL, SHOULD YOU NOT BE HERE? MELODY! THIS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! I NEED A PROPER ANSWER. THIS IS STUPID! Last time, you kissed me back too! It was not just me. And this time too. Don't tell me, that you don't feel this weird tension between us too. You are trying to run aw....."

"GOD! EUNWOO, STOP! STOP OBSESSING OVER THAT f*ckING ONE TIME! I HATED IT! I HATED KISSING YOU! Don't you get it? This is hurting me! I am not supposed to feel while kissing you. But I felt! This is wrong. This is abnormal! i am not supposed to kiss you back, or supposed to want to kiss you ever. Yet I went to you yesterday and wanted to kiss you! Don't you f*cking get it! This is not supposed to happen! I am not supposed to feel.....I...Move! Please Move!"

I- What is she talking about? Why is she not supposed to feel? What? I am more confused then before now. What is this situation? Part of me, wants to grab her and kiss her, another part of me, wanting to strangle her. Why are things becoming more messy and confusing!

I let go of her arms. I pushed her to the verge of crying. Why do I feel like crying too? She pushed me away, and got out of my room. Why is she doing this? What is making her act like this? I am not used to these...these feelings...and these behavior. She is constantly pushing me on the edge. Why is she so frustrating? I-

My phone rang.

The rest of the day basically went by in a whim. So many things happened. Sanha somehow found Aeries, Melody's friend who ran away from the wedding. Both of them almost died in a fire and were hospitalized. Thankfully, Sanha didn't have much injury, but had to get immediate treatment for some cuts and heat burns. The doctor assured that there's no chance of scarring. I went to the hospital with MJ hyung to pick him up. Sanha is fine, nothing is more important than this.

We came back with Sanha, and he was asked to rest. Jinjin hyung came after dinner and saw Sanha. He was injected with medicine for sleeping, and he has been sleeping this whole time. How did Sanha endure all those injuries? I stayed the night in his room, in case, he wakes up, and needs something. I cannot even find a single spot, that doesn't have any cuts, burns or bruises.

In the morning, he woke up and started acting normal. Like he wasn't about to just die. But we all could understand, how much this has affected him. Something in him changed. He kept spacing out and became angry. He is trying his best to hide his anger and the change, but it was just so evident. He insisted that, the bruises and cuts didn't hurt anymore, and the medicine was really effective. Usually, he would have annoyed us by ranting about, how much it hurts.

I got back to my room after dinner, when there was a knock. I opened the door.
She looks so soft. Like she has finally put down all her defenses. She looks....defeated, yet it doesn't look like she lost. Okay, i am thinking too much.

"Hey", I said.

"Hi. "

"Here to yell at me again?"

She hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Can we talk?"

"I get more confused, after talking to you, Melody"

"I know. I....Eunwoo let's talk. I brought Ice cream for you"

I laughed, "Wow. Bribing me to talk. You do know your ways in business. Will you come in?"

"In your room? No. let's go outside"

I chuckled at her tone, " Relax! I won't do anything. If I wanted to, I had more than enough chances, that night"

I saw her face flushing red, as she looked away. How is this soft little girl driving me this crazy, making me this confused?

We walked out towards the garden. Actually it's more like huge trees, instead of small plants. A walkway surrounding the trees and gardens. The garden is on the right of the walkway. There's grass, and shades and benches to seat on the left of the walkway, just along the boundary wall. The place is really pretty. The walkway itself and the garden is really well lit.
I looked Melody up on the internet, and found some of the pictures of the event, she organized here in the resort and for our company. She literally changes the whole place.

Melody handed over an ice cream to me. We walked on the walkway, silently for a while. Then she said,

"Eunwoo, I am really sorry"

" For?"

"For everything. For being rude. For always running away without any explanation, for always being like this. I am sorry. I am messed up. And I don't know, when I can fix my mess, or if I can...ever...I- That's not the point. I am just really sorry. I should have explained well and...."

"But, you are not going to explain now as well, right?", I cut here off.

She sighed and nodded her head, "No"

" Okay. I just wish, you could tell me, why. Things shouldn't be this confusing and hard. But it is. And I don't know why"

" I- I just wanted to apologize to you. Also, I lost the bet. Aeries ran away from the wedding. So, what do you want me to do?"

"Is your friend okay?"

"I talked to her sister. She is a lot better "

"Hmmmm. let me think then. Oh, You can help us in the Barbecue party tomorrow. We invited a lot of people, so we need help"

"That's it? Pretty simple though"

"Why? Do you need something harder and shady?" I smirked and asked her.

She looked away. I could see the hint of red, on her face, in the little light of the walkway. She- Ah. This is so- I don't even have the word anymore. I- this is sooooo hard and unpredictable! Why! Why can't I just...Why can't she just let me....

" Are you done? ", she asked and looked at me. This habit of hers. Of biting lips...'

" Ice cream? Uh-yeah", I replied.

"I can go and bring another one for you. I bought a lot. So stop looking at me like that"

"Like what?"

"Like, I am the ice cream. Not ready to get eaten by an alien or something yet. I still have things to do. I don't wanna die yet." she said and laughed. This woman...

"I wonder why i am looking at you like you are the ice cream", I said.

She went silent. She is still biting her lips. She looked away for a while, and then looked at me again.

"You have grown pretty bold. Seriously, i will kill you the next time you look at me like that. So Don't.", she laughed again.

"Look at you like what?", I asked and looked at her. I added, "Like, i want to kiss you?"

She carefully replied, "Yes. Don't look like, you want to kiss me."

"But, I do." I don't know why i am being like this.

"Huh?", she looked at me confusedly.

"I do want to kiss you Melody."

"Ya! Stop joking like this!" she tried to laugh.

"I am not joking"

We have now stopped walking. She looked at me and then said,

"You.. Don't..don't say things like this."

" Why? Melody, I really don't understand what's happening or going on with you. And it's fine, that you don't trust me. But, I don't really want to play around. When I want something from you, I want to have it, as long as you are completely okay with this. If you don't then I will force myself to stop wanting. But I don't understand, what you want. This is frustrating melody. I am not used to this. This is weird for..."

She cut me off, "you.. Eunwoo, you talk to much. I would have never known, you are this.....This annoying, and that I might......"

She stepped closer and clutched my t-shirt. I felt myself swallowing hard.

" might what...?"

"That I might find someone so annoying, this attractive", she pulled me a bit towards her, as she kept going backwards.

"I don't get you. You.."

"I don't get me either. But, I know what I want right now...."

"yeah? And what do you...."

And I stopped, as I felt one of her hands on my neck, caressing slowly, just below my ear. I forgot, what I was about to say. I forgot about everything else. She got on her toes, still clutching my T-shirt hard, and pulling me towards her.

Then she slowly pressed her lips against mine.

My mind went blank, as I felt her lips, and her wondering fingers on my neck. I- I wanted to kiss her...And now I can finally feel her lips. I wanted to kiss her so badly. From the first moment I saw her, hiding behind a couch, she raised her head looking at me, biting her lips hard. From that moment, I wanted to kiss her. And the club....God, how I wish, I hadn't left her at that time. I should have asked Sanha to find the keys himself instead. And this time, when she was wiping the coffee drop from her lips, while talking over the phone to someone. I have wanted to kiss her for so long. And now, my head is hazy, scared that I will destroy this moment, if I even move a bit.

She pressed her lips harder.

I grabbed her waist, and pulled her up a bit, as I stepped completely out of the walkway, and pressed her against the wall.

And I kissed her back, slowly, subtly, feeling every crack, nook and crook, the shape, her lips had to offer. She let go of my shirt and clutched my hair instead, pulling me, pressing my lips more against her. And I kept pressing her against the wall, making sure, she has no where to run anymore.

We pulled away for a moment, before I took her lips again. How can I stay away from this lips? Her body, against me, feels so warm. I held her waist, tightly, as I felt her losing her balance.

Mmmmm.....She made a little sound, as my thumb brushed a bit against her stomach and I bit her lower lips. It's driving me wild. How have I stopped myself from kissing her, all these time?

We pulled apart again. I looked at her, in the faint light, coming from the garden and walkway.

"That sound, you just made.....", I said and pecked on the corner of her mouth.

She looked at me. Her eyes, a darker shade than usual. She touched the corner of her mouth and looked down to my lips. Both of us were panting hard.

"You....You taste like strawberry, and you", she softly said, still staring at my lips. Her stares.

"You taste like chocolate and you"

"Yeah? Do you like chocolate?" she almost whispered, caressing the nape of my neck, with her hand now.

"My favorite", i replied and leaned towards her again.

She looked at me, and bit her lips again. My mouth becoming dry. I brushed my thumb against her lips, and she froze.

"Let me bite those", I said and kissed her again. She kissed back immediately, this time with more urgency, giving access to my tongue, and letting me taste her properly. She bit my lips. What is she doing to me? I-

I pressed more against her, clearly aware of what I want to do to her right now.

"Mmmmm....eunwoo", she made that small moan again. Her hands clutching my hair harder, and her nails, digging into my neck.

"Melody, you......", I started saying, as we finally pulled apart, after a while. I looked at her. She- How can she stare at me like that? She isn't even doing anything. And just by the way, she's looking at me, I want to take her to my room, and-

" me crazy, Melody", I finally said, caressing her neck. Her eyes going blank, as I traced along her ear. She bit her lips harder, clearly trying suppress any sound from escaping her mouth.

"And you make me feel confused, desperate, frustrated....and...wild...You drive me wild", she said.

I smiled and took a peck on her lips again. She looked away, and bit her lips. Her face, as red as it can get.

" The way you bite your lips are dangerous", I said.

" Your pecks are deadly too ", she replied.

I took a peck on the corner of her mouth again.

"Is this why you brought me here? so that we can kiss here, in the dark?", I teased.

"You.....No..", she replied. And I thought, her face can't get more red.

"In that case, we could have just done it in my room. Should we go back to my room?"

"YAAAAA! You!!!! Ya!!! No...God... I am leaving", she said and tried to push me away from her.

"No. Not letting you run away this time"

"I won't. I promise "

"I am sure, you won't this time", I said and leaned towards her. our nose touched, and she closed her eyes. I kissed her.

"Melody, I wanted to understand something", as I pulled away, and free her.


"You said, you are not supposed to feel while kissing me"

"I-", she hesitated.

"You don't have to say, if you don't want to"

"No. I....I don't usually feel anything sexually, and even when it's not sexually, just a kiss. I don't really feel anything, when I kiss. When I kiss, it usually feels like a normal touch. Like when someone touches my hand. But....You....Eunwoo, you....I felt, when you kissed me in the club. I felt the intensity, and I felt everything, I am supposed to feel, when I kissed you"

I....I don't know what to think, or say..She- I- I cannot even imagine.

"Was it...always like this?", I carefully asked.

"No. I used to feel. But, it just stopped at some point"

" Ah, okay. What about now? Did you feel it?"

"Yes...I...Eunwoo, you have no idea. It's like, I am kissing for the first time in my life"

I automatically smiled. She feels me. She can feel my kiss. Only me...Why is this making me so happy..




Next day, i was supposed to meet Jinjin hyung and Charlene, but I had to cancel it, as Binnie called. Apparently, Sanha made a scene at some restaurant. I had to go there and settle the matter with the manager of the restaurant later.

Though I met Charlene later at the barbecue party. I missed her so much.

Melody felt normal too. She was smiling and teasing, and being occassionally, her usual mean self with me. And when she was not around, I kept looking for her around. Everything was perfect. Everything was okay. the party was going great. Everything felt great. Till........

Till I saw Melody, smiling with someone. And he grabbed her waist and kissed her on her hair. She is smiling. She... I- I heard her introducing him, as her....boyfriend. She- I- I don't know. I- she felt so genuine. I cannot believe, she....How can she? I feel like yelling at her! What is wrong with my heart?

I couldn't take it any longer, so I went back to my room. Why....Why did I trust her so much? Why did this even.. What is wrong with me? Why am I losing myself for this girl? She is just a girl, right.... I..Am I hurt? How can......She is...I should stop. I cannot accept this. I cannot. Why do I want to cry? This is stupid!

I went down at around 1 am. There was barely anyone. I need some fresh air. I knew, she would be here. She told me yesterday, that she sits in the garden around this time. But now, she was helping the staff to clean up.

She saw me, and immediately looked away. the last staff, was going away. Melody walked towards the garden, to pick up the left over bottles.

"Melody!", I called her out.

She stopped and turned, "It's late. You should sleep. Good night"

She turned and went into the garden. I followed her. She was picking up the bottles, and putting them in a plastic case.

i picked a few bottles and asked, "Where is your boyfriend?"

She looked at me for a while, and focused on her work again.

"YOU PROMISED YOU WON'T RUN AWAY, ANSWER, DAMMIT", I yelled and threw the bottles I picked on the ground, shattering them into pieces. What is wrong with me? Why am I having trouble stopping me from tearing up!

She got startled and froze for a moment. Then she said, "Eunwoo, go and sleep"

"Tell me, where he is"

"In my room"

I scoffed, "In your room? And you will be going back to that room? You think, I'll let you? Come with me. You are not staying there", I said and grabbed her hand, pulling her with me.

"EUNWOO LET GO OF MY HAND! WHAT THE f*ck?" she yelled.

I let go of her hand. Why is this hurting me so much?

"Tell me Melody, when were you going to tell me about him?", I asked. I feel defeated and exhausted.

"Do I have to tell you about that?", she looked away and asked.

"You! YES, YOU HAVE TO! If its someone I am kissing, then f*ckING YES! YOU HAVE TO TELL ME!"

"Eunwoo, please stop! It's complicated", she said and turned.

" Really? Is it? I am sure, it is. Kissing around some other guy, when you have a boyfriend, should be impossible usually, but it seems so easy for you. I wonder, where the complicated part is"

Without uttering a single word, she started walking away. I walked fast infront of her, and grabbed her arms.

"You cannot walk away like this every Goddamn time. You have been doing this all the time. GOODDD! THIS IS INFURIATING! MELODY! f*ckING EXPLAIN!"

"There's nothing to explain", she said and freed herself from me.

I grabbed her hand again and yelled, "THERE IS! FOR GOD'S SAKE, MELODY THERE IS"

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She yelled back. Tears rolling down her face now. Why? Why is she crying? I am the one she wronged! Yet...Yet, my heart is breaking, as I saw her cry!

She forced her hand away from me.

" Every single thing is messed up. There's this weird stupid attraction towards you, and. You...YOU MESSED EVERYTHING UP! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! No, you know what? I did! I ruined everything. God! He broke me, cheated on me, yet I cannot get away from him. Because of you! I....I cannot believe, I cheated on my boyfriend. If it was not for you, everything would have been f*cking fine! I- Everyone of you is the same. And I am so sooo stupid, I cannot even stop feeling guilty, I cannot even....", she broke into tears.

"You... He cheated on you? Why are you still with him", I asked. This is getting more confusing.

"Because I feel guilty. I cheated on him too, with you", she said.


"You what? When?", I asked.

She looked at me, confusedly for a while, then said, "That day....On your brother's wedding. I was in your room, We..."

"What? No Melody. We didn't sleep"

"We...didn't? I...I was drunk..and..."

"That day...No! Melody, after I tried talking to you, you said, you were going for a drink. But, you couldn't. You passed out. I saw you losing your balance, but before I could reach you, you fell on the pool. I guess, you lost conciousness, before that"

Her eyes widened, "The pool?"

"Yes. you were walking beside it. You fell in the pool. And I saved you, and brought you to my room"

"I- what?", she just seem too shocked.

"Melody, that guy. When did you find him cheating on you"

" That day. In that other hotel. You found me hiding behind the couch. I was hiding, as I saw him with someone else"

"That is why, you were crying. God! Melody. All these time, you have been with that cheating asshole, because you thought, you cheated on him."

"Yeah...I- I don't know what to say."

How has she been enduring it all these time? How? How did she manage to act normal with everyone else, when she was breaking inside. This...All of this makes sense now. Her behavior, her attitude, everything. She was dying inside.

She said again,"I should be upset. But...I cannot explain. I feel overwhelmed. I feel upset, yet relieved. I- I can finally leave him"

"Yes. Melody. You have to leave him. That, son of a bitch!"

She nodded.

We are now just standing here, silent.

"Melody, are you okay?" I finally asked.

"I don't know. 6 months. These 6 months....I-"

"It's okay, it's okay", I said and pulled her towards me.

That...that jolt again. She is so soft and warm. I embraced her, and she melted into me. I bet, she can clearly feel, how my heart is beating weirdly.

"But...", she said, while pulling away, and then added, "but, when I woke up....I was wearing your shirt"

She....Why does she have to remember this? I cannot believe, she remembers this. And blood is rushing to my face, my heart beating hard, trying to cope with it.

" fell on the pool. So, changing your clothes were necessary", I replied.

Her eyes widened, and the hint of red, back on her face.

"Who changed my clothes?", she fiercely asked.

"That..Everyone was busy with the wedding. So, i couldn't get anyone. I....I had to change it"

Her face, turning as red as it can, "YA! YOU! HOW CAN YOU! GODDD! I WILL KILL YOU"

I stepped back and said, "Your clothes were wet! and..and...i switched off the light, before changing it...So, I...didn't technically see anything..I only had to touch...unintentionally"


The way she is getting embarrassed is making me want to kiss her.

I laughed, and said, "hey, just till a moment ago, you thought, we slept together. Isn't it better? I am a nice guy! I didn't even look!"

"Better? God! You....You changed my clothes! What the hell Cha Eunwoo? You Perverted Weirdo! I don't know you", saying this, she started walking.

"My room is open for you, if you want to stay the night", I laughed and yelled from behind.

"Noooooooooo.....You have become perverted. Who knows, what you will do!", she turned and said.

She is smiling. Really smiling. And only smiling. Finally. She finally looks truly happy. Only happy!

Chapter 8: The New Beginning

Chapter Text

I am sitting in a restaurant here with Nick. It's too expensive polished for my taste. I like cozy places. But Nick always prefers places that look classy. So, all our dates, which are a very few ones, were in expensive restaurants, that do not even serve Ramyun. When Nick picked me up in the morning, I wanted to clear everything up with him. But, he suddenly had to attend an urgent meeting. So, he apologized and said that, he will be back. I didn't feel like going back to the hotel, as I was really mad at Charlene. How can she hide such a huge news from me?. And Jinwoo oppa! He hid it too. So, I went to the resort, Melody is staying in to spend some time with her. She deserved an explanation too, after all she's the one who was preparing everything. I could barely see her, amidst the wedding preparation. I missed her. I saw her after 3 months, yet I couldn't spend time with her. So, I met her and explained her, why I actually ran away, about Sanha, how he found me, how we kissed and how we almost died, but he rescued me.

Nick ordered for both us and then looked at me.

" This place is so beautiful. Should I buy a place here? We can come and live here whenever we want after our marriage ", Nick said with a smile.

" About the wedding... ", I started saying.

" Right. We need to re schedule. Do you have a date in mind? But, don't worry baby. No pressure. Take your time"

" Okay. Nick, I was thinking something. About our relationship and this wedding. Don't you think, we rushed too much? "

" Rush? No. I feel like, we are doing things at the perfect time. We love each other. We are compatible. We like the same things. Your birthday is in two weeks. How more perfect can things be?"

" But, Nick.."

" How about we reschedule our wedding date on your birthday?"

" No. That will be the worst thing to do "

" Why? We will celebrate our special day and your birthday together. Isn't it perfect? "

" Nick, I know you are excited. I was too. But, now.. "

" Is it because of Mom? Aeries, she will come around. She will gradually understand how amazing your are "

" This isn't about your mom, Nick. This... Everything is just too much for me "

" Do you want a small wedding then? We can have a wedding, with just our family members"

"No nick! Why are you so.... THIS ISN'T WORKING! , I realized that I yelled. I looked around and bowed a little.

Nick looked at me in shock. He looks hurt too. This... This is what I was scared of.

" Nick, listen....", I tried to say.

" Hey"

Someone said.

I looked behind. It's Sanha along with Moonbin.

Nick stood up and shook hands with both of them.

" Is everything alright?", Sanha looked at me and asked.

" Yes", I said.

" We will go sit in our table then.", Moonbin said and bowed.

" Why don't you gentlemen join us? My treat", Nick said, smiling.

" Nick, we are talking about something important", I said.

" Come on, don't be like this. He saved you. Let me show a little gratitude"

" But.."

" We are done talking Aeries", he said and called the waiter for a table of four.

" I am not done talking yet, Nick", I said.

The waiter came and shifted us to a table of four.

" Are you sure, it's okay?", Moonbin asked.

" Yes", Nick replied.

" But, Aeries said, she has something important to talk to you", Sanha said.

" Oh. She is kidding. Don't take her seriously", Nick laughed.

Sanha looked at Nick in disbelief and said, " She looks pretty serious to me. Why won't I take her seriously?"

" It's fine. I will just say it infront of them, since you won't let me talk about it", I said.

Nick looked at me and said, " We have guests here, Aeries"

" You are the one, who should have thought that. Let me make myself clear Nick, This is not working. This is all on me. You are a perfectly nice guy. But, i don't think, I..."

" Take your time Aeries. You just got out from an accident. So, take your time and think thoroughly. You have not recovered yet"

" I am perfectly fine. I have given it much thought and.."

" What about our family? Your family? Your mom? My parents? Aeries, the reputation of my family will be at stake"

" Are you telling me, I should marry, because of our family now?"

" No. We love each other. So, I don't know what's wrong"

" Nick I don't think Io..."

" I love you Aeries. I have always loved you. I cannot think of anyone else. So, please take your time. I have waited. And I will always wait"

" I don't want you to wait. Please don't make this more hard for me, Nick"

" You are the making it hard for me too."

" I want to live my life the way I want. I want to fulfill my dreams. I didn't even get any of my goals fulfilled. None of my books even got any movie adaptation"

" I will help you. I will invest in making it into a movie"

" Nick, that's not the same. I want my story to be valued for what it is"

" Come on, be realistic, Aeries. Do you know, how much my family had to tolerate, because I am marrying a writer"


" What do you mean? What's wrong with being a writer?", Sanha was the one who asked that.

Nick looked at Sanha and then held my hand.

" I admire what you do. But people expect me to be married and be stable. I have to carry out the business, my dad left me, and I have to pass it well. I need a child too. So, you need to be cooperative and be realistic too, Aeries "

" Are you marrying me for a child? Also I am enough realistic Nick."

" Do you think, your emotional romantic books would ever become a movie? I am sorry, but those are just typical stories"

" You never even read any of my books. How can you- ", Before I could finish, Sanha stood up hitting the table hard with his hands. He came to my side and grabbed my arm.

" Aeries, Let's go", he said.

I looked at him. What the hell is he doing?

" What are you doing? You are crossing your limit. Leave her arm", Nick said and stood up.

" No. You crossed your limit, when you trash talked about her book."

" That's between us"

" You wee talking infront of us. Aeries let's go. He is arrogant. You cannot reason with him. He is not even ready to listen to you", Sanha said and pulled my hands.

I stood up and said, " Sanha wait. Kindly stay out of it "

" Exactly. That is what you should have done. But your Fiancé, thought it is appropriate to talk infront of strangers. Or rather, he must have thought, you won't say anything, just because we are here. What kind of childish behavior is this?" Sanha said.

" I know you have saved her. But you cannot interfere in our life", Nick said. He still looks shocked.

" Sanha wait. I will talk to him and break it off", I said as he started pulling me away.

" What do you mean by, you will break it off? Aeries, I told you to take your time and think. You cannot just break it off like this", Nick said. Panic and pain clear in his eyes. I hate it. I hate that I am hurting Nick.

" Oh, she can", Sanha said. And then he took my hand, and instantly pulled out the ring.


" Breaking off your marriage", saying this, Sanha put the ring infront of Nick on the table.

I pulled my hand out of Sanha's grip.

" ARE YOU SICK?" I yelled at Sanha. How dare he does that? What the hell is wrong with him.

" Sanha, we should go", Moonbin said.

" No, Hyung..."

" Let's take Aeries-ssi too. I don't know what happened, but this guy is disrespecting her", Moonbin replied.

Crazy! They are all f*cking Crazy!

" I didn't mean to disrespect you, Aeries. I will never. You know me, right?", Nick pleaded.

Yes, Nick will never intentionally disrespect me.

So, I started saying, " I know, Nick. Listen. let's talk about it later, okay? I am sure, my mind won't change. But, for you..."

" No. Aeries. Let's talk it out. You won't have to break it off. We can work it out. Let my mom and your mom come. We will talk things through", Nick said.

" Whoa....NICK! You called mom? What is wrong with you?"

" You looked like, you are not thinking rationally, so I called them. Maybe they can help you decide"

"What? Nick! I am thinking rationally! I can make my own decisions"

" Okay, calm down. Let them come atleast"

" NO! Your mom will literally say whatever. I am not staying even for a second more" saying this, I turned.

But yeah, there they are.

My mom looked at me sternly, clearly asking me to keep my mouth shut, and Nick's mom looked like she is ready to slap me, until she noticed Sanha and Moonbin. Her expression changed immediately. She fixed a smile on her face and pushed me away to stand in between them.

" Why are you fighting infront of these gentlemen?", Nick's mom asked.

" Mrs. Cooper, we are not fighting. I came here to tell something to Nick, and I did. I am done. I am going", I replied.

" Aeries, shut up and sit here, still", My mom said strictly.

" No Mom, I am done"

" Aeries, listen, let's talk it out sweetie. Keep it please", Nick held my hand and gave the ring to me again.

" Nick, I can't. I am so so sorry. But I have to break off this marriage", it hurts even while saying this.

" YOU WHAT!? YOU WENCH", saying this, Nick's mom almost fainted, or rather, she pretended to faint on Sanha.

Sanha quickly held her.

" Ma'am are you okay?", Sanha asked.

" Mom. Relax.", Saying this, Nick held his mom and helped her sit on a chair.

" This shameless girl should be grateful that Nick is even marrying her", Nick's mom said again.

" Yes. I am sorry Mrs. Cooper", My mom bowed.

" What is wrong with you Mom? Why are you apologizing?", I yelled.

Mom shot me a death glare and sat beside Mrs. Cooper. Nick brought some water for his mom, and then turned to me.

" Aeries, look. I never meant to be so offensive, but you should be glad that I am still ready to marry you, even after you ran away "

" Nick...You..... You don't have to marry me..I.."

" For all I know, you were found with this guy. I didn't even question you a bit about him. "

" NICK! I would have died! Sanha saved me. He gave me a chance to live"

" It wouldn't have happened, if you hadn't run away. You reap what you sow. And how many people do you think care about this? All they care is Nick Cooper's fiancé ran away, and a guy brought her back. What do you think, people are thinking?"

" Nick I don't care people are thinking "

" You should. Aeries, this is making me feel that something happened with this guy. and now you are refusing to marry me."

" What the hell, Nick! What the f*ck are you saying?"

How can he think, I.... I.....

" So Aeries, think carefully. You can sleep with him or whoever. I am ready to forgive everything. Your reputation will be ruined too, if you..."

Before he could finish, in a flash, I saw Sanha coming infront of Nick. And then he raised his hand and punched Nick hard.

Nick's mom squealed and covered her mouth with her hand, as Nick bumped to a table and fell on the floor due to the impact of the punch.

" Sanha-ya!", Moonbin yelled.

I am still shocked to even think anything. Nick wailed in pain as his nose covered with blood. The waiters and the manager came running. Someone helped Nick up.

" Sir, I would like to ask you to leave, right now! Or not I will be compelled to call the Police", the manager sternly said Sanha.

" IT'S NOT OVER YET", Saying this Sanha stepped towards Nick. I hurriedly grabbed his jacket to stop him. At the same time, Moonbin and the manager grabbed Sanha's arm.

" Leave-my-hand. I will teach this disrespectful asshole a lesson today", he yelled and struggled to free himself.

" I will call the police, sir! If you even take a step!", The manager said.

" SANHA! STOP IT! WE WILL GO, RIGHT NOW!" Moonbin yelled.

Sanha stopped struggling and looked at Moonbin, and then looked down. Moonbin bowed and turned.

Sanha grabbed my hand and said, " You are coming with me"

"Sanha, wait, you...", before I could finish, he pulled my hand started walking.

I jerked his hand away, as soon as we stopped infront of the entrance. Moonbin went to bring their car.

" Are you mentally sick? crazy?", I yelled.

Sanha just looked down.

" Ya! I am talking to you. How can you create such a scene? Do you think, everything will be ok, if you just throw my ring at his face and punch him? That was.... God! I feel furious! HOW DARE YOU!"

I could feel tears on it's way. I feel so furious. How can he just do whatever? What is wrong with him?

" I am sorry ", Sanha slowly said.

" WHAT?"

" I am sorry. I shouldn't have interfered "


" I am sorry. I couldn't control myself"


Sanha looked at me. Why does he look genuinely sorry? Shouldn't he argue with me? I feel more mad now.

" Ya! WHAT AM I GONNA DO NOW?" I asked.

" Come with us "

" What?"

" We are having a barbecue party. Come with us "

" Are you cr....", before I could finish, Moonbin came back with the car. He stopped and came out of the driving seat, and sat on the back seat. Sanha went towards the driving seat and said,

" Get in "

I shot him a death glare and got in. I am familiar with this car. On the day of the wedding, Sanha was driving this car. I feel like running him over with the car.

Everyone was quiet. Not even the music was playing.

" Aeries-ssi, Where should we drop you?", Moonbin asked.

Before I could reply, Sanha said, " She's coming with us to the party"

" When did I agree?", I asked.

" Sorry. Should I drop you to your hotel?" Sanha asked.

" No. I am going to that barbecue party"

Sanha looked at me. If I was not mad at him, he would have yelled or teased me. But he just kept quiet and looked front again.

As Sanha stopped infront of the resort, they are staying in, I was surprised.

" Melody is staying here too ", I said.

" Melody? The event planner? " Sanha asked.

" Yes "

" Woah. How do you know her? "

" She is my friend. She is also the one arranging everything for my wedding "

" Oh. We got to know her, a few months back, in Eunwoo Hyung's brother's wedding "

" Ah "

As I went towards the back of the resort, I saw a few people, arranging the equipment for music and barbecue. Some of them were arranging woods. I found Melody setting up a barbecue machine. She looks really really irritated. She was saying something to Eunwoo, as he turned and walked away. What is up with them?

" Hey. I am back ", I said.

She turned and saw me.

" Aeries! You are here! "

" Yes. Sanha invited me "

" Sanha?"

" Yes. We met accidentally at the restaurant "

" Isn't your life toooo full of Sanha these days? ", she smiled.

" Ya! We met by accident. Don't smile like that "

She laughed and said, " How did your little date with Nick go?"

" Agh. Horrible "

" You should have joined me. I saw your Jinwoo oppa at the restaurant "

" I am mad at him right now. But yeah, I should have joined you "

" So, did you break it off? "

" It's..... I will tell you later. I am not even sure myself "

" What do you mean by, you are not sure? "

" I- "

" Okay. tell me later. Go and rest. Let's talk later", saying this she handed me the card to her room. She must have understood that I feel terrible.

I nodded my head and turned to go, and almost fell down, but a pair of hands grabbed me.

" Are you okay?", It's Sanha.

Without looking at him, I said, " I am okay. You don't have to help me". I moved his hands and looked at Melody. She is smiling suspiciously. I rolled my eyes and went towards the middle, where they are preparing the wood for campfire.

So much has happened, yet I didn't get enough time to even think. I don't know, why I even agreed to this marriage. I felt so pressured. Then on the wedding day, I felt like I will be ruining my life and will be doing injustice with myself, if I marry. So I panicked and ran away. Then meeting Sanha, and kissing him. I automatically touched my lips. It felt so fulfilling. It felt so perfect and wholesome, the way he stopped and kissed simultaneously. Like, he was stopping, to let the tension build up and then satisfying me, but stopping again, making me want him more. And then the fire. Then Sanha saving me. Is that why, I feel so comfortable around him? Even though I met him just 3 days ago. Charlene and Jinwoo oppa getting engaged, and hiding it from me. All the drama with Nick and his family. Amidst everything, the only thing, I feel sure about is that, I don't want to marry Nick. I just have to break it off properly. I don't know why I couldn't do it properly. And I actually feel grateful to Sanha that, he stood up for me. I would have cried and be weak, if Sanha hadn't spoken. Maybe his way was wrong, but I felt warm, every time he spoke for me, every time he disregarded Nick and even when he punched Nick for disrespecting me. Yes, Nick was disrespectful. At that time, i couldn't even think properly or reply to Nick properly. But now my head is clearing up. And... Fire.

There's a fire! Why is there fire? Someone put out the fire! Anyone? Where is everyone? Air.. The fire is sucking all the air away. And why is the earth trembling? I firmly grabbed my left arm with my right hand. I am shaking so hard. And why is there no air around? Why are the people around smiling? Huh! Why are they fading? Why is everything burning? SOmeone..Someone...Put out the fire! Please put out the fire! Why do my head feel like it will explode? The fire will spread and....I looked around again... I cannot stand anymore. Everything except the fire is fading away. My knees can't stand it anymore. Someone...Put out the fire.. It...It will kill me..It's taking the air away. I cannot breathe. Someone help.. Stop! Please Stop! Stop the fire from coming near me. Don't let it engulf me. Put it out. Some...someone..I..




Is someone calling me? Didn't every one fade away?


Is someone holding me? Shaking me?

" AERIES! Look at me Aeries!"

Am I not looking? Why is it so hot?

I tried to look. All I could see was the ground.

" Aeries", the voice became clear

I slowly raised my head and looked. Sanha is holding me. I looked around. Where is the fire? Did sanha save me again?

Everyone is laughing and talking around the campfire. It's lighted now.

I looked at Sanha again. He cupped my face and looked at me. I was sitting on my knees hugging myself so hard, that my arms are aching.

" Aeries, what happened? You...", Sanha started saying.

" Sanha... The fire..", Why is my voice cracking up.

Sanha looked around and fixed his eyes on the campfire. Then he pulled me towards him, and embraced me with all his might.

" It's okay. Everything is fine", he said and caressed my hair.

Why am I crying?

I put my hands around him, and allowed myself to cry. I am still shaking. And Sanha wrapped his hands around me tightly, trying his best to stop me from shaking.

" It's fine. I am here now Aeries. I won't let anything like that happen ever again. I am here. You are fine. Don't worry, okay? I will be right here with you", Sanha said again.

I nodded and hugged him tighter.

After a while, he said, " I will ask them to put out the campfire"

" No. I cannot ruin their fun", I replied immediately.

" But.."

" Sanha, I will be alright. I have to be strong"

Sanha nodded.

" Let's just sit somewhere else now "

Sanha took me back to where, Melody and a few others were setting up barbecue machine. We went near them. Melody was putting in coal in the machine.

" Let me finish this. I will kill you", I saw Melody almost yelling at someone.

" You are the one who lost the bet " Eunwoo said. He was standing beside her, as she struggled with the coal.

She stood straight and stepped towards him.

" DO I look like I care? Also, you destroyed my clothes first. You should be the one doing this! Maybe you need a beat up?", she said.

" Who asked you to stand there to get your clothes ruined? And Ya! Are you a lady gangster? Threatening to kill me or beat me up all the time!"

" Why, I-", she was about to say something, then she noticed me and Sanha.

She shot Eunwoo a death stare and smiled at me, waving her hand.

" I will go and help Melody", I slowly said Sanha.

" No. You are staying away from fire", he said and grabbed my hand. Melody and Eunwoo both looked at our hands and both smiled suspiciously at us, at the same time.

Sanha let go of my hand and we walked near them.

" Who is this lady?", Eunwoo asked Sanha and smiled at me.

" This is Aeries. Charlene's friend. Oh, I heard, she is Melody-ssi's friend too", Sanha said.

" Ah. Nice to meet you. I am Cha Eunwoo", Eunwoo said and bowed.

I bowed back.

" I will be right back. In the mean time, Melody, you will have to- ", Eunwoo started saying, but Melody cut him off.

" I am not listening. Do it yourself", she said.

Sanha and I laughed at her tone.

" Remind me, not to get acquainted with crazy people ever again", Eunwoo said and turned to leave.

Melody rolled her eyes and then turned to me, " Didn't you go to rest? " She asked.

" No. I will stay here. Do you need any help?", I asked.

" No. Just enjoy yourself. There's a pool on the other side. You can go and check that out"

Sanha and I were walking towards the pool, when he said,

" I have never seen Eunwoo hyung dislike someone so openly", he laughed.

" Same. I have never seen Melody being so open about disliking anyone"

" Ah, I was supposed to bring the meat out. I will be back in 5 minutes"

" Sanha, I can walk around by myself "

" No. Stay here. I will be back "

Without giving me the chance to reply, he went away. I walked towards the pool on my own. A guy I don't know, came towards me and started talking. He recognized me from one of my books.

Suddenly Sanha came and just grabbed my hand.

" Didn't I tell you to stay there?", He fiercely asked.

" Is this your boyfriend?", That guy asked.

" Yes", Sanha replied and started walking while grabbing my hand.

" YA! YOON SANHA! Let go off my hand!", saying this, I jerked my hand away from him.

" Why did you walk off on your own and let strangers hit on you?"

" He was not hitting on me. He is just a fan "

" The look he had on said otherwise"

" Ya! Are you sick? Crazy?"

" I-", before he could finish, I started walking away. What is wrong with him. Seriously!

As I roamed around, and went back towards the campfire, I told myself, I cannot possibly be fearing a simple campfire. I walked towards the campfire and I saw Charlene. Was she invited too? I didn't know. Oh, right Jinwoo oppa.

As I was talking to Charlene and Jinwoo oppa, Sanha came again.

" Ya! Couldn't you at least inform me before wandering off by yourself?" He looked at me and yelled.

" Here comes your mentally sick 'son' ", I looked at Sanha and said to Charlene.

" Who is mentally sick? Hyung! Say something to her! She falls into some sort of trouble, every time she breathes, and then she wanders off, giving me heart attacks. and now she is calling me sick ", Sanha looked at Jinwoo oppa and said.

" Sanha-ya, you cannot talk to Aeries like that. She should do whatever she wants, okay?", he replied while chuckling.

" Thank you", I smiled and added, " As a thanks, I will leave you two alone and let you have some cheesy romantic moments or something"

I started walking away, as Sanha followed me, while telling me to not wander off anymore and nagging me to go near the campfire. Actually, I kept my eyes away from the campfire as much as possible. I could feel myself trembling a bit, as I even went near it.

Sanha nagged me to sit a bit away from the campfire and bought barbecued beef and vegetables for both of us. It's actually really good. I suddenly realized, how much I was starving.

People were standing up, and dancing around the campfire. I saw Charlene and Jinwoo oppa getting up and dancing. Charlene seriously looks so happy. She looks the happiest person on earth. Jinwoo oppa too. The way he looks at Charlene every time, seems like he's looking at his whole world and happiness.

" Do you want to try the chicken? Eunwoo hyung said, the chicken tastes really good", Sanha said.

"Yeah. I need something to drink too", I replied.

" Okay", saying this he started getting up.

" I will come with you"

We both got up and went toward the end. that's where they are cooking the meat.

There's a guy with Melody. I have seen his picture before. Melody's boyfriend. She looks weirdly uncomfortable though.

I went towards her.

" Do you need more meat?", she asked, as soon as she saw me.

" Chicken", I replied. I looked at her boyfriend.

" Hi. I am Damien. Damien Wilson. She is my girlfriend", her boyfriend said. Why does his introduction seem so off?

" Oh. Aeries, this is Damien. Damien, she is Aeries, my friend. And this is Sanha. Aeries', uh, acquaintance ", Melody said.

" Hi. Nice to meet you" I said and bowed.

" Oh. Was Melody planning your wedding? Is this your husband? Congratulations!", Damien said and shook Sanha's hand.

Sanha awkwardly looked at him.

" No. I said that he is an acquaintance. He is not her husband, Damien", Melody said.

" Oh. Where is your husband then?", Damien smiled and asked me.

" He... Damien, stop! I will tell you later. "

" Privately?", Damien smiled and took Melody's waist. He eyes widened and she immediately froze for a moment. She is uncomfortable. What is going on? But she immediately got normal and said,

" Aeries, here's the chicken", Melody said and gave me a plate.

" Melody, should I help you?"

" No. Enjoy yourself", she smiled.

I stood there still. Melody looks uncomfortable. I cannot just leave her here and go.

" Aeries, we should go ", Sanha said and pulled my hand.

I looked at him sternly.

" No, I- "

" Aeries, let's go ", saying this he pulled my hand, as he walked.

" I want to stay with her, Sanha", I said.

" She is more uncomfortable, because we are there. Let her handle it on her own "

" She clearly is not doing a great job in handling it"

" Aeries, can you help her? You interfering might make things worse "

He- Okay, he is right. Melody never actually talk about her boyfriend much. She has been dating him for almost a year. Yet, I barely know anything about him. Whereas, she used to talk a lot about him, in the few weeks.

After we are done eating, Sanha asked me for a dance. Almost everyone was dancing. So I couldn't refuse. He carefully placed a hand on my back and took my hand. I couldn't get the look on Melody's face out of my mid at all. Why would she be this uncomfortable, with her own boyfriend?

" On a closer look..", Sanha started saying. I looked at him.

" On a closer look, you are actually pretty", He said and laughed.

" Ya! What did you think then all those time?", I yelled.

" Ugly"


" What do you expect? The first time I saw you, you were wearing that hideous wedding dress. God! That looked so funny " he started laughing.

" I have to agree with that though. How can someone eve like that dress? Nick's mom is just... She really hates me"

" I almost got scared today. I thought she will actually have a stroke today "

" She liked you though. She actually leaned towards you, while pretending to faint. I told you, she likes pretty faced boys"

" Are you jealous? ", he said and smirked.

" No. Why would I be jealous of a woman, who has one of her legs already in the grave"

" Ya!", he started laughing.

" Thank you Sanha. For today "

He stopped laughing and said, " You got so mad though "

" I was mad at you, at myself, at Nick and everyone. But, I wouldn't be able to take it, if not for you. He not only insulted my book, but my dignity as a person too"

" Aeries, you should know that, your dreams and everything are realistic. You are doing the right thing. He is too upright, too stuck in what people will think. "

" But I couldn't break off the marriage"

" Talk to him tomorrow again. Take Charlene with you. Or talk to your mom. If you don't want to, no one can ask you to marry "

" An then what, after I break off the marriage? "

" We will fulfill your bucket list. Of course, I cannot help you with everything, I know. But I want to. "

" Sanha, I know, you promised, but you don't have to, really"

" I want to Aeries. And.... I told you that, I will see you in Seoul. I will need an excuse to meet you"

The way he said that, weirdly made me smile.

I came back later to the hotel, with Jinwoo oppa and Charlene. Charlene didn't ask me about what happened. I didn't ask about her engagement as well. We need to rest. We just talked about random stuff. Weirdly, she asked a lot of things about Melody. She is usually not interested in things like this. And then, we slept. I slept pretty fast today. I will have a long day tomorrow. I have to be prepared for that.

My phone pulled me out of whatever I was dreaming of. It's ringing continuously. I sat up. An unknown number. The phone stopped ringing. Who would call at 3 am? I looked beside me. Charlene is not here. Must be in Jinwoo Oppa's room.

The phone started ringing again. So, I received.

" Hello"

" Hi. It's Sanha "

" Sanha??? Ya! What time do you think it is now?"

" Can you come outside right now?"

" Now? Sanha, it's 3 am "

" I know. I am waiting. just come outside. It's really important. "

" What? Sanha, I am hanging up "

" Please. It's really important. It has to be now"

" I- FIne. "

" Wear something comfortable and warm, okay? ", saying this, he hung up.

Warm? It's September! Why would I wear anything warm?

Regardless, I wore warm clothes and got out of the hotel. The security guard bowed and looked at me in surprise, as I got out of the gate. I must be crazy! Why am I even listening to him? Seriously! I should go back, right? I should go back and sleep!

I stepped out of the gate and looked on both side. No sign of him. Did he prank me? What the-

Suddenly, a bike rushed and stopped infront of me. I got startled. He is wearing a black leather Jacket and black gloves. He took of his helmet.


" Hi "

" Sanha!!!!"

" Get on! "

" Why are you on a bike? "

" I borrowed it from a friend "

" That's not the point. I asked, why?"

" We will go somewhere. And I need a bike for that "

" What? Where?"

" You will see. Just trust me for once "

" Why. I- "

" Just once. For the first time. This time, trust me "

I do trust him actually. I don't even understand how. But, right now, he's the person I am trusting the most, after myself

" Okay. This once", I said and got on the bike, behind him.

" Hold me tightly. We have to go really fast. Also, the road might be bumpy "

" No. I am fine ", I said and grabbed the back of the sit. He started and...well it's really fast. I bumped to him immediately. He stopped again.

" Aeries, you are really tense. Don't think about tomorrow or ick or anything right now. Just trust yourself ad your intuition. Focus more on what you want to do right now, rather than what you are expected to do. I restrict myself a lot too. But, just recently, I have come to know, how wrong I was. So, don't restrict yourself."

I...What do I want to do right now? What I feel like doing. What am I restricting myself from? What am I wanting? Yet stopping myself..I...

I slowly slid my hand along his waist and held him, tightly. He got stiff. I could feel my heart beating fast, as My body, touched his back and I rested my head on his back. I pulled myself more towards him and held him more tightly. This.....I wanted this. He feels so warm. I got reminded of how he carried me down from the fire. I hugged him tighter. I don't know the reason, and I don't need to know now. I just want to do what I want right now. And I want him to feel my warmth too. I want him to know, how my heart is beating fast, against his back. For now, I won't care.

He relaxed and started the bike again.

Thanks God, I actually listened to him and wore warm clothes. It's so cold. When's the last time I felt such a rush? I didn't even know, I could feel like this. As my hair blew with the wind, I felt warm, just by holding on to Sanha. It's like, each cell in my body is becoming alive and it's feeling the rush. I suddenly feel alive, like I am actually living. Like, there's meaning in living.

The road suddenly became bumpy, as we started going through the narrow trails in the mountain. We are going up the mountain now. No wonder, he borrowed the bike. After around 40 minutes, we reached an opening, and he stopped.

" How long do you intend to hold on? Do you like it that much?", He asked.

I immediately let go. I will kill him.

He laughed out loud. I got down. He got down and took a bag out from under the seat.

" Let's go", he said and walked towards the edge.

We are so high up in the mountain. We are probably at the peak. And it's so dark. There's practically no light except for the moon. He took out a folded mattress and laid it flat on the ground.

" Sit ", he said.

" Sanha, did you bring me here, to show how dark it is today?"

" You will see. Just wait a moment", saying this he sat on the mattress and took out a small thermos and a few snacks.

" Here. have these. There's coffee for you", he said again.

I sat beside him. I poured the coffee and looked at him as he took out a professional camera and started setting it up.

" Why do you have a camera?", I asked, genuinely wondering.

" Someone asked me to do this, in exchange of a tiny bit of information", he replied.

" Sanha, seriously, why are we here though? You better have a good reason for this"

" Ofc-"

" I will kill you, if it's nothing, I swear. If they find out I snuck out at night, this will become a huge deal. "

" It's..."

" This will seriously be huge. And I swear, I will kill you, if they make a scene and.."

" Aeries!", he said and cupped my face suddenly.

I got startled. What is he doing?

He slowly turned my face to the front. And I saw it.

A Waterfall of Stars.

Millions of stars are falling down from the sky at once, like rain. Like, a huge waterfall suddenly decided to sprinkle stars all over the universe. It's glitters falling down on earth from heaven. And it keeps falling. The stars kept falling, without touching us ever, in it's own dimension. It just keeps on falling, like there's no end to the universe. And the beauty of this fallen stars put the moon to shame. It made everything else insignificant, making the earth seeming like a piece of the heaven itself. This has to be heaven right? This is only possible in heaven. In no way can something so mesmerizing exist on earth.

Meteor shower... That's must be how sky looks like in heaven. It was in my bucket list. Watching meteor shower from the mountains. I told this only to Sanha. I slowly turned and looked at Sanha. He is looking at me with wide eyes. He slowly touched my face, and caressed it, wiping the tears away. I was crying, because I feel overwhelmed by the greatness of it, by how true it is, and by how heavenly and beautiful Sanha looks. Can anyone ever look more beautiful than him right now? Am I even allowed to experience all these beauty, the world offered me?

I slowly raised myself and put a hand on his neck. I don't know, what is happening to me. I pulled him towards me, as I leaned on him, and I kissed him. He grabbed my waist with one hand and he ran his fingers through my hair, as he kissed back. He raised himself a beat, and leaned on me, pushing me down slowly, making me lie down. And he kept kissing slowly. stopping and kissing again. kissing, as I get crazy, and then stopping for a moment, to make me want him more. And then kissing again, escalating the intensity a little each time. He let one of his hands run free, caressing and tracing along my waist, and the other hand caressing along my neck to my collarbone.

I groaned, as he put some weight on me and I started feeling him hard against me. He pulled away and kissed on my neck. As he nibbled on my collar bone, I held his head tight against my neck with one hand, and the other hand skimming through the skin on his back.

" Aeries, is this okay? Should I stop?", he asked as he nibbled on the other side of my neck.

" Don't.. Don't you dare stop", I replied somehow.

Sanha pulled away and looked at me in surprise. Then he smirked and kissed me again, biting my lips. I bit his lower lips and groaned, giving his tongue an access into my mouth, as his hand traced my belly button.

He pulled away again, and unbuttoned my sweater, and then my shirt. He looked at my breasts for a while. Even though, I have my bra on, I feel like, he is seeing through even that. This is turning me on, even more. He looked at me, and traced the lining of my breast, along one of the cups of the bra.

" Are you sure, this is okay Aeries?", he asked softly. his voice became hoarse. My head is hazy.

" Yes, it is ", I replied.

" I can't stop, Aeries. I will have you"

" You don't have to stop. I want you", Sanha's eyes changed as I said this.

He kissed on my neck and moved to my cleavage. I groaned, as Sanha's lips touched my cleavage, and his licked it. I pressed his head tightly between my breast. I want him now. I want him to have me right here, right at this moment. For the first time in life, I feel like, every inch of my skin is awake. It's like, my body finally woke up from a long slumber, and has been thrown into a fire, just to be ravaged by Sanha. I could feel each part of my body, that he is kissing, becoming alive and then waiting eagerly, hungrily for his touch again. And he is playing with my body. Pleasuring some part and making the others wait and then satisfying them again, creating a new feeling in each part of my body every time. He finally cupped one of my breasts and came back to satisfy my lips again, just to make it crave him more.

Suddenly he stopped.

I looked at him. He is looking at me too.

" Aeries, we can't ", he said.


" Sanha, What the f*ck are you saying? "

" You... we can't"

" Why? Are you even serious? Sanha I don't care. I am doing it right now", I said and raised myself to kiss him again.

But he stopped me.

" Aeries. NO! You are still engaged "

I- I am. I am engaged.

" You still didn't break off the marriage. You still have his ring", he said again. I looked at him. He is panting, and he clearly wants more.

I stayed silent. I am engaged.

He pulled himself up and sat on a side. I got up and fixed my hair, buttoned up my shirt. And then I stood up.

" I am leaving", saying this I started walking.

" Hey", Sanha called out.

But I kept walking. I cannot face him or look at him right now. I feel too embarrassed. How? How can he just stop like that? How can he just deny me like that? He... I walked fast.

I heard him coming fast behind me. He caught up to me and grabbed my arm to stop me. He turned me towards him.

He cupped my face and said, " Hey, why are you crying baby? Come here"

He hugged me tight. And I cried. I kept crying, as he caressed my hair. I am mad at him. He... I am hating him right now. Yet I feel like, he is the safest place, where I can cry. I am going crazy. How dare he? How can he? I am killing him. He... I hate him.

After a while, I stopped, and tried to pull apart. But he kept hugging me tightly.

" A little while more. I need to calm myself down a bit"

" Why? You are the one who stopped ", I said accusing him.

" I am not that strong. I don't know, what I will do, if I do not calm myself down", he said and kept caressing my hair.

I could feel his heart beating fast, as it slowly calmed down, and he let me go. He cupped my face and slowly kissed on my forehead. I feel calm too. Who knew, hugging him will feel like this.

He sighed and said, " Aeries, remember, you stopped me from kissing you, in the hotel the other day?"

I nodded.

" Why did you do it? No one would have seen it or known it. Yet, you stopped because you know you would have regretted it"

Yes. That is why I stopped. I subconsciously knew, I wouldn't marry Nick. Yet I stopped him.

" Even if you don't marry Nick, you would have still regretted it. And if we had continued, you would regret it. You wouldn't be able to strongly break the marriage off tomorrow infront of Nick. You would feel guilty. You would think, you are somehow at fault. You already look like, you feel guilty for hurting him"


" I am sorry. I am really sorry for stopping like this. But, I don't want you to regret it tomorrow, Aeries. I am so sorry. I wish.. I just wish, I could show what I am feeling, and what I want to do to you right now.. I.. I feel so frustrated.."

" I... I know", I said and touched his face.

" I know. You are pretty obvious", I said and chuckled lightly.

He is fighting too. He is fighting his own wars head on and yet he is here with me, being thoughtful and careful for my sake.

We returned to watch the meteor shower again. It's heaven on earth. We sat next to each other and watched the rest of the meteor shower. The universe descended from the heaven, as the sun rose slowly, lighting the world, piercing everything that is dark and gifting us a new beginning.

Chapter 9: Complete Me

Chapter Text

" What? ", Charlene almost screamed.

" Ya! Keep it down ", I said and looked around to see if anyone noticed her.

" I don't get it. You don't even know him properly. You are not dating. How.....", Charlene looked like she's at a loss for words.

We returned to Seoul last month, and finally, she could make the time to meet me.

" What?" I asked.

Charlene came closer to me and then said in a low voice, " How can you just be so eager to do it?"

"Do what?"

" You know? Sleep with him? That too, on top of an open mountain?"

"Ya! Where will I get a closed mountain?"

Charlene narrowed her eyes at me and then added, "Although, I must admit, that sounds sexy"

" I know right. And... i am not eager. It was just the situation. And we were two adults...So..."

Charlene was about to say something, but just then Melody entered the café, with Eunwoo.

Both of them spotted us and walked towards our table.

He pulled out a chair for Melody to sit.

"Ladies. I will leave you to yourself. Charlene, you...", He started saying.

"Still mad at you oppa. Don't talk to me", Charlene said and rolled her eyes at him.

Eunwoo sighed.

"Okay. Hoping this will melt you a bit. Treat on me", he said and placed his card in front of Charlene.

"Oh, so are you now flexing in front of your little girlfriend?" Charlene curtly asked.

" She is not- "

"Yeah yeah. I know. Let us have our time. Bye"

Eunwoo bowed to me and asked, "How did it go? It was today, right?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. They were sitting with a straight face."

"But did you explain your story?"

"I tried to"

"Aeries, listen. I read that story. Charlene made me read it. It's really good. They will like it"

"You really think so?"

"Of course. Even Sanha thought that is great story. He read it too, and I have never seen him read a book"

I laughed nervously, " Thank you Eunwoo"

"You will hear from them soon. Don't worry"

I nodded.

He turned to Charlene and said, "You....."

Charlene immediately turned her head to the other side.

"Yeah. The treat is still on me. Just don't throw away my card. Give it to Jinjin Hyung"

"I will see". Charlene replied.

He smiled and looked at Melody, "I will see you later, maybe?"

"Yeah, maybe'', Melody replied and smiled. .

They are for sure meeting later. Her face says it all. A date?

Eunwoo nodded his head and then walked away.

"So, you and Eunwoo are a thing now?", I asked Melody as soon as he left.

"Noooo-", Melody started saying.

"What? Still not accepting you", Charlene said to Melody.

Melody smiled and said, " No, we are not a thing. We just met coincidentally today, and it is okay Charlene. You, not accepting it, makes it look forbidden. Makes me wanna go for him. Maybe... i should"

" Yeah whatever. Do what you want "

" Are you by any chance jealous that your oppa is giving me attention now, instead of being with you?"

"What? No. Why would I be jealous about something like that? Anyway, Ignoring you. Aeries, you were saying? So, what's up with you and Sanha?"

"Nothing. It is just, we are weird I think. He feels like a really great friend and-"

" Friends don't kiss Aeries", Melody pointed out.

"True. Yaaa! I really don't know." I half yelled.

Both Charlene and Melody sighed in unison.

"Stop sighing! I am already confused as it is. I think, I just really like him. I am trying not to get too attached." I sighed.

" Okay. Let's not focus on that. I was super confused about Jinwoo too. I didn't know, if I was just too grateful to him or in love. So, just wait it out. Just, I am scared, he will be a rebound for you", Charlene said, concern clear in her face.

"No! No! Out of everything, I won't do that to Sanha. He saved me. This is just.. I don't know. Even during my birthday...."

" What happened during your birthday?" Melody asked, leaning in. She is clearly enjoying this weird phase I am in.

" Nothing important. Just things got a bit weird, and I really freaked out. And... Well.. Look, I will forever be grateful to him. That is all I know right now."

"I know you will", Charlene said and paused. Then added, "By the way I really like your hair color"

"I know, right? So many shades of Turquoise blue", Melody said.

"Thank you. Sanha went to dye his hair last week. he literally forced me to go with him, because it was in my bucket list"

"Ooooh. Now the stubborn Aeries does whatever Sanha says", Melody laughed.

"Ya! Are you done? Let's go shopping then", I said.

Both of them laughed. I can see them slowly getting along.

So, why are we here shopping together?

It is because of Sanha.

Just a few days after we returned from Jeju, Sanha and I met for dinner. So he was trying to jolt down my bucket list, because at that time, he promised, he would help me fulfill them. And he was stubborn in keeping it.

"Whatever crazy idea you have, do it after a few months. I really need some time off", I said.

"Why? What will you do?" He asked.

"I don't know. Relaxing trip or something? I didn't decide yet"

"Wait.....Relaxing trip? What about camping? I know the perfect place for camping "


"What about a camping trip? We can go and get rid of our stress"

"When you say we......"

"You, me"

"Hmmm.... Maybe not a camping trip"

"Why???? It is in your bucket list too. Camping in the forest"

"Yes. But, i meant with friends"

Honestly, I don't know anymore, what being alone with Sanha in a secluded place will do to me. I might just be screaming continuously in my mind.

"Ah. So you don't want me in? Woahhhh! It stings! Fine though, I will arrange for you only then"

"ya! Do you want me to get scared and die in the forest? In the middle of the night?"

Sanha laughed out loud.

" Are you seriously this scared?", he asked, still laughing.

" Oh. And you are not? Maybe we should leave you to experience a night alone in the jungle?"

" Ya. No. I am not that into camping anyway. Oh! How about with your friends? How many friends do you have? 5-6? "

" I am not that connected or comfortable with them. So, not them, I guess"

" What about Jinjin hyung's weird girlfriend? And that Noona?"

" Charlene and Melody? They feel more like family actually"

" You can go camping with them, right? And I am tagging along with you three"

" Charlene and Melody? Together? Doesn't sound good though. They are not exactly in friendly terms"

" Yeah. What's up with that? What is wrong with them?"

" Nothing. It is just Charlene's trust issues and Melody just enjoying to annoy her"

" Woah! Should I invite Jinjin hyung then?"

" Charlene and Jinwoo will be on their own then. We will feel like the third wheeler"

Sanha sighed, and then said, " Why is this so hard? Okay. I will ask some more people. Let's make it a group trip, okay?"

" Okay. That sounds good then"

So here we are shopping. Melody is the only one among us, who went to camping before. Well, actually arranged a weird event, that involved camping. So, she made the list and we are shopping according to it. We will be leaving in 4 days.

" So did you start planning the wedding?" Melody asked after ordering.

We went to a restaurant for dinner, after shopping. Charlene was still looking at the Menu. She said, she is goin to exceed the limit of Eunwoo's card today anyhow and throw it in Han river.

"Hmm?", Charlene looked up from the menu. And then added, " Well. Not really. We are both so busy. I didn't even get the time to think of it for a second"

" Did you at least decide a date?"

" Nope. None of our schedules sync and I am almost considering, going to the court and marrying on my own"

" Ya! You cannot do that! You won't be depriving me of the fun", I almost yelled.

Charlee narrowed her eyes and said, " Then sure, go ahead and match all our schedules and find a proper date"

" For a start, you can hire Melody to plan your wedding. You have already seen her works"

" What? Are you her manager or something?", Charlene asked.

Melody laughed.

Charlene then slowly said, " I- I would actually love if Melody can do it. But I think, she would prefer to attend my wedding as Oppa's date"

Melody raised her eyebrow and said, " I feel like, you won't let either of us enter, if I go as his date"

Charlene rolled her eyes, " I won't. Don't worry. But it would be great, if you can arrange the wedding"

" Thank you really. But, I have never really organized such a high profile wedding"

" You did. Sanha said, you organized Eunwoo's brother's wedding", I said.

" Yes. That was his brother. The bride and the groom. None of them are famous or celebrities. Also, it was a really private wedding. No one apart from their close family and friends were invited. But Jinjin and Charlene are both really famous. It will be in talk for atleast 2-3 months. So, Nope"

" Oh. That's a bummer. I thought I have my work easy with you in hand", I disappointedly said. Charlene has asked me to be her maid of honor, just after returning from Jeju. And I was hoping, Melody would help me with everything. But well.




Sanha called me and said, he will be here to pick me up, in 10 minutes. So, I did a final check of everything. I took everything.

Today's the day. Sanha explained everything to me. We will be camping in a forest. But to get to the forest, we need to hike a bit. I was worried about the hiking part, considering, I am not really good with walking.

After around 15 minutes, I heard his car entering the parking lot, followed by two horns. That is what he does, every time he comes to pick me up. He won't let me pick him up, because apparently, his dorm location is a secret and he doesn't really live in the house, he bought recently. So, yeah. He always has to pick me up.

I was about to open the door, when I heard the bell ring. Sanha came up.

" Is that all?" He asked, while getting past me into the house.

" My luggage? You are here to help me with the luggage?" I asked, surprised.

" Yeah"

" The great Yoon Sanha is here to carry my luggage? Trying to be a gentleman?"

" Ya! What do you mean. We have to go quickly. Hyung is waiting in the car"

" Which hyung?"

" Ah. I didn't tell you? You will see then. Are these all?"

" Yeah. Just my phone in my room"

I went in my room and fetched my phone"

" Ready?" Sanha asked.

" You know, I can carry it. I will have to carry it later anyway"

" Hurryyyyy", Sanha said and started climbing down the stairs.

I locked the door behind and followed him.

As soon as he put my bag in the car bunker, the door beside the driving seat opened. I thought Sanha was driving.

Rocky came out and threw the key to Sanha. Rocky is here.....

I am staring at him now. Rocky looked at me and immediately looked away. He bowed a bit, and got in the passengers seat behind.

Rocky is here. Oh God! Why? Will he be with us in the trip? Noooo! WHy on earth would Sanha invite Rocky out of all people! God!

" Why is Rocky here?" I asked Sanha as he came towards the driver's seat.

" What do you mean? He will be with us in the camping trip. Hyung always wanted to stay in a jungle for a few days. Is there something wrong?", He confusedly asked.

" It's just....No.. It's completely fine", I replied and got in.

I cannot believe, Rocky is here, I have been avoiding him for a week. God! This is so embarrassing.

This... This is all because of my stupid bucket list. Sanha wouldn't have introduced me to him, if it wasn't for my list, back in Jeju. More than a month ago.



" Aeries, I found the perfect person who can help you", Sanha said, almost as excitedly, as a 4 year old kid getting a new toy.

I was waiting for Melody in their resort. I would be leaving for Seoul with her, the next day. Jinwoo and Charlene already reached Seoul 2 days ago.

I don't even know, how he knew I would be here.

" What?" I confusedly asked.

" Remember. yesterday you were saying, you have always wanted to do a duet cover of a song?"

" Yes. That was just in my bucket list since, i don't know, high school?", I said, getting more confused.

"Yesssss. Rocky hyung. He can help you with that"

I stared blankly at him for a while.

" And why would he help me?", I asked.

" He was planning on doing a cover for his new YouTube channel. He was looking for a partner. You are perfect."

" Yaaa! Yoon Sanha!!! I last danced when I was a kid. You think, I can match him? It is impossible. I will only drag him down"

" No", he replied adamantly, " I talked to hyung. You will practice for a month, whenever you can give time. I know, you can do it"

So, he basically almost dragged me to their practice room, the day after we reached Seoul. And I was so glad that he did. Because Rocky was nothing like I thought. He is so ice and dependable. He was easy going. He was so patient.

I automatically clicked with Rocky. He was just so funny. Our humors just matched so well. After such a log time, I felt like, I was making a new friend. I felt just so happy. I don't remember the last time, I made a new friend. I have known Charlene since forever, and I met Melody during undergrad. I barely made any new friends after that. So, it was making me so happy. We bonded even more, when we went to this amusem*nt park on my birthday. Sanha was too scared to get on all the rides. And honestly, I was too. I was beyond terrified. But doing things out of my comfort zone just felt satisfying. Rocky practically accompanied me in all those rides. We even hung out outside of our practice so much. And honestly Rocky is an amazing teacher and a great friend. I felt like, he was just getting me, without judging.

But suddenly, Rocky started acting distant. I asked him several times, but he was really so quiet. I was so worried, that I even told Sanha about it. Sanha brushed it off saying, " Rocky hyung is weird. He will act normal again"

Rocky just felt zoned out. So I messaged him and took a day off. He immediately called me, asking why I wouldn't be there. Later, we talked for a while. I was worried, he's going through something. That was hurting me too. So I tried to know the reason. But every time, he gave some vague answers like, his mom is sick or he feels lost and weird.

Finally, last week, Rocky seemed like himself. He was his usual energetic self, to my relief. He suggested, we should have dinner together. Initially I assumed, it's the three of us. Me, Sanha and him. But after talking to Sanha, I realized, he didn't invite Sanha. Sanha assured me repeatedly that it is fine. So, even when I felt weird, I went to have dinner with him. And I soon regretted it. I wasn't liking the way, it was going.

Finally after dinner, Rocky said it.

He said he likes me.

I was just so awkward, that I became speechless. He just said, I don't have to tell him anything right away, and that I can take my time. But, I already knew my answer. So, I said sorry and just left.

I have been avoiding him ever since. I haven't even gone to practice or replied to any of his messages. It was just too weird. And I didn't know, what to say to him. I didn't even share it with anyone else. Sanha asked me several times, why I wasn't going to practice, but I just didn't know, what to tell him.

So, it was kind of awkward, going to the camping with him. Even being in the same car with him felt weird. It was just so silent. Sanha was the only one, who was driving and talking. And I replied occasionally.

We reached the rendezvous point. Everyone was already there except Eunwoo.

" Can you seriously hike?", Sanha asked, as he helped to balance the backpack on my back.

" What do you mean?" , I narrowed my eyes and asked.

" I feel like, you will fall down before even starting"

" You will see", I rolled my eyes and went ahead to talk to Charlene and Jinwoo.

After Eunwoo arrived, we started. Melody was hiking alone, so I sped up and started walking beside her.

" So....everything alright?" I asked.

" Yeah", she looked at me and replied.

" Anything happened with Eunwoo? You seem to be avoiding him a bit."

" No"

" So, nothing happened?"

" Well..", she paused. I could see her face slowly turning red. Oh my God.....Did they.....

" Ya! Tell me what happened", I excitedly asked.

" Shut up! Nothing happened", she replied and looked away.

" You-" , before I could finish, Eunwoo interrupted.

" Aeries....Is that too heavy? Want me to carry it for you?", he asked.

" No. I am fine ", I replied.

" Really? Then can I-"

" Yeah sure sure. You can just tell me, you want to talk to her, you know" , I smiled. I am weirdly enjoying this.

" Yeah", he smiled.

I looked back and saw Rocky and Sanha walking together. So, I went forward and started walking alone. I focused on my surroundings. The backpack is starting to feel heavy. This is the first time, I have come hiking. I had no idea, walking up the hill would be hard. It doesn't feel that hard yet, but starting to feel weird. The mountains here are really beautiful. It is not remote, so there are actually places, where there's a clearing and benches to sit on or water to drink. The trees and bushes on both side felt ethereal too. There are a few more people, but they were all too far ahead or too far behind. We were occasionally stopping to take pictures. This place is seriously sooo beautiful.

After a while, we could hear the sound of water falling continuously from the fountains. It was impossible to go near it, because of the wild plants and trees. Also, we were warned that these places have a lot of snake. For one, I know, Charlene is terrified of snake. I am scared of them too, so we decided, not to even try.

The walkway, through which we were walking had stairs after every few yard, decorated beautifully with wild vines and flowers. We even had to cross a shallow canal, channeled from a nearby river, layered with huge rocks. Jinwoo helped Charlene cross the canal, and then held my hand to slowly help me cross it too. He is seriously so kind, a brother I have always wanted.

As I walked beside them, I asked, " So, when are you two love birds getting married?"

" Marriage? Aeries, I didn't even tell my mom yet. So everything right now is just so messy. I don't even know where to start or what to do first", Charlene replied, clearly frustrated.

" How about start with telling your mom?"

" You have seen my mom. She will just judge everything initially. She will like Jinwoo, once she get to know him. But at the beginning, she will just be so judgmental, I will feel like not telling her anything"

" How about, Jinwoo tells it?"

" I am not doing it. I am pretty scared of her mom. I couldn't even sit for a second, infront of her, the last time I saw her", Jinwoo readily replied, as he opened the water bottle and handed it to Charlene.

" Ya! Both of you! Do it together. Do you even have the plan to marry ever? I want to experience being a maid of honor soon. So... do it FASTTTTT", I half yelled.

Charlene handed the bottle back to Jinwoo and said, " We also have to make our relationship public. No one knows yet. How will we handle our company or the fans? I already feel tired, thinking about those"

" Company and fans are manageable. They will want the best for us. Also, I want to marry you, and spend the rest of my life with you. Until and unless, you have a problem with that, I really won't worry much about other things", Jinwoo said. Charlene just looked at him silently. Even from her silence, I know, how happy she is feeling. She feels like the happiest person on earth right now. I know her.

" Awwwwwww. Look at you. Still on the honeymoon phase after 3 years. Can't wait to see you two fighting like old married couple", I joked.

Both of them laughed.

" But it will really, take a huge toll on our career. We are just trying to complete the important projects in hand. Then we can decide on everything calmly. Also, you are here, my maid of honor. I will make you do all the work", Charlene smugly said.

" This b...", before I could finish, I got cut off.

Sanha pulled my arm, and said, " Aeries, can I talk to you for a bit?"

I looked at him. He was serious. What happened? His face looked mad, too mad. Even the way he grabbed my's hurting.

Regardless, I nodded.

Jinwoo and Charlene went ahead. We slowly walked together. I don't know, why my heart was beating so fast or why I was feeling this anxious. What is wrong?

" So when were you going to tell me?" , he abruptly asked.

" Tell you what?" , I asked carefully.

" Are you seriously pretending not to understand?"

" Sanha, seriously, what are you talking about?"

Sanha stopped. I stopped and looked at him. He was staring at me in disbelief. I don't understand, what happened.

He then looked ahead and without saying anything, started walking. I tried to catch up with him, but he was walking too fast. Soon he crossed everyone, and was walking too far ahead.

I gave up and kept walking in my pace. Seriously, what happened to him. Why is he so mad? What did I do? What was he talking about? Did I-



Did he get to know that? I- sh*t... I was debating on whether to tell him or not. But I was just awkward, thinking, what if it doesn't matter to him. What is wrong with me? I would be seriously so hurt too, if he hid something like this from me.

Soon we found a clearing. The trees and bushes were cleared and the ground has been flattened to some extent. There are several spots for taking pictures, resting and drinking water. There were a few benches and huge blocks of roughly shaped stones, where several interesting facts and history about the mountain is written. Sanha was sitting on a bench there. His shoulder hung forward as he stared at his hands. I went towards him. He looked at me and stared at his hands again.

" Should we take a break?", Jinwoo asked Sanha, as I sat beside him.

" No, I am just a bit tired. You guys go ahead", he replied.

" You sure? Let's take a short break"

" No, really it is fine. I will catch up to you soon", Sanha said.

" Alright. Let's go head then"

I looked at Sanha. He was still staring at his hands.

" I will stay here with him", I said.

He looked at me and then ahead. He said, " You don't have to. Go ahead with the rest of the group"

" I will stay. You guys go on. We will catch up with you", I said.

Melody looked at me, concern clear on her face. I nodded my head to assure her.

Sanha was about to say something, but Charlene interrupted. " You two stay then. Don't get lost"

She grabbed Jinwoo's hand and started walking ahead. The rest soon followed them.

We sat there for a while, without talking. He wasn't saying anything, and I didn't know what to say.

After a while, finally he said, " We should go. They will be worried otherwise"

" It is fine. We can rest a bit more", I said, hoping to talk about that matter.

" No, it is fine", he said and stood up.

We were walking silently for a while. Sanha wasn't saying anything. So I tried focusing on the surrounding. There's no one around. It just felt so peaceful. All I could hear was the sound of the fountain and occasionally the sound of the birds in the woods. The road was rocky, so it felt a bit difficult to walk. Thank God, we rested for a while. I wonder, how others are going non stop. I looked at the watch. We have been hiking for more than 4 hours. This is a small mountain and the trail is supposed to finish in another half an hour. Thank God, it is almost the end.

Sanha suddenly stopped walking. I looked at him. He was looking around us, trying to understand something. I looked around too. What is he trying to find? There's no-


I looked around again. There's no sign. Normally there would be a sign after every few yards. And we were not standing on any clear ground. We were in the woods. When did we go off track?

" We are lost", he tried to say with a flat tone, but his voice is clearly anxious.

" No, let's go back the way we came. Then we can carefully move"

" We might get more lost. It is better to stay here and wait for the others to come and find us."

" Try to call them"

Sanha took out his phone from his pocket, and called Jinwoo.

" It says, no service. We are out of network", he said after a while. He is starting to look nervous.

" Let's go back the way we came here", I said.

He nodded his head.

As we kept walking for a while, I started realizing Sanha was right. We are getting more and more lost. The woods started becoming deeper, and the ground was uneven. Sanha was understanding too, that we are lost. It feels like something that would happen in one of my stories. But usually these scenes are romantic, but here I am, being stuck with a grumpy Sanha. Moreover, I am starting to get worried too.

" We should stop moving", I finally said as I looked at the watch. We have been walking for half an hour, since we lost the way, and my feet hurts. The ground is too rocky and uneven here.

Sanha looked at me and said, " Sit here for a bit. I will go ahead and have a look"

He pointed at a huge rock covered with mold.

" No. I will go with you", I said.

" Aeries just sit here for a while. I was scared that you won't be able to walk much. Rest a bit. I will just go ahead and look where we should go"

" No. I-", I am suddenly getting too worried and I think scared. The sun will set soon.

Sanha sighed and held both of my hands, " I promise nothing will happen. I will soon be back. Just 5 minutes"

I suddenly got reminded of Sanha kissed me, held me, did everything he had to do to protect me.

I nodded. Sanha smiled and squeezed my hand.

So, as Sanha went ahead to have a look, I sat and tried to relax my feet. My feet feels too heavy. I feel like, any more steps and my feet will break down. Anyway, lesson learnt. Hiking is not for me.

I tried to read the instruction brochure we got while starting. It did warn so many times, about getting lost and about tides, damp and so many things. Why did we just have to get lost? I feel mad at him now. Who asked him to sulk so much and get tired?

I looked at my watch. It's been 10 mins since Sanha went. He said, it will take 5 minutes. The sun will be setting soon. It has already become a bit dark. Will it rain? I can smell fresh wet earth. Maybe it is already raining somewhere near.

Sanha, where are you?

I stood up and took out my phone. It has no network. I still tried to call him. Why am I getting anxious? He is here. He will be here. It's just taking him some time. What if...what if something happened to him.. Okay, I need to stop. What is wrong with me? Sanha is always careful when I am around. I have seen him, automatically getting attentive and careful with me. Or, maybe I misread him. I-

" SANHA!" I called.

I don't know why, my hands are shaking. Where is he? He-

It's been 25 minutes. I have to look for him. I took a few steps ahead. I- I cannot leave this place. What if...What if he comes back and doesn't find me here. He will be so worried.

" Sanha...", I called again. Why is my voice cracking?

" Sanha where are you?"

I don't know, why I am calling him? Hoping that he would hear me and find me? I-

"Sa-", I couldn't finish. I whimpered. Why am I crying? I don't know why I am crying.

I walked to the round rock, and sat down. Why is my hand shaking so much. It is almost dark. What if Sanha doesn't find me. Sanha.... I whimpered again.

I hugged my knees.

Don't worry, he will be here. This is Sanha. Remember how he saved you from the fire and held you every time, you froze with fear infront of fire? I told myself.

But...but what if something has happened to Sanha, or he is lost too. San-

I am crying uncontrollably now. I put my head between my knees, trying to stop crying.

It's okay. It's okay. He will be here soon. Sanha will be here soon. He will be here, I know. I-

"Sanha- Come back", I whimpered once again. It's getting hard to breathe. What is wrong with me? I am not like this. Why am I getting so anxious, so nervous? Why am I breaking down over this. He will be back.. He-

I don't know, for how long I hugged my knees and put my head on them. But I suddenly heard.

" Aeries "

I instantly looked up. I-

I stood on my feet and almost ran to him. He held me tight, as I crashed on his chest into his arms. I clutched his shirt with all my might tried to get a bit more into his embrace. I was biting my lips hard to not start crying again. My hands were still shaking. He kept caressing my hair, as he kept pulling me more into him.

He was scared too. He- He was beyond scared too. He-

I slowly felt me breathing a bit normally. So I started letting go. He slowly loosened his grip around me. As I slowly pulled apart, his hands cupped my face. He closed his eyes and gently kissed on my forehead. His lips are so soft, yet firm, just like how I remember. I instantly felt a wave of warmth though me.

I slowly held his hand, with both my hands, and looked at him. He looks relaxed too.

" Were you too scared?", he gently asked.

I was still biting my lips. So I slowly nodded.

" I was too. I was scared that you are all alone here. I couldn't find my way back, so I got restless and terrified. I was scared that, you would be here in the dark. You are scared of the dark. And..then.. Then I heard your voice. I was trying to follow it. But then...", he was saying all these in one breathe.

I hugged him again. This time he nuzzled the crook of my neck. Like he was smelling me, and getting assured that it is really me.

I was scared, so scared that-


" Sanha-", I cautiously called him.

He got startled and looked at me.

" The sound of the water. It has become loud", I said.

He cluelessly looked at me.

" Also the smell of wet soil-", I started saying and looked down.

The ground was dry when we came here. It now has ankle length water. I could swear, there wasn't any water, even when Sanha came. In the matter of a few minutes, so much water.

Sanha looked down too.

" Where's the water-", he stopped and looked at me. Then he urgently asked, " Weren't we going away from the fountain and river?"

I nodded.

" They- they repeatedly warned about this. This place will soon get totally under 6 feet water. We went the wrong way and instead of going against the river, we came towards it. I went in that direction, it was down the hill", he said.

" 6 feet? Are you serious?", I asked and looked at the ground. The water has already crossed my feet.

" We have to go, up the hill. Aeries, fast", Sanha said and pulled my hand as he started running on the opposite direction.

My feet hurts. But, it will be really bad, if we get caught in here. So I tried running as fast as I could. Sanha was slowing down, for me. He was stopping and lowering his pace to run beside me.

" Sanha go ahead", I said breathing heavily. In a minute or two, the water reached my knee. It was hard to run. We were trying to walk fast.

" Are you crazy?"

" Sanha, seriously"

" I would rather carry you, than going ahead", he adamantly replied.

" Sanha, you- " I couldn't finish, as Sanha pulled me towards him. A huge log was floating towards me. I didn't notice.

" Aeries, careful", he said. Then he grabbed my hand and started pulling me with him.

It was getting harder and harder to walk. I couldn't find the single bit of energy to even move.

As the water reached my hip, I couldn't go anymore. I stopped and crouched forward, with my hands, supported on my knees. It was hard. Sanha stopped and turned to me. Then looked at the level of water.

" Give your backpack to me", he said.

" Sanha-"

" Now Aeries. Quickly", he said firmly. Almost commanded.

I stood up straight, and he helped me take off the backpack. He carried my backpack on his left shoulder and grabbed my left hand.

" Try to walk. I don't think, we will have to walk much longer." Sanha said. His face evident of both concern and determination. Why am I getting reminded of that day? He-

As I kept walking, I felt like, the rocky ground was tearing the sole of my shoe apart and cutting into my skin. I was repeatedly almost losing balance. With time, it was getting almost impossible to walk. There was water everywhere around us. Sanha was pulling me closer to him, so that I don't fall down. I felt like, we would be walking forever and never get out of this.

After a while, we could finally see the end of water. Sanha left my hand and slowly walked ahead.

" Aeries, the ground is cracked there. The water doesn't reach there", He almost half yelled. A flush of relief went through his face.

I was standing with the support of a tree. I stood straight and almost immediately, started to fall face down.

" Aeries", Sanha called out and came rushing. He held my waist tightly, as I tried to balance myself. My legs giving away. It hurts too much. He carried almost all my weight, as we walked the final few feet.

And then both of us- we collapsed to the ground.

After God knows how long, Sanha slowly stood up. He crouched in front of me and asked,

" Can you try to stand up? Let's sit over there. We need to have a look at your feet", he said.

I nodded my head. He took out a torch from his bag, and switched it on.

He helped me up slowly and put his hand around my waist. He helped me to walk and slowly sit on a huge log. It feels like, my feet will tear apart, if I even try to move it a bit. Sanha was flinching every time I remotely made any sound from pain. So, I bit my lips and tried hard to not make any sound. It was just so painful to see him flinch. More than the pain I was feeling because of my feet.

He went through his backpack and find out a water bottle, some elastic gauge and a spray.

He slowly removed my boots. I was shocked by looking at my feet. I couldn't find a space, that isn't red, or swelled or doesn't have a blister. Sanha just looked at my feet for a while, and then silently poured water from the bottle. It stung. But I tried not to show it. He sprayed some sort of Pain relief medicine on my feet and covered it with the elastic gauge. He said it will put less pressure on my feet.

He gave me a chocolate bar and took another for himself.

We were just sitting silently for a while.

" How does your feet feel?" he asked.

" I think that pain relief spray is working. Shouldn't we check yours too. You walked a lot more and carried my baggage too" , I said, getting worried about his feet.

" I am fine. My feet doesn't hurt"

" Sanha, I still think, you should check it. Last time, in Jeju too. You were so focused in saving me, you didn't even realize, you have injuries. This cannot-"

" I am sorry, Aeries" , He suddenly said.

" What are you talking about?"

" I am sorry. I was so rude to you. I got mad for no reason at all. And all of this wouldn't have happened, if I wasn't acting like a brat. You wouldn't be so much in pain, if- if I wasn't this immature", he said and looked at me.

My heart broke the moment, I looked at him. He looks so sad, just so hurt. He looked like, he will cry any moment now.

" Sanha, I hid it from you. You-", I couldn't finish. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

" No. You are not supposed to tell me anything Aeries. I was just sooo immature. I got mad over something like that-"

" Yaaa! Yoon Sanha! You are supposed to be mad. I would have been mad, if you weren't angry about it"

His eyes widened and he looked at me for a while.

" You would be mad, If I had no reaction?", he asked, surprised.

" Yes, you idiot. Don't make me say that again", I almost yelled.

He looked at me for a while longer and then looked at his hands. He- Is he smiling?

" Are you smiling? Ya! Are you thinking of teasing me about it later? I will kill you!", I said. I feel warm too. I feel like crying and smiling with him at the same time.

" No. But you know, it would have been nice to get to know it from you", He said, almost with a pout. I cannot believe this guy! He is now pouting about it.

" Okay. Let me tell you now then. Rocky said he likes me. He is really nice and good looking. But, I could never think about him, even for a second. It just felt impossible. And I am sorry. I wanted to tell you. But I just couldn't talk to you about it"

Sanha sighed, but was not saying anything.

So I continued, " I- I just thought, what if you get upset with me. What if you think, I led Rocky on, or what if you lose all your interest in being with me? What if you start thinking, I don't need you anymore? What will I do then? Sanha, I- You remember, when you carried me out from that fire? I got so scared that I will die. I thought it was my last day. But you- You didn't really think of saving yourself that day. You kept telling me, that I won't die and that you will never let anything happen to me. I don't know why, I really really believed you that day."

Sanha came closer to me, and held my hand. I realized, I have already started crying. I don't know what is wrong with me. Why am I so weak and soft these days? Why am I crying so easily around Sanha?

I took a deep breathe trying to control crying.

" I remember you crying so much, as you were trying to get me out. I kept wandering, why you were crying that much And I kept thinking, I have to ask you not to cry. I just kept wandering if you were hurt. I kept wanting to ease your burden by letting go and have you live. But, you- Sanha, you grabbed me tighter and forced me to hold on to you no matter what. Even at that time, I kept getting scared that I will lose you. You felt like the safest place. All of that, made me weirdly scared. I feel like, I cannot say or do anything to make you go away. This gives me anxiety"

Sanha squeezed my hand. He was staring at our locked hands, as if trying to keep himself calm.

He finally looked at me, and pulled me closer to him. Then he said,

" I- I somehow got depended on you. I just feel somehow scared, if I don't know something about you. I start doubting my decision, if I don't talk to you about it at first. This is absurd, I know. But...Just...Whenever anything happens, it just has to be the you to know it at first. And- I am scared too. I am scared that you won't need me. I keep fussing about your bucket list, just to be with you. I am just trying to make myself think that, you would need me or want me around for this atleast. When Rocky hyung said, he likes you, I felt like I was losing my ground. I felt like you would lose any interest in me. And all these time, I kept thinking of finding a reason to give you for why you might need me. I kept feeling like, I will become incomplete again."

I looked at him the whole time. He was scared. So scared, just like me. He was scared of losing me too. I-

" I guess, we both are weird then, somehow "

" Yeah. We both think on our own and then get hurt "

" A good match, I would say"

Sanha slowly smiled and squeezed my hand.

" You know, I am still hungry. Why did you have so many things in your bag?" I asked and proceeded to open my bag to find something to eat.

" Eunwoo hyung gave a list. Noona gave it to him. So hyung made us all take these things. It came in handy"

" Woah. She actually made us buy so many things too. She over plans sometimes. Her job is turning her weird too. I-", I stopped, as I noticed the small black pouch. Melody gave it to each of us today, before starting. I didn't get the chance to check what it is. When I asked her, she just dramatically said, Your key to survival. I rolled my eyes at that time.

I took out the pouch and opened it. There are few sachets of saline and glucose, bite sized energy bars, a compass and some things inside a zip lock bag. The zip lock bag had a small thin notebook, 2 small pencils, a match, a swiss knife and a folded map.


" Did she seriously arranged for all those things?" Sanha asked. He is just as shocked as I am.

" I guess. She said, she gave a pouch containing similar items during a hiking and camping event she organized. She is seriously crazy. I feel too bad for Eunwoo"

" Well, i feel bad for my Jinjin hyung too. Why are you friends with weird people, Aeries?"

" I know right"

But, we found out why the pouch was really the key to survival. On the map, she wrote clearly, with a lack marker, " If lost, See the compass, and Go north"

Sanha carried my backpack again, and grabbed my waist with another hand to support me. Soon we saw lights and found a walkway. As we kept going north, following that trail, we finally started hearing sounds. I could even hear Jinwoo's heavy voice, amidst all the voices.

Jinwoo saw us first, as we walked down the hill. He almost ran up and held me, supporting me more. Eunwoo came up and took the backpacks from Sanha. Rocky came and side hugged Sanha. They were soooo worried. Charlene came rushing and hugged me tight.

" Why do you always have to worry me so much?" She asked accusingly. She was almost in the verge of tears.

Melody looked at us and just stayed silent. She brought a chair for me to sit on. Sanha was sitting on a tool too. Jinwoo talked to the guides and a few more people. Apparently, they were sending some people to search for us.

After a while, we went into a cottage, just on the other side of the mountain. We were supposed to rest here tonight and head for camping tomorrow in the morning. The cottage was really beautiful. Charlene helped me clean all the wounds in my feet and applied ointments. After I changed my clothes, she came in again to get me for dinner. She wanted to send the dinner here, but i wanted to sit with everyone and eat. I wanted to apologize too, for making them worry.

As we ate dinner, everyone was considering cancelling the camping tomorrow. As I was sick and Sanha's feet was really injured too. He took care of me, but didn't even let me look at his wounds. He was like this, last time too. However, I insisted that we go with the plan. The camping won't require me walking too much. And everyone found this off time, after a lot of trouble. I don't want to ruin it. Also, I think, I will feel better in the morning.

After dinner, Charlene tucked me in and went to sleep.

There was a knock on the door. I sat up and said, " Come in"

The door opened, and Rocky peeked his head.

" Oh, you have already gotten in bed? I will go then", he said.

" No no. Come in. It is okay", I said. I have to face him sooner or later.

Rocky opened the door a bit more and just stood there, like he was trying to find words.

" Are you feeling well? How's your feet?", He finally asked and entered the room a bit.

" Better. The pain killer is working"

He stood in front of my bed and then hesitantly said, " I am sorry Aeries. I didn't realize, it will affect you this much"

" No, Rocky please. I over reacted. My reaction and action was completely uncalled for and immature"

" So, are we okay? I like you, and that is completely my problem. i just didn't know how to deal with it. So I told you"

" Rocky we are fine. Really. I just really really hope, we can stay friends. You are really nice and I would hate to not have you as my friend"

Rocky smiled and nodded. Dimples forming exactly in the middle. He is seriously so good looking. What does he even see in me?

In the morning, as I slowly got down for breakfast, I saw everyone except Sanha sitting infront of the dining table. Last night I didn't get the chance to see the cottage. It looks so huge now. Did Sanha book such a huge cottage for us only? The stairs leading downstairs opens to the huge dining room. The dining room has a platform with a long 10 chaired table. Just beside it is the living room. All the bedrooms were upstairs.

One of the waiters served me, as I sat beside Melody.

" Where is Sanha?" I looked around and asked.

Eunwoo yawned and replied, " He kept getting up almost every hour at night to check on you. He is still sleeping. I didn't wake him up. He should take as much rest as he can. How is your feet?"

He- When I was peacefully sleeping, he kept getting up to check on me. Is that why, there was a blanket and pillow on the couch? How long did he stay, every time?

" It's better now. Much better. I can walk normally. I feel okay, if I do not put any pressure. Why are you yawning so much though? You didn't get any sleep either? What were you doing?"

Eunwoo was yawning. He quickly closed his mouth and looked away asking for more butter from the waiter.

He- seriously. Melody gets easily shy too. They are really perfect.

Our camping site was a half an hour ride. After half an hour, we had to walk a bit, to reach the sight. It wasn't hard, as literally no one let me carry anything. Also, the ground was soft, not rocky like the mountains.


" Does anyone seriously not know, how to set up a tent?" Melody asked in disbelief, with both her hands on her waist.

We looked at each other. Because no one ever went for camping. Jinwoo went a few times, but he had people set it up for him.

" I cannot believe you guys! Yaaaa Eunwoo! Are you trying to pull the tent apart? Who pulls that hard? You know, Little miss perfect here is actually doing the best. She is actually trying something", She yelled.

" Ya! Who's little miss perfect?", Charlene half yelled.

" Oh sorry. I didn't realize, I said your nickname out loud"

" This b...Yaaa! Opppaaaa! Tell your little girlfriend to not mess with me"

" She's not my- ", Eunwoo started saying.

At the same time, Melody said, " I am not his g-"

" Oh my God! Shut up both of you", Charlene yelled.

After a while, Melody said, " By the way boys, you need to set up the grill"

Immediately they started whining, how they will smell like coal. Despite that, they started setting up the grill. Jinwoo, Charlene and Melody set up all the 3 tents.

Setting up the tent, grill, campfire, putting everything inside the camp, took us almost the whole day and it was almost evening. Sanha was repeatedly looking at me and asking me if the fire was causing any trouble. Honestly, I was getting startled and a bit anxious every time, there was a little sound or spark in the fire. And it felt like, Sanha was noticing it all. And I was subconsciously noticing him too, looking only at him. I don't know, how I got so depended on him.

Charlene went to make some tea on the small gas stove, while Melody came and sat beside me. The guys were grilling the meat.

" So, you ready to talk about it?", She asked.

" About what?" I asked. I clearly understand what she's talking about.

" About you and Sanha"

" You ready to talk about you and Eunwoo?" I asked.

I felt like, she has never cursed anyone like this before, the way she was cursing me in her mind. This is so funny. She rolled her eyes and looked away.

After dinner, we talked for a while. Everyone was gathered around the bonfire. This felt heavenly. Everyone, talking around the fire, under the stars. For some reason, this felt like my own family. These people felt like my own. And I could swear, these people here, would do anything to stand beside me. They would go beyond everything just if I need.

After a while, everyone started becoming tired. So they started preparing for sleep. Before I know, I was alone with Sanha watching the stars. Sanha got up and sat beside me. Honestly, he sat too close. Weirdly it wasn't feeling awkward at all.

We stayed silent and just watched the stars for a while. I looked at him, as I felt his eyes on me. He just kept looking at me, without saying anything. I was trying to understand his eyes.

" You are fine right? The fire isn't a bother?", he asked.

" I am. What about you?", I slowly asked.

I felt his hand moving. He touched my right cheek and slowly caressed with his thumb.

" I don't know what I will do, if you are not fine. You have to stay fine, okay?", he said. His voice as calm and soft as it can get. I put my hand on his hand. His hand is so soft and warm. I felt like, I just can sit like this and look at him for an eternity.

" How are you so beautiful?", he said again.

What is he talking about? Did he ever see himself? Did ever realize, how breathe takingly handsome he is? He-

The trail of my thoughts got all vague and messy, as he leaned towards me. He hang in there for a moment, as if stopping to feel the anticipation, my desperation. And then he locked his lips with mine. He guided my lips along his, with firm command and control. I felt like, my lips were completely in his manipulation, getting hypnotized and forced to feel each and every bit of his lips, every pressure, nook and crook and every other thing, his lips has to offer.

His lips were like holy grail offered to me, like It is something divine. No matter how much I kiss him, feel his warmth, get under his command, it is never enough. I cupped both his face, and got on his lap, without even pulling myself apart for a second. He pulled me into his lap, automatically. Like, he knows, what I want. Just like his lips, interlocked with mine. I grabbed a lock of his hair and pulled him more towards me. He was caressing my neck now, as he bit my lower lip slightly. He was about to move to my neck, when we got startled.

The sky almost burst with various colors. We both pulled apart and looked at the sky. The sky was getting sparkled with various colors and sounds. I remember, Rocky said he will go to prepare some fireworks.

As the fireworks continued, I totally forgot that I was on his lap. So, when it ended, the realization started hitting me. I got embarrassed, and immediately tried to stand up. But Sanha pulled my hand to stop me.

" Don't", he said, so vulnerably. Like he will break, if I go now.

So I sat back on his lap.

He pulled me more towards him and wrapped his arms around me. He nuzzled his nose on the crook of my neck, and slowly planted a kiss. I shivered and he pulled me more tightly into his embrace. I could feel his heart beating fast against my chest. It's beating with the same rhythm as mine.

His lips traced slowly to my ears, making my mind go blank, as he whispered softly, " Can we continue inside the tent?"

Continue? My heart started pounding harder. He hugged me tighter. Is he scared that I will say No?

I slowly nodded my head and said, " Yes"

His whole body relaxed automatically.

I peeked inside the tent. No one was here. So, we went onside.

" Where is Charlene?" Sanha asked.

" Where else do you think? In Jinwoo's tent", I smirked.

" And noona?"

" She- Well, she went off somewhere. I don't know"

" Woah. Eunwoo hyung is nowhere to be seen as well"

" Well well well.."

Sanha crashed his lips on me, before I could say any further as he held my waist and pulled me towards him. He was continuously pulling me towards him, making me go crazy, and then finally crashing against me on the sleeping bags.

I didn't know, something could ever feel this urgent. His hands were crazily looking for any bit of exposure of my body, and his lips, tasting and devouring mine, without even giving much time to me for breathing.

I never felt this kind of need, to be with someone, to be devoured by someone. I never wanted to have all of someone. It felt strange, yet so ethereal. It-

Sanha suddenly stopped.

He pulled himself up a bit, and then looked at me.

What happened? He was breathing as heavily as me. He was looking into my eyes.

" Sanha-?"

" Your birthday. You freaked out soon after you started kissing me. And you left. You were so awkward even on phone, that I had to invite Rocky hyung with us". he said.

" I- I was scared that I was making you my rebound. The day before my birthday, I had to go over to Nick's place for talking about the expenses, during the wedding. And- Well, then you were just so nice and warm. I just wanted you so much, that it scared me." I replied, panting heavily.

Sanha's eyes dropped to my lips, and he asked, " And now?"

" Now I won't stop. I won't let something stupid stop me from being with you"

" Aeries, remember that day in the hospital?"

" Yes "

" When you told me your name, just then I became sure that, somehow unconditionally I need you. Because, I realized I wasn't whole all these time. You- You complete me, Aeries. And I meant it, when I said, I want to see you in Seoul. Because I really do. I don't want to make up excuses like- bucket list or Jinjin hyung's wedding or sorting out what's wrong with Charlene and Noona. I want to see you just because. "

As I let out a breathe, I realized I was holding my breathe the whole time when he was saying it.

" Sanha, are you sure? I am crazy, weird and a bit too much to handle. I have too many mood swings. I will cry and have you take care of me all the time"

Sanha sighed, " I experienced all of these, the first day I met you, Aeries"

" Did you just agree that I am all that? Yaaaa! Yoon Sanha? How dare you?"

" You wanna see my more daring sides?"

" What a-"

He looked straight into my eyes. I felt his hand sliding down to my stomach. He traced along the hem of my tops and then slowly lifted it.

I shivered with the touch of his hand around my belly button. What is he doing to me? He slid his hand up my stomach, till my breast. Then he stopped. I could feel his eyes on my breast. Why does it feel so good to have Sanha look at me? I must have gone crazy? He lifted himself and took of his shirt with a swift motion.

Sanha- He is so handsome. He is so beautiful. I touched his stomach, well defined with fine lines. It is softer than I assumed. Is his stomach sensitive? He went stiff and is slightly shivering with every touch. I couldn't touch him any longer, as he slowly pushed me, and dropped down to kiss my stomach. I felt my fingers digging to his neck and back of his head. I arched back. What kind of feeling is this. How can he make me feel this way?

He helped me out of my tops. As I unhooked my bra, I was getting embarrassed and aroused at the same time. Sanha was looking at me. He was looking at me, like I am something exotic, and something he wanted for long, like he has never seen a women's body before.

He slowly leaned into me again. This time, no layer separating us. I need this. I needed him. I have been needing him since the day I meet him. He is not a rebound. His touches felt divine, not that of a human. His lips nibbling into my skin, felt like some heavenly pleasure. This is not a rebound. I cannot wait to feel his next touch, his next kiss. Like my body is eagerly waiting to feel him, to be pleased by him, like it cannot wait to know, how taking him will feel like. And I cannot wait to find out, how godly, the entire him will feel like, how holy and divine it will feel like to please him.

Chapter 10: Only Truth

Chapter Text

"Jinjin hyung will bring his girlfriend!", Sanha exclaimed, as soon as I entered the restaurant.

" Whattttt?" I am genuinely surprised.

We knew he was dating. It's kind of an open secret. Like, he didn't say anything. But we all somehow know.

" Yes yes! Eunwoo hyung was teasing him, to let us meet his girlfriend. So, Jinjin hyung just said, he will bring her"

" Hyung said, I know her. I can't even think of anyone that hyung and I both know", Eunwoo raised his head, from his phone, to tell me.

" This is crazy. Is his girlfriend pregnant or something? Is this why, he is being open? MJ hyung, you know his girlfriend too, right?", Sanha asked.

" What? Even MJ hyung knows her?" I asked.

" No. no. Ya! I just...", MJ hyung started saying, but couldn't finish. He started laughing.

" What what?", we asked, getting more confused.

He somehow stopped laughing and said, " I just happen to catch them in a very awkward situation", he started laughing again, " They were... they were... ki.."

" Hyuuuuunnnnngggggggg", we heard. Jinjin hyung almost yelled.

MJ hyung started laughing again, " He will... he will kill me"

Jinjin hyung sighed, as we got into chaos trying to make MJ hyung say, what they were doing.

" Should we just leave?" Jinjin hyung raised his voice.

Everyone looked at him, still laughing, while settling down.

Jinjin hyung took a deep breathe.

" Meet Charlene ", Hyung said.

I stopped breathing for a while, as I heard hyung. I don't know why, every sound stopped, as I saw her walking inside, standing beside hyung.

She was smiling. She looked at all of us, in turn. Her eyes sparkled, as she looked at me. Am I mistaken? She nodded slightly in acknowledgement. The nod was so small, that I felt like, only I saw it. Then she bowed.

" Hello. I am Charlene. Nice to meet you "

" Hello", I heard everyone say. I looked around and realized, they were standing.

I immediately stood up.

" Hello. I am Moonbin ", I said, standing in a hurry.

She smiled, " We did a CF together, remember? And hey, we...."

" CHARLENE!!! YAAA!", Eunwoo almost yelled.

" Oppa! Hello", she said, averting her eyes.

" YAAAAA!!!! We are meeting almost everyday for the drama! And you! Yaaaaa! How can you not tell me?", Eunwoo half yelled again.

She bowed, "Sorry sorry. I didn't know what to tell you or how. It felt weird"

" Noooo, Yaaa..."

" Yes, yes. Fight it out in your own time. Charlene was saying, she is hungry. And I have a schedule later ", Jinjin hyung interrupted Eunwoo.

All while, I kept looking at Charlene. She looked as beautiful as I remember her. She was the same, only happier, more smiley. She is in love with Hyung already. Her face is too obvious. The way she is looking at hyung, says it all.

I looked away. Why do I feel like this? My hands are shaking. I looked around. No one noticed. I am glad. I feel suffocated. Like someone threw me off the cliff, like someone was squeezing my heart too hard. I-

" I have somewhere to go ", I blurted.

Everyone looked at me.

" I forgot. I am supposed to meet my friend ", I said again.

" Can't you reschedule with him? ", Jinjin hyung asked.

I- don't understand. He is the only one whom I told about her. Why would he still date her? What is wrong with him?

" No, hyung. I totally forgot about it. He is already calling", I replied.

" Ahh. Okay. We can have dinner some other time", Hyung said. Concern evident on his face.



I never told him that it is Charlene. I never told him, who the girl is. I never showed any pictures.


My heart squeezed again, blinding me, as hyung placed his hand on her waist, and led her to a chair to sit on.

I immediately stood and bowed.




I have been meaning to talk to Jinjin hyung. He came back with Charlene the day before yesterday. He is a bit aloof. Not talking much with me, until absolutely necessary. I tried to think of the first day hyung introduced us with Charlene. I am desperately trying to think of a proper reason for not telling hyung that I dated Charlene. It sounded absurd even to me.

I sighed. And then slowly knocked on hyung's door. He is staying at the dorm today, with us.

" Yes? Come in"

I opened his door. He was unpacking some things, from his bag. He looked at me, but said nothing. He continued unpacking.

" Hyung, can I talk to you? ", I asked.

" About what?", he readily replied.

" I- Charlene and I dated just for a month at best. Hyung it was nothing. So I didn't think of telling you. "

" Yeah? And what else?"

" Hyung, I am sorry. I should have told you. No matter, how insignificant it was, I should have told you. But it really was nothing."

Hyung stopped doing everything and stood still to look at me.

" If it had meant anything, I really would have told you. I am sorry "

Hyung smiled. Even when smiling, I could tell, how furious he was. I barely ever saw him furious.

He walked towards me.

" You know Bin-a, what's annoying me the most right now? It is you, lying through your teeth ", He said, with despise in his voice.

"I- "

" 4 years ago, approximately. You told me, you think you are in love with your co-worker. You worked up the courage to ask her out. Then she turned you down, a month later, saying she thinks, it is not working. You...", hyung paused and took a step behind, " You, bin-a, you cried that day. You were heart broken. Because you..... It was Charlene. You had feelings for her. And you didn't bother to tell me. "

" Hyung....I- That's in the past. I swear. And- "

" You still do your best to avoid her, and even avoid me, when I am with her "

" That is not true. Hyung. I just feel awkward. Nothing e- "

" Bin-a get out. Talk to me, when you think, you can speak the truth "

" Hyung, ple- "

He turned and got past me, to get out of the room.

This is wrong. It is not like, I still have any sort of feelings for her. It is just-

I don't know what it is.

I am genuinely happy for her and hyung.


I don't know.

I feel restless.

So I decided to go for a run and work out.

Why didn't I tell hyung at that time? There is just nothing. No reason. Why didn't Charlene tell him? At that time, I was scared, thinking Charlene would tell hyung. Why didn't I want him to know? I remember being mad at him. Why? He didn't do anything. Why was I so angry at him then? Just because he was dating the girl I-

My phone rang.

I stopped running and stood near a bench, panting hard. I took out my phone.


Why did she call suddenly? Is hyung still mad at her too?

I received.

" Hello. What's up?"

" Binnie-ssi. What am I hearing? You didn't reply yet?", she playfully asked.

" What are you talking about Charlene?", I asked, confused.

" I heard they didn't hear a reply from you yet. The drama. "The other You" Ya. I am doing it. Call them and say, yes. I was so glad when I saw, you are considered for the male lead. You are doing it, right?",

"I- "

" The role will suit you so much. Wait, did you even read the script? You didn't, right?"

" No "

" Read it and say Yes. Bye! "

" Yeah"

She hung up.

I decided on saying No as Charlene was the female lead. I- Why? I have declined every role till now, that was with her. Why? Why did I do it? I was going to decline this too. But-

She already knew that I have been offered this role. I cannot lie either. I hate lying. I don't even know what is going on anymore.




My manager dropped me off at the filming site. This past moth, I had to see Charlene twice for some photo shoot and script reading. Each time, Jinjin hyung dropped her. I don't understand why Jinjin hyung is okay with her doing this drama with me. He is clearly still mad at me. And I honestly cannot blame him. Every time I go to apologize to him, I try to cover up for what I did, instead of being honest.

I expected her to be with her manager today, as we are starting to film. But when Charlene got out of the car, I knew, it wasn't her manager. That was Jinjin hyung's car. Is this how things will be now? Him dropping her off for the whole year?

She smiled at me and waved her hand. I smiled and nodded. She bent towards the car window, saying something to hyung.

I didn't wait for her. Instead, I got inside. I don't want Jinjin hyung to think of unnecessary things. Today's site is a company building. I am playing the role of an idol, which suits me. As soon as I went inside, the director-nim started talking to me about a scene, where I have to act really mad at the female lead, for breaking my heart or something. Charlene came inside and joined me, as the director explained the emotions to be portrayed.

I looked at Charlene. Did Hyung say anything to her? What if hyung told her that, I used to like her. Wait...Did he? Should I call him and ask? I almost reached for my phone, and then decided against it. If I ask anything, hyung will only think, I still have feelings for her. I really need to stop letting this whole thing get into my head. Every time Charlene looks at me, I get scared that she knows. Because of this, I can't even focus on what the Director nim is saying.

" Bin-a, are you listening?"

I heard and looked up at the director-nim.

" Yes?"

" You need to go for makeup. Are you okay?"

" yes yes. I am sorry"

I looked at director nim. Charlene was looking at me too. Clearly a bit surprised and concerned.

I stepped aside and bowed, and headed to the room, hyung pointed.

There was no one inside. So, I sat on a chair, infront of the mirror and took out my script. The very first scene is me getting extremely mad. I would be sweating, as I would be practicing. And Charlene would come inside the practice room, terrified. And I will get even more mad at her and grab her hand to drag her out of the room. And Charlene will get teary. I will tell her to get out of there. She will ask me to listen to her, but....

I heard someone laughing. Charlene. She was laughing with someone and entering the makeup room. I looked through the mirror, and froze. For a moment, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Charlene was laughing with her. Why ?

Is this drama, seriously a set up, to torture me?

Because it is working.

She laughed again. And I could feel myself already getting mad and annoyed. This.....

I jumped to my feet and turned to them.

She looked at me, and scoffed, while rolling her eyes.

"YOOOOOOO-UUUUU- ", I almost yelled, pointing my script towards her

" Oh....You know her, Bin?", Charlene asked.

Do I know her? Ofcourse I do! I despise her. I hate her! No one ever.....dared to talk to me the way she did! I swear, i never disliked anyone, like the way I dislike her.

She scoffed again, and said, " Woah! I had no idea, you would be so glad to see me! Screaming in happiness. I am emotional". She pretended to wipe fake tears.

I put my script on the table, " I am NEVER letting you do my makeup! Never ever. I would rather, not have my makeup done at all"

" Sureeeee. Go ahead! Show your fans, how ugly you look. Not my problem. Come on Charlene, let's start with you "

" Are you trying to ignore me, you little b..."

She crossed her arms on her chest and raised an eyebrow, daring me to complete the sentence.

" YAAAA! BIN", but Charlene cut me off.

I looked at her. How does she really know this wild uncultured manner less girl?

" I have never seen you like this. Woah! It seems like, you guys know each other well", Charlene said.

Certainly. I know her really well! All the times I met her, went fast through my mind, making me more mad at this girl.

The first time I met her, she was training under the makeup artist. And she was asked to do some final touch up. Before that, I sat for 3 hours straight, while others did makeup on me. And the moment this girl put a brush on my face, she messed up! SHE MESSED UP THE WHOLE DAMN MAKEUP! And instead of apologizing and trying to fix it, she kept saying, this wouldn't have happened, if i hadn't been sleeping during the makeup. And I had to go through the wholeeee 3 hours again, for doing the makeup.

The second time, she made my eyes look so puffy that it looked like someone put a boulder inside my eye socket. And again, she blamed me for sleeping. That b.... I still feel like, screaming her head off.

The third and last time I saw her, I was sleeping again. And she dropped makeup on my favorite white T-shirt. And when I woke up, she absolutely denied having to do anything with it.

" Yes. I know him. This guy is delusional and thinks, everyone is trying to make him look bad, instead of acknowledging, he is already ugly with zero dressing sense", I heard her reply!

" Yaaa", I yelled, " You think, I forgot how you ruined my T-shirt? And messed up my makeup? Want me to go and complain about you?"

" That....T-shirt was not my fault! You for sure ruined it, and blamed it on me. Like everything else"

This girl......

" You do realize that, I have a camera with me, at all times.", I said, pointing at the camera, infront of the mirror. " And everything gets recorded in it"

" What the hell? Who puts a camera....."

" That is for YouTube content, you idiot! I saw you ruining my T shirt and then trying to scrape it off my T-shirt"

" The funny thing is, you didn't even get up, when I was using water...", she started to laugh.


" That was a very ugly T-shirt! I did you a favor by ruining it! "

" You fu...."

" Don't you dare!", she raised a finger at me and stepped towards me.

" Dare accepted. You..."

Before I could finish, I heard Charlene laughing.

" You and Jocelyne are like an old married couple", she said.

" Ewwwww.......", she instantly said.

" You....." I stepped towards her.

But another make-up artist entered.

I let out a sigh, and stood still. Charlene went ahead and sat on the chair, at the end of the room.

" Will you sit?", She asked with a fake smile, " I will get fired, if I do not finish the makeup in time"

" It is a wonder that they still didn't fire you. You suck at it "

I said and sat on one of the chairs infront of the mirror.

Jocelyne stood infront of me, and started putting up my hair with clips.

" I don't suck! So, there's no reason to fire me. I am pretty good in makeup. They didn't grant me a degree in makeup, for nothing", she said.

" Maybe I should inform them about all the past mishaps. I have proofs too"

She frowned at me, irritated. " Charlene got me this job, so I would really like to keep it! But I am sure, I will get fired, when I hit your head, annoyed by how much you talk"

" That will happen, if I don't kill you first. But judging by my past experience, you are certainly gonna mess up my makeup, and get fired today", I readily replied.

She scoffed, " I am a makeup pro, okay? Someday the Kardashians are gonna hire me, I am telling you. Don't come to me begging then, for a chance to meet them "

" Karda...who?" , I asked, genuinely surprised.

" Sure... pretend like you don't know them"

" No, I really"

" Shut up. Let me put on concealer", she said.

After filming a few scenes, it was time for a break. Charlene said she would be back, and went outside. When she came back, she was visibly red. It was so obvious that, she must have been talking to Jinjin hyung or at least around. Doesn't hyung have any schedule right now? I heard his schedule is pretty packed these days. Even Eunwoo was saying how busy Jinjin hyung is. How is he managing the time to come here then?

Next few scenes took more time, than I thought it would take. In one scene, I would be going after Charlene, as she got her heart broken. And I would be running down the stairs. After that, there is another scene, where the lights are really dim, and I will be nagging her to go out to eat with me, have midnight snacks. And as we walked out of the building, I was poking her, and making fun of her. Of Course it is all on script. But I knew we were genuinely enjoying and laughing.

And the moment the director said, "CUT", I saw her face lighting up. I follow her eyes. She was smiling so much. Jinjin hyung was standing against his car, with some takeaways. He must have brought dinner.

Hyung walked towards us. My manager hyung walked to Jinjin hyung and hugged. As he pulled away, he asked, " Are you two done? I brought dinner"

" This was my last scene", Charlene said.

I hugged hyung slightly and said, " I have another scene. Then I will be done"

" Ah. We will wait a bit then", Charlene said and then focused on Hyung, " Oh. You won't believe who I saw. Remember the unnie, I told you about? they are filming, just beside the....."

And she walked inside with Hyung. I sighed. This is seriously making me too paranoid. I am getting overly conscious around hyung. All my focus automatically goes in being away from Charlene, whenever he's around. It was always like this. But, with Hyung realizing she was the girl I liked, I have become more and more aware of this.

My next scene was a dancing scene. I would be practicing alone with a member of the idol group, I am a part of, in the drama. After the scene, I went ahead to monitor it. I was sweating like crazy. Someone handed me a fan and dabbed tissue paper. I looked up, and Hyung was looking at me, and laughing with Charlene. A few others were there too. Seriously, is no one suspecting why he is here? Oh, maybe everyone is thinking, he is here for me. Hyung put a hand on Charlene's thighs, and I instantly looked around to see if anyone was noticing it.

WHy is my heart beating so fast, by just seeing the two of them together. This is not the first time I have seen them together. I feel almost anxious. I-

The brush almost poked my nose. I was startled and looked at her. Jocelyne was trying to fix my makeup.

" What the hell are you doing?", I asked.

She rolled her eyes and said, " Isn't it obvious?" And she dabbed the brush near my nose again.

" What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to injure my nose?", I asked. I am never like this. But she is pissing me off.

" Stop moving so much. I have to fix your makeup"

" Then do it without coming in the way. I am trying to monitor here"

" I can see how well you are monitoring"

" What?"

" If you are monitoring, look at the monitor, not at Jinjin ssi and Charlene"

The moment she said that, I felt blood rising to my head, " YOU THINK-"

I started saying, but she stopped me, " Don't yell"

I started to say again. but she stopped me again, " People will see. And then Jinjin ssi will know"

I looked at hyung. He glanced towards me again, and then back to Charlene.

" There's nothing for him to know ", I said, and moved away from there.

The dinner was almost quiet. I mean I was quiet. The manager hyungs, Jinjin hyung and Charlene were talking. Charlene bid goodbye and left with hyung after dinner.

Next day, I went in early. They were setting up the cameras. I went into the makeup room, and almost got a heart attack, by seeing someone there.

By hearing me enter, she got up. She was sleeping on the bench.

" Thinking of this, as your home? Woah! Did you lose your sense completely?"

" You wish!", she said and rolled her eyes. " I just came in early", she added.

I needed really light makeup, trying to keep a natural vibe. I had several scenes to shoot from early in the morning. Charlene came in after lunch. Jinjin hyung dropped her. Seriously, why is he still doing this:? I mean, I know. But....

And this continued, for the next 3 weeks. Hyung dropped her everyday, and picked her up everyday. I am surprised at this point, that Charlene is okay with it. So, I took my chance and asked her why Hyung was dropping her everyday. Charlene stayed quiet for a while, and then replied that she doesn't know.

After a few days, Jocelyne was doing my makeup, early in the morning. And I was reading the script. Trying hard to memorize some wise lines. Very long dialogues. I was getting frustrated, when Jocelyne suddenly asked,

" Do you like Charlene?"

My heart stopped the moment she asked that. I couldn't believe my ears for a while, And it was becoming difficult to breathe. Sudden anxiety hit me.

" What?", I asked.

" Or maybe, do you dislike her?"

" What made you say that?", I asked, still trying to breathe.

" You seem to always stay away from her"

" What the hell? Why on earth would you say that? And why would it even matter? That is literally none of your concern", I almost yelled.

She seemed a bit taken aback by my reaction. Even I am shocked by how I reacted. I could feel my ears getting hot from anger.

" No, I just..."

" You just what? Move. I don't want a staff, who meddles in my business. I cannot believe it. How dare you?"

She instantly moved, and looked at me with wide eyes for a while.

Then bowed.

What the hell is she doing? Why would she bow to me?

" Sorry. You could have just.. No....I am sorry. I shouldn't have crossed my limit. I am so..."

What the hell is wrong with her? Why on earth is she apologizing? I-

" You think you can just apologize and I will forgive? Who apologizes like that? What the hell are you apologizing for? "

She was about to say something, then she just stayed quiet. This- Why on earth is she accepting this so easily? And why am I even so angry at her? Shouldn't she be yelling back at me or say something, defending herself? What is wrong with her? Why do I feel so f*cking mad at her? So much that I feel like, screaming at her, strangling her.

" What is wrong with you?", I asked.

She stayed quiet. I-

I feel suffocated. I moved past her and got out of the room. I need some air.

After a while, as I returned, she quietly did my makeup, without even looking at me or saying anything. All along, I kept wondering, why I got so mad at her. I could easily take it as a joke. I am sure she meant that way as well. But, I don't know....

This week, we started filming in this apartment. There's a hell of a lot of scenes here. Way too many. It is Charlene's home in the drama. There's this scene that I have been making myself ready for. This is way too intimate for my comfort zone with Charlene. So, I have been telling myself, this is acting, only acting. So, there's nothing to worry about.

As the filming started, I pulled Charlene into the sofa, and pushed her against it. I caressed her face and delivered some dialogues. And cut. Someone rushed to put blush on Charlene. She needs to be blushing hard. She lied down on the sofa again, just like before. And said,

" You know it. Like usual",

She said it to the director.

" yes? "

" I don't want the kiss to be too intimate. "

" Don't worry. You act normally, like you always do. We will do the camera work and make it look intimate "

The director nim explained it to me, to tilt my head while kissing. I thanked Charlene a million times for this. Acting is one thing. But she's literally my hyung's fiance. And it would be too awkward.

I did as the director said. After a while, I have to pull apart and kiss her forehead. Then I got up slowly. And the director said, cut.

The moment I got up from that sofa, I met his eyes. I don't know when he came here. But.... Jinjin hyung was looking directly at me, with bloodshot eyes.


I looked at Charlene. She got up as well. And she saw hyung. For the first time since the drama started, I saw her concerned. She looked at me again, and then slowly walked towards hyung. But he wasn't looking at her. He was only looking at me.

What if...What if he thinks there's something between us? What if he starts hating me more. I know, this is only acting, but hyung was clearly not expecting that. I-

I walked fast towards the makeup room. I can't breathe. I- What the hell is wrong with me? I am being so paranoid! What the hell is wrong with hyung? Why can't Charlene ask him to stay away? Why can't he stay away? What the-

A hand on my back, startled me.

And that is when I realized, I was breathing too hard, and sweating. I- I am out of breath. I was panicking. I looked through the mirror. Jocelyne was looking at me, with a hand on my back.

I pulled out a chair and sat on it.

" I think I need my makeup fixed", I said.

" I could have done that out there", she replied, but took a box from the table, dabbing a brush on it.

" Do it here "

She put strokes from the brush on my jaw and said nothing for a while. Then she asked, " Are you okay? "

I looked at her through the mirror again. Just this morning, I yelled at her so much.

" Yes. Why wouldn't I be? "

" Because you ran away ". She looked at me through the mirror. Her eyes too soft, almost sympathetic.

" No, I didn't"

" Jinjin ssi is here. And you had to film that scene with Charlene "

" So? "

" Anyone who isn't blind can see that something is going on between Charlene and Jinjin ssi. And since I have seen you before, I know that, this is somehow affecting you "

" Wow! You seem observant? Trying to show me, you care? Trying to flirt? "

" Oh please! I have standards! ", she said and scoffed.

" Since we are past our social barrier of appropriate manners, let me say that, when it comes to standards, you basically have none! "

" Yaaaaaaa!!!!"

" See.... screaming and yelling anywhere. Meddling everywhere. Even boasting about your own makeup skills, which suck"


I instantly got up and slipped past her, towards the door, laughing. " Not letting you ruin this time"

" Ya!!!! wait...Youu.....", she almost jumped to catch me.

But I got out of the room. I feel a bit light. Thanks to that weird mannerless girl, I feel a bit refreshed. I took a deep breath. I need to get my sh*t together. Even Jocelyn can see, something is wrong. So, I must be too evident. I need to stop letting it bother me.

We finished the final scene for today, where I carried Charlene and was almost about to kiss. But at the last moment, I dropped her. Jinjin hyung was there, all along. I tried hard to not pay any attention to him. Even when I was trying so hard, it took me several takes to finish this. Even Charlene looked a bit distracted.

After monitoring, Charlene slowly came to me, and said, " Can I talk to you for a second?"

" Yes?"

She walked towards the makeup room. I followed her.

" I am sorry ", she said, as soon as I entered. She looked worried and uncomfortable.

" Why? What happened"

" I know this is awkward. And. I asked Jinwoo to leave, because we will be filming those scenes. But he didn't listen to me. I don't know why "

" Maybe he is okay with it ", I said. But, I was surprised. Jinjin hyung didn't listen to Charlene. This barely ever happened.

" No matter how okay he is, I don't want him seeing these. "

" I can understand. This can be pretty uncomfortable "

" Bin, can you please do me a favor? ", she asked. " Could you talk to Jinwoo? Tell him to not come for a few days. "

" What? Charlene, you know how he got mad, because neither of us told him about the whole dating thing. How can I talk to him about it?"

" This is another reason, I don't want him watching these. Look, just try? Please? Maybe he will listen to you? There's too many intimate scenes filming in the next few days"

" I don't know. I-"

" Bin please. This is hurting him too, I know. And I just don't want him to get hurt over something like this. Something that has no meaning "

She is right. This is stupid. This is just acting. But he will get hurt, if he watches it.

" I.... I don't know Charlene. I will think about it "

" Thank you. Thank you so much Bin.", She squeezed my hand and said. She looked like a burden had been lifted off of her shoulder. She must have been really worried.

She walked out of the makeup room. I don't know how to tell hyung anything at all, as a matter of fact. I don't even remember the last time we talked normally. But, I have to at least try.

Next day, Jinjin hyung was there again. And while filming the scenes, I could feel myself panicking a bit. And consequently, I made too many mistakes. Charlene seems too unnatural too. She has been making mistakes, whereas, I have seen her, barely ever making a mistake. At one point, I started sweating, because of Hyung literally standing over, while I was lying on bed with Charlene.

I took a break. I had to. This is ridiculous. Charlene mouthed, " are you okay?", while I stepped out for fresh air. I nodded my head.

I really need to talk to hyung. We cannot continue filming like this. And he has been obsessively hung up on this one thing, whereas there's absolutely nothing going on.

I stepped outside.

" Bin-a "

I looked back. Hyung called me.

" Yes, hyung?"

Jinjin hyung looked at the ground for a while, and asked, " Are you okay? You seemed a bit sick"

" Yes. Don't worry "

He nodded his head. I was about to leave, then I turned to him again. I feel mad at him.

" Hyung, what are you doing? Why are you here almost everyday? I have filmed before too. Charlene as well. Did you go there every time? Why are you so obsessively coming here so much? I heard, you keep changing your schedules. Why do you need to be here everyday?"

Hyung looked at me and said, " Are you seriously whining because I am coming here everyday? "

" I am not whining "

" Sounds like whining. I am here for my fiancé. So, don't whine about it ", he replied plainly.

" Hyung!!!! There are too many intimate scenes. This is very uncomfortable with you around. So you really should leave ", I raised my voice a bit.

" Why?"

" Why? Seriously? What do you mean why? Hyung, you and I haven't spoken properly and.... "

" That is because you have not apologized "

" I tried to.. You..."

" No. You tried to give excuses. So, don't get me wrong, if I get protective of the woman, I am going to marry. I still cannot trust you, after you have attempted to lie so many times"

" Hyung- I- Okay. We will talk about it later. For now, Just don't be here for a few days. Charlene is clearly awkward too "

" I cannot do that. I will talk to Charlene. But I will be here "

" Hyung seriously...", And then, I have no idea where it came from or why I said it.

" Even my girlfriend doesn't come out to watch the filming "

He took some time to process it.

" Your girlfriend?", Hyung asked, shocked.

" Yes, even when she can, she still doesn't watch the filming. Because of how uncomfortable and ridiculous it is", I said, emphasizing on the word 'Ridiculous'

" Really? Where is she? Does she know you and Charlene used to date?", he asked.


" No. We just recently started dating ", I said, already panicking by the lie I told hyung.

" Recently? Sounds convenient ", Hyung said, clearly disbelieving me.

" Yes. She is right here. But I don't see her poking around her nose during filming"

" Oh? Where is she? "

I- What do I even say? What the hell is wrong with me? Seriously? I couldn't think of a better situation? How do I produce a girlfriend now?

" There ", I looked around at pointed on my left.

" The makeup artist?", Hyung asked confused.

" Yes. Her. In Fact Charlene knows her too. She is the one, who got Jocelyne the job"

" Aaaah, okay.... ", hyung said, still not completely convinced.

He looked at his watch and said, " Your break is almost over. You should eat something. I will check on Charlene"

Saying this, he walked away. As soon as he disappeared into the makeup room, I moved my feet fast and looked around for her. She was going outside.

I almost ran after her.

" Jocelyne....." I called.

She looked back, raising an eyebrow.

" We need to talk ", I said.

" Oh yeah! I am supposed to poke a hole into your eyes, for being an....", she started saying.

" No. This is serious. I.... If Jinjin hyung asks, you are my girlfriend "

She looked at me, her eyes twitching, trying to process, what was happening, or if she heard something wrong.

" What?", she finally asked. Her eyes wide open.

" I told hyung that I am dating you. I couldn't find anything else to say. He wouldn't believe me. And....."

She didn't let me finish.


This is such a simple thing. Why is she yelling like this?

" Look this will be for a... "


" No. Like I said, just pretend for a while... and.... "

" No f*cking way! Yaaa! Are you seriously crazy? What the hell? ", she almost screamed again, causing me a headache.

" You know Jinjin hyung thinks, I have something for....."

" I don't care! I am not doing it. I am never doing it. I am going in now, and telling him, you lied "

She started walking past me to go inside.

I instantly grabbed her hand and pulled her to a corner.

" Yaaaa! What the- " , she started saying. I put a hand on her mouth and said,

" You think I am enjoying this? I literally had to say, you are my girlfriend, a wild mannerless girl like you. But this has to be... "

Before I could finish, I felt a sharp pang in my palm.

She bit me.

I instantly let her go and yelled, " Ya! What the hell? You psycho devil, you..."

" Don't you dare, ever! ", She grabbed my collar and said. She looked mad. Her face was hard.

I looked at her for a while. I should have known. I should have known that she is never going to agree to this.

I pushed her hand away from my collar and said, " So, you really want me to do it"

" What?", she asked, confused. Still clearly mad.

I slowly smirked. I should have started with this. In fact, I feel extremely happy to do this.

" You want me to compile all your mishaps and file a complaint about you? For everything you did?"

She looked at me sternly. Her jaws tight, clearly, gritting her teeth. So, I continued,

" I know someone who makes a powerpoint presentation to complain. Want me to do the same for you? You know already that I have all the recordings. I can compile all those, your uncultured attitudes, unprofessional behavior and also that you are flirting with me" I threatened.

" I never ever flirted with you ", she raised her voice a bit.

" Oh dear! Who do you think they will believe? You or me? Then there goes your dream of working for Karda something. I can practically see it jumping down the sewer"

She stepped back and took a deep breathe, " You know, you are the worst person ever "

" You mean smart?"

Without replying, she walked past me.

" Oh, I will have to invite them later, to make it look realistic. Hyung is still not convinced "

She stopped for a moment, and then walked away.

After saying all these, now I feel kinda bad actually for pulling her into all these. but I couldn't think of anything else to convince hyung otherwise.

After filming ended, Charlene almost rushed to me in the makeup room!

" Yaaaaa! Moonbin! How long has it been going on! Yaaaaa! I am practically with you two all day long. Yet I had no idea! No wonder, you two were bickering like that! I should have understood."

I smiled and said, " It's been a while"

Woah! By now, Hyung even asked and told Charlene about it. I am really impressed about hyung's quickness, when it comes to Charlene.

" Jocelyne", I heard Charlene call.

I looked back and saw her looking at us. She walked towards us and instantly Charlene started drilling her with questions.

" Why did you not tell me about you two? Tell me everything? You asked out first? Where was your first date? Where did you two meet first? Did you guys kiss?"

" Charleeeeene!", I called, " Take some breathe!"

" Ah sorry sorry! I am just excited. No one around me dates anymore.", she sighed.

" Sorry. I should have told you. I wanted to introduce her more properly, over dinner."

" That is very classy of you!", she said, teasing.

Just then Jinjin hyung entered. I instantly held her hand. For a brief moment, she went absolutely stiff and stopped breathing. Then she started breathing again, and looked at me. That is when, I realized, I stopped breathing too.

I didn't know her hand would be so soft. It felt like her hand was melting into mine.

Charlene added, pulling me out of wherever my head was., " Oh, Jinwoo told me a lot of embarrassing stories. Ask me any time. I will tell you everything I know about Moonbin"

Jocelyne laughed and said, " Ofcourse. I am sure he has loads of embarrassing stories. Let's talk about it over dinner sometimes. "

" It will be really so much fun ", Charlene almost skipped in excitement.

Atleast Jocelyne is playing the part. I was scared she wouldn't.

" Speaking of dinner, I hope you guys are free this weekend. I wanted to invite you guys over anyway, to introduce her officially", I said.

" This weekend? We are free, right?", Charlene looked at Jinjin hyung, and wondered.

" Yeah, I think we are free," Hyung replied.

" Yeayyy! It will be fun then", Charlene said, almost skipping again.

Charlene and hyung bowed a bit, and left the makeup room.

As soon as hyung and Charlene left, Jocelyne pulled her hand away from me.

" I will kill you, if you touch me again "

" As if I will ever want to touch you", I replied.

" Well you just did. The next time you touch me, I am calling my older brother. He is a cop. And you will certainly stay 10 years in prison ", she threatened.

" Yeah yeah! I am very scared. Like I said, it was absolutely not a pleasure to touch you. I will go and wash my hand a million times", I replied back

This girl. Seriously! I have never seen anyone acting so high and mighty!

Without paying attention to me, she took out her phone and started talking, " Yesss? Eomma? Yesss! I still have that pepper spray. Ofcourse I will spray it on any pervert that touches me. I will beat...."

I couldn't help rolling my eyes, and laughing out loud. And I kept wishing I could roll it further back behind.

" Did you just roll your eyes at me? You dare!? I am bringing out my pepper spray", she said, while holding the phone to her ear.

Without letting her say another word, I walked out of the room. I bowed to everyone, and got out of the set.

Jinjin hyung and Charlene were still standing outside, talking about something.

" Bin...." Charlene saw me.

I walked to them.

" Are you going home?", she asked.

" Yes, the dorm", I said.

" Where is your girlfriend?"she asked, teasing.

" She is talking to her mom. I will take my leave then", I said and bowed.

" Ah, there she is," Jinjin hyung said.

Charlene waved her hand and called her. She came towards us.

" Are you going home?", Hyung asked.

" Yes yes. I was just leaving", she said and bowed.

" Bin-a.... Shouldn't you drop her off? It is pretty late", Hyung suddenly said.

Why? Just why....? I mean... I sighed.

" No. no! I can go on my own. It is really far. He shouldn't go that far just to drop me off"

" Noooo....That is more of a reason, he should drop you. Bin-a, you can take my car. We will go with manager hyung", saying this hyung handed me his keys.

I smiled, as widely as I could.

" Yes yes! Of course. I definitely should. I don't know why I didn't think of that," I said, keeping my smile on autopilot mode.

" It happens. It's been a while since you dated", hyung smiled.

" Yesss", I said and led Jocelyne to the car.

I opened the door for her. She looked at me with wide eyes. Clearly shocked. I didn't wait to entertain her shock. I closed the door and hurriedly got into the driver's seat.

" Where do you live?" I asked.

" Woahhhh! I never ever thought, the great moonbin will be such a gentleman"

" Shut up" , I said and smiled, as I saw Charlene and Hyung looking at us.

I waved them bye, and started the car.

The car ride was awfully quiet. I liked that it was quiet. Way too many things happened today, and I feel overloaded. Any more of these, and I will go crazy for sure.

The address she gave me led to a very posh area. There are only well secured high rise buildings in the area. The area is very well decorated and clean. Clearly a place for only aristocratic families. She must have come from a really wealthy family. Maybe her parents are politicians? That explains her pride and high and mighty attitude.

As I stopped the car, she got down and bent to look at me.

" Will you come in for a cup of tea? Finally my dad will get the chance to shoot you, for messing with his daughter ", She said and pursed her lips.

I scoffed. This girl seriously is impossible.

" No thank you", I said.

" Good choice", she said and closed the door.

Finally, I was alone. And I got some time to think over everything. I need to look for ways to set things straight. I cannot just keep lying to hyung. This is not right to him or for me.

That weekend, I invited everybody. Jocelyn came in early. And I showed her around, so that she doesn't stumble into any awkward situations or questions. I expected Eunwoo to come first, as he is my neighbor. But he practically came last. And Sanha came in first. Who practically came from the dorm, and that's the furthest from my home. Rocky and MJ hyung came right after Sanha.

The moment Eunwoo came in, I was ready to bombard him with questions, but then I noticed her, getting completely stiff. And red?

Jocelyn put a hand in front of me, and said, " Pinch me"

" Sorry ?" I asked, confused.

" Pinch me! "

Unsure, I actually pinched her hand hard.

" Ouchhhhh. Yaaaaa! Why would you.....", and she stopped and looked at Eunwoo again. By now, Eunwoo was looking at us.

" Hello ", Eunwoo bowed. And she fell stiff again.

" It's not a dream ", she whispered.

" What?" I asked.

" This is really Cha Eunwoo, " she whispered again.

" Yes of course "

She pulled my arm and turned away.

" Yaaaa! You didn't tell me, Cha Eunwoo ssi will be here"

" I said, everybody. I meant my members and definitely, the ones they are dating "

" Shut up! What should I do? Ya! I would have worn something better, if I had known he will be here"


Does she have a crush on Eunwoo or something. I tried not to laugh.

" Well, Too bad, he will see you in such an ugly state now"

" Yaaaaa! I will cry! Oh my God! "

" Helllooooo?", Eunwoo cleared his throat and said.

She instantly jumped to her feet and turned to him. With a ninety degree bow, she said, " Sorry sorry, Cha Eunwoo ssi. I am a huge fan. I was just too startled to see you. Binnie never said, you would be here"

Binnie? Woah! Her acting skills improved! She is now adding these tiny little details. Initially, she would only smile and nothing else. I looked at everyone. Everyone was visibly enjoying how her behavior changed the moment Eunwoo entered.

" Ahh! Thank you! Binnie didn't tell us either about you. We should team up and teach him a lesson someday", Eunwoo smiled and extended his hand forward. Jocelyne looked at his hand for a good ten seconds, and then slowly took it. She looked like she will cry from gratefulness.

" You are so kind. ", she said and sat. And immediately asked, " I will get a drink for you. What would you like, Eunwoo-ssi"

" Whatttttt? We are here too Noona", Sanha whined.

" God I wish Melody was here. It would be really great to see her face" , Charlene said and laughed.

" Ya Charlene...", Eunwoo started saying.

" But really Eunwoo, where is Melody-ssi? I told you to bring her", I said.

Eunwoo looked away from Charlene and said, " It is kind of weird, asking her to come to your house all of a sudden. You know, we...."

Before he could finish, Charlene mimicked his voice and said heavily, " WE ARE NOT DATING"

Everyone started laughing. That is exactly what Eunwoo says every time.

" Oh my God! That sounds exactly like Eunwoo", MJ hyung said, and almost fell down from the chair.

" You Guys! We really are not dating!!!!" Eunwoo said, almost pouting.

" Yeah! alright! And Aeries? Sanha, where is she?" Charlene asked.

" She got a meeting with the director"

" Ah! That was today?", Eunwoo asked.

" Oppa, does Melody know, you are hanging so much with Aeries", Charlene asked.

" Yaaa! Charlene! You-"

Before they started, I said, " Okay okay! Drinks now!",

" Noooo. Noona only asked Eunwoo hyung. I am not taking any drinks", Sanha said, trying to act of sulking.

Jocelyne laughed and said, " Yes, yes, Sanha ssi! Your order will be extra special! What do you want?"

Sanha smiled and said, " Whatever Noona brings is special "

" Awwwww.... Thank you! Your drink will be really special then. Yes......Ummm.... Eunwoo ssi...What will you have?", she asked, almost shy.

" Anything you like, please", Eunwoo said.

She once again jumped and almost skipped towards the kitchen.

I followed her, laughing.

" You really are hilarious "

Instead of saying anything to me, she asked, " So, what does Eunwoo ssi like? What should I make?"

" I already brought drinks. Let's just bring those to the table" I said, bringing out glasses.

" Nooo... That is so plain and boring. Just tell me, what they like, and I will make something that suits them"

" Really? You know how to make drinks?", I asked, suspicious of her abilities.

" Yes. Trust me. I was a bartender once"

" Why?", I asked, then added, " You know what, never mind. Just make the drinks"

She smiled and started making the drinks. She looks weirdly smiley and happy. I have never seen her like this. She is usually always in a bitter mood, ready to fight and defend herself. She seems so light and defenseless today.

" Do you seriously have a crush on Eunwoo?", I asked.

" Hmmm. Infatuation, you can say", she thought for a while, and replied.

" Don't even think about it. He is seeing someone"

" He said, he isn't. So nope! Not ready to think that I have no chance!"

I laughed. She sounds so cute, and happy. Like a normal person. I didn't know she could be like this. It is... almost too fulfilling to see her.

And well, she was right about the drinks. She does know how to make drinks. I hate to admit it, but she really makes good drinks. And everyone couldn't stop praising her drinks.

After dinner, everyone was talking, Eunwoo, Sanha and Jinjin hyung were setting up the TV to play some games.

I told Charlene that I will go and drop Jocelyne. Even though Jinjin hyung seemed a bit relaxed, I could still feel him being a bit cautious.

Even when I dropped her off at her place, she seemed happy and really smiley. She even told me 'Thank you' for dropping her off. That is just.... Usually, I would have made a comment or tease about it, but I don't know why, I didn't feel like teasing her. Instead, I felt a bit fuzzy and I guess normal, when she thanked me.

Next day, as I got into the set, I saw Jocelyne. She just arrived too. We entered the makeup room together. Charlene was already there, reading her script.

" Woah, you two love birds are early ", she said and smiled, as she looked up from her script.

In a reflex, I held her hand and smiled. She took my hand too and caressed it, acting happy.

" You are early too ", I said.

" Jinwoo has a schedule nearby. So I just came with him", she replied.

I was about to let go of Jocelyn's hand, but hearing this, I instantly squeezed her hand.

" Hyung? Hyung is here?", I asked.

" Ah. he went to get coffee for... oh, here he is"

I looked back, to see Hyung entering with two coffees in hand. He looked at us and smiled.

" Hello! Good morning ", she said to Jocelyne.

" Good morning, Jinjin ssi", Jocelyne bowed.

" Bin..... Woah! You cannot even let go of her hand. Do you plan on holding onto it forever?", Charlene asked and laughed.

Jocelyne instantly pulled her hand away from me, acting shy.

" Woahhhhh Charlene! As bold as ever! How does Jinjin hyung live with you? ", I said.

" Well... he has to", she replied proudly, " No other option"

I laughed.

" Let's go out and have coffee. Bin should get on with his makeup", Charlene said.

" Oh and... before I forget" she added, " Next week is thanksgiving. You know, Bin! Dinner at my place. Jocelyne, you too, pleaseee"

Jocelyne seemed confused, " Thanksgiving?" she asked.

I replied, " Charlene is Italian. They celebrate Thanksgiving in November. It is kind of a tradition for us now. We have been doing it for the last few years. Thanksgiving dinner is always at Charlene's"

" Ahhhh! That.... sounds really warm and family like", she said.

She put it in a very weird way. But, okay.....

Charlene smiled, " Make sure to come", she said and walked out with Jinjin hyung.

As they left, she looked at me, " Charlene seems really nice"

" Well, she really is nice", I replied.

" Not just her. All your members and your friends. They seem really nice and warm. And it wasn't fake at all. It was genuine"

I was confused by this. Why would it be fake?

" Well, of course they were all genuine and nice. They are my family "

She smiled. Not.....Not a happy one., nor a sarcastic one. It was almost sad, but not exactly.

" I feel bad, deceiving those good people", she said.

" What do you mean?", I asked her.

" You really should tell them the truth. They deserve the truth"

I sighed, " I know. I hate lying. But there's absolutely nothing to do. Jinjin hyung wouldn't believe me"

" He will understand you, if you tell the truth"

" I will. I- "

" The more you wait, the tougher it will be. They really love you a lot. And this is extremely rare, Binnie", she said.

She is right. I know she is right. Just- I don't know. I don't know what to say and how to say it. It is tough. too hard.

That day, as I was reading my script, Charlene and Jocelyne entered. Jocelyne was showing some boxes to Charlene. Some makeup. Charlene was excitedly asking her to try it on her. But just then, Charlene's makeup artist came and Jocelyne came towards me.

" They said that you need bold makeup today. I read your script. I have the perfect look in mind." She paused and added, " Oh. I bought some makeup from my friend. Just wanted to help her. Do you mind if I try them on you?" She asked, setting her things down, and putting up my hair with clips.

" Sure, go ahead"

I was having a hard time memorizing my lines, so I kept reading the script, as she started my makeup. She was talking to Charlene, while putting on the products on my face.

It was okay. Initially, it felt fine. I was alright. But then it started burning a bit. I looked through the mirror. Everything was fine.

" Are you okay?", she asked.

" Yes." Maybe it is because of the heavy makeup.

She kept on applying the makeup. But before I knew it, it started burning too bad. I looked through the mirror, and my face felt a bit swollen.

" Jocelyne...", I called. I don't know why I was sweating.

" Yeah?", she said and looked at me. Her eyes wide. " face is red"

" I....It's hot.. tooo hot. Could you...", I started having trouble breathing.

" Binnnnn...." Charlene came rushing.

" I am fine. Jocelyne, it is burning. Could you take off......", I leaned against the table, still on my chair. I cannot breathe properly.

My head felt blank and hazy, my eyes got teary, because of the burning. But I could see her eyes shocked. She was too shocked to process anything. And is she....

" Jocelyne....Just... makeup....the makeup ", I somehow said, still trying to breathe.

It felt like she had been electrocuted. Jocelyn instantly started moving. I closed my eyes, trying to focus hard on breathing. As time passed, I felt like someone was shrinking my lungs. I couldn't breathe at all. The burning on my face feels concentrated now. It's like someone was repeatedly putting fire on my face, and is constantly pouring oil in it. My eyes are probably watery and hot tears are making the burn worse. And, with time, my lungs feel smaller and smaller.

After what felt like eternity, I felt something cold on my face. Jocelyn must be trying to wash the makeup off my face. I couldn't focus on anything other than the burning. I was trying hard to not yelp or whimper in pain. It stung so bad.

But with time, the burning lessened and the cold sensation on my face increased, and I realized her hand was shaking. She must be scared and frightened. And instantly, I don't know how I forgot that I was in pain and almost stopped breathing because of her makeup.

I slowly touched her hand. My eyes still closed. And her hand over my face stopped moving. I moved her hand from my face, still holding it, and then I slowly looked at her. My eyes must have swollen a bit,as I couldn't open it properly. Her hand was still shaking. And I was right. She was terrified. And more than that, she looked hurt. And she was crying. I kept looking at her. I never thought I would see her cry like that. It was not something I expected her to be. She looked vulnerable. She looked human. I didn't think I would feel hurt, by seeing her crying. More hurt, than the pain on my face and chest.

She was looking at me too. And I held her gaze.

" I'm okay", I said.

She shook her head, still looking at me. She does not believe me.

" I promise I am, I am okay", I say it again slowly, trying to assure her. My voice hoarse.

" But.....but your face", She tried to say. Tears welling down her eyes.

I looked at myself through the mirror. My face was extremely swollen and red. Like I was stung by a thousand bees. I must have had an allergic reaction.

" Don't worry, it's not your fault", I say.

She shook her head again, still crying, " It is my fault "

"Of course it is her fault", I heard the other make-up artist say. She is Jocelyn's boss.

I stood up and looked at her.

She stepped ahead and took the make-up box from the table. The ones Jocelyn was using on me.

"Are these fake?" She asked.

She inspected the makeup for a while, and said again, " Yeah, you are using fake make-up. What the hell?"

" I didn't. I sw...." Jocelyne tried to say.

" Ya, are you trying to use fake makeup on our artist? And even lying about it? Did I ask you, did I give you the permission to use this?" Her boss yelled at her.

" I didn't mean to, I.....", Jocelyne was trying to say, but the words got stuck inside her. She was only looking at me, as more tears came falling down.

Why did I never notice her eyes before? They are so beautiful. And every time I am looking at them now, my heart is squeezing inside with all it's force.

" What do you have to say about using this makeup then? Do you have any idea about the consequences? Why are you using this? Were you trying to swap all our makeup with these fake ones?"

Jocelyne tried to say something. But her boss cut her off again.

" DON'T LIE! I know girls like you, you were about to steal those, aren't you? And then, sell them with a big price"

" No, I swear I ha...", she started saying again.

But before she could even say anything else, her boss snatched her bag from the table and instantly emptied it upside down. All her things, all the makeup she brought, fell on the floor, scattering everywhere.

"There are so many of these.", her boss screamed, "I cannot believe, I believed a bitch like you. You were going to swap all our makeups and steal the original expensive ones, how dare you tr..."

"Stop!", I said. My heart was squeezing too hard.

Everyone looked at me.

" You cannot accuse her of stealing, just like this." I said, wanting to yell at that woman for saying those to Jocelyne.

"Moonbin ssi, how can you say that after all she did to you? She is the one who did this. And you could have a serious effect on your skin. You know how harmful that is for you! You are a celebrity!", her boss said.

"I know very well what I am and what's harmful for me."

" Yes, and she was trying to steal it, steal the makeup we have here and sell them with a huge price. That's the reason she brought this fake makeup. Didn't you? You bitch tell the truth." her boss said and stepped towards her.

That's when I realized I was still holding Jocelyne's hand. I pulled her away from her boss, beside me.

" Don't you dare!", I said. " Don't you dare take another step! How can you just accuse people of stealing just like that? Is that how you treat your staff? Is that how you treat any human at all? What is wrong with you?" I half yelled.

I still feel a bit weak. Having a shaky breath and a swollen burning face.

"But...", her boss tried to say.

"I was the one who brought this makeup.", I said and I felt Jocelyn becoming stiff.

I continued, "I was the one who gave those to her and told her to try it"

I said and looked at her. She was already looking at me, with shock. Her eyes, wide, but still crying.

Another squeeze.

I left her hand and crouched down to pick up her stuff from the floor.

"Moonbin ssi, what are you saying?", Her boss said, surprised.

"Yes, I was the one. I was just helping out a friend. That's it. I had no idea that these were fake. If I had known, I wouldn't have asked her to put it on me." I said.

Charlene crouched down as well, picking the things up for Jocelyne.

I picked everything up and handed it to Charlene, who put it in her bag.

"I'll have to file a serious complaint about you. You cannot accuse your staff of stealing. Mrs. Song", Charlene said sternly.

Jocelyne's boss tried to say something. But she seemed to be out of words.

"Nothing you say is going to save you now. You have accused a person of stealing. That's a huge offense. You even called her names. And here, Bin was having trouble breathing. Instead of looking after him, you focused on accusing her. This sort of mismanagement cannot be overlooked. This is unprofessional." Charlene said again.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that" Charlene said to Jocelyne and handed the bag to her. " Come on, let's go. We need someone to take Bin to the hospital."

At the hospital, Charlene called Jinjin hyung. Hyung came right away with MJ hyung. Charlene had to go back to filming. I convinced Jinjin hyung and MJ hyung to leave after a while as well. But I couldn't make Jocelyne go. She adamantly stayed with me. And once in a while, she kept saying sorry. No matter what I said, she looked like she would cry any moment.

After a few hours, I was allowed to go back home. I went to the dorm. Jocelyne went back as well. The members were stopping by and messaging me, asking if I was alright.

I am. I am alright. Only.... I can't forget the pain. Not of my face burning. I couldn't forget how Jocelyne was crying. And I have no idea why I keep thinking of it, every now and then.

Over the entire week, she tried to apologize to me. And every time, her crying face would come to my mind. I practically had to yell at her, to make her stop. She didn't even yell back or defend herself.

She kept worrying and bugging me about what to wear and what to bring to Charlene's home for Thanksgiving. And it went to extremes, the day before thanksgiving. She messaged me, every 5 minutes, asking if she should bring this and that, and then would reject her own idea, by finding some issue. No matter how much I told her, she doesn't have to bring anything, she would keep saying, I am being rude and that it is courtesy to bring something when invited.

On the day, I picked her up.

" I made Hazelnut cream and chocolate pie. Do they like chocolate?", she asked, as soon as she got into my car.

" It is chocolate. Everyone likes chocolate. And really, you didn't have to bring anything", I replied, starting the car.

" You told everyone that I am your girlfriend. I have a reputation to maintain "

" What reputation? Just go there, eat and enjoy"

She legit sighed, and said, " Why are men like this? You won't understand"

" What? Explain "

" Shut up and drive, Bin...."

I was about to reply to her, but I got on the main street.

As soon as we entered, she saw that Melody ssi brought a cake and Aeries ssi brought wine. And instantly she gave me a look, that clearly said, " Did you see that, you asshole?"

I tried not to laugh at her look.

And just like last time, she kept paying extra attention to Eunwoo. And even when everyone was laughing about it, Melody ssi kept looking at them, every time, she would be praising or being shy all over for Eunwoo. And Eunwoo soon noticed too, that she was feeling jealous, and ofcourse he took the opportunity. He was shaking Jocelyne's hand and complimenting her. And oh my God! All along, Melody was giving Eunwoo looks, clearly from jealousy. Though, I pulled Jocelyne back later. It looked weird to me, that she is my girlfriend, but being all over Eunwoo. I mean, pretending to be my girlfriend. But it made me a bit mad. So, for the next part of the dinner, whenever she tried to talk to Eunwoo, I would say something or ask Eunwoo something to cut her off.

Around 10, she got up saying she should leave, as her grandmother will be home. I walked her out and told her to wait.

" Not necessary ", she plainly replied.

" What? It is 10. I will drop you off", I insisted.

" I always go home from filming late at night. I don't need your help", she stubbornly replied.

" Why are you being so stubborn? Let me drop you off. It will look weird if I go back and say you left on your own. I'm supposed to be dropping my girlfriend off", I said.

" Oh, really? Were you supposed to cut your girlfriend off as well while she's talking?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

" Ah, that. So you're mad about that."

" Of course I am. I was having a good thing going on with Cha Eunwoo ssi, and you basically destroyed it."

" No, I saved you, because Melody was literally burning you with her eyes, and Eunwoo was only trying to make her jealous. Nothing else. And it's stupid. Why would you be so into Eunwoo? They will think it's weird."

" Well, it didn't look like they were finding it weird. To me, it felt like they were enjoying my goofiness."

" Goofiness? That's goofiness?", I laughed out loud. This girl...I can't....

"Shut up. I'm going", She said, and started walking.

"I won't ask again. This is your last chance. Turn around and I will drop you off.", I called from the back.

"Oh, please". She said, and I could clearly feel her rolling her eyes.

I laughed out again, as she walked away, and got back inside.

As I expected, as soon as I got back, everyone was giving me looks for not dropping her off. I kept saying that she didn't want me to drop her off and that she is independent and really feminist. Still, everyone was clearly judging me.

So, at one point, I stopped explaining and took a piece of the hazelnut cream chocolate pie on a plate. I scooped it with a fork. It almost melted in my mouth. I looked at the pie in awe for a few seconds.

That is literally the tastiest pie I have ever eaten. I had no idea she could cook. She doesn't look like she can cook. She looks and acts so tough, that I almost expected the pie to taste horrible.

What more surprise will I get from this girl? She is really beyond prediction.

As I was devouring the pie, my phone rang.


What does she want now? I received the call.

" Can you please come and get me?" I heard her say.

" Yeah, hello to you too", I said.

"Bin, I am serious."

I got up and stood on one side.

" Yeah, what's up?" I asked.

"Please come and get me", She said again.

I scoffed, "Why now? I thought you were independent and needed no help from me and didn't want me to drop you off."

" Bin. I...", She stuttered. And then she said, " I think someone is following me."

"What?", I couldn't process for a while.

" Yes, I think someone is stalking me.", she said urgently.

"Where are you?" I immediately asked.

She sent me the location, and I got into my car instantly. The whole way, my heart kept beating fast, way too fast, and I kept getting anxious, thinking of all the worst sorts of possibilities and what-ifs. I kept praying that she would be fine. I kept shuddering at the things that were coming to my mind.

Within a few minutes, I reached near the location and found her standing in a bus stop. A bit away from her, there's a guy in a black hoodie. He was looking around and was step by step going towards her. She pretended not to see the guy and kept stepping away from him as well.

I parked the car on the side of the road and got out. I almost ran towards them.

I got stiff, as I saw the guy walk to her and held her hand. She instantly slapped his hand away and tried to move away, but the guy stepped in front of her and blocked her way.

"HEY!" I yelled.

Both of them were startled.

The guy instantly took a few steps back and Jocelyn looked at me. Her eyes instantly got teary. She looked terrified. Her face was extremely pale.

The moment I looked at her, I felt my blood rushing to my head. I started seeing everything going dark in anger. I felt like ripping the head off of that guy's shoulder. I felt like punching him till he died. I felt like running him over with the car and I felt like destroying him.

I clenched my jaw and closed my fist. I was scared that if I don't try hard enough, I will kill this guy for real. I walked towards her.

She seemed like she just realized that I am here, that I am truly here. She instantly let out a breath and ran to me.

She ran to me and crashed against my chest.

It took me a moment to realize that she was actually hugging me. As soon as I realized, I put my arms around her.

My heart was breaking. It was beating way too fast, not from anger anymore, but from the feeling of her in my arms and from the feeling of hurt, because she was trembling. She was terrified beyond words.

I embraced her tighter. And she pulled me into her more as well. She was trembling horribly. I caressed her hair slowly, saying, " I'm here, I'm here, it's fine, were you too scared? It's fine, it's fine, I'm here". I try to assure her.

She nodded her head on my chest, trying to stop herself from shaking so much. She is so scared and hurt. And.... I could feel myself, slowly tearing up as well.

Before that feeling took me over, I took a deep breath.

" Is everything okay?" I raised my voice and looked at the guy. I am sure, by now I look terrifying enough with bloodshot eyes. Because that is what I felt. To make this guy know what real terror is.

That guy had the audacity to walk towards us.

He stopped a bit away from us and asked, "Who is he?"

He is not even looking at me. He asked Jocelyne. Jocelyne pulled apart and held tightly onto my shirt and looked at the guy.

" What are you doing with him? Who is this guy? Answer me". That guy asked her again.

And if I didn't have better control or Jocelyn beside me, I would be pulling this guy's tongue out. I'd be ripping it out and strangling him with his own tongue. That asshole.

" Her boyfriend", I replied.

" What?" That guy asked, looking pale. "No, you don't have a boyfriend. Tell me it's not true."

Jocelyn held on to my shirt tighter, still trembling.

" Maybe you'd like to know the answer to this question in the police station?", I yelled.

That guy looked at me for a while, trying to see if I was bluffing, and then, he ran away.

Jocelyn instantly crouched down, breathing hard. She wrapped her arms around her, and tried hard to not tremble so much. I.... I don't know what is wrong with me. Why is my heart breaking like this, by seeing her.

I crouched with her, putting a hand on her back.

" It's fine, it's fine, he's gone.", I said.

She nodded her head.

"I swear it's fine.", I said again.

"Yeah", she said somehow.

After a while, I brought out the water bottle from my car and offered it to her. She gulped down the water like she didn't take even a sip of water this entire week. She returned the bottle and stood up.

" Come on, let me drop you off ", I said.

At first, she nodded her head. But then, she looked at me for a while and said, "No, it's fine".

" What? Are you out of your mind Jocelyne?"

" No, it is fine. I can go now. He won't follow me again"

" Seriously? I just left you alone. And you saw what happened, right?"

" It is highly unlikely that something will happen to me again. So I will go home. I will let you know after reaching. So, don't worry"

" No. Why are you doing this? Stop being stubborn. And get in the car. I will drop you off"

I felt like screaming at her. What is wrong with her? She just got into trouble. And now she is doing as she likes again.

" Bin, I said that I can go. "

" You cannot do whatever you want all the time. Look, stop making a fuss about it. I am not leaving you alone"

" You are the one making a fuss. I can get home on my own"

" Jocelyne, seriously? shut up and get in the car", I half yelled and grabbed her hand.

"BIN LEAVE MY HAND", she yelled at me.

I instantly let go of her hand. Without saying another word, she started walking.

" Really? Is that how you deal with everything? You are a girl. Anything can happen to you. So, stop being stubborn and...."

She instantly turned around. And by the look of her face, I knew that I definitely pulled a nerve.

" A girl? Nothing would have happened to me, if men like you stopped getting in our ways! And nothing will happen, just because I am a girl. Anything can happen to men like you too. You can slip, you can get robbed, you can fall ill. Anything"

" Look, that's not what I meant, I..."

And she didn't let me finish. She turned and started walking.

I don't get her. I don't understand her at all. This is frustrating. Not like, I never dropped her off ever. So, what the hell is wrong with her now? Why is she doing this? What the hell? One time she is nice to me, the next she becomes a devil. One time, she needs my help, and the next, she doesn't even want me near.

I watched her walk away and got into the car, shutting the door too hard. I feel mad and frustrated.

As I was reversing my car, I got startled with loud knocks on the car window.

" Are you insane? What is wrong with you?", I yelled, pushing the brake hard.

" I. I need help Bin", she said.

" Are you f*cking kidding me! You...."

" It's my grandmother. I-", That's when I noticed the dread on her face.

" What happened?" I asked.

" i- I don't know. One of my neighbors called and..."

" Wait, get in"

Why did her neighbor call? What about her parents and brother?

She got in the car.

" Is she okay?", I asked, starting the car.

" I don't know. She passed out.. And... Bin, I need to get home as fast as possible. She is all I have. I-"

I don't understand what she meant. But, there was no time for me to try to understand. All I know is, her grandmother is sick, and she needs to be there.


I got more puzzled.

She directed me to her house. I thought I knew where her house was. But it turns out, I do not.

As I crossed the area, I thought, was her house, I looked at her. She clasped her hand together, praying. And occasionally, telling me the direction.

I didn't know what was happening, and I didn't have the heart to ask her.

She directed me to a really shady area. It was dark, and there's no light. All the streetlights were either completely out of work or blinking, announcing its poor state. She asked me to park outside a small building. It's more appropriate to say a cluster of small buildings. There were several buildings all around a small courtyard. The buildings were so old that bricks and paint were falling off in patches from several places. I assumed everything to be quiet as well. But there were loud noises, yelling, screaming coming from all the directions.

All along, I stayed quiet. I don't know what to ask her, or even what to think. I followed her to a building in the middle, across the courtyard. We climbed four flights of stairs, silently, and reached a huge balcony. On one side of the balcony were several doors, indicating each apartment. On the farthest end of the balcony was a door, open. She hurriedly walked towards that door and entered.

"Aunt Kim, what happened?" She asked, concern and fear, clearly in her voice.

" I don't know, I was just bringing the clothes from outside, and then I heard a sound. I ran here, and saw your grandmother on the ground.", she replied.

By now, I entered behind Jocelyne. Mrs. Kim saw me, and instantly stood up.

I walked further into the apartment. The door opened into a small living room, with a bed on one side, and sofa on the other. A door beside the sofa. Maybe another room. An old lady was lying down on the bed, she must be her grandmother.

Jocelyn ran towards the bed, and sat by her grandmother.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" She asked, holding her grandmother's hand.

"Oh, you are back, Jocey", her grandmother said in a shaky voice. " I told her so many times to not call you. She even called the doctor. Do I look so old that I need a doctor already?"

"Grandma please." She sounded almost desperate.

" Ah, I am fine. You worry for no reason"

And her grandmother saw me, and instantly tried to get up.

" Oh, who is this handsome boy?", she smiled, "Our Jocey has never brought a man before. Is this your boyfriend?"

Jocelyn looked back at me. She seemed blank. I felt blank too, like I didn't know her.

I bowed to her grandmother and said, " I am Moon bin, Ma'am"

Her grandmother said again, "Why are you standing? Sit, sit. Let me get up, let me bring something for you"

" Grandma, you really need to rest. The doctor is coming. Please...", Jocelyne pleaded.

" I had no idea you had a boyfriend. You have to tell your old grandma about these, Jocey. Let me bring out the cookies for him".

" No, please, take some rest, ma'am. ", I said.

" Oh, Call me grandma. You are so shy and kind. Perfectly suits you, Jocey", she said, and lied down again.

The ceilings were too low for me to stand up straight, so I went ahead and sat on the sofa.

"Where did you two meet?", Mrs. Kim asked.

" At work", Jocelyne replied, before I could say anything.

" Ahh. You are colleagues! Those people must be good, offering Jocey a job, even without any qualification "

I looked at her. She glanced towards me, and instantly looked away. I-

Soon, the doctor came and did some thorough checkups. Apparently, her pressure was too high from stress. The doctor asked her repeatedly to not stress so much because it might lead to something fatal. Mrs. Kim went out with the doctor to see him off and sat still for a while. Her grandmother was continuously telling her to let her get up.

So I stood up and smiled and said, " Ma'am, it was a pleasure to meet you. Don't you worry about me, just stay fine and rest well. I will come to visit you again"

I bowed.

"Such a good kid, such a good kid. Thank you for taking care of my Jocey. She often forgets about herself. I am glad she finally has a boyfriend." she said.

I need to get out of here, before I suffocate. She has lied.

I smiled and bowed again.

I silently walked down the stairs. Jocelyne was following me. She wasn't saying anything and we both stayed silent till we reached the car.

"Bin." She suddenly called.

I didn't stop. I took out my key from the pocket and unlocked the car door.

"Bin, listen." She said and grabbed my hand.

I instantly felt angry. And this time, my blood wasn't boiling. Instead, it pricked my eyes and I felt a lump in my throat. I pulled my hand away from her.

She seemed shocked and startled by my behavior. She looked at me with wide eyes for a moment and then said,

"Bin, I'm so sorry."

I don't know what she's sorry for. I don't know why she's even trying to talk to me. I don't know what to think. I don't know anything.

"Just go inside. I have to go back", I said. Even my voice seemed foreign to me.

" Bin, please, you have to listen to me."

"No, I don't. You lied to me. About everything. So, no, there's nothing I have to listen to." I cannot even look at her.

"Yes, I did. I lied. And you need to know why." she desperately said.

"There can never be any reason to lie, Jocelyne. So, please, save the explanation, save your words, and go back inside. Your grandmother is really sick." I said sternly.

"I never wanted to lie, but look.." she started saying.

I cut her off. I wasn't ready to listen to her at all. She cannot just say more bullsh*t to me.

" Your brother, your mom, your father, your house, everything. Did I ask to know about those? I didn't. Yet, you told me on your own, and those were all lies. So don't you come and try to explain to me. There's nothing you can say that will make it better."

" I had to, I had to lie", her voice cracked, "because if I don't, then no one will ever take me seriously. Everyone will pity me and look down on me. I cannot afford that"

"Enough, please enough. You lied about your degree too, you said you have a degree in makeup. You don't, I was right, you suck at it and you lied to everyone"

"If you just let me explain, Bin.."

"There's nothing to explain, you kept lying, you kept......", I took a deep breath. I don't want to talk to her. " Look, just get inside, okay? I don't want to listen to you and I don't want to have to do anything with you anymore. Bye"

I said and turned.

"So this is where it all comes, right?"

I turned to her, "what?"

"Yes, this is where it all comes too. It was all good and fine till you knew that I am from a good family, I have a good degree and I have perfect parents and siblings.

I am speechless at this point. What the hell is she saying?

" You..... " I tried to say.

" No, you are only acting this way, because you got to know that I don't have a proper status and all. You got to know that I am a no one. And don't you dare say, it is because I lied. Well, guess what? You lied tool. You lied through your teeth, only because you are too weak to tell the truth. Because you are too scared that someone will get offended"

I sighed, " You are free to think, whatever you want. I don't care"

" You know what, I don't care either. I know I have my reasons for lying, but you don't. You have no reason. You are scared to tell the truth. So don't come and try to act all pious and virtuous in front of me. Go to hell ", she said and turned.

"Is that what you think, I am terrified of telling the truth? Fine, I will go and tell everything to everyone today. So you won't have to pretend to be my girlfriend anymore and we are done. Goodbye", I said and got into the car.

She lied to me, she deceived me, when I was nothing but honest with her. And now, she accuses me of looking down on her because of where she comes from. I don't know anymore. Everything I knew about her turned out to be a lie. I feel like I don't know her anymore. I never knew her. And even when I didn't want to, this was destroying me. This was breaking my heart to pieces. That girl is no one. She lied to me. She shouldn't have any effect on me. But there it is. I am on the verge of crying because a girl lied to me. She deceived me.

I came back to the dorm and knocked on Jinjin Hyung's door. He is not here. He must have stayed home.

I never felt like this before. I never felt this intense urge to only cry. I never felt that not breathing at all is better than feeling this intense pain. I never knew, my heart was capable of breaking like this.

The filming continued as usual. I don't speak any words with Jocelyn and she doesn't say anything either. She quietly comes in, does my makeup, exchanges a few words with Charlene and leaves. That's it. Charlene must have noticed it too. So she asked me a few times if everything was okay.

Our filming location changed and we were filming in a university. It was supposed to be the university where Charlene and I study. It's a scene where Charlene gets bullied because of her association with an idol. That idol rushes in to save her from the bullies. I don't have any part in this scene. So during filming, I was watching from behind.

Charlene was suspended in the air. She'll be falling down from the roof, when the idol runs to her and grabs her hand. Everything was okay and everything was in place. And Charlene was slowly pulled up and suspended in the air. She was slowly falling down.

But suddenly, I could hear it. A sudden snap. I instantly looked at the wire that was holding her in the air.

Another snap. Everyone heard it now. By that time, I was walking towards Charlene. The director instantly asked to put her down. Charlene looked around and got stiff. She looked extremely scared, too frightened to even move.

She got pale with the third snap. And I clearly saw her hanging by just a thread. At the same time, I heard everyone gasp. And I don't know what got into me. But I almost jumped towards her.

And there was the final snap. And Charlene was falling. I heard everyone gasping louder. But I had to catch Charlene. Even though there was a safety mattress down there, she will be extremely hurt if she falls directly. Or worse, she might get bounced outside. So I will have to catch her. But before I could mentally prepare, she fell on me. And we both fell out of the mattress with a thudding sound.

Everyone rushed towards us, pulling up Charlene and me. I feel slight pain on my back. Charlene's knees got scratched somehow. And her legs sprained. There was a muscle pull in her leg and she couldn't move. But more than the pain, she looked terrified. Someone carried her to a room for resting.

After everyone calmed down and Charlene was tended to with the required first aid, I went into the room.

" Everything alright? Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded her head and asked, "You?"

"Yep, I'm fine", I said and sat beside her, "Do you need me to give a call to hyung?" I asked.

"No, it's fine. It's really fine. I'm really okay. Don't concern him with anything. He's gonna get worried for no reason."

"It's not 'no reason'. Are you seriously alright?" I asked again.

"Yeah." She said,

"Well, It doesn't look so bad", I said, looking at the bandages on her legs.

" Yeah, even the strain is going away, just the muscle pulling", she said.

"That's one nasty little thing", I said, "Let me see."

I pulled out her leg and stretched it, then I bent it, and I stretched it again. I repeated it several times and asked, "Does it feel a bit better?"

"I don't know, maybe". She confusedly replied, "Actually, I think it got a bit better, at least I feel easy".

"Ah, that's good. Massage this place from here to here". I showed her a point from under her knees to her ankle.

"Massage it?" She asked.

"Yes, just keep massaging it like this". I showed her how to massage and added, "And you'll see how the pain disappears".

"Ah, thank you. It does already feel a bit better"

" Charlene!!!", I heard someone's stern voice, and I instantly jumped to my feet.

Jinjin hyung was there, and I felt my throat dry as I realized hyung saw me.

Hyung saw me like that, with Charlene. Even though it meant nothing, hyung saw me. I looked at Charlene, and then at him again. He'll think, I still have something for her. He'll think about it again. And with this thought, paranoia came over me. It instantly felt like I was having trouble breathing.

By now, Charlene must have realized how it looked as well, because she stood up instantly, despite all her pain in the leg. Hyung was directly looking at her, and I knew the only thing I could do. I instantly walked past him, and got out of the room. I have to get some fresh air. I tried so hard to fix everything, now everything just got ruined, every single thing. Now hyung will think of weird things again. And I couldn't think anymore.....

I tried hard to breathe. As I opened the door, it turned out to be a locker room. I sat on a bench, and put my elbow on my knee, and pressed my forehead hard, trying to get rid of any paranoid thoughts. I am trying to breathe normally. Why does it always happen? Why does everything get ruined? Why? I don't know why I'm panicking so much. I just remembered I couldn't tell Hyung the truth. And now, he's gonna think, I'm the worst person ever, staying hung up on his Fiancé.

I heard the door open.

" What are you doing here?" I asked, as I saw her stand in front of me.

Jocelyn said nothing. Instead, she sat beside me on the bench, a first aid box in her hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked again.

She opened the first aid box and said, "Let me clean your wounds."

"I'm not injured. I'm fine."

"Let me see, Bin "

"You don't have to"

" You were wounded. It wasn't noticeable, but you have cuts on your hands. And the back of your pants ripped, so there must be some wounds on your legs."

As she said it, I started to feel the slight throbbing pain on my elbow and leg. I didn't realize I was hurt as well.

" I'm fine," I said.

" Really? "

" Yeah "

" You seemed so touchy with Charlene. Should I go and get her to tend to your wound as well, like you did to her?"

" What? I didn't tend to her wound. I just showed her some way to massage.", I said. This girl is unbelievable.

"Yeah, sure."

" Yes, that is the truth..... Wait. You were there? " I asked.

" Sure. Why would you notice me? " she scoffed.

" What's that supposed to mean, Jocelyn? ", she is pissing me off. The panic is now turning into frustration. Did she seriously come here to pinch me like that?

" Nothing. Just it shows what kind of people you are comfortable with."

" And what kind of people are we talking about?" I asked. She's really pissing me off.

" Charlene, of course." She instantly replied, "You seem to really like her company."

" Wait? Are you jealous? You possibly cannot be jealous of her." I said in disbelief.

" I have no reason to be jealous of her."

" Yeah, sure." I said.

She rolled her eyes and said, " Could I get your hand, please? I have other things to do as well."

I sighed and held my hand towards her.

She rolled my sleeves. Then took a bit of antiseptic on a cotton ball and slowly applied it on the cuts.

All along, I looked at her. She lied to me. About her.

She looked at me and said, "I was almost thinking you will need someone from your status to tend to your wounds."

" Do you really think that is how I am", I asked.

" Yes, I do."

" The only one with a status complex here is you. Never in my entire life, I thought of anyone like that"

She scoffed, " Don't lie "

" You were the one lying. You are the one, so f*cking obsessed with status and backgrounds amd social standings, that you kept lying, even when I was nothing but genuine to you. No one freaking cares about status or background"

" You know...", she scoffed again, " It is easy to say these things, when you have privileges and money and..."

I cut her off, " You think, I have all the privileges in the world? You think I don't know about hardships?"

" Don't flatter yourself. Not just you. None of you know about hardships. You are not the ones whose parents left or died, who have to struggle everyday for money. You are not the one with no family. So... no. You don't know the struggle."

" You...", I tried to say, without yelling. The frustration is making me want to scream at her. " You want me to not look down on you. Now when I say, I don't. You keep saying how it is easy for me! What the f*ck do you want? Maybe it is you, who look down upon others. And you say, I have status complex"

" YES YOU DO! YOU f*ckING DO", She yelled and stood up. "You are even refusing to talk to me properly. You pushed my hand away the moment I touched you that day"

" I was mad at you Jocelyn. I still am. That's not because... ", I yelled back.

"No, don't. Don't you dare try. You don't have the right to yell at me."

" Yeah? Why? Because you are scared, I will yell about how stupidly insecure and obsessed with status you are?"

" You think I am insecure? The f*ck, Bin? You are the one, not even letting me take care of your wounds. It's like if I touch you, if I tend to your wound, your skin will fall off or something." she screamed.

This stupid little bitch!

" You are so f*cking annoying ", I yelled and grabbed her hand, " HERE! I AM TOUCHING YOU! Did i even f*cking flinch? TELL ME!" And before I knew it, I stood up and practically grabbed her face with both my hands. She tried to push me away.

" You think I have a STUPID problem with you because of your status? And I don't let you touch me?

"Bin! WHAT THE...."

" OH! SHUT UP AND Let's see how true that is", I said.

And I kissed her, hard.

Her lips are too soft. Softer than I thought. And I expected her to protest and slap me. Even when mad, I knew I deserved it.

But instead all her anger and hatred instantly disappeared. She fell silent. Not like she lost all her energy. More like, she got defeated. Like she doesn't know anything else.

And all my anger and frustration disappeared too. I know, I have won the argument. I have proven my point. But... Yet I feel defeated.

I slowly pulled apart and looked at her. I don't know why, I was scared.

She was looking at me. She was tearing up. She lost the argument. But somehow, I got defeated. Even with all the lies, There's a truth I realized. No matter if I had won or lost the argument, I would be the one, defeated.

She swallowed hard and looked away.

" You are a jerk."

That's all she could say before walking out of the room.

I have hurt her.

I don't know what is wrong with me. I don't know why I keep messing things up. I don't know why I keep ruining everything. I ruined Charlene and Hyung's relationship. I ruined my relationship with Jinjin hyung. Now I've ruined everything with Jocelyne as well. I ruined it. I ruined everything.

I slowly got back to where Charlene was. Hoping by now she already handled the situation.

As soon as Jinjin hyung saw me entering, he walked towards me. Maybe it's time I tell him the truth.

To my surprise, he instantly hugged me and said, "I don't know what to say. I don't know how to show my gratitude to you", his voice cracked.

" Hyung?", I don't know what's happening.

He pulled away and said, "When I came into the set, I was watching the monitor. I thought you guys were busy getting makeup done, and I saw it. You must have been hurt too, Bin-a. Are you okay?

" Yes, I am."

" Are you sure? Should I ask someone to have a look at you?"

" Don't worry hyung. I am fine really"

" Thank you. Thank you so much, Bin-a". He said and hugged me once again. He was getting teary as well. I cannot imagine how worried and terrified he must have been, by seeing Charlene falling down. Did Jocelyne get terrified too? By seeing me fall?

Well, why would she? I don't matter to her, at all. And now....I have done terrible. so....Disgusting. I feel like slapping myself.

Charlene smiled at me. I felt a bit assured.

I was hoping to apologize to Jocelyne, the next day I meet her. I shouldn't have done that. And I don't know why, I kept touching my lips. Like, I can still feel her lips against mine. I must have gone crazy.

There was no sign of her, the next day. I tried hard to think of what to say to her to apologize. But I couldn't think of one single reason or a bit more guilt for kissing her. And still, I felt hurt for hurting her, for not taking her permission, for making her lose that argument. I still felt defeated. I really don't know anymore.

There was no sign of Jocelyn the next day too. And that got me worried. I tried calling her, but her phone was unreachable. I asked the staff around, but they didn't know either. There was just no sign of Jocelyn.

So, the next day, when the filming ended early, I decided to go to her house. I did, promise her grandmother that I would go to see her again.

I knocked on the door of her apartment, but there was no answer. After 10 minutes, I decided to ask her neighbor. I knocked on her neighbor's door.

Mrs. Kim opened the door. She greeted me, smiling, and asked me several times to come to her house for tea. I smiled and asked her if she knew anything about Jocelyn.

"I was worried about her as I couldn't reach her. I was wondering if she was okay." I said.

" You didn't know?" She asked, surprised. And with her tone, I felt my chest tightening. My heart beat raised.

" Know what?" I carefully asked.

" They were thrown out."

" What?", I asked loudly, shocked.

" Yes, this is very embarrassing and I don't know if I should tell you this, but she couldn't pay the rent, so the landlord threw her out."

" What the hell do you mean that the landlord threw her out? How can someone be just thrown out like that?", I was trying hard to control my temper.

Mrs. Kim looked at me surprised and replied," You seem to be from a very good family, so probably you are not accustomed to it, but that is how it works here. Honestly, the landlord's income is the rent here. So, we can't say much to him"

" Well, he should have given them some more time", I tried to argue.

" He did. They were due for three months and so he threw them out."

I couldn't believe my ears. How can someone throw a person out? How can this happen? Where is humanity? Someone threw a person out just like that. I was having a hard time processing that.

Mrs. Kim continued, " Jocelyn was at work when the landlord threw all their stuff out and her grandmother sat outside. We asked her several times to come inside but she refused. Then it started snowing and we couldn't stay out anymore. When Jocelyn returned home, her grandmother was almost freezing and she instantly took her to the hospital."

Jocelyn, she... How is she? What is he doing? Why am I not with her? I need to be with her. My heart...Why...

"Which hospital?" I asked.

I took the address and drove there.

I called her several times but there was no answer. So I took help from the reception to know where Mrs. Bernard was in. It turned out she was in the ICU. Jocelyne... How did I leave her alone like this? She- She would have asked me, if I wasn't like that with her... She....I couldn't think much. The more, I thought, the more I felt like, sitting on the floor, and clutching my chest. It hurt so bad.

I rushed to the ICU and looked for her.

I didn't have to look much.

There she was sitting on a chair outside the ICU. Even from here I could feel her desperation. The way she looked at the ICU door felt too heartbreaking, too devastating.

I slowly walked to her. She seemed lost. She didn't even notice me till I put a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at me and kept looking for a while, trying to understand if I was really here. She was breathing hard and clearly trying not to cry. And her delicate helpless face, made everything shatter around me. Why...

She stood up, still looking at me. And without a word put her arms around me, putting her head to my chest. I held her in my embrace and all I could say was, " it will be fine, it will be fine. "

" I am scared ", she said after a while. My heart, sinking. Her voice was too broken, too small, too fragile.

" Don't be, I am here, she will be fine"

" They said, she might not make it. "

I don't know how to reply to that. I only held her tighter into my arms.

" She is all I have, Binnie. I am scared that I will lose her too. "

Why is my heart breaking like this? Why do I want to hold her and cry?

" You won't, I promise. Everything will be alright, we will see that everything is alright, nothing will happen to her, I promise, I will make sure she is alright, Jocelyn, I will"

And I know that I will do everything I have in my power to keep her grandmother alright. Jocelyn cannot be sad, she cannot be hurt, I won't allow it, I won't be able to take it, I won't let anything hurt Jocelyne, ever....


The questions hang in the air, and in my mind. I don't know why.

" What if nothing works? What if.....", she couldn't complete the sentence.

" It will work. She will be alright. I'll talk to the doctor. I will make it work, Jocelyne."

She held onto me tighter. I can't stop my heart from breaking, repeatedly, so hard.

" I can't stop getting terrified," she said.

I can't stop getting terrified either. I can't stop getting scared that Jocelyne might get hurt. How will I take it then?

I caressed her hair.

" We'll face it together. Don't be scared. You won't be alone. I'm here. Your grandmother is here. Nothing will happen to her. She'll be fine. She's receiving treatment, "I said.

She slowly nodded her head and kept holding onto me. I kept caressing her hair and occasionally wiping the tears that I could feel falling from her eyes. Her tears, breaking everything in me, slowly. I cannot let her cry. I can, never. I won't allow it.


Now I know why.

After a while, the doctor came to visit the ICU.

I talked to him. Jocelyn was right. The doctor tried to explain it to me in easy words, and it really didn't look great for her grandmother. Despite everything, I gave them my number and told them to call me if anything happens or if they needed anything at all.

By now, I convinced Jocelyne to come to my place. She needs a place to stay. I offered to check her into a hotel, but she declined, saying she cannot accept my money. So the other option was my place. If she feels uncomfortable with me in the house, I will just stay in the dorm. She has been sitting in front of the ICU for the last three days without any sleep, without any proper food. Still, it took me almost forever to convince her.

I watched her, as she entered my apartment. It suddenly felt different. She was here before too, alone with me. But now, I don't know why, it feels so different. She slowly walked to the middle and turned around to me. I looked at her.

Yes, everything is different.

" I will ask Charlene to bring you some clothes." I said, bringing my phone out of the pocket.

" Don't bother her", she said, her voice still small and fragile.

" It's fine. Don't worry, she won't even ask a question."

She didn't argue. She quietly sat on the sofa in the living room, looking at everything around, like it is her first time here. In these 3 days, it looked like she lost so much weight. I cannot imagine how her heart is, what she is feeling.

After a while, Charlene came back with a few sets of clothes.

" I brought some clothes and some other things you might need. There's some food for the both of you too", Charlene smiled and told her.

" Thank you ", Jocelyne slowly replied.

Before going out, Charlene hugged her.

" Call me if you need anything", she said.

Jocelyn only nodded.

As Charlene left, I showed her to the guest room. She slowly walked into the room. She seemed a bit careful. She sat on the bed and looked around the room, taking her sweet time. Then she looked at me. I was standing against the door.

" She seems nice. Do you still like her?" She asked.

I laughed slightly. " What? No. I really got over it a looooonnnnng time ago.

" Oh ", she said.

" Why does it matter?" I asked, walking towards her.

" Nothing. Just asking. It doesn't matter."

" Really? It doesn't matter to you?" I asked.


"Sure? It doesn't matter if I like Charlene or not?"

" Not really" , she said and looked away.

I sighed.

By now, she stood up and was going around the room, seeing everything, tracing her fingers along the furniture along the way. She looks so delicate and soft, feminine. I don't know why she looks so small. Was she always this tiny?

" Asking for the last time. It doesn't matter to you?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Not really." and pursed her lips, turning away to the wall cabinet.

I almost laughed. I walked to her and took her hand. She looked at me, with wide eyes. Surprised.

And before she could understand anything and I could think more, I slowly pulled her to me. Her eyes widened more instantly. I saw her swallowing hard, as her body touched mine.

" You still think I'm into her?" I asked.

" I just.....", she stuttered. "I don't know. " She said softly. She was visibly breathing hard.

I looked at her for a while and said, "I don't know what I'm doing or why I even pulled you like this."

She nodded her head. Still looking directly at me. She looks beautiful. Why did I never notice her face? I feel like I am seeing her for the first time ever. Her big brown eyes and small nose with her pink full lips. A tiny mole just beneath her lips. Another one, near her collarbone. Will she be mad if I touch it? Her long brown hair falling perfectly on her shoulder. Why did I never notice this? Why did I never see how breathtaking she is? Or did I notice but forced myself to never pay attention to it?

" Should I let you go? " I slowly asked, almost whispering. My hand sliding to her waist.

" I don't know!" she was whispering too.

She slowly asked again, not taking her eyes off me, "Why did you even come to the hospital?"

" I don't know. "

I don't know anything. I don't know the lies and truth anymore either. The only thing I know is how perfect my hand feels on her waist. And how good she feels against me. And how I don't want to let her go. And I know, I want there to be no distance between us. So, I slowly, but carefully, leaned towards her. And I lingered near her lips for a while, waiting for her to protest. But she didn't.

And so the small gap between our faces closed, as I kissed her.

Slowly, trying to savor every bit of her lips. Trying to enjoy whatever her lips have to offer. Trying to devour into every crook of her lips. Tasting her, taking it all in, with every sense, every neuron, every feeling in me.

For a second I thought she would push me away and call me a jerk again. But her hand reached my T-shirt and she clutched hard, as she kissed me back. Not softly, trying to savor like me, but with urgency, with passion, with demand. She kissed me like she needed it.

And I realized, for a long time now I have been needing her too. I don't know when I started wanting her so much. I don't remember when I became so desperate for her. But now, it all hit me, as I tasted the sweetness of her lips. I needed her all along. I wanted her for as long as I remember. I craved her with every sense of my being.

She slowly pulled away to breathe. And she looked at me, into my eyes. But I couldn't take my eyes off her lips. I want to have them again. I wanted to drown in the mystery, her lips were offering me. I wanted to taste them again. Properly now.

" You..." she started saying.

I looked at her. She was breathing hard. Her face flushed red. As red as it can get. She looked shy. I felt her heart beating hard against me. My heart was beating way too fast as well.

She was looking intently into my eyes, still clutching my T-shirt. This girl....Jocelyne was raising a storm in my heart. At the same time, she was calming me. Like, she is whispering to it. And it only listens to her.

"You don't like her", she said.

" I don't ". I replied.

" I was worried, you liked her "

I looked at her with wide eyes. She was worried and she didn't want me to like Charlene. That is why she kept asking about it. And I know, this is not a lie. I can see it in her eyes.

I slowly let go of her waist, and cupped her face. Her face fits too perfectly in my hand.

" You are telling the truth." I said.

She nodded her head.

" You are really beautiful, " I said.

Her eyes widened. Another wave of red, flushed her face.

She looked away for a moment and looked at me again.

" You are telling the truth, too," she said.

I smiled and nodded. " I love the taste of your lips", I said.

" I- Really?"

" Yes, I do.", I laughed.

" I love how your lips taste as well"

" You are telling the truth again." I whispered.

She nodded her head. And her right hand left my T-shirt, sliding up to my neck. I instantly felt a shiver run down my spine. Her eyes are the darkest shade of brown. She swallowed hard again, in anticipation. I moved my hand, from her face, down to her neck, sliding down her jaw, and slowly caressed with my thumb. Her breathing got heavier. Then she pulled my neck down. To her. And she kissed me again.

And this time it was urgent for me. I knew I wanted her. I knew why. I knew I craved her. I knew how desperately I needed to kiss her. And it felt like the truth, the universal truth. And she felt like the only truth.




Forever and Beyond - Vi0laW00d (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.