A Hero Rises - Chapter 172 - Zabeck - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

“And just where do you think you’re going?” Aizawa questioned as he stepped inside of the 1-A dorms as Izuku and his girlfriends approached them.

“Uh, to go out for dinner?” he offered, confused by his teacher’s sudden appearance and questions. ‘Is he still mad that we left without approval?’

“Yes, I am,” the underground hero responded.

“But I didn’t even mutter…” he muttered to himself.

“No, but I knew what you were thinking,” the man explained. “Leaving to head to a League of Villains crime scene with no permission given—”

“But I asked Nezu!” he retorted.

“Do not interrupt!” the hero barked at him. “Nezu does not count. He is protective of you, but I am your teacher, and until you graduate UA, permission comes from me as I am your handler, just as the Hero commission is the handler for all licensed heroes. Even All Might had to ask for permission to intervene on cases that drew his attention or he thought may be related to All for One. If something were to happen to you while out in the field, it falls on me first before Nezu.”

“But Aizawa—” he began.

“You effectively went rogue,” their teacher stated. “That alone is grounds for expulsion and being blacklisted from UA,” he announced as he looked at each of them. “I thought such a lesson would come up next year, but it seems we need it now. If you ever go rogue like that again there will be serious consequences. I will be lenient this time and not remove you from the hero course for a set amount of time, which is the standard punishment.”

“It was my idea!” he shouted. “Don’t punish them for my mistake!”

“You can’t save everyone by sacrificing yourself, Izuku,” his teacher sighed. “That won’t stop the subsequent threat that they have to face.”

He looked down at the floor. Just like All for One, Aizawa had turned his martyr complex back on him, he really needed to get that fixed, or at least under better control.

“You might think this unfair, but I understand why you did what you did. And I know that you think your status as All Might’s successor may entitle you to some leeway, and it does to an extent,” he sighed, clearly annoyed that he had to admit it, “but you’re not untouchable. Lady Nagant has been forthcoming about her time as the Commission’s personal assassin. You have toed the line with what they allow. If you become a fully licensed hero and continue to take matters into your own hands—to go rogue as you see fit because Shigaraki did something across the country and you need to know what it was—they may try to get rid of you, or those close to you.”

His head snapped up at the threat. “I won’t let them get hurt because of me!”

Aizawa regarded him for several minutes, meeting his gaze. “See that you don’t. The eight of you are not allowed to leave campus aside from hero internships, or if I give permission to leave campus, until I deem it fit for that privilege to be returned to you.”

He grit his teeth. He knew Aizawa would be mad, but to think that removal from the hero course, and even expulsion had been on the table... The idea of the girls being punished for his choices made him feel sick with himself. He sighed. “I understand, sir,” he replied, bowing to the man.

“Good. Now then, your mother wishes for you and your girlfriends to join her and Toshinori for dinner at the teacher dorms in thirty minutes. I’d advise not being late.”

“When did she tell you this?” he questioned.

“Twenty-five minutes ago.”

Izuku ran out the door, his girlfriends hurrying after him.

“My babies!” his mother sobbed as she pulled him and Himiko into a tight hug, their bodies crushed against her.

“Mom!” he gasped.

“We’re safe, momma Inko,” Himiko added between constrictions.

“Help us,” he gasped at their girlfriends who were standing inside the doorway where he and Himiko had been snatched.

“I don’t have enough arms to hold all of you,” Inko sobbed. “I thought you had been kidnapped again!” his mother cried, burying her face in his hair.

“Mom, I’m safe and in your arms,” he assured his mother, doing his best to breathe when he could. “I’m not going anywhere against my will ever again, Mom— I promise.”

“Miss Midoriya?” Mina spoke up, stepping further into the room. “Is that a new ring?”

He pushed away from his mother as she froze and spun around to grab her hand. He rotated it to reveal the back of her hand where a bright gold ring adorned with several small diamonds shone.

“Well yes, that was the point of tonight’s dinner,” she admitted, her cheeks flushed as she looked at Toshi who had kept his skeletal frame away from the bone crushing family reunion hug.

“You proposed!” he exclaimed, smiling at his master.

Toshi chuckled at him, rubbing the back of his head. “I did, I finally worked up the courage to ask her.”

“And you said yes!” he added as he turned back to face his mom.

“I did,” she replied, eyes brimming with tears.

He pulled her in for a hug of his own.

“Izu help,” Himiko gasped, now crushed by his arms against his mother.

“Gah! Himiko, mom let her go,” he cried as the rest of the girls entered the room to inspect the ring.

“It looks nice,” Momo stated as she inspected the ring.

A timer went off in the kitchen of their small dorm.

“Oh, that’s the timer I set for the pork,” his mother stated. “Toshi, can you go pull it out of the fryer?”

“Fried pork?” Izuku questioned, an idea of what dinner would be clear in his mind.

“What if it isn’t katsudon,” Tooru whispered, “but just American fried pork chops?”

“My mom can’t make a bad meal with fried pork anything,” he assured her, though there was a seed of doubt now…

“It is katsudon,” his mother assured him, “Toshi is rather partial to it as well, and he can handle a bit of it with his stomach as it is.”

“See? You can’t go wrong with katsudon,” he smugly declared. “It’s All Might approved.”

“Poor Izuku,” Tsu croaked. “He’s gonna be distraught when one of our kids says they don’t like katsudon.”

“Kids?” his mother whispered. “Are you pregnant?!”

“Ribbit! No, future kids Miss Midoriya, I meant future kids. Though, there is practice…”

“I know what you mean,” Inko chuckled as she made her way towards the kitchen.

“Mom!” he gasped in indignation.

“Please, Izuku, like you don’t spend a free day with your girls making love with them?” she questioned.

“She has you there,” Kyouka teased. “I spent last lunch break with my feet behind my head with you.”

“He really is your disciple isn’t he?” his mother asked Toshi, who merely blushed as she entered the kitchen area and began to plate their dinner.

‘Is this how Tomura feels when people mention sex to Mustard?’ he asked himself.

“Can some of you dears come lend me a hand?” she called out, carrying two plates, and carefully using her quirk to levitate a third that touched down at the seat before him.

“You’re getting really good with your quirk, Mom,” he gushed, the trauma of him and his master having the same sex routines pushed to the back of his mind, probably where Nana resided.

“Practicing has been great for me, seeing you work to master your quirk inspired me to start trying to use mine more often,” she admitted as she smiled at him.

He took the plates from his mom and sat them down for her and Toshi as several girls carried plates to the table.

“Thank you, dears,” his mother said before she urged them all to take a seat.

“So when is the wedding?” Tooru asked once they began to eat.

“Well, hero weddings tend to take time to set up,” Toshi replied between small bites of food. “There’s security checks on the venue and employees, plus if a hero wants to invite other heroes, they have to coordinate with them to handle a bunch of heroes just not showing up one day, or two if there is a big party afterwards. And I know the press will be a thing as well, sadly. Try as I might, once we start looking at venues, it won’t take long for the paparazzi to put things together and then the media will descend on us. Plus, there will be several heroes from other countries I would like to have in attendance that I have befriended over the years.”

“Like Armstrong?” he questioned, remembering the American politician hero and his quirkless cyborg sidekick, Raiden.

“Him and Star and Stripe would possibly divorce us if I didn’t invite her,” the retired hero chuckled.

“You know Star and Stripe?!” he shouted in shock.

Toshi blinked. “Well yes, it’s never come up, but she’s been vocal in calling me her mentor in the States. I, of course, denied such claims as I had only met her once as a child when I saved her. It was imperative to curb such comments, as this was before I fought that bastard for what I thought was the final time.”

“Did she know of All for One?” Momo questioned, her chopsticks before her mouth.

“She learned of him later,” his master replied, “Japan, like most countries, preferred to not tell anyone about a supervillain they were harboring, especially one that had such a grasp on the country and beyond. But please, this is meant to be a night of celebration, let's not discuss such morose thoughts,” he urged, his smile wide.

“Of course!” Mina jumped in. “When is the shopping trip to pick out a wedding dress?”

“Oh,” his mother hummed, “Well, I was thinking of having Mitsuki and Masaru suggest some places…”

“You haven’t told them, have you?” he questioned.

“I wanted you to know first, dear,” his mom admitted.

He smiled at her. “Then, I’m sorry Mom,” he apologized as he pulled his phone out and quickly dialed a number as he pressed the speakerphone option.

“Izuku!” Mitsuki answered. “How’s the best thing to happen to my bestie doing?”

“What am I?” Toshi questioned, sounding distraught.

“The best thing to do her,” she quickly replied.

Toshi spat his rice across the table.

“Auntie,” he cut in as Toshi hastily apologized to a now outlined Tooru. “Toshi proposed to Mom. She accepted and the girls want—”

“GET YOUR FAT ASS DOWN TO THE SHOP TOMORROW MORNING, INKO! Masaru, put the whips away. We have a wedding dress to design!” his aunt bellowed.

“But we can’t leave!” Tooru shouted in anguish. “We’re under house arrest for going rogue!”

“Masaru, get that dick back here! We’re gonna f*ck then go pack up everything we need to head to UA tomorrow morning. Tell that rat to expect us! Bye everyone, I need to see to my man’s needs!” She stated before she ended the call.

“What an icon,” Himiko marveled, Kyouka’s arm in her mouth.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” his mother chastised.

“Sorry,” she apologized after taking the punk’s arm out of her mouth.

“Oh,” Tsu gasped. “Will it be Japanese or Western themed?”

His master and mother shared a look. “We haven’t gotten that far yet,” he chuckled, “why do you ask?”

“Ribbit, Eri would make a cute flower girl.”

“Ooooh~, she’d be darling,” his mother cooed, which led the other girls to coo at the idea.

‘I may need to start taking notes on weddings if I’m going to be marrying seven girls—’ “Girls?” he questioned.

A chorus of ‘yes’s rang out.

“Do we want a group wedding or an individual for each of us?”

“We will convene on this and let you know,” Ochako replied.

“Oh,” he muttered, “okay.”

“So, how are classes going for our first years?” Nezu questioned as he Midnight handed out the last cup of tea to everyone present.

“English has been great so far,” Present Mic shared, his feet kicked up on the conference table.

“Have some respect for the table,” Power Loader chastised as he spooned in several scoops of sugar to his tea.

“You sound like Iida,” Ectoplasm remarked, eyeing his tea before knocking it back in one go.

Nezu let out a sigh. “At least savor the tea…”

“Can’t, lips were stolen by villains,” the math teacher reminded him.

“I feel for that third year you’ve been fooling around with,” Midnight jeered with a playful smile.

“I am a one man train,” he countered.

“I am surrounded by perverts,” Eraserhead groused as he sipped his black coffee as he woke from his nap.

“I seem to remember walking in on somebody mating his partners in the lecture hall when they were students once,” Nezu reminded him.

“Good times,” Present Mic chuckled.

“I’ll say,” Midnight purred. “There’s no lecture today, is there? What do you boys say to a trip down memory lane?” she questioned, her eyebrows dancing across her forehead.

“Behave,” the dean chastised. “You can go mate later. Now then, back to the topic at hand.”

“Kaminari has been doing better in math, now that he’s been seeing Hound Dog about his issues with reading,” Ectoplasm offered. “Has he improved in other classes?”

“Well, he already excelled in English due to going to America a lot when he was growing up,” Mic reasoned, “so he had a bit of a head start there.”

“He’s still short sighted in literature,” Cementoss added, having finished his tea. “He doesn’t look for themes and tends to not realize key parts of various books we discuss. I think he reads the assigned material to say he read it, but doesn’t actually take it other than to maybe answer a broad question.”

“Could be due to his quirk’s side effect,” Eraserhead hypothesized. “He doesn’t seem to have a spotty memory from the electrocution, it could just be that he struggles to retain knowledge at first. Which is weird when you think about it. He can remember nearly everything he discusses with his friends or in class, it just seems that studying escapes him or he isn’t interested in it. Which, considering that we’re supposedly the top university in the nation—”

“World,” Nezu claimed between sips of tea.

“Debatable,” Aizawa countered. “A student like him should not have gotten in, but walking in on him using his railgun technique to try to shoot a kite down makes me reconsider his knowledge and aptitude for studying.”

“Excuse me, did you say railgun?” Nezu questioned, his voice overly curious as Powerloader turned to face him as well, clearly muttering about Mei’s blacklist of students she was to be kept away from.

“Crapbaskets,” the perpetually tired hero groaned. “Yes, I did in fact say the word railgun to describe his technique of charging metal between his fingers and firing it. He missed and melted a hole through the window. It did not break or crack, it melted a hole through the glass. I have forbidden him from using it on villains.”

“I need a stronger drink,” Vlad King muttered as he poured his blood pouch in a glass, while a blood lance extended from his arm to grab a bottle of rum from the nearby table.

“Should you be drinking?” Toshinori questioned, eyeing the liquor bottle, the skeletal man unable to drink more than a small bit of celebratory sake due to his internal injuries.

“The worst I have to deal with is Shishida’s hair, Tsunotori accidentally insulting someone in Japanese because of Monoma’s lessons, Komori’s spore infestations, or chasing Ragdoll out of the dorms. I don’t have to worry about any of them accidentally killing anyone due to goofing off.”

“Kamakiri?” Present Mic offered.

“He has to draw his blades out on demand, he grew out of reflexively drawing them out as a child.

“Honenuki?” Midnight suggested.

Vlad hummed. “He could drown someone, but he doesn’t leave softened areas around when done training or as a prank for someone to fall into. My students seem to be safer to be around compared to yours.”

Eraserhead rolled his eyes. “That is partially why we sit and split the courses between us. It’s safer for me to have the more dangerous quirks since I can handle them, and you can restrain most of your class with ease. How is Monoma actually; still wanting a rivalry?”

Vlad nodded. “He wants his class to be known for their accomplishments and not just the sister class to 1-A who has been in the news, though I’m certain he would feel different if he was in those kinds of situations.”

“Battle trials?” Present Mic suggested with a casual shrug. “Let him fight some 1-A students and see how being harassed by a villain organization has trained them to be on par with second and third year students. Hell, I bet Izuku could take the whole class by himself.”

“In a fight, right?” Power Loader questioned.

Present Mic and Midnight merely grinned at him.

“Are you okay, Tsu?” Izuku asked as he tossed the car she was squatting on top of back to Satou, who caught the burnt out wreck and managed to not drop it as his knees shook from the weight.

“Ribbit, still holding on fine,” she replied.

“Car… heavy,” Rikido grunted out, his body flooded with sugar as an Ectoplasm clone observed them.

“Ribbit, I guess we aren’t the group with four people in it,” Tsu remarked as she was tossed back to Izuku. “Unless, Tooru is here and naked.”

He caught the car and looked around, there was no response from their invisible girlfriend. “Guess it’s just us three then.”

“Hero or villain?” Rikido questioned the clone, his mind slowly coming back to him.

“You will know soon enough,” the clone replied.

They had each drawn lots at the beginning of class and were told not to reveal their draws to anyone. Included were instructions on where to meet and when with a brief synopsis of three-on-three skirmishes with an exception of a four-on-three team. Roles would be assigned moments before the exercise began. “I think we’ll be against the four man team,” the green-haired boy suggested.

“Why?” his classmate asked as he caught the car.

“Ribbit, Izuku’s ego. Though it is fair, he can handle pretty much anyone in the class and has countermeasures for everyone. A four man team would allow them to devote two people to him if we each square up with someone, or they would send all four at him to blitz him down then worry about us.”

“A shrewd deduction,” their math teacher commented. “Logic states that the greater numbers should win, but if a combatant is more experienced or even skilled, then it could be equal, or the number advantage could mean nothing. Statistically—”

Ectoplasm was cut off by an explosion three blocks over where a high-rise was crumbling down.

“What the hell is that?” Satou questioned as he dropped the car on the ground.

“The signal to start,” Ectoplasm informed the three of them. “Looks like you’re heroes today. Go stop the villains.”

“What’s the villain's objective?” Taikyu questioned.

“Unknown. You’re responding with no intel,” their teacher answered. “Better respond to the scene quickly, no idea what the situation could be.”

“Right!” he swiftly responded as Froppy hopped towards the growing smoke column. “Sugarman, how do you want to do this? Rush in head-on, scout the scene, or distract them and I come in around them from the rear in a pincer movement while Froppy blitzes them?”

His classmate grunted as he scrunched his eyebrows together as they ran towards the scene of the crime. “Rush in… No… Scout then split!”

He nodded. The drop in IQ for Rikido had been reduced, but reasoning was still an issue they were working on. He could handle middle school and some high school math problems, but anything too advanced left him stumped as he couldn’t handle a problem with too many steps. “Right, come close to me,” he requested. As both fellow heroes in training drew close he grabbed the back of their hero suits and jumped, clearing the street ahead to land on the roof of a parking garage. “Let’s hope we’re not up against Earphone Jack, Tentacole, or Carmilla. Either one will be able to sense us.”

“Ribbit,” Tsu croaked in agreement.

He peeked over the barrier and saw only rubble and overturned cars. “No sighting of enemy combatants.”

“Naked Invisible Girl?” Sugarman whispered.

A brief jolt of jealousy shot through him, but he smothered it. “Possible, but it wouldn’t serve for their purpose unless they already knew we were.”

“Some of that rubble looks off,” Froppy reported. “It looks more akin to boulders, not rubble from a concrete building…”

“Maybe big concrete pieces broke weird,” Sugarman offered as he raised his head to look at the scene.

“But there’s no rebar…” he muttered. “I’m going in.”

“But I thought Sugarman was going in first,” the frog girl questioned.

“Unknown variables, I’m not sending someone in when we don’t know what to expect,” he explained.

“This is just a class experiment,” his girlfriend reasoned.

“Tsu, I won’t send someone into a situation I’m not willing to enter myself. I’m not saying either of you aren’t capable, but I trust you both to have my back,” he reasoned. “I can take hits better than either of you.” He leaned in to her. “Besides, if you catch one of our girls, you can detain her how you see fit if she tries seduction to escape.”

Her tongue poked his cheek as she faintly smiled at him.

He would have preferred her tongue in his mouth, but he’d take what he could get. “Right.” He jumped skyward to get an aerial view of the scene.

The weird rocks exploded with powerful thumps as several objects shot up after him, with several shooting past him.

‘Canisters?!’ he thought as they exploded in a sea of color, with more thumps sounding from below.

“Creati!” Froppy shouted from below.

He swung his hand, clearing the floating colored fog to see Creati below him, surrounded by mini flak cannons firing up at him as munitions poured from her limbs into feeding tubes for the weapons.

He looked around and saw the colored cloud growing in size as he began his descent, darkening the ground beneath him. Dark. “Tsukuyomi!” he called back in warning.

His warning came too late as the parking garage erupted beneath his classmates with Dark Shadow nearly swallowing his partners before Froppy grabbed Sugarman and hopped away.

“LET’S PLAY!” the sentient quirk roared as he scooped up an overturned car and threw it after them.

“No!” he roared as he shot Black Whip at the car, but before he could snatch it, Froppy drop-kicked the car, shooting them away from it while sending the car shooting away from them in turn.

“Deal with clouds!” Sugarman called out.

“We’ll go after Creati!” Froppy added on as she shot her tongue at a lamppost to change her directory.

A passing round clipped him as he descended, setting it off early. A cloud of black smoke devoured him as he heard his girlfriend cry out in shock. He sent a One for All charged kick flying to clear the cloud just in time to see Chargebolt holding several cables that ran across the ground, connecting him to various metal objects in the crime scene—with a twitching Froppy and Sugarman laying sprawled out on the ground as a worried Creati looked on.

“Surrender, Taikyu!” Chargebolt shouted at him as he landed on top of a car, caving the roof in. “Your teammates are out!”

“NOT YET!” Dark Shadow screeched as he swung his clawed hand down at the two heroes before him.

“DETROIT SMASH!” he bellowed as he sent a punch at the quirk, blasting the living shadow away, with the gust of wind blowing past it and blowing the colored smoke above them away.

The quirk screeched as it was blasted with sunlight, burning it away to reveal Tsukuyomi in the bottom layer of the parking garage in the remnants of a pop up tent.

“I’m not out yet!” he countered.

Creati looked back at his downed teammates, a worried look on her face.

“It was the level of a stun gun,” Chargebolt assured his teammate.

“Yes, but you shocked her through her tongue…”

“Oh…” the blond electric quirk user realized before he ran over to the down students. “Hey, their chests are moving—”

Froppy’s feet connected with his chest in a powerful kick that sent him flying into a building through a window.

“Fire at will!” Tsukuyomi shouted as Dark Shadow slunk around him.

Creati nodded before the cannons began firing once more, darkening the ruined street once more as the sentient quirk grew and surged forth.

Taikyu sent another smash skyward, dispersing the man-made cloud, though this one was stronger, the bones in his arms protesting at the level of One for All surging through his body as the clouds above rippled from the force of the air he had launched. He grinned at the two remaining opponents as he pulled his cowl down over his face. “Show me what you can do,” he taunted before the ground beneath him buckled as he darted forward.

“My poor tit*,” Momo moaned as he and Tsu gently massaged her breasts in the large bathtub of the women's bathroom in their dorms.

“Sorry,” he apologized as he gently massaged the black and blue breasts.

“You really went hard on her,” Mina remarked as she sat between Kyouka’s legs, letting the punk girl massage her neck and shoulders with her ear jacks gently buzzing.

“I had to get through her armor somehow,” he admitted, though slamming her into a car had been a bit excessive on his part.

“I thought it would be as sturdy as Kirishima’s Hardening…” the ravenette admitted between sighs of pleasure and discomfort.

“Is this meant to be sexual?” Himiko questioned as she snuggled up next to the void in the water indicating Tooru’s body as Ochako sank low into the water to soothe her muscles next to them.

“No,” Momo responded. “I’m too sore for sex, but worshiping my body is an option.”

“Momo bless,” Mina prayed, clapping her hands together.

“Many org*sms to you,” their girlfriend haughtily replied as he kissed her breast he was working on.

“I will gladly pay my respects at your temple,” he whispered as he gently kissed each bruise he saw.

“Do I need to come lick you numb?” Himiko offered, Tooru’s water outlined fingers working their way through her let down golden locks.

“Possibly,” Momo replied, making the blonde grin wide, “if you behave, I really am feeling too sore for love making right now.”

“Of course,” the blonde chirped. “We can have a movie night later tonight as well, get some good cuddling in, and Izu baby can listen to Nana complain that no one is getting laid.”

He pouted, she was bound to be correct on that. He already knew she was most likely telling him to do more with Momo, but he’d respect his girlfriend’s wishes, plus tanking several of those canisters she fired at him for intimidation had left him feeling sore himself.

A Hero Rises - Chapter 172 - Zabeck - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.