Herald and News from Klamath Falls, Oregon (2024)

Exchanged In December Rites Geraldine Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Y. L. Wilson of Monett, became the bride of Willard M. Williams of Klamath Falls, son of R.

W. Williams of Mt. Vernon, in a ceremony read in Twin Falls, on Decentber 22. The Rev. A.

B. Parrett of the First Methodist church of that city, read the service a at setting the of home of Dr. and holly, Mrs. G. poinsettias W.

Burgess and lighted clockied. evergreen, For her wedding the bride chose a suit of blue with shell pink blouse and hat and black accessories. Her corsage was of pink rosebuds, Matron of honor was Mrs. Harley Williams, who was attired in afternoon Mid -Week dress of cerise and black. Her flowers were gardenias.

liams Best of Following man Fort was the Williams Klamath. Hansferd wedding left for Wil. Mr. SOCIETY and Mrs. trip to Salt Lake City, Utah, and returned to their home at Buhl, Ida.

Mrs. Williams is of Monnett Junior college and the University of Missouri, She Was a teacher in the Monett. and Twin Falls, school systems. Mr. Williams served over three and a half years in the marine corps.

Chapter Aloha chapter met in the Ma. sonic hall recently for a special meeting and initiation of didates, Margaret Sheridan, accompanied by "Rhoda Harndon, sang "Star Of The East" during the initiation. Obligation night WAS after the tion. Refreshments were served In the room by com mittee composed of Jessie Lyle, Ann Pearce, Ferne Shoop, garet Smith. Gladys Metler, Mrs.

Jack Metler and ite Ward. Mrs. Dorothy Christmas Ackerman music, entertained with accompanied by Beatrice, Denison. Installation of 1947 officers was held on January 4 when officers were named appointive, Listoe, Incoming worthy matron. Senior Circle On Friday, December 20, the Senior circle of the Community Congregational church met for a potluck luncheon at 1 o'clock in the social hall.

Luncheon was served by Mrs. Lee Sutton Mrs. Ona Bagley to 21 adults and three children. Present were the Rev. Matthews, Godfrey Mrs.

Fritz Matthews, Vance, Mrs. L. E. Henry, Mrs. John Marin, Mrs.

W. C. Little, Mrs. S. H.

dard. Mrs. W. A McCory, Mrs. S.

R. Berry, Mrs. William Larson, Mrs. J. J.

Pex, Mrs. Mattie ley, Mrs. W. J. McGilvray, Mrs.

B. Morgan, Mrs. Helen Eiting. Mrs. Susan Cullen, Mrs.

Clyde James and children, Mrs. Kirk, Dorothy Revell, Eckstein and Mrs. Charles Revell. long table was centered wiThe an arrangement of brightly colored glass and holly sprays, together with candles in tive holders. At 2 o'clock Mrs.

Revell, president of the circle, called the meeting to order and the Rev. Matthews led the singing Christmas hymns and conducted the devotional service. The nominating committee submitted its report and by a imous vote Mrs. Revell was reelected president, Mrs. W.

C. Little, vice president, and Mrs. William Larson, urer. At the end of the room was 8 beautiful Christmas tree with many gifts, which were distributed by number to the assembled members and guests. The next meeting will be on January 17, when new officers will be installed.

The place will be announced later. Degree Meeting Members of the Degree of Honor met in the KC hall Monday evening, December 23, for their annual Christmas party and exchange of gifts. There was no business meeting, but those present enjoyed a program of music and readings, and singing of carols. The day's gift went to Ronnie Hershberger. The Juveniles of the Degree of Honor held their party Monday afternoon in the KC hall with a tree and treats for all who attended.

Luncheon Members and guests of the Friendly circle met with Estelle Smith of 419 Pacific Terrace for a potluck luncheon on Thursday, December 19, followed by a Christmas tree and party, with an exchange of gifts and gifts from the silent sisters. Fourteen members were present and there were two guests, Helen Eiting and Alice Dahleim. Entertained Members of Tau chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, were entertained at their annual Christmas party on December 20 In the home of Mrs. George Wright, 1004 Eldorado. The committee in charge of the affair Included Doris McCord, Lois Rumer, Ann Clark and Mrs.

Wright. Games were played and prizes were awarded Mrs. Warren Poole, John Feeback and Mrs. 'George, Wardell, followed by a exchange. Refreshments then served, featuring a surprise in honor of Mrs.

Marshal Cornett, director. Each guest received an individual cake with lighted candle and sang "Happy Birthday" to her us they were being served. Later. Mrs. Cornett was presented with a large birthday cake and a gift from the chapter, The next regular meeting will be held on January 14 at the home of Mrs.

Patricia Fairchild, 944 Eldorado, at 8 o'clock. Coming Event To be an event of Saturday, January 11, is the wedding of Betty of Lorraine Largent, Hilbert daughter Mr. and Mrs. gent of the Midland district, to Richard Takacs, son and Mrs. John Takacs of Merrill.

Rites will be solemnized at 12 noon, at the First Presbyterian church. Mrs. Louis E. Schneyder of Klamath Falls will be her sister's matron of honor, and Barbara Nyhart of Klamath Falls will be Steve Domen of Merrill will be best man. Members The Royal Neighbors of Amerlea entertained 60 members and their families at a birthday dinner on December 27.

Receiving the day's award was Kathleen Hepburn. The juvenile and program was presented." Those taking part were Mrs. Doris FrederIck and her five accordion pupils, as well as Marion Sharon Rosson, Alice Baker, Simpson, Nola Markey, Roberta McCoy, Ramona Steele, Marie Rodgers, Billie and Bobbie Mitchell and Dona Provost. Santa Claus was on hand to give gifts and treats to youngsters. Legion Group A Christmas party was held members of the Eight et Forty '355, a group within the American Legion auxiliary, on December 28, with husbands as guests for the evening.

Games and music were enter. tainment, with special numbers and a skit by Mrs. Fred Heilbronner, Mrs. M. E.

Cooper, Coleman and Mrs. Carl Schubert. Mrs. Paul Otterbein presented a special reading. A buffet supper was served by a committee.

On the refreshment committee were Petersteiner, Mrs. R. C. Dale, Mrs. Bob McGhehey, Mrs.

Clyde Thompson, Martha McCollum and Mrs. Schubert. Slumber Party Held Over Holidays Mrs. Petersteiner entertained with a slumber party at the home of her parents at 325 South Fifth street, during the holidays. Invited were a number of former classmates home from college.

City Delivery Service, Phone 8417. NO FASTER ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE RELIEF None better than St. Joseph Aspirin. Prompt relief of periodic functional pain, neuritic pain. Big bottle of 100 only 35c.

Save a third! St.Joseph ASPIRIN ONLY STILL 'LOTS OF PARKING SPACE NO METERS! NEW "MASTER-WAVE" BEAUTY SHOP 4243 Shasta Way Specializing in Wella Cold Wave Permanents, Hazel Wakeman, formerly of East Side Beauty Shop, in charge. phone 3341 for your appointment. I Vows were exchanged at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C.

W. Burgess of Idaho City. Mr. and Mrs. Williams will make their home in Buhl, Ida.

6 WED IN TWIN FALLS, in late December were Geraldine Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Y. L. Wilson of Monett, and Willard M.

Williams of Klamath Falls. Honored LANGELL VALLEY Mrs. Lloyd Gift entertained with a shower at her home recently in honor of Mrs. Paul Fitzhugh, the former Billie DeVaul. A social afternoon followed the opening of gifts.

Guests included the honor guest, Mrs. Fitzhugh, Mrs. Orville De Vaul, Mrs. Lyman Fitzhugh, Mrs. Don Ross, Mrs.

Gene Horsley, Mrs. Anna Gift, Mrs. Chris Hood, Mrs. Bessie Campbell, Mrs. Owen Pepple, Mrs.

Ronald Ross, Mrs. Bill Bechdoldt, Mrs. LaRue House, Mrs. Leland Pettigrew, Mrs. W.

D. Campbell, Mrs. F. W. Brown, Mrs.

Potucek, Mrs. Ray Davis, Mrs. Johnnie Campbell, Mrs. Homer Roberts, Mrs. Barney Brown, Mrs.

Eddie Rupert, Mrs. John Sullivan, Mrs. Charles Partridge, Bill Novotny, Mrs. Mike Dearborn, Mrs. Mike MeAuliffe, Mrs.

Paul Monroe, Mrs. George Fernlund, Lila Driscoll, and Hazel and Edith Gift. Refreshments were served at the afternoon's close. Friends Gather On Now Year's Day MERRILL--Dinner the William Carpenter home in Merrill on New Year's Day were Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Carpenter of Alturas. Mr. and Mrs. Al Canby, Johnson and and Dale two Davis sons of Merrill. Bridge Club BLY Mrs.

Dave Campbell was hostess to the bridge club for a recent party. Decorations followed a holiday motif. High score was held by Mrs. Jack Harrison, and second high by Mrs. F.

H. Armstrong. After an exchange of gifts, refreshments were served to Mrs. Herb Hadley, Mrs. Bert Munson.

Mrs. Harry Schoenberg, Mrs. Harold Powell, Mrs. F. H.

Armstrong, Mrs. C. A. Smith, Mrs. Jack Harrison and the hostess, Mrs.

Campbell. Call Helen Owner and Operator of Helen's Beauty Shop 8200 for your beauty work! 4056 Shasta Way Ph. 8200 LAUNDRY ON TRAY! YOUR LITTLE GIANT WASHING MACHINE Instantly ready, yet out of the way! Does a full-sized family wash in 20 minutes even blankets! Cleaner, faster, easier! Come In, See It Available For Delivery Today! MERIT'S 609 S. 6th St. Phone 6989 THE SPACE- SAVING SPEED WASHER Rebekahs Hold Last Meeting deputy grand treasurer; Blanche Barker, deputy grand chaplain; Beatrice Denison, deputy grand musician; Martha Baker, deputy inside guardian; Alice Lawrence, deputy outside guardian.

O. C. Rice, past noble grand; Frank Hogue, past noble grand; A. Erickson, noble grand, and Ed Lawrence, grand of Klamath Falls IOOF, acted as escorts. The 1947 officers are Ora Sweet, noble grand; Berenice McCracken, vice grand; Alice Z.

Goeller, recording secretary; Sadie M. Rand, treasurer; Charlotte Martin, chaplain; Corinne Larson, musician; Vera Clernens, right supporter to the noble grand; Blanche Motschenbacher, left supporter to the noble grand; Ivy Propst, supporter to the vice grand; Ruth Hedricks, left supporter to the vice grand; Lela Blubreckt, inside guardian, and Stella Dry. den, outside guardian. Alma Cofer presented Ada Willits, junior past noble grand, with her official jewel, a gift from Minnie Willits of Cottage Grove, Elizabeth Ramsby, dent of the Past Noble Grand club, welcomed Ada Willits to membership in the club. Soloists of the evening were Ella Mae Ross and Corinne Larson, accompanied by Beatrice closed by Ora noble Denison, and the meeting, was grand for 1947.

St. Paul's women's auxiliary held Decannuer holiday party in late at the home of Mrs. R. H. Radcliffe.

A short devotional service and carols were followed by a reading by the Rev. Godfrey Matthews of the Community Congregational church. Betty Glidden sang a number of Christmas carols and later, exchanged gifts. Refreshments were served by the hostess. On Thursday evening, January 2, Prosperity Rebekah lodge held its last meeting with the 1946 officers in their chairs.

Ada Willits, noble grand, presented each officer and member of the degree staff with a souvenir in the lodge colors. The 1946 project of the noble grand Was a set of officers' regalia which was presented by her to the district deputy president, Alma Cofer, who accepted the gift for the lodge. The regalia consists of pink and green cords with the the office attached. The 1947 officers were by Alma Cofer, district emblematied deputy president, assisted by Elizabeth Ramsby, deputy grand marshal; Esther Mast, deputy grand warden; Jennie Hurn, deputy secretary; Ivy Propst, Gift Exchange January, Members of Aloha Past trons club gathered at the Masonic temple, Friday, December 27, for a 1 o'clock luncheon, Christmas tree and gift exchange. Mrs.

Charles Joseph Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth Norris, Mrs. Jennie Hurn and Mrs. Laura Willits were in charge of the luncheon arrangements, while Mrs. Oscar Peyton provided the appropriately decoratChristmas tree and distributed gifts.

Mrs. Fred Cofer, club president, presided during the brief business meeting. Members present for the afternoon were Mrs. Cofer, Mrs. H.

G. Wortley, Mrs. Willits. Mrs. Charles J.

Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth Norris, Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones, Mrs. Alfreda Steinmetz, Mrs.

Jennie Hurn, Mrs. Balsiger, Mrs. Ella McMitlan, Mrs. Ida Grimes, Mrs. Will Wood, Mrs.

Amelia Hanks, Mrs. C. L. Harvey, Mrs. W.

B. DeWitt Mrs. Catherine Casper, Mrs. J. F.

Penrod, Mrs. Christine Murdoch and Mrs, Kate Peyton, Mrs. Lorraine Myers, past matron from Wisconsin, now residing in Klamath Falls, was a special guest. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. De Witt and Mrs.

Wortley. Hostesses for the next regular meeting. January 31, will be Mrs. Wilbur A. Jones, Mrs.

Glen Kent, Mrs. Charlotte Martin and Mrs. Bernice Finch. Mrs. W.

B. De Witt, was appointed to, visit the during the month of WOMEN! TRY THIS If youre NERVOUS On 'CERTAIN of Month! If functional monthly disturbances cause you to suffer nervous tensionat such times -this great medicine famous to relieve such symptoms. E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND HERALD NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. Altrua Class Altrua Class Altrua class of the First Methodist church held its Christ.

mas party at the home of Mrs. Wendell B. Smith of 1114 East street, and the co-hostess was Mrs. Paul Deller. Mrs.

Carroll Poole was elected president and Mrs. Stewart Snell, secretarytreasurer. The outgoing president, Mrs. Willard Preston, reported on completed projects for the past books were made for children, and stuffed toys and scrapbooks made from Christwere made and sent to the isolation hospital and the children's farm in Medford. One underprivileged girl was outfitted with clothing and the Mizpah and Altrua classes presented a large picture to the church parlors, which now hangs above the fireplace.

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 4, 1947. Page Seven Mrs. Victor Phillips received the award for high score games which followed the bual ness meeting. Later there was a Christmas gift exchange.

Refreshments were served by tho hostesses to Mrs. Carrol Poole, Mrs. Eldred Putnam. Mrs. Walter Herndon, Mrs.

Bruce Binkley, Mrs. Charles Howrey, Mrs. David Snyder, Mrs. Loy Barker. Mrs.

Victor Phillips, Mrs. Stewart Snell, Mrs. Wallace Uerlings, Mrs. Willard Preston and Maude Wetherspoon, COUGHING OF COLDS Clean, white, pleasant to use and so effective in helping quiet coughing of colds, soothing to sore throat. PENETRO ACTING QUICK RUB "Have you seen my husband? He disappeared right after he rolled the stair carpet" It's your own fault if you get all wrapped up i in that moving job.

Start right with Consolidated. Our Agents are always ready to give you free estimates on two types of household moving service: 1. Modern Moving van service. 2. Freightliner "Pack-Crate-Ship" Service anywhere.

One of these safe, efficient Consolidated Freightways' services fits your purse and moving problem. CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS PHONE FOR FREE ESTIMATE 645 Breed Phone 4151 "What an offer! It SAVED me on my Coffee!" JUST BUY 1 LARGE PACKAGE OF Wheatena AND SAVE ON A POUND OF ANY BRAND OF COFFEE TOASTED! QUICK COOKING! Wheatena, ANY OF BRAND COFFEE SAVE your coffee, too! (OR JAR OF INSTANT COFFEE) Just tear off the Wheatena your grocerIT'S GOOD OFF THE PRICE Think of it! You save coupon to send. (And no the box-top because Wheatena IT'S A GREAT box-top and give it to FOR OF THE COFFEE! no letter to mail, no spillage when you tear off is doubly sealed!) "GET-ACQUAINTED" OFFER! TO THE GROCER: A combination display of coffee and WHEATENA featuring this offer puts you in business on it immediately. Tear off, or let your customer bring in a WHEATENA boxtop good for to be applied toward the purchase of her favorite brand of coffee. This offer is good until February 8, 1947.

IMPORTANTI WHEATENA box-tops will be redeemed only by grocers for each. Grocers will then mail them to Wheatena at Rahway, N. or turn them in to their jobbers or headquarters prior to February 28, 1947. GET YOURS YOUR GROCER'S!.

Herald and News from Klamath Falls, Oregon (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.