Agents of Death [FernStone & Shin Ghost Note] — Roleplayer Guild (2024)

Agents of Death [FernStone & Shin Ghost Note] — Roleplayer Guild (1)Agents of Death [FernStone & Shin Ghost Note] — Roleplayer Guild (2)

Thankfully, Lupe was gracious enough to share her location with the three as they went on their late-night excursion. Lisa’s jumping spider made its way through the urban landscape of Mirage Springs with uncanny precision and speed - it didn’t take them too long to get to Lupe’s location. However, they quickly traveled through a park as Lisa acted as the navigator and driver, hopping from tree to tree like it was nothing. Leaves, nests, and birds were disturbed, but the trio eventually saw Lupe sitting on a bench. Lisa hopped out of the tree they were in, landed on the ground down the pathway, and then shrunk and dispelled the spider as they walked over to Lupe.

Lupe stood up, smiling,

"Mamasitas!,” she exclaimed, bridging the gap with a warm embrace. Lupe's affectionate hug lingered for a moment before she released Lisa.

”What are you doing hanging out at a park at night by yourself!?” Lisa snorted.

“Ahhhhh, mami,” Lupe said, flickering her hand before she slapped it onto her hip, “Trust me, nothing bad is gonna happen to me.”

She looked at them, a mischievous glint in her eyes, before she quipped, “Did the helicopter parents finally let ya’ll go?”

"We ran away," Saskia intoned.

"Yeah, they were gonna lock us up another few days!" Ella said, shaking her head. Sure, she loved watching anime all day, but they had more pressing things to do! "It's not like we'd actually done anything stupid this time."

"We've learned our lesson from the last time…" Saskia agreed. "No more jumping out windows."

“Eh,” Lupe shrugged. “Sometimes ya’ gotta live, Mami… I keep tellin’ ya’ll that!”

”I mean,” Lisa shrugged. ”We gotta lot of catching up to do, I guess.”

“Why do you say that?” Lupe asked. “Actually, do you mind if we play a thousand questions?”

She tapped her fingers together as she gave them a wide smile.

“Because I gotta thousand queeeeeeestions!” Lupe said.

”Oh! Someone curious about me!” Lisa answered, hopped up and down.

"Ohhhh a thousand questions! It's just like back when we were- you know when we used to hang out with all our old friends!" Ella cut herself off from mentioning the Stygian Snake by name. "Ask away!"

Saskia looked at her two friends, then sighed.

"... Sure."

Lupe clapped her hands together.

“... Who are you three? And where did you come from? Wait, don’t answer that,” Lupe began before she shot them finger guns. “You three ain’t from this planet. Ya’ll are from Mars.

"Oh, well, technically I'm inspired by Sailor Moon, but there's also a Sailor Mars who-"

"Not what she meant," Saskia cut off Ella with an eye roll. "Who are we is a bit of a vague question. We're Saskia, Ella and Lisa."

"We're magical girls!" Ella said, not much more helpfully. "Fighting darkness wherever it may be!"

“Okay, but, mami, I watch some anime,” Lupe began, “What f*ckin’ magical girls grow spider legs out their back and which magical girls shoot blood tentacles like it’s a real weird ass hentai!”

"Us! Not any amazing fictional magical girls, but special real life magical girls!" Ella declared, hand on her heart as if she was making some sort of massive statement. "You just haven't watched enough anime! There's plenty of dark magical girl anime- don't make me name any -and look all three of us are super cute! This is magical girl discrimination."

“Ooooooh, I’m going to make you name some, mami!” Lupe quickly retorted.

"Uh, uh, I can't do it off the top of my head!" Ella shouted.

"She totally can," Saskia snorted, completely outing Ella.

”Doesn't matter! We're the magical girls even if there aren't any like Lisa and Saskia in actual anime!" Ella huffed, nearly stomping her foot but just stopping herself from acting that childish. "Magical girls come in all shapes and forms! It's a state of mind!"

“Okay, sure, sure…” Lupe laughed, crossing her arms. “But, you know, that doesn’t answer my question. You told me what you are, but I still don’t know who you are. Or maybe I need to get specific because I see you three start drifting.”

"Yeah, I don't really get what you mean," Ella tilted her head in confusion. "That is who I am."

Lupe facepalmed, keeping that arm wrapped around her chest.

“Let me try another way,” Lupe shook her head, laughing. “What’s your stories? Where are you girls from? Is that better, mami?”

"Ohhhh… St Portwell! All three of us are from there," Ella replied, finally seeming to understand. She then awkwardly looked at Lisa and Saskia. Anything beyond that, their stories, was a bit harder to explain. But Kimberley and Jordan had eventually believed them… "Alright, you gotta promise to believe us, cause our story is pretty crazy."

”More like we're missing years of it," Saskia shrugged.

"So, we died ten years ago, and just got brought back to life a few days ago."

Lupe put a hand on her hip, tilting her head, “... I mean, magic leads to all sorts of weird sh*t.”

She shrugged, “But how? Someone brought you back I guess?”

"The Hound," Saskia said. "Someone called in a favour."

"Yeah, he wouldn't tell us who, though! Just that we had to do two things for him to properly come back," Ella shoved a hand in her pocket as she spoke, just to make sure her channeller was in there. Just in case. "First is to kill you know who- that's why we're so focused on it! I mean, he's a bastard anyway, but we gotta kill him to not die again!"

Lupe paused for a moment.

“... Maaaaami, do you actually trust that he will keep his word?” She asked, “He’s basically the Devil.”

"The Hound? Well, we don’t really have a choice." Ella shrugged.

"It’s do as he says or die," Saskia added. "Not really a matter of trust."

"Yeah! And what’s the worst that’ll happen? We’ve already died! If he doesn’t actually bring us back at least we got an adventure outta it!"

Lupe smiled,

“I dunno, get that bastard to sign a contract and take him to ghost court if he tries something.” Lupe shrugged.

"Oh, is that a thing? Would that really work?" Ella’s eyes lit up, and she rocked back and forward in excitement. "Let’s do it! How do we write a contract- oh but he’s not got hands, how would he sign? Let’s-"

"That is not a thing,” Saskia rolled their eyes, before glancing over at Lisa. "Hey, Lisa, you’ve been awfully quiet… Are you alright? Is there something on Lupe’s chest?"

Lisa jumped, she was previously twiddling her thumbs the whole time.

”... Oh, me!? Nothing! Nothing! I’m fine!” She then smiled widely.

Lupe looked down at her chest, asking out loud, “.., Is there something on my tatas, mami?”

Saskia looked at Lupe’s chest, then at Lisa, then back. An evil smile tugged the corners of their lips.

"Ohhhh I see.”

"What do you see?!" Ella asked, looking between all of them, a little confused. Then it dawned on her. "Oh! I get it and agree, Lisa!"

She turned back to Lupe, hands on her hips.

"We didn’t get our money’s worth with that private dance earlier!"

“Oh, sweetheart,” Lupe laughed, before she flicked her hand. “That ship has saaaaaaaailed.”

"Awwwww," Ella pouted.

"That’s not what we’re here for.” Saskia rolled their eyes before narrowing their eyes at Lupe. "We answered your question, now it’s your turn. Why are you in the Society, but not in the Society?”

Lupe’s smile turned flat as she shook her head, “Look… it’s a long story. I’m not sure how much you know, but you should know that they’re basically trying to force every Paranormal in Mirage Springs into the Society.”

She sighed, “Which included my two little brothers, Diego and Alejandro… who were in a street gang. When the Society took over, they came for them, and being the two hard-headed bastards they were; they fought back.”

She hung her head, shaking it for a moment before she said, “The Society… killed them… and when they came for me, I had no choice, mami. But, they were my brothers. I can’t let this sh*t slide.”

"That’s…" Ella’s bottom lip trembled, eyes watering up. "So sad… I’m so sorry! We’ll make sure to avenge them for you."

"Yeah, sorry to bring up bad memories,” Saskia said monotonously. "So you’re with them for survival, but you don’t want to be. Pretty easy choice between death and joining them.”

"Uh, we didn’t choose to join them?" Ella tilted her head. They’d been given that same choice, basically, when they broke into the bank.

"We’ve already died,” Saskia shrugged. "If you’re in the Society, you must know some stuff people out of it don’t, right?”

“Of course, mami-” Lupe paused momentarily and turned her head towards Lisa, who was twiddling her thumbs. She looked down the second Lupe turned her way, and Lupe shrugged. “... of course, mami. But, enough about the Society for tonight. Bad memories. Too many bad memories. How about we hang out?”

She laughed before she jabbed a thumb in Lisa’s direction, “I know your friend here would love it. She saw me naked one time, and now she’s madly in love.”

”... Me?!” Lisa shook her head, looking to the left and right. ”I-I’m not in l-love! I’m o-okay! A-okay! See?!” She awkwardly smiled.

"She’s just weird,” Saskia said.

”N-no, you! Lisa stammered out.

"Oh, oh, if we’re hanging out, we should watch anime! I have ten years worth to catch up on! I bet we can find one we all like, it’ll be amazing, oh- maybe a darker one will fit… Or something happy to lighten the mood, ahhh, there’s so many!" Ella pulled out her new phone and started looking up anime. "What kind of stuff to you like, Lupe?"

Lupe walked over to Ella and gently pushed her hand down with the phone.

“No, mami,” Lupe began, “We’re going to live tonight! No anime! No nerd sh*t! No nothing! We’re gonna party!”

”Like the kind of party with alcohol and music? The kind all the cool kids used to have?" Ella asked. She wasn’t sure if that sounded fun… Anime was where she was comfortable!

Lupe laughed, “Yes, like the cool kids.”

"Sounds… fun, let’s try it,” Saskia said. "But we don’t have IDs.”

“Oh yeah…” Lupe shook her head, “... You three were dead… sh*t.”

She put a hand on her chin, “Well, ya’ll can just come to my apartment! I live by myself, and it’ll be safer for ya’ll anyway! Say, do ya’ll got any money so I can buy some booze for us?”

Liiii-saaaaaa~" Ella sang, turning to Lisa with a wide grin. ”Do we have any left over from our shopping trip?"

"I’ve got ten dollars left from buying my life,” Saskia offered, pulling out a ten dollar note.

”Y-yes, w-we got tons - lots of money, loads of m-money!” Lisa stammered out as she pulled out a wad of twenties from her dress pocket. ”I-is this e-enough!?”

Lupe walked over, and grabbed it.

”Maaaaami,” Lupe smiled as she counted the money. ”Re-lax.

”O-okay!” Lisa stammered again.

“You need some liquor in your system so you’d calm the f*ck down,” Lupe laughed, as she took a few twenties off the top and handed it back to Lisa. “And word of advice: don’t just hand all your money away like that. Not everyone is like me.

She laughed, counted the money, and gestured for them to come along.

“Let’s go, let’s get the f*ck out of here before anyone starts getting suspicious!”

After a trip to the nearest liquor store (in which Lupe left the three in the car for obvious reasons), Lupe opened the door to her apartment, holding the door knob with one hand and a brown-bag of liquor in the other hand. She laughed as she looked over her shoulder and said,

“Come in, guuuuuuuuuuuuurls!” Lupe purred. “Hurry up before the Society gets ya’!”

”Wow…” Lisa said, looking around. ”This place looks nice.”

“Oh, you don’t gotta flatter me, mami,” Lupe began as she entered the kitchen and placed the bag down. “It’s a home. So, get comfortable! Just don’t get too comfortable because I don’t want you putting your naked asses on my furniture!” She then laughed.

"We've been stuck in a holiday Inn for days, so this is really nice," Saskia said, raising an eyebrow and looking at the sofa. She sat down on the floor in front of it, leaning her back against it. "Ass on the floor alright?"

"Ooo," Ella was excitedly looking around the whole place, stopping to stare at every single decoration. ”It's so cute! Totally not what I expected!"

“Now, gimme oooooooone second!” Lupe laughed from the other room, as they probably heard the sound of a bottle of soda (maybe the soda they also grabbed?). After a few moments, Lupe walked into the room, holding three glasses of co*ke(?) and placing them on the table in front of them. “Okay, this is co*ke with a little bit-” Lupe pinched her finger “-of rum. Take a little sip and tell me what you think. Then, after you finish, give it a few minutes then tell me how you feel, okay?”

Lisa stared at it momentarily before she shrugged,

”It’s just a little bit of rum!” She laughed, grabbing the glass.

“It’s your first time drinking,” Lupe said. “Mami, take it easy. You’ll get f*cked up faster than you think. You small, too!”

"Ooooo, let's try," Ella grabbed a glass and just looked at it at first. She took a big swig, nose screwing up at the slightly harsher hit from the alcohol. But after a while it was quite pleasant! "Oh, that's good! I can see why people drink!"

"It's alright," Saskia said, sipping it as if it tasted just like normal co*ke.

"Sooo… what do you normally do at parties?"

“... And that’s the problem right there, mami! You've never been to a party before, have you?” Lupe laughed as she disappeared into the halls of her apartment. There was a little bit of rummaging before she came back, carrying a party speaker with both hands. She placed it in the middle of the living room, turning it on as she flicked through her phone for a moment.

”... Our… o-old friends had lots of parties, but we n-never went,” Lisa stammered, drinking more of the co*ke. Before taking a deep breath and drinking some more, she paused momentarily and shuddered before downing the rest of it.

“Why not, mami?” Lupe asked, laughing. “Wait, hold up, before you three…”

She paused for a moment.

“… y’know, what have you done?” Lupe said, “Have you ever been to the prom? Ever held hands… ever, you knoooow…”

She stopped going through her phone as she scrunched her face; her expression changed as she rubbed her chin.

“... Swiped your card?

"What does that mean?" Ella tilted her head, taking a big long drink. ”But I hold plenty of hands! Me and Lisa spoon every night! Last night Saskia joined in too, it was pretty awesome."

"Haven't swiped my card, don't want to swipe my card," Saskia muttered, holding up their glass. They'd silently finished it off. "Another, please."

”... My card? Lisa tilted her head.

“Oh, my God,” Lupe held her mouth to contain the laughter. “You three haven’t lost your virginity yet. Isn’t that precious?” She said in a sultry tone before putting the hand with a phone on her hip.

“I mean, there’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s sooooooooo adorable, Mami,” Lupe said.

"We were sixteen!" Ella blushed. "I- I've never even had a crush, why would I have sex?!"

"Ella's very behind," Saskia said. "She's too busy wanting to date anime women."

"That's not true! I don't want to date them! I just… I'd treat them better than the men they get with!"

”Then why don’t you come date me!” Lisa shouted.

"Well you never showed interest?" Ella tilted her head in confusion.

“It’s okay… everyone goes at their own pace, mami,” Lupe laughed. “But, date real women! Some of them are gorgeous, look at me!”

She then posed, playfully slapping her butt.

Ella couldn't help but stare at Lupe's ass, lips slightly parted.

"You're- you're right, they are- you are, but- but- I don't even know where to start!"

“Here, mami,” Lupe purred. “Riiiiiight here!”

"What?!" Ella froze, visibly loading. She went through a few expressions before settling on an awkward smile. ”You're really nice and attractive, Lupe, but we just met each other, I don't think starting to date on the first meeting is for me!"

“And we don’t have to date,” Lupe said. “You need to interact with real people outside your little friend group. Outside your own little world, mami!”

”But how do I even meet people?" Ella asked, frowning. "What if I just meet people like that creep Stauber?!"

"It's kind of hard when we're being hunted in the city," Saskia noted.

"Hey, no society talk, that's a mood dampener!"

“... Well, you’ve met me,” Lupe shrugged.

"You attacked us, I don't want to survive magical fire to meet people!" Ella wailed.

“... Oh, dios mios,” Lupe facepalmed, shaking her head.

“No offense, but you three seem like a bunch of shut-ins. I’m sorry,” she said, flicking through her phone. You three need to lay off the internet. Lay off the videogames. And definitely lay off the anime. And let loose. Interact with real people, and live in the moment! This will do you some good because - ah! Found it!”

She smiled as she looked up at the three with a devious grin.

“Okay, I don’t mean to keep bringing it up, but you three have been dead for ten years! Three! That’s a long ass time…” Lupe began. “You know what that means, right, mami?”

”... W-what? Lisa began.

“It means…” Lupe began, and at this moment, the music began.

“... You three have a lot of living to do.”

"... If this music is living, I don't think we missed out much!" Ella laughed, very blunt.

Saskia rolled their eyes.

"It's not just about that… she's right.We've got a lot of catching up to do- to living."

They raised their glass.

“You’re missing the point, mami,” Lupe rolled her eyes as she stuck her phone in her pocket. “Here, lemme get you three some more to drink so you’ll get it….”

Sometime later, the party was still ongoing, as the four got more and more drinks… becoming more and more intoxicated.

””Mooooooore! Lisa laughed.

“Oh, now you turnt now, mami,” Lupe laughed, holding a drink of her own in her hand—which appeared to be co*ke. “I think ya’ll’s drinks are more rum than co*ke now—but be careful! Anyone feelin… feelin’ like they're gonna throw up? Because I’ll just open a window, you can vomit out there!” Lupe laughed.

”Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, no!” Lisa slurred, swinging her head around. ”I’m a big girl! I can handle my *hiccup* liquor!”

“... Mami, you barely had any,” Lupe matter-of-factly said.

"I feel fine!" Ella said cheerfully, with a big grin. It wasn't really a lie - she felt a light buzz, like her head was filled with soft clouds, and she was even more cheerful! But she wasn't like Lisa. She took a big drink, finishing off her glass again. "Awwww but Lisa, you're really not a big girl! You're like. The tiniest little girl. Very cute."

Saskia silently nodded in agreement, constantly sipping from her glass. She was still sitting in the same position in the floor, back against the couch, looking perfectly fine.

”H-heeeeeeeeeeey!” Lisa slurred, waving her body around back and forth. Before she stopped, and pouted. ”I’m not that small! Everyone just says I am! Treat me like a big girl!”

“Mami!” Lupe shouted, “Why the f*ck were you staring at me earlier!?”

”... Ma-*hiccup*-mami!” Lisa repeated Lupe’s endearing name for them. ”I just think you’re so pretty, mami! And-*hiccup*-I just wanted another dance, mami! That’s it!”

“That’s it?!” Lupe laughed. “You could have just come out and said it, mami! I would have loved you to have been up front instead of staring at me like that! But I forgot!”

Lupe threw her hands up.

“You’re shy as fuuuuuuuck!” Lupe laughed, drinking some more. “Come out of your shell already, mami! Fortune favors the bold, you know! You want something, and you can’t get it with all that shy sh*t!”

”... I just lock up! Lisa admitted.

“Naaaaaaaah!” Lupe stuck her hand out. “Don’t want to hear it!”

"Lupe's right!" Ella exclaimed. "You gotta be more confident, Lisaaaaa! You're super cute and bubbly and the spiders in the morning aren't great but otherwise you're like a! Nine outta ten! Anyone would do a strip dance for you if you just asked! Just say what you wanna sayyyyy!"

"Yeah," Saskia nodded, really adding to the conversation.

”Fiiiiiiiine,” Lisa turned towards Lupe, and said, ”... Get naked.

“... What the f*ck, mami!?” Lupe laughed, slapping her thigh. “Okay, you’re going too much in the wrong direction! You don’t just ask people to get naked.”

”... I didn’t ask.” Lisa added.

“Oooh, feisty!” Lupe purred.

"Aawwwwww you're so cuteeee when you're assertive!" Ella shouted. Out of nowhere she practically pounced on Lisa, wrapping her arms around her and shaking her back and forth. "It was kinda- like an oh whoa moment when the shy character in an anime turns out to be real badass! Yeah! I always love that! It was kinda hot, Lisaaaa, you could totally get anyone you want like that!"

"Yeah," Saskia said, once again adding nothing to the conversation.

Lisa’s eyes lit up, she clenched her fists and said,

”... Think I can get Adora?!

"Yeah," said Saskia.

"You totally can!" Ella grinned, hugging Lisa even tighter. "I bet when we get back she'll be all like ‘oh Lisa, it's been ten years and all I've been thinking about is you, let's live happily together forever now that you're back, I love youuu!’ I bet all my money on it!"

”And then we can get married! And for our honeymoon, we can go beat up Olivia!” Lisa hopped up and down in her seat.

"Yeah! Show her that your tiddies are only for Adora!" Ella shouted.

”... And you,” Lisa blew her a kiss.

"And me?" Ella's eyes widened, and she blushed, not so subtly looking at Lisa's chest… and then immediately looking away.

Lupe broke out laughing as she got up, “Know what? You three need more to drink!” She threw back the rest of her drink, walked back into the kitchen, and made three more drinks. “That’s the last of the rum! But we still got vodka! At this point, ya’ll probably stomach anything right now, right?! Right? Right?!”

"So long as it's alcoholic I'll drink it!" Ella said. She was really enjoying this drinking thing! It was a lot of fun! "Make them really strong! I wanna get to wherever Lisa issss! That looks fun!"

“... Can you handle where Lisa is, mami?” Lupe asked. “No offense to mami! But she’s a lightweight! She only had two drinks and she is f*cked up!”

”.... Hey!” Lisa shouted,

"I can handle it! I can handle anything! Anyway, it's not fair only Lisa's drunk. Look, me and Saskia," Ella gestured to Saskia then herself, "are barely affected! I'm like… 20% drunk! That's barely any! I need eight more strong ones!"

"Yeah," Saskia said, again.

“You know what!?” Lupe shouted as she got up, “... You’re f*cking on, mami!”

After more drinks, the four are well passed their limit. Lisa was face down on the floor, with her body comically propped up against the sofa. Saskia hadn't moved the whole time. Ella was on her feet, practically bouncing between the walls as she ran between random decorations with excited gasps. However, Lupe was down to her bra and panties as she sat on the floor.

It's only been an hour.

“Maaaaaaaaaami! Get up!” Lupe shouted, “We gotta play spin the bottle! There is no tapping out now!”

"Yayyyyy spin the bottle!" Ella yelled, running over to Lupe and practically falling to her knees. "Wait, what's spin the bottle?!"

“Dios mios, mami! Dios mios!” Lupe laughed as she drank some tequiila straight from the bottle. She wiped her mouth, and said, “You spin the bottle and whoever it points you gotta f*ckin’ kiss them or you’re a puss*!”

Lisa flipped forward, landing on her back with a thump,

”... I AM THE SPIDER QUUUUUEEN! She screamed very randomly.

"AHHHHH!" Ella screamed, jumping away from Lisa. Once she got over that panic, she got back to what was important - making sure she was alright with kissing anyone in the room. She glanced between the other three… easy decision, of course she was!

Ella slapped her hand down on the ground, shouting,

"let's do this! I'll show you all that I'm not a- a puss*!"

"I am," Saskia said, a single tear suddenly falling down her cheek. "I couldn't- hic- kiss her- hic- before she- hiccup- died."

“That's why we are making up for lost time, mami,” Lupe laughed. “Now get your ass over here! Or else I throw the bottle!”

Lisa got up, stumbled over and plopped down, as Lupe turned her head towards Ella. “... You first. Spin it, mami! Spin it!”

"Ok, let’s go!" Ella leaned over, giving the bottle a dramatic spin. It spun and spun until it pointed to… herself! Ella gawped at it for a moment, then looked at Saskia (who had shuffled forward and with tears still running down their otherwise cold face), then back at the bottle. "I spin again, right?"

She reached for it, and gave it another spin. This time it was a lot slower, meandering around until it pointed to Lupe. Ella gulped.

“... Pucker the f*ck up, mami!” Lupe shouted as she did just that.

"Ah-ah- okay!" Ella stopped panicking about it and pursed her lips, going right in for… the most innocent f*cking peck on the lips known to man. She immediately leaned back and grinned like she did something amazing. "Done!"

"Why couldn’t that be me," Saskia whispered, covering their eyes.

“Aaaaaaah, you call that a kiss, mami?” Lupe laughed. “I thought you said you weren’t going to be a puss*?!”

"That was a kiss! What else do you do?" Ella shouted, looking a bit confused, before waving at the bottle. "Next! Lisa, you spin!"

Lisa didn't say a word as she drooled, reached forward and spun the bottle. It did a few circles before landing on…

.., Ella.

Without even a second to think, she pounced on Ella giving her the complete opposite of what Ella gave Lupe. An aggressive and very sloppy kiss with tongue. Too much tongue.

Ella didn’t react at first, because she was too busy going through some extreme gay panic, but when she did it was like a lightbulb moment! That was what kissing was! So Ella gave back as good as she got from Lisa, aggressive with far too much tongue! Until she had to pull back to breath. And Lisa smiled.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy," Saskia hiccuped, tears now a torrent down her face. They dramatically fell onto their side, looking like a kicked over statue in the rain - expression perfectly blank in contrast to the constant crying. "Whyyyyy everyone but meeeeee… Life’s not fair. Life’s so cruel! Ah, the darkness, it’s too much! Why am I the only one- the only one- who doesn’t get to kiss her?! Oh whyyyy, cruel world!"

“... Shut up, mami!” Lupe shouted, “It's your turn! Stop whining!”

"Okayyy," Saskia sniffed. She didn't even bother getting up, just reaching over and grasping for the bottle, sending it spinning, to point at…


Saskia dragged herself up and towards Lisa, hands landing heavily on her shoulder. She leaned forward, basically leaning against Lisa, and kissed her. There was not much tongue but there were a lot of teeth, as if Saskia was trying to bite Lisa's lips off.

Lisa pulled back and looked to Lupe.

”... Is there supposed to be teeth?! Lisa shouted.

“... No, mami,” Lupe shook her head, she flatly spoke.

"Oh," Saskia blinked very slowly. "I didn't know… want to try again? No teeth. Promise."

Lisa didn't even say a response before she pounced Saskia and forcefully connected their lips. Saskia was taken enough by surprise that she couldn't bite Lisa's lips, but she did kiss back with equal fervour.

Ella watched with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth. It felt like this was unlocking something in her… what, she didn't know.

"Uhhh… is it your turn, Lupe?"

“Ooooooh, you’re right, mami!” Lupe laughed as she spun the wheel. It did a few laps before landing on Saskia. Lupe smiled.

“... Before we do this, relax. Second, don’t lead with your tongue or teeth, but lips. Use more lips than anything. Got it?”

Saskia furrowed her brow, visibly thinking about it. They then nodded, shuffling over to Lupe and leaning in to kiss her. Just lips (and a little bit of teeth, but just a little).

“... Awwwww damn it I should have said no teeth at all!” Lupe shouted, “How do you use teeth to kiss?! How?!”

Saskia leaned back, pouting.

”I just like biting things."

"Yeah, you should see Saskia's childhood teddy bear, it's mailed to death!” Ella explained.

Saskia shrugged.

"Vampires made biting kisses look hot."

“Whatever you say, mami!” Lupe said, “Hold on! Another f*ckin’ round!?”

She got up, went into the kitchen and got more drinks. Except they were probably more liquor than anything. She sloppily held them under one arm and they sloshed liquids everywhere with each step. She gave each of the girls one, and thrust her own in the air in a weird toast.

“... To f*ckin’ livin’ life to its fullest!” Lupe damn near screamed.

"Hell yeah! To life, and friendship!” Ella yelled, jumping up and holding up her glass… before downing it.

Saskia held up her glass and mumbled,

"to more kissing."

”... To putting spiders in Olivia's underwear!” Lisa held out her glass and shouted.

And the night went on...

Light hit Ella’s eyes, rudely awakening her. She squinted against it, hand reaching out to try and pull her pillow over her face. Except she didn’t have a pillow… underneath her was something soft, but not a pillow. No. It wasn’t quite as soft.

Blearily blinking open her eyes, Ella found that she was lying on a still passed out Saskia’s chest. She shot up, immediately regretting it. Nausea roiled in her stomach and the light was still shining in her eyes. The start of the headache started pounding behind her eyes. She looked around the absolute carnage of the room.

Saskia was sleeping in the most weirdly contorted way - one arm flung over her face, the other twisted backwards, a leg pulled up towards her stomach and the other sticking out to the side.

Lisa was facedown in a puddle of her own vomit.

"Saskia, Lisa, are you alive?” Ella hissed, seriously worried about her friends’ states.

Lisa did not respond.

“... Well, rise and shine motherf*ckas’,” Lupe came in… wearing grey sweat pants and a tank top (no bra). She had on sandals and a very wry grin on her face. “How do ya’ll feel? I should have known ya’ll were going to vomit all over my apartment.” She then laughed.

“It’s all good tho’; nothing a mop and some pinesol can’t fix!”

"I think Lisa’s dead!” Ella gasped. She shuffled over to Lisa on her knees as quickly as she could, arms going underneath her torso to hoist her up and into her arms. She very dramatically held Lisa in her lap, one arm supporting her back and the other touching her face. "Lisa! Lisa, come back to me!”

Lisa gagged… suddenly being aroused back to life as she clenched her mouth. Instead of a spew of vomit like the rest thought would come out, instead, she coughed up a bit of bile. She shook her head and said,

”... I am dyyyyyyyyyying! She began, ”What did you do to meeeeeeeeeeeee!?

“That’s called a hangover you lightweight,“ Lupe laughed. “It happens when you drink.”

”I never want to do that agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!

“Oh, mami,” Lupe laughed, “You’re trying to fight the Society and you got defeated by some rum and vodka?”

She stared at Lisa for a few moments.

“Just drink some water and eat some crackers, you’ll be back to normal in no time!” Lupe laughed again.

"I thought you were gone for good!” Ella said, not wanting to let go of Lisa in case she keeled over… But she was also worried about Saskia. So she shifted around and kicked Saskia’s leg. When she didn’t rouse, she did it again.

"Huhhhhh?" Saskia’s eyes shot open, and she groaned. She didn’t even get up, just rolling onto her side and curling up into a ball. "I feel… awful… this sucks… bleeding out was way… more fun…"

“Ya’ll a bunch of lil’ bitches,” Lupe laughed. “So, if you’re able to talk, you’re able to walk. Grab a sponge. Let’s get cleanin’!

"Sure thing!” Ella carefully put Lisa back down on the floor, and stood up. She grimaced as she was hit by a sudden dizziness… But when it went away she didn’t feel so bad. Headache and nausea, but nothing awful. Maybe she was quite good at this drinking thing! "I don’t feel so bad- I can do the others’ share too! Where do you keep the sponges?”

"I can help from here…" Saskia groaned. She fiddled around in her pocket for a minute before pulling out her knife, and placing it against the palm of her hand. After a moment’s consideration she cut it, blood sluggishly pooling to her back to form a very shaky looking but long tendril. "See."

“Alright, ladies!” Lupe shouted, before she lowered her head and grinned. She asked, “... How was it, though?”

”... You poisoned meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

"I had a great time! I never knew there was so much to kissing! I always thought it looked kinda boring!” Ella laughed.

Saskia closed their eyes.

"I want everyone to forget anything I did last night."

“Ssssh… That was our special thing, mami,” Lupe raised a hand. “They don’t happen at every party. But… I’m glad.”

"Thank god," Saskia mumbled. "Partying is hard."

"But fun! Thank you, Lupe! You really showed us a good time last night. Now I know… I know that there’s more to life than anime.” Ella held a hand to her chest, wiping away an imaginary tear. "I think when we get home… I can finally… Put away my Tuxedo Mask body pillow and find a real partner.”

“Now, let’s get this cleaned up, so ya’ll can get a move on. I bet your parents are worried sick!” Lupe laughed.

Agents of Death [FernStone & Shin Ghost Note] — Roleplayer Guild (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.