CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There ar (2024)


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23 mar. 2021

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CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There are a lot of work to do, if you are still watching series all day you will regret. It's eating up your whole day. Stop wasting your time!. 4- Damn! This old car eats up the gas so quick. Do you know where is the next gas station?. 5- This software is eating up my whole memory. I'm going to uninstalled it. 6- Yesterday, I took back the blender at Walmart because the motor didn't work so well. It ate up all my afternoon, they didn't want to give me my money back. I'm trying to use EAT UP (2)

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23 mar. 2021

  • Anglais (USA)

1.I promised my cousins (don't need the to) I will (or would) drop them off AT the amusem*nt park
2. You don't really need all my battery. Just eats up my battery is fine
3. There IS a lot of work to do. Watching TV is better than saying series. You will regret IT.
4. Eats up gas is fine. Don't really need "the" Also you could say Do you know where the next gas station is instead of where is the next gas station. Although the first way is not really incorrect, just a different word order that doesn't sound as natural.
5. I'm going to uninstall it, not going to uninstalled it.
6. I took back the blender TO Walmart. Also you could say it ate up my whole afternoon. Sounds a bit more natural.

Utilisateur bien noté

CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There are a lot of work to do, if you are still watching series all day you will regret. It's eating up your whole day. Stop wasting your time!. 4- Damn! This old car eats up the gas so quick. Do you know where is the next gas station?. 5- This software is eating up my whole memory. I'm going to uninstalled it. 6- Yesterday, I took back the blender at Walmart because the motor didn't work so well. It ate up all my afternoon, they didn't want to give me my money back. I'm trying to use EAT UP (4)

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23 mar. 2021

  • Filipino
  • Anglais (USA)


1. I promised my cousins that I will drop them off at the amusem*nt park with their friends. It ate my whole morning up.

2. This new app eats up all my battery.

3. Hey focus! There is a lot of work to do, if you are still going to watch series all day, you will regret it. It's eating up your whole day. Stop wasting your time!.

4. Damn! This old car eats up the gas so quick. Do you know where is the next gas station?.

5. This software is eating up my whole memory. I'm going to uninstall it.

6. Yesterday, I took the blender back to Walmart because the motor wasn’t working well. I was at walmart for hours because they didn't want to give me my money back. It ate my whole afternoon up!

Utilisateur bien noté

CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There are a lot of work to do, if you are still watching series all day you will regret. It's eating up your whole day. Stop wasting your time!. 4- Damn! This old car eats up the gas so quick. Do you know where is the next gas station?. 5- This software is eating up my whole memory. I'm going to uninstalled it. 6- Yesterday, I took back the blender at Walmart because the motor didn't work so well. It ate up all my afternoon, they didn't want to give me my money back. I'm trying to use EAT UP (11)

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23 mar. 2021

  • Portugais (Brésil)

@zephie thanks soooooooooo much!!!. This is amazing 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊. Excuse me? Can I split this phrasal verb?. I didn't know that 😱😱😱😱



23 mar. 2021

  • Portugais (Brésil)

@HebrewDane woooow thanks so much for your huge help 😊😊😊😊😊!!!!!!. It's great , you're so kind

CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There are a lot of work to do, if you are still watching series all day you will regret. It's eating up your whole day. Stop wasting your time!. 4- Damn! This old car eats up the gas so quick. Do you know where is the next gas station?. 5- This software is eating up my whole memory. I'm going to uninstalled it. 6- Yesterday, I took back the blender at Walmart because the motor didn't work so well. It ate up all my afternoon, they didn't want to give me my money back. I'm trying to use EAT UP (19)



23 mar. 2021

  • Filipino
  • Anglais (USA)

@Jessgv113 yes you can! Just make sure that it’s still gramatically correct and it still means the same thing :)


Utilisateur bien noté

CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There are a lot of work to do, if you are still watching series all day you will regret. It's eating up your whole day. Stop wasting your time!. 4- Damn! This old car eats up the gas so quick. Do you know where is the next gas station?. 5- This software is eating up my whole memory. I'm going to uninstalled it. 6- Yesterday, I took back the blender at Walmart because the motor didn't work so well. It ate up all my afternoon, they didn't want to give me my money back. I'm trying to use EAT UP (21)

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23 mar. 2021

  • Filipino
  • Anglais (USA)

As long as it wont change the meaning of your sentence and it’s grammatically correct, I think that should be fine! 😄


Utilisateur bien noté

CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There are a lot of work to do, if you are still watching series all day you will regret. It's eating up your whole day. Stop wasting your time!. 4- Damn! This old car eats up the gas so quick. Do you know where is the next gas station?. 5- This software is eating up my whole memory. I'm going to uninstalled it. 6- Yesterday, I took back the blender at Walmart because the motor didn't work so well. It ate up all my afternoon, they didn't want to give me my money back. I'm trying to use EAT UP (28)

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[News] Hey you! The one learning a language!Savez-vous comment améliorer vos compétences linguistiques❓ Tout ce que vous avez à faire est de faire corriger votre écriture par un locuteur natif !Avec HiNative, vous pouvez faire corriger gratuitement votre écriture par des locuteurs natifs ✍️✨.Inscription

CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There are a lot of work to do, if you are still watching series all day you will regret. It's eating up your whole day. Stop wasting your time!. 4- Damn! This old car eats up the gas so quick. Do you know where is the next gas station?. 5- This software is eating up my whole memory. I'm going to uninstalled it. 6- Yesterday, I took back the blender at Walmart because the motor didn't work so well. It ate up all my afternoon, they didn't want to give me my money back. I'm trying to use EAT UP (35)

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CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There are a lot of work to do, if you are still watching series all day you will regret. It's eating up your whole day. Stop wasting your time!. 4- Damn! This old car eats up the gas so quick. Do you know where is the next gas station?. 5- This software is eating up my whole memory. I'm going to uninstalled it. 6- Yesterday, I took back the blender at Walmart because the motor didn't work so well. It ate up all my afternoon, they didn't want to give me my money back. I'm trying to use EAT UP (36)Quel est ce symbole?

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CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There are a lot of work to do, if you are still watching series all day you will regret. It's eating up your whole day. Stop wasting your time!. 4- Damn! This old car eats up the gas so quick. Do you know where is the next gas station?. 5- This software is eating up my whole memory. I'm going to uninstalled it. 6- Yesterday, I took back the blender at Walmart because the motor didn't work so well. It ate up all my afternoon, they didn't want to give me my money back. I'm trying to use EAT UP (37)

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CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There are a lot of work to do, if you are still watching series all day you will regret. It's eating up your whole day. Stop wasting your time!. 4- Damn! This old car eats up the gas so quick. Do you know where is the next gas station?. 5- This software is eating up my whole memory. I'm going to uninstalled it. 6- Yesterday, I took back the blender at Walmart because the motor didn't work so well. It ate up all my afternoon, they didn't want to give me my money back. I'm trying to use EAT UP (38)

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CAN U SEE MISTAKES? I'm in doubt. They are a bit difficult for me: 1- I promised to my cousins that I will drop them off to the amusem*nt park with their friends. That ate up my whole morning. 2- This new app eats up all my battery. 3- Hey focus! There ar (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.