Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (2024)


Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (2)
On the move
  • Feb 25, 2024
  • #618

SPD Writes Gran Turismo 7's Car Of The Week: Week 45 - Porsche 911 GT3 RS (992)

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (3)

Has Porsche really taken that road legal track car rule book out the window? Why, it's an age old tale, that's what this is the culmination of.

At this time, we already have a collection of 4 different Porsche 911 GT3s in game. Seems to me PD has quite the boner for these monstrous grip cyborgs that retain their shape since their debut in the 70s Carrera RS.

Since it's yet another new sports car, there's not much else to say. It's still got the 911's signature non aspirated Flat 6 that brings a modest 517 horses through a 7 speed PDK transmission, being carried by 1.45 tons. But it's not about the numbers, but rather its design choices that'll wow you.

You can see a huge wing that has in built DRS, and slits all over that'll tell you this thing has a mountain of downforce ready to roll out with. It doesn't have a good top end of 296 km/h, but that's not quite what you get with this design choice.

I should add something about Sundowner, maybe a Spongebob reference somewhere, but I guess I won't.

Yup. Shortest writeup ever. Yeah, live with it. You know what's underneath.


Episode 45: Mean Group 3 Debutees

Autódromo José Carlos Pace (Autódromo de Interlagos)
São Paulo, Brazil

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (4)

Candy: "Here are the facts as I know it.."

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (5)

Candy: "I've been racing my hardest and find myself in a solid third place.."

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (6)

Candy: "With the tamed racing animal's presence, there's nobody that's going to claim victory but him."

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (7)

Candy: "Though he's been pressured by my big sis the whole way. It's true. She truly is a force to be reckoned with."

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (8)

Candy: "I'd say in these final few laps, the competition is all but done for us at front. Though.."

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (9)

Candy: "Not far behind, a couple of newbies are getting along just fine, unusually ahead of the usual crowd."

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (10)

Candy: "Super Formula superstar Hayato Matsumoto.. and Nurburgring meister Williem Weiss.. New to the racing of this competitive class, but they showing everyone what for."

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (11)

Candy: "The competition grows fiercer.. enough mumbling! Find that Mark of Zen.."

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (12)

And the tamed racing animal finishes P1!

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (13)

With Nishimura on P2 not even a couple seconds behind!

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (14)

Topping out our podium is Le Glace Pacer, comfortable at third!

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (15)

The fans are riled up behind, rallying the cries of Hayato as he battles it out side by side against Williem.

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (16)

Photo finish!! And Honda takes fourth in this exciting battle!

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (17)

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (18)

As the sun begins to set, Candy, walking alone under the shade as her team leaves the place, puts away her phone into her purse, and looks forwards.

She then sees someone rollerblading at great speeds, approaching her. Knowing who this is..

Candy: "Nishimura Rin, coming in hot.."

But she wasn't ready for the gale that blows with her, pushing her as she passes by.

Candy: "Whoa there! You sure this is safe?

Before she realizes, Rin then slows her speed and put up her helmet's windscreen, then speedily rotating around her little sister, as she questions..


"Safe? Why, don't worry! Otou-san always says to live life to the edge!"

Hearing word of her former master, and the man that tied them together, Candy rebutted, arms crossed and mouth pouted.

Candy: "Nonsense! You're just like him, you know?"

Rin: "That so? Otou-san never was one for rollerblades. He kept nagging to me should I ever fall, which is never, should you need to know.."

Still cheery and circling around, akin to dancing a pirouette, Candy corrected while hesitating..

Candy: "No, not that! You know what I mean, big sis."

Rin: "Teehee. I know you know."

Rin then stopped, standing well balanced on her expensive rollerblades.

Candy then notices her sister's abdomen carrying a reddened portion, asking..

Candy: "When did you get that nasty gash down there?"

Rin: "Umm.. that's a good question. Maybe I DID fall? Yet, it doesn't even hurt.."

Spoke Rin in her excited positive mood, perhaps due to the race results.

Candy then realized, slowly dreading that..

Candy: "I.. think it's best we leave it.. (that's Ama's signature whipping spot.. did they?)"

Trying to change the subject for her own good, Candy turns to the race..

Candy: "The Guts once again has taken a significant amount of points.."

And she continues, remaining in melancholy.

Candy: "Makes me wish that pompous ass is here to make sure that gap isn't that far ahead.. Though, do you know?"

Rin: "Of?"

Candy: "Since he's here and never truly alone, who's The Guts' current ambassador?"

She put her imaginary thinking cap on, and held her chin, wondering..

Rin: "Umm.. well.. the only thing to do is find him. They're bound to be here, right?"

As they both looked left and right, they then notice a horde of Brazilian persons, wondering..

Candy: "I don't suppose he's in that crowd of girls and cameramen?"

Rin: "Nonsense. That's easily you-know-who."

She scopes in with her hand on her forehead, and notices a familiar face with purple accents on his recently tied braid, confirming that her half brother is the focus of said group.

Rin: "Moto-san's fandom goes here? I suppose being half Brazilian does that, teehee.."

Candy: "I guess it'll be a while before Moto-san can get to us. But how do we find.."

Akin to a bulb lighting up, Candy hatches a plan.

Candy: "I got it! We'll have to use his phrases! Though, I suppose I must muster up 2 things so outlandish."

Not quite so bright about it, Rin didn't follow..

Rin: "Okay, I get it. It's never been done by a woman before, you know."

Candy: "There's a first for everything."

Rin: "Go on, then! He's never going to come.."

She hasn't the confidence, but she took to her inner imagination to eventually eke out..

Candy: "Let's see.. some say he thinks stupidity is a disease.. and he believes every major city on this planet has, living underneath, a variant of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. But all we know is that.. he's The Guts."

And after a brief pause..

Rin: "Well, I knew nothing was going to hap-"

The women then felt a small quaking sensation underneath them, having them stumble around.

Candy: "Whoa.. Do Brazil even have.."


Not prepared, Rin then slipped off the floor, landing on her back.

Candy: "You tripped!"

Rin: "UHHWAAAA!! Shut up, little sis!!"

And just as they rolled to the side, a small unseen trap door opens, revealing a pillar of light and smoke.

Coming out that upwards in a slow motion, is The Guts, standing tall akin to a certain wrestler.

Not believing what's happened, Rin shouted..

Rin: "W-was that built there for him?!"

Candy: "Hey. Strange as this all is.. I knew it worked, big sis. Pay up."

Rin: "We didn't bet on it!"

Candy: "Don't make me wish I did."

As they get back up on their feet, The Guts, remaining stoic with his arms crossed, looks down on Candy, grabbing something from her purse..

Candy: "Greetings, oh weird wonder you. Here."

She then lends out a cheap touchscreen phone and hands it to the racer, of which he grabs with intrigue.

Rin then looks, not feeling this is the right move.

Rin: "Err.. that's unwise of you."

Candy: "Since I don't see any of the Sim Gear folk, I want to meet with your ambassador. I know Sophia's fired, and they can't leave you unchained for long."

Spoke Candy with a serious tone.

The Guts then typed on the phone, then turns it for the ladies to see..

Rin: "He's typed.. Follow me?"

He then turned, with the women behind him, keeping a conversation to themselves.

Rin: "Do you keep a spare smartphone to communicate with him?"

Candy: "What, you jealous I figured that out first? It's part of my master plan to get to know HIM."

Rin: "Grr.. don't push it, little sis!"

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (19)

It wasn't further away, but The Guts then stopped, turned back to the ladies, and pointed ahead to this blonde German..

Candy: "There.. is Lulu's older brother Williem. Honestly, with your obsession on Lulu, this isn't that big a surprise."

Rin: "Not to mention his charisma. Oooohhh. Did he hypnotize you.."

As Rin poked away at the racing helmet, Candy didn't take heed, and noticed the scene..

Candy: "Flattering. Unusual, but looks like his girlfriend's not here."

She slowly inched to the man, with the two following close behind.

Candy: "I know he promised no secrets, but Jake didn't tell nothing about The Guts being a part of The List."

Rin: "It's a secret he doesn't even tell Son-Son or Murph. But he assures me it's nothing. I believe that, at least."

Candy: "Rin-san, you can be so soft and gullible.."

With incoming, Williem turns then greets with a small, cool wave..

Williem: "Ahh. Frau Candy and Frau Nishimura. You both make my first season race a step up from your usual debut. I guess I have more goals to accomplish before my retirement, ja?"

Rin: "What can I say.. pushing myself to best HER really brings that much out of me."

Replies Rin as she nudges Candy's side.

Candy: "UMPF! Irritating."

Williem: "Save your excuses for when I finally get in shape in this league, sweetheart. I truly am more of a road car racer after all."

Rin: "You betcha!"

Candy didn't quite like her current ignored presence however, as she clears her throat..

Candy: "Er hem.. Hello?!"

Williem: "H-hoppla! Did I do anything wrong?!"

Rin: "You remember my little sis? When I mean little, I mean of her stature, of course, hehe."

Candy: "My height is not the subject of today's episode, people.."

As he scratches his hair, Williem looks to the oblivious man.

Williem: "Yeesh, don't think of touching me before I ignore you too, Herr Guts.."

The Guts replied with a thumbs up, confirming to the women..

Candy: "Wow. So, how have you become his new ambassador?"

Williem: "I suppose ever since I told him of my darling Lucia's new allegiance to Augur, he had a reason to cling on to me. And there you have it. That's right, ja?"

The Guts then nodded calmly, of which Williem thinks to go back to the women.

Williem: "Of course, there's all the times I have to learn on what he means. Not to mention his trust to me is still of question."

Rin: "What? Even with that stunt you did that day, I still sort of trust you."

Williem: "Oh, trust me when I say I'm distrustworthy, ja? If that is the word.."

Although this admission is not to be questioned, Candy had a thought..

Candy: "There are worse characters. The Scott brothers come to mind.."

Williem: "Those reiche katz? You can never trust anyone with money."

Responded Williem enthusiastically.

Candy however remembered Guts' admiration to Lucia, and brought up..

Candy: "Interesting you hung on to this family like you always would, Guts."

Williem: "Like Lucia told me.. I've no clue why, alright?"

And just after he looks, he walks onwards, leaving behind the group.

Rin: "Mat-te! Where is he going?"

Candy: "Leave him. He did pop up from a missile silo from under."

And staying with the theme of Lucia, and with her thoughts last week, Candy inquired..

Candy: "Though, this probably means it's fine if I ask how.. Lulu is doing?"

Williem: "Lucia?"

She didn't like how it sounded dishonest, and reiterated..

Candy: "Who else am I asking for, cool guy?"

Williem: "Yes, yes. There's nobody else. I understand you perfectly. Well, to put it simply, she's in good hands."

Rin?: "Nyeehh.. I don't trust that response."

Williem: "Frau Nishimura, please. Didn't I warn you earlier?"

Rin however rebutted..

Rin: "Ehe, umm.. I don't think that was me. But that was a very convincing imitation!"

Just as the camera zoomed out a little, her half-brother arrives, cheeky as always.

Hayato: "Of course it's not, Rin-chan. Hello, Candy-chan."

Candy: "Ahh, charming as always, Moto-san."

Hayato: "Nyeeheeheehee.. and who do we have here? One of your strange European cohorts."

Hayato then squatted, inspecting..

Hayato: "Oh yes: the guy who made me sweat. I got my eye on you. I do love me some good competition, nyeeheehee!"

Realizing who this is, Williem excited himself.

Williem: "Ohh? Wunderbar! Super Formula hotshot Matsumoto, I presume?"

Hayato then leaps up and stands, then poses, with his blade Yoko out from its saya and now in hand.

Hayato: "The one, the only. Shake here, mister..."

Williem: "Weiss. Williem Weiss. Perhaps you know my schweister Lucia?

They then shook hands, firm and hard.

Hayato: "Nyeehh.. that I do. For reasons I refuse to elaborate, but yes."

The sneaky Hayato then thinks of Lucia being a hot head, and not finding that character in that he faces..

Hayato: "You are indeed a far cry to your little sweet pea."

Williem: "Believe me, I get that a lot."

Hayato: "I see you know of my two little sisters: Rin-chan and Candy-chan?"

The women responded..

Rin: "Oh, we know. Through Jake-san, of course."

Candy: "And Lulu.. By the way.. there sure are a roster of new drivers joining the leagues today, and you two look to be quite competitive in the big leagues."

The two men looked back, with something to say..

Hayato: "You dare doubt me.. nyeeeeheeheeee! GT racing is way below me. These are just nobodies waiting to be passed by the greatest Super Formula ace the world has ever seen! I'll surpass the likes of Hamilton myself!"

Williem: "Like he said.. perhaps may you know I had this conversation with your sweetheart, Frau Nishimura. He tells me it's okay to boast a bit. And may I say I have the skill and the macho to back my trash talk up, achtung!"

And the women saw them brimming with confidence, happily agreeing..

Candy: "No s[BLEEP], if not for those battles earlier, I bet you can compete with The Guts. They have a bright future, don't you think so, big sis?"

Rin: "No arguments whatsoever."

And before they continue, a car crawls up to them on the empty track.

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (20)

And without warning, The Guts parks it and leaves it, allowing this small crowd to comment.

Rin: "Whoah! It's a brand new GT3 RS! That's DRS wing is a dead giveaway."

Hayato: "Dang.."

Candy: "Did he just.. leave it?? He intends to head for the bathroom without parking it, or.."

The car however riled up Williem's memory.

Williem: "Ahh verdammt! Seems to me my work is never going to escape me wherever I am. How can I have completely forgotten.."

Rin: "Work?"

Williem: "You heard me. In a few days, I'm racing with Lena on what is the greatest street legal race cars of Deutschland. She's got an AMG, and I'm in this Porsche."

Using this time to tease, Hayato answered playfully..

Hayato: "Sounds to me you've got quite an uphill battle."

Williem: "Much as I'm confident the Porsche is a better car, you'd like that, would you, Matsumoto?"

Hayato: "You can call me Moto-san.. since you enthuse me so much, heheheehee [slow clapping]."

Williem then steps up, and has an idea..

Williem: "Tsk.. I think I want someone along this time. Ehmmm.. Frau Candy?"

Candy: "Oh?"

And feeling a little naughty, he spoke with a bit too much honesty..

Williem: "I require your extra ballast.. ulp.. not the word I was looking for.."

Not even seconds later, he then receives a swift uppercut.

And he staggers, unable to act as he starts receiving all kinds of soft but painful blows..

Williem: "AUTSCHI! Stop! Stop!! She hits like Lucia.. AAAHHH!"


The siblings watch on, quoting..

Hayato: "Hehe.. check it, Rin-chan. She truly does have hypertension issues with a rage like that. Never mention weight with her.."

Rin: "It's a fundamental truth about women in general, Moto-san."

9,000 Miles (Eelke Kleijn Remix)
The Remixes

Just after Williem finishes a good chunk of laps ahead, he then brings the car to a halt by the Senna turfing.

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (21)

And now on the driver's seat, Candy looks around the various interface elements, noting on the left side of the wheel..

Candy: "So, this is for the DRS.. ohh.."

Williem: "Ahh.. yes, well.. this is going to be the secret weapon that'll shift the tides to my favor."

Satisfied, she then readies herself..

Candy: "I guess I'm ready for some quick laps."

Williem: "You do that.."

He's obviously reeling from the pain caused by the beatdown from earlier, and Candy asks in a slight hint of guilt.

Candy: "You okay?"

Williem: "Ja, yes.. mir geht es gut.. You really hit hard. For your size."

Candy: "I learn from our favorite Lulu."

Williem: "Heh. You were really waiting to say that, I bet. Shall we begin?"

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (22)

So, what's my favorite way to agitate those public lobbies in this game? It's those who can't decide what is road legal and what's not. Porsche carries a good chunk of these characters in the form of this, their VGT, and the GT1 Strassenversion. Though, the GT3 RennSport has always been this kind of invader that'll give anyone a reason to kick you. I used to get this treatment with the Miura, which is bullcrap, by the way.

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (23)

What does the car offer you? If you're a tuner, you're ready to be disappointed, right? It's a pre-tuned track monster with a setup out of the store that makes you think it's already perfect. Nothing however is, thus what I'll cover later down. I've already mentioned this car's weakness is the speedy venues such as Daytona. If you've caught whiff of the weekly lobbys, I brought a Veyron that has just about the same PP on similar tires, and had a 5 seconds advantage for each lap. If you're still willing to keep a Porsche for this venue, a souped up Cayman GT4 can get you results.

As mentioned earlier, this car does have a sort of secret weapon: the DRS button. We are covering cars with this function left and right, eh? This DRS we get is similar to the Audi RS 5 we covered ages back. It sort of serves the same purpose. You use it when you're in a long straight. It has similar restrictions, meaning you can't use it when cornering. It's a shame, I do want to see if it can help it turn better with it on at all times, at the cost of stability.

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (24)

Speaking of behaviour, the car's a notable beast that has no weaknesses outside of straight line. It can turn, it responds to your inputs nicely, and power oversteer is precisely minimal that you need not worry of it. It's like the user friendliness of a Group 4 car, with the pace of a Group 3 car (with the correct compound). Only that it's street legal, so you can find yourself using it on road car events.

Since it's reliant on downforce, you can feel the effects of dirty air quite profoundly for a road car. The car has a tinge of understeer on the whole for its handling profile, so taking this issue has to be one main factor for mastering it. Various other quirks this car has is.. that it doesn't want you to treat it like a road car at all. It's that grippy, and that quick around the corners.

The car also is straightforwards enough, that I had my engine braking and short shifting cap on the first time I drove it, and it was a small deficit. Anyone's able to push this car to the limit, and even with that responsive engine on tow, you don't need precise inputs to do so.

For some weird reason, you too can bring this car on the off-road venues for some rallying. It's.. passable, mainly because that downforce at the rear keeping it stable at most times. But let's not mention it, even though it was my idea. I'll ask for Goodwood next week to keep these scales balanced.

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (25)

We're tuning this thing? Of course we can. If RUF can do it.. has RUF done it?


Don't think they're the sort that messes with modern day Porsche cars. So, the car comes with sports parts out the factory floor. Meaning you have to mess with it only with race parts. Not like we have any other choice. Speaking of choice, you don't have any choice to add aspiration, which usually makes the meat of these.

You also can't remove the big wing. Since DRS is built into this car, it'd be odd if we can do that. Not to mention it's not adjustable, so you're stuck with grip beast with this. You can always opt for the 991 GT3 RS or Cayman GT4 if you want some oomph going straight, with upgrades of course.

You however can do just about any engine upgrade applicable to flat 6 engines. I'm not going to try this, even though it's a car you can buy.

As is, it's an amazing easy car to drive, so what needs changing has to be done when needed. That's usually only done when you need to race it with harder compounds, or a boost in power.

We're getting something old and tunable next week, I hope. This is boring. Amazing, yes, but also not exciting.

Candy: "Thanks for letting me drive this car.. Trustworthy or not, you're a nice guy, Will. I see where Lulu gets her good side."

Williem: "What? Does she not tell you how she admires me in many many ways, Frau? Oh Lucia."

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (26)

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (27)

São Paulo - Guarulhos International Airport
São Paulo, Brazil


Finished with duty free shopping, Candy takes a peek on her phone's clock..

Candy: "2 hours wait time.. I think the lounge calls for me."

After putting her phone back into her purse, she then notices The Guts being transferred by cart.

Candy: "Peculiar.. I dread the day he reveals his passport to me.."

Rin: "Or his face.. Rumor has it he's my Jake-san's doppelganger, and they also look alike.. imagine seeing him on that racing suit.."

Turning to her side, she then sees Rin, wearing an outfit similar to her husband's usual getup, though she has her thoughts occupied with that last statement..

Candy: "I did NOT want to see that. How dare you show me that silly mental image?!"

Rin: "Teehee. My bad. Though.."

She had a slight grump in her, prompting Candy to ask..

Candy: "You have any reason to sneak up on me again, big sis?"

Rin: "Why.. umm.. I'm going to board in a little bit.. going back home to California."

Candy: "Oh.. ermm.."

Just like back in week 2, Rin squeezes her little sis into submission.



The struggle didn't come without some attention from the hordes of people moving around, peeking at Candy's struggle.

Rin: "Uhh.. did everyone see that?"

Candy: "This is YOUR fault, big sis!"

Back at usual standing position, Rin then had a shift in emotion, though it's the more suspect one.

Rin: "We'll clash again someday. Maybe with Jake on tow. There's a rumor saying he's not going to race with us so that he can build a reputation steadily rather than take on the big wigs so soon."

Candy: "Whu?"

Rin: "Bye bye, little sis! Stay active on socials for me, ehehe!"

And before she knew it, the person she knew as her big sis disappeared into the crowd.

Candy: "Ehh? Ummm.. there goes my big sis."

Wiping her eyes slowly tearing up, Candy goes back to what she was on to, eyeing towards a sign directing to an international flight lounge.

Candy: "Now where were we?"

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (28)

Now on a small dining table, Candy, now alone, sits, ready to eat as she mischivously remarks..

Candy: "Oh yes! I've never seen a plate full of unknown Brazilian sweets before. This. Is. Heaven!!"


With those words, she then leapt back and adopts a cautionary pose, seeing Hayato sitting opposite of her.

As if he just appeared there being inserted into the scene (which he has the power so as long he isn't ruining the plot, oh look he's waving at me momentarily)

Candy: "BWUHAAA! Moto-san, when did you get here?"

Hayato: "You like that, don't you, Candy-chan? Silent like the wind, sudden and surprising, and deadly with the blade.. all will fear, the ninja.."

She then resumed to her sitting position, acknowledging her old racing master's greatest pupil in front.

Candy: "Whatever. We're on the same flight back, yeah?"

Hayato: "Nyeehh.. obviously. I said my goodbyes to Rin-chan before finding you, about to be cannibalizing your namesake."

Candy: "Don't say that."

Hayato: "What? Rin-chan?"

She shook her head aggressively, mentioning..

Candy: "No, no! Why would I not like someone's name. I mean the other word.. the C word."

Hayato: "Cannibal?"

Candy: "Yes, cannibal."

Hayato: "Ehh, I won't inquire further then. You be you."

With a fork on hand, Candy looks to her food..

Candy: "You will leave me to engorge myself in sweet delicacies, okay?"

Hayato: "Bitch, you ain't the boss of me!!"

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (29)

Coming out the dressing room, Williem, freshly dressed and cleaned, enters the main area of the lounge, not without Hayato putting his gaze on him..

Hayato: "Check it out, Candy-chan.. it's that Williem guy."

She responds, wiping away the many crumbs and blemishes with a nearby tissue.

Candy: "Ur.. He's quite dashing isn't he."

Hayato: "Dashing? Hah! It won't matter since I'm more dangerous."

At that moment, she notices the lack of something important to Hayato's character.

Candy: "And speaking of danger.. I notice Yoko-chan isn't here?"

Hayato: "You noticed right, nyeehee. International flight security has been beefing up these days. I almost got arrested that time in Switzerland for bringing her about. And before you say it's driving me mad, it definitely is."

Uncaring, she then teases..

Candy: "Oh boo hoo. Can you do me a favor and bring him here?"

Hayato: "Leave it to me."

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (30)

Bringing Williem along, Candy asks, with authority..

Candy: "Will. Come and sit."

Williem: "Frau Candy, he's glaring at me scary.. could I be in some sort of trouble?"

Candy: "Oh no. It's just Moto-san being Moto-san. Stand down."

An unnaturally intimidating Hayato then calms his pose.

Hayato: "Nyeehh, fine."

Williem then sits down on the table, with Hayato following suit, as they continue..

Candy: "You're among good company, even if you do say you aren't to be trusted, Will."

Williem: "Trust or not, guess who I got off the phone from.. actually, you need not guess, Frau."

Realizing that, she guesses..

Candy: "..Lulu?"

Williem: "Obvious, ja? She's been in practice. Like in some trance that she's never been into. The steps she's willing to take just to match you and your other little girlfriend."

Candy: "I'm.. actually happy for her. I mean.. these past weeks, I just find myself sickened that she's in bad company is all."

Williem: "And why's that?"

She doesn't like looking back at it again, but Candy recalls Augur..

Candy: "These people in Augur, you see.. they want me, for whatever reason they have, whether I like it or not. And they even orchestrated all kinds of trials and dangers at me. For what reason, I still don't follow.. I'm being used, and I was hoping Lulu too will realize that's what her role in there is.. but I can't prove it."

Williem gives understanding like he always does, and responds..

Williem: "That's quite sound for reasoning. I mean, to initially assume they'd go for the Mythic Initiative was a bit ballsy.."

Hayato: "Speaking of ballsy.. jiji just wanted to let you know he's going to rig as much of the GT racing you have to be with at least someone you know. Especially me. I think that's what he said."

Candy: "I think it's also good to know Augur isn't really into forced abduction anymore if Lulu got her way."

Williem: "Forced or not, we can't be sure. Whatever contact me and Mann Bernardo have been doing with these crooks, we can tell they're trying REALLY hard to not reveal anything."

Putting away the tricks and games, Candy then goes to the fruit of this revelation.

Candy: "Has she said anything?"

Williem: "That's the thing! The answer is nein, not at all! Achtung, this is like the first time she chose to clam up on me and Mann Bernardo.. two of three people she's trusted in her whole life."

Candy: "Bernardo.. I don't know if I can but I feel for you."

Not willing to stand idly by, Hayato, with a quick thought, asks.

Hayato: "Nyeehee.. may I wonder.. who might be the third person she has trust in.."

Williem: "Ahh, well.. that is easy. The big dark man himself: Jacob Ross, of course! Frau Candy, do tell if she's ever told you about the night she met him?"

Candy: "No.. not at all! I know she's got history with him, but.."

Williem: "Before his darkening of the spirit, Herr Ross has been instrumental in her growth. Perhaps we can reach out to him for another talk for this. As a member of The List, I can leverage some weight for him, considering all those shadowy dealings he's been doing."

Having recently met him, Hayato teases once again, but with no jokes..

Hayato: "You got quite the motivation, Will-chan.."

Williem: "If I can get my more traditional little schweister back, I am willing.. no pun intend."

And he's not alone in having schemes, as Candy puts it..

Candy: "I think I have an idea on how we can attack this. Looks to me I might have to focus getting Cierra back on track first.."


It's one of the best driving cars in the game? Most definitely! But is it a sleeper?

Oh hell no. The high tech wing and those slits means it's built to race. For not being a mess to drive, it all means what I get is a very solid Neutral.

But it's such a bang for your half a million credit expenditure, I have to give it the Mark of Zen that I usually give out on the Forza Horizon 5 COTW for cars that seem to keep me enthralled into the drive. Though it does usually come with a track that dictates this experience.

Soo.. what track?
The Ring.

Like a lot of tracks you fellas seem to enjoy racing on, I don't enjoy racing on the Ring, but to have a car make me think otherwise while I'm in it would mean it's THAT fine. I have to thank this car for something I probably would never want to enjoy.

Now back to my GT themed fetishes at 9.

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (31)

Ever since I see all these hypothetical Group 3 cars clashing with real ones, GT's take on GT racing is interesting. Which brings me to: when are we nominating another of these race tamed beasts?

Perhaps after the Porsche Carrera GT, I'll get to considering a few. I've done my part with that one VGT, right?

For Rin Nishimura/Jessica Ross (5)
see Episode 2

For Tamed Racing Animal 'The Guts' (Sport)
see Episode 3

For Hayato Matsumoto (6)
see Episode 5

For Williem Weiss (5)
see Episode 34..
ehh what the freak. Killing you is gonna take some time: slow, and painful.
I'll have to redirect Will's bio to 45, and Quinlan's to 44. Or I might just consider copy pasting them over to every episode onwards.

A fan favorite cool cat with a renowned row of accolades for racing street legal machinery. Now expanding his horizons as a member of infamous racing club The List, Williem hopes to bring his long running expertise of the most infamous toll road out to the more savage wilderness that is street racing.

Theme Song: R.E.M. - Talk About The Passion
Racing Duel Music: R.E.M. - Orange Crush
Gender: Male
Nationality: German
Age: 34
Current occupation: Street car racer
Distinct features: Mid-long, curled light accented blonde hair. Thick diamond shaped face with slender cheeks and a rough chin, giving a handsome flair. Narrow eyes, thin down pointed nose, and narrow mouth. Teeth show signs it's being worked on externally, and face is artificially clear of any blemishes. Average to tall height, with semi thin body frame.
Choice of clothing: Always wearing a casual motorsports getup, consisting of a turtleneck shirt under a sporty jacket, matching sports pants and shoes. 90% of the time it will be branded with Audi or the Nurburgring.
Cars: Audi R8 4.2, Audi TTS (Type 8J)

Williem came into the world as one of the two children of a well known Nurburgring specialist family hailed from Eifel. Having exposed into the racing at an early age, Williem has his daily life mixed with both racing and education. While a struggle, this allowed Williem to take things calm, cool and methodically; a mantra he lives by to this day.

A fan of 80's rock, Williem takes greatly into their cool nature and also dabbled into music, adapting in and out from playing the bass, synth keyboard, to taking the wheel of a race worthy Porsche in the early 2000s. Giving his life into succeeding the family name in this sport, he too wants his other sibling: a rage inducing little prodigy into this field. But as he learned to consider the feelings of others, Williem would take her around with his side hustle as a Nurburgring taxi driver, realizing that this is his true calling, not racing.

Eventually befriending a hot headed Spanish superstar upon adulthood, Williem would make use of his talents to be a prime car tester around various locales, especially the Nurburgring. Once hosting their yearly street racing tournament, Williem aligned slowly, as he should, into the competitive side of driving. A fan favorite fixture of the Supercar Festival events, he's made a few well known rivals in his day he's yet to best, which are a lightweight specializing French aristocrat, and an overegotistical man known as the Asian-American Badass.

Now in a relationship with a Russian known as the Queen, Williem was then persuaded to join her sister's good friend: a dark cowboy, into the leagues of street racing, with high hopes as a sleeper newcomer to the cream of the crop of US based street crews.

Car of the Week | Week 64: Rule 43 (Alfa Romeo 4C Gr.3) (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.