Till 3005 (M00d’s OC fics) - Chapter 10 - AboveTheMood (2024)

Chapter Text

Rocking his hips he’d let out a low groan repeating to himself. “Pick up Mimi in an hour…” His hands rested on his husband’s chest. Who the hell has sex like this?

It was probably mid-day when Issac caught himself in this situation, Klaus stupidly suggested it to throw him off the schedule for a little while since he had a day off.

But his mind was stuck on the schedule so bad he didn’t even realize why Klaus offered to have sex with him.

He’s pretty sure they finished 10 minutes ago and his eyes stared at the clock. He was tired but he couldn’t afford to be tired.

He opened his mouth to speak up and Klaus puts his hand over his mouth.

“She gets out at 3, It’s only 2.”

“But we have to be there early. What if she panics that we aren’t there.”

“I’ll go get her then.” He laid against the wooden bed frame and he played with Issac’s curls.

“But we-..I-..” Klaus chuckled.

“Do you ever take a break? Mimi would be 100 percent fine with both of us not picking her up. She’s almost 10.”

Issac SWORE he felt his eye twitch. A break? Is this damn star crazy? Who the hell takes a break in the real world.

He then dove his face into the pillow and cringes. “Fine..” But Klaus knew that ‘fine’ wasn’t the last word.

“But. Drive the car, don't fly and don’t show off..” just a bunch of rambling. “and make sure you’re there before she walks out the building and-..”

Klaus leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Shh I know, Go to sleep.”

He was too stressed to sleep. He watched Klaus move around the room getting dressed, his head still in the pillow. He shifted when he saw him head for the bedroom door and shut it. He wanted to get up and follow him but his body instantly shut down and finally went to sleep.

He did NOT want to go to sleep.

Klaus on the other hand scurries to the living room for the keys to the car, unfortunately and his wallet. He walks out the door and his first mission was having a long staring contest with the car.

Why the hell did humans need cars when they could just learn to fly? It was stupid weird and pathetic. He was growing sickly thinking of the last 20 times he was on the road and would get highly upset when they blew the horn at him.

He pinches the bridge of his nose and he opens the drivers side before sliding into the car,

(for reference It’s a 2021 Black Chevrolet Equinox)

He relaxes himself and starts the car, pressing the button and putting the keys into the cup holder.

Driving goes smoothly, He arrives at the school and throws his head back. Maybe he should’ve teleported, he would've been discreet with it and Issac would never know. Except if Mimi gets mad she would probably snitch.

The silence of the car ended when the door opened and he saw little white loc pigtails hop into the seat and book bag with colorful rainbows and dragons thrown at his face.

He hated when Issac sent her to school all dressed up and hair done and all so what because at school she would rip out her hair clips and lose them and her shoes would be stupidly untied and she would look like she ran and played in the dirt.

Her wide eyes looked around at the front seat and she made a very confused expression.

“Where’s papa.” She blinked finally after observing the car.

Her tone sounded threatening like she was upset he didn’t tag along. “He was very tired today, But.” Mimi kept her eyes on her dad.

“Today is his birthday and we need to get something he likes. So, can you help me with that.” a promising smile.

Mimi takes a second. “with you?” She did not trust him to go further in a car with her dad.

“With me.”

“Oh.” silence. “Can I get something too?” she tilted her head. Klaus sighs, he knew she was gonna ask.

“Yes, only one toy and one bag of candy.” She then smiled widely. “OKAY!”

He swore he felt his head instinctively hit the wheel.

It wasn’t long before they reached the mall, mistake taking her to the mall because there’s a bunch of stores she can easily get lost in.

He felt he should invest in a child leash when walking into the mall. But, Mimi didn’t run off because she knew better.

He walks around nervously and she just eyes the stands selling the cocomelon toys and cars and the giant toy store with multiple games and toys.

“Can we go there first?” Mimi points but Klaus felt himself make a face of shame.

“Papa’s gift first.”

Papa’s gift? Mimi stares and she looks around. This was only the first floor of the mall, there was another floor. What the heck does papa like?

He cooks. Maybe he would want an apron? or a pot? just a singular pot?

and that’s when Klaus KNEW he should’ve brought a baby leash because once he turned around Mimi was long gone.

“Miruku?” He looked around his own body to see if she was hiding. Then he stresses out hearing the multiple curse words Issac was about to throw at him with no filter.

Especially when he remembers it’s his birthday.

Mimi would run through the mall and through crowds of legs and feet on all fours, She slithers through the crowd and scurries to stand on two feet.

Jcpenney’s! She didn’t know what that was but it had a lot of pots! She came here with her Papa once when he broke his pots and pans, throwing them at a spider.

She turns into a small white form looking like a furry white ferret. Her clothes remained intact but baggy and her paws hit the ground as she jumped through the floor of display pots.

What was Papa’s favorite color? she could get him a red pot! A Blue pot! maybe a black one! black is boring though.

There was a giant white pot with a golden handle and a clear glass top with a golden knob. Her eyes SHINED.

“Shiny…” she whispered and her mouth drooled and she switched forms.

“Yes..” she grabbed the box under the pots display and steadied it above her head and began to run out the store.

Once she runs past the metal detector it’ll start beeping awfully loud. The employees eyeing this child running out the store while stealing a whole box.

One of the workers then yells. “EXCUSE ME”

But Mimi was too excited to show her dad. She used her sense of smell to find her dad. She then felt like she was being chased.

What was she being chased by? She looked over her shoulder and it was a tall human with a police vest on. THEY CALLED THE POLICE ON HER?

Her eyes widened and she then began to run faster with the box on her head.

Klaus finally found her and she ran into his leg before she screamed and got quiet.

“DAD.” she dropped the box and started crawling up his leg and onto his back staring really hard at the security guard she thought was a police officer.

Klaus was speechless; he couldn't even get out his words. So, he talks to the officer first.

“What happened? Why were you chasing my daughter.” already threatening the officer. He reached to grab her and she rested on his hip wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I brought him a gift!”

“She STOLE That gift sir.” he mentioned and then she furrowed her eyebrows. “I brought it!” She was ready to go back and forth with this officer but Klaus stared at Mimi, one thing humans didn’t play about was the law apparently. so he didn’t argue, he just put her down and picked up the box.

“I’ll pay for it.” to start he was already worried sick and to death that he lost his daughter and two, she’s stealing and they almost took a 9 year old to prison, he was not ready to bail out his NINE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER OUT OF PRISON.

Mimi frowned and she watches as the “police officer” shows her dad to the jcpenney’s. When they got to the register and the Security guard left she stuck her tongue out at him and he would make a face at the kid before taking his leave.

She was having her fun until Klaus politely yells, “How much?? 300?? for a SINGULAR pot?” He puts his hand on his head before scratching his scalp..

“Yes sir! That's the most expensive pot we have!”

“Does this pot cook food itself or something? without heat??!” He was stressed out. “I don’t think I can get this Miruku…go put it back.” He mentions handing the box to her. “We can get him something else.”

He would’ve brought the pot.

He was actually terribly rich.

But, he was too scared to tell his child that a singular 300 pot was too much. He wanted to get Issac something better.

Then, Mimi walked over with an apron draped over her head. Her ears wiggle out and he grabs the apron and pulls her hoodie on her head.

“This?” Mimi nods quickly and smiles. It was an apron that said “Kiss the Cook” Stupid and corny if Mimi read it she would probably gag. But she didn’t because the words were on top of her face.

“How about this? How much is this?” He handed the worker the apron and she would ring it up.

“65 dollars?”

For a f*cking apron? Klaus feels all the space and mass that creates him form a giant tnt box in his stomach and explode.

“Okay…I’ll get it.” He gave up buying the apron. He then hands Mimi the bag and he says “This is your gift to him.” she nods and then jumps up and down. “Toys?!”

He began walking out the store.

“After I get my gift.” He mentions “then remember what I said.”

She would repeat his words. “One toy and one candy! okay!” she then started following his down the aisle of endless stores. He would ride the escalator up stairs as Mimi would hold his hand.

As they got to the end he pulled her up and she laughed. They finally reached the shop. The shop was a very adult shop. It looked fancy. Why would Papa want fancy clothes? There were suits and shiny clothes and ugly fabrics.

Mimi sticks her tongue out and says “yuck.”

He would talk to the worker telling them sizes and what he needed.

He knew Issac’s favorite color was blue but blue would look weird on him. He was struggling thinking.

“I’ll take this one…and these.. and this tie. Then can I get the same thing but purple and with a blue tie?” He speaks and Mimi crawls on the floor of the fancy store.

“Sure thing!”

When Mimi heard the price she swore she heard change fell onto the ground.

“2,500! with everything all together”

Woah! That’s two zeros and an additional number! That's like the math they do in class when there’s 2,500 potatoes that Zach has. whoever Zach is.

Klaus GLADLY pays for it which is weird because he freaked out over three numbers but he didn’t freak out over four numbers. she raises an eyebrow over this but doesn’t say a lot.

After that purchase they go back down stairs for the giant toy store. She instantly ran to the mega blocks. she grabbed two bags of them because somehow they all disappeared and then a big bag of sour patch kids.

She ran back to her dad and the purchase was easily made. After a long day they sat in the car with multiple bags in the backseat and Mimi putting her seat belt on and reaching to eat her candy.

He leans into the wheel and he begins to drive back. Hopefully he’s still asleep. He could sneak these gifts and lay them out around the bed.

As they get home Mimi runs into her room with her new blocks and then runs back to grab her Papa’s gift and throws it on the kitchen table. She had a huge smile looking at Klaus as he put the remaining gifts on the table.

“Now we wait.” Klaus mentions. “Do you wanna help cook dinner?”

Mimi nods quickly and her mouth drools. “MEAT! STEAK! PLEASEE” she begs, smiling widely.

Klaus knew he didn’t need to eat but he guessed he could pretend for his husband's mini dinner with his daughter. He got up to get out the ingredients and mimi followed.

He took out steaks from the freezer; amongst many meat they have because mimi has the appetite of a weightlifter. Then, he places it on the counter as mimi grabs her rainbow colored step stool near the counter.

Klaus hands her a dull knife and some peppers. she began to cut the peppers smiling and giggling.

He thinks about what he actually has planned tonight and he only takes out one steak.

“How about you make your own dinner?” He mentions. “And tomorrow you can help make breakfast.”

Mimi stares and she shrugs. more food for her right now! Then she frowns. “Will papa eat?”

“Of course he’s gonna eat.” Mimi then set her focus on cutting her veggies! She finally cuts through the veggie with that stupidly dull knife and then she hops down from her step stool before pushing it towards the stove.

Klaus places a pan down and turns up the heat. He silently began to cook the steak, watching making sure Mimi doesn’t burn herself.

While cooking the steak Mimi ran to get her minnie mouse plate from the cabinet and she moved her step stool to the counter to receive her food.

He puts the steak on her plate and the peppers in one of Minnie’s ears. “Fruit?”

“Oranges.” She puffed her cheeks and Klaus grabs the pan and slides it into the sink as he goes to peel an orange and separate it.

Once she had her plate she ran over to the kitchen table and she crawled into the seat before she inhaled and began to eat her dinner.

Before Klaus could sit down Issac stood at the bottom of the stairs and leaned on the wall against it.

“It’s dinner time already?” he tiredly rubs his eyes and Mimi hops out of her chair before running over and crawling onto Issac. He yawns and holds her with two hands before letting her rest on his waist.

“Happy birthday!” She pinches his face and pulls his cheeks.

Birthday? Who’s birthday? He blinked tiredly as his face was being stretched.

Klaus would then say. “It’s your 25th birthday baby” he walked over as he pulled Mimi off Issac.

“25th?…Birthday? what’s today..??” He tiredly says.

Mimi and Klaus reply. “May 12th.”

Mimi remembers because it was on her teachers board!

Klaus remembers because it’s his husband’s birthday.

“…So, Happy birthday.” Klaus walked over and grabbed his hand before kissing him on the forehead.

Mimi still being held by Klaus would throw her whole body back and fake gag with her tongue out.

Issac looked at Klaus with softened eyes and he turned his head. “Annoying…but thank you.” he whispered the last part.

Mimi then scrambled down Klaus’ leg and then spoke. “I got you a gift!”

“Is that why you picked her up?” he began to walk to the kitchen table where Mimi was luring him.

“Yeah, I got you something too but you’ll get it later.” Then, Issac made a face. His bottom lip poked out and he pouted.

As he reached the table he was met with an apron draped over the table and Mimi points. “I got this for you! I brought it!” she was lying but Klaus let her lie for the sake of what really happened being explained.

Issac smiled and held the apron. “Is this an apron? for what?” he looked down at Mimi. “Because you cook a lot! and you cook better than Dad! so, I got papa an apron.”

Issac swore he felt himself laugh at Klaus when she insulted him. He then looked over and he reached for Mimi before hugging the life out of her.

“Thank you Miruku.” he whispered and she giggled lively when he kissed her cheek.

“Now go finish eating.” he puts her down and she does just that.

Klaus and Mimi share the most evil stares against each other and Mimi sticks her tongue out. She was about to tease him. Issac loved her gift more than his and he hasn’t even seen his gift! Fool.

She goes back to eating her steak and then, Klaus walks over to Issac and he smiles. “Did you like her gift? It was worth an arm and a leg.” Issac makes a face.

“You don’t have a problem wasting an arm and a leg.” He then looked around. “Where’s your gift?” he muttered. “Are you hiding it?” He then peppers his neck with kisses trying to distract him. “Yeah.” he admits. “It’s only 6. You can see it later.”

Issac felt himself get anxious. “Stop~” he complains, pushing him off.

Before mimi yells. “EWWWW YOU GUYS ARE WEIRD!!” She giggles loudly and Issac feels his face heat up.

Klaus then laughed and Issac frowned very hard before he plucked Klaus’ forehead.

Till 3005 (M00d’s OC fics) - Chapter 10 - AboveTheMood (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.